Dad Academy

Chapter 1433 Mother’s Education

Liliu stepped on Xi'er's little shoes.

The showman's attack failed and he had to stand up on his own.

Xi'er lowered her head and looked at her little shoes. They were small sandals, cartoon-like, and her sister had just bought them for her yesterday.

She immediately ran over to the little red horse and showed it to her godfather and Xiaobai.

At the same time, I also sent a pair to Xiaobai. Her sister bought her and Xiaobai at the same time, the same style but different sizes.

Now, the two of them have put on their new shoes.

Xi'er was worried that her new shoes would be crushed by pomegranates, so she was squatting on the ground to comfort her little shoes, muttering:

"My child, my child, don't let anything happen to you..."

Liliu: "..."

Zhu Xiaojing and Zhang Tan had already walked over. Zhu Xiaojing greeted Liuliu and said, "Liuliu, come here and give the piggy bank to Boss Zhang."

When Liuliu heard this, she suddenly felt out of body and hugged the piggy bank tightly, her heart breaking.

That expression makes everyone sad.

Xi'er had already put on her baby again and asked Liuliu: "Liuliu, are you reluctant to part with your piggy bank?"

Liuliu nodded.

Xiaobai touched her little head: "Poor child~"

Hearing this, Xi'er couldn't help but look down at her little shoes.

Luoliu's face fell, and she wanted to cry.

Zhu Xiaojing was making a speech. The main idea was that Liuliu broke Boss Zhang's photo frame last night and now he has to pay for it. I hope Boss Zhang doesn't mind. The money may not be much, but it is more important than his heart. After all, that is all Liuliu has.

Zhang Tan expressed his satisfaction. No matter how much or how little money he has, as long as it comes to his heart, Liuliu has a good attitude towards admitting his mistakes and is usually very obedient.

Liuliu listened for a long time, and after all the talk, she still wanted her to hand over the piggy bank.

She was extremely reluctant to give up, but there was nothing she could do about it. No matter how much she was reluctant to give up, she had to pay for it.

She reluctantly gave the piggy bank to Zhang Tan, and told Boss Zhang to take good care of the piggy and not to smash it.

Zhang Tan was a little confused: "It's hard for me to guarantee that I won't smash it."

Pomegranate was immediately heartbroken, shattered on the floor, and almost cried. Fortunately, Zhu Xiaojing reminded her in time that she was a strong little pomegranate.

But the strong little pomegranate is not an infinitely strong duck. There will always be times when she is sad enough to cry.

At this time, Xiaobai pleads for Liuliu.

"Liuliu didn't break the photo frame on purpose."

Xi'er also helped talk.

"Yes, yes, she just touched it, hiahia, I want to touch it too."

Liuliu was so moved that she almost cried again.

The good sisters stood by her side at the critical moment. Instead of stepping on her, they extended a hand of friendship to her.

Luoliu raised his head and looked at Zhang Tan eagerly.

Zhang Tan thought for a while and took her piggy bank away.

Liuliu was disappointed and tears welled up in her eyes. This time she was really sad and wanted to cry.

But at this time, Zhang Tan spoke.

"Can I make a suggestion?"

Luoliu nodded eagerly and said yes.

If this proposal was not a good one, she would definitely cry! I couldn't bear it anymore.

At this time, Lao Li walked in from outside the academy.

He paid attention to the situation here, walked over quietly, and stood not far away eating melon.

Zhang Tan continued: "I will keep your piggy bank for three days. During these three days, I will give you a task. As long as you complete it, I will save the piggy bank in three days." How about returning the money jar to you?"

Liuliu saw hope, and the light of hope flashed in her little eyes, flashing and gleaming, almost blinding Zhang Tan.

"Okay, okay, okay, okay~~" Liuliu nodded eagerly.

Zhang Tan said: "The task is that you are responsible for introducing the photo of me and Xiaobai Xi'er to the children in Xiaohongmali. Can you do it?"

Liuliu replied immediately: "Yes!"

The voice was very loud and contained infinite strength.


The parrot's imitating sound also sounded from the trees overhead.

Zhang Tan praised Liliu: "Then let's make an agreement like this. In three days, you will explain the photos to the children, and I will help you keep the piggy bank. After three days, if you do well, I will keep the piggy bank." Return the piggy bank to you."

"Okay~" Liuliu was a little worried, "Are you going to lie to me? Boss Zhang, let's do it."

"If you're worried, just pull the hook."

"I'm worried."

Liuliu is really sincere. He lacks basic trust in Boss Zhang. He has hundreds of millions of assets. Will he want your piggy bank?

The two of them hooked up, and when Liuliu saw Xiaobai, she felt a little - very worried, and asked Boss Zhang to bend down and whisper to him.


Zhang Tan bent down and tilted his ear, and Liuliu whispered in his ear: "You can't let Xiaobai take away my piggy bank."

"Don't worry, I promise you."

Liuliu was overjoyed, relieved, and regained her vitality. She called Xiaobai and Xi'er to dig sand in the sandpit.

However, the next moment, she was stopped by Zhu's mother.

The mother and daughter came to the steps in front of the classroom and sat down next to each other. Zhu Xiaojing used this incident as a teaching material to teach Luliu some principles.

Xiaobai and Xi'er were just about to get back into the hot business of digging sand. When they saw this scene, they couldn't help but stop. They seemed to be touched by something in their hearts. They were a little confused, a little lost, and had an indescribable feeling.

They looked at Zhu Xiaojing and Liuliu sitting in front of the steps talking, and their eyes gradually showed uncontrollable envy.

The new shoes on their feet couldn't make them happy anymore. They were so tired and listless that they had no interest in digging sand.

They put down their small hoes and small buckets and walked to the steps to sit down, but they were far away from Zhu Xiaojing and Liuliu, one on this side and the other on the other side.

Zhu Xiaojing noticed that they were looking over from time to time, so she waved them over.

The two of them immediately ran over and sat with Liuliu to listen to Zhu's mother's education.

The wind blew and the leaves rustled in the small yard.

In the morning, Tan Jin'er came. She was responsible for taking care of Xiaobai and Xi'er today, while Zhang Tan rushed to the crew of "Mo Di".

Today the film will be finalized, and the nearly half-year-long filming work has officially ended.

This is the second feature film directed by Wang Hao, but "Mo Di" is very different from the previous "Childhood Looking at the South".

Whether it is investment, actors, or battles, nothing can be compared with the latter.

When filming the latter, it only took a week, the investment was small, and the actors all played their true colors.

Before filming, Zhang Tan told him that he didn't expect the movie to make much box office, and was even prepared to not have a large-scale release in theaters.

Therefore, Wang Hao is under less pressure and can give full play to his abilities.

But in "Mo Di", he is not so free.

This is the third film in the "Love Trilogy" series planned by Zhang Tan this year. Wang Hao heard Zhang Tan talk about this movie plan and knew that Zhang Tan had high hopes.

Although it is the third film, it is the first of the three films to be planned for release. The other film "Heartbeat" is also being filmed and is also about to be completed.

Wang Hao naturally has to face mountainous expectations and box office pressure.

In fact, he did encounter a lot of problems during the filming process, and he spent every day in the process of constantly discovering and solving problems.

Fortunately, he survived all of this, as if he had been reborn.

When Zhang Tan rushed to the crew, they were filming. Because the filming was not in the order of the plot, he didn't know whether this was the last scene.

Fortunately, the assistant director saw him immediately and took the initiative to come over and introduce him, saying that after this scene, he would shoot another scene and everything would be over.

Zhang Tan noticed Wang Hao standing behind the monitor, staring at the small screen of about ten inches, his eyes fixed and his expression focused.

In the center of the venue, Mo Di, played by Zhao Xin, was walking alone. She was hunched over, as if she could not bear the weight of life, which almost bent her.

Zhang Tan initially just glanced at it casually, but he was quickly attracted. Zhao Xin's performance shocked him.

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