Dad Academy

Chapter 1432: Liuliu’s Sad Pacific


In the evening, after Liuliu returned home from Little Red Horse Academy, she kept crying while holding her piggy bank.

"My little piggy duck - I can't bear to part with my little piggy duck - who will help me duck?? Who will help me duck?? I can't do it anymore, duck~~~oooooooo~~~~~ "

Liliu held the piggy bank and howled all the time. She was extremely eager for a hero to fall from the sky and said loudly to her:

It doesn't matter, kid, I'll help you pay for it.

but none!

That night, Luliu was sure that there were no heroes in this world who would do anything chivalrous and righteous!

That night, she cried very sadly.

Originally, she just pretended to cry and howl a few times, hoping to attract the hero, but no!

So her crying turned into real crying.

She really couldn't bear to part with her piggy bank!

She has been saving for many years. As long as she can remember, she has had this little piggy bank. It was given to her by Zhu’s mother on her birthday and told her that as long as she puts a little money in it every day, she will be able to make money by the end of the day. When she is 10 years old, she will be rich.

She started saving money in it and kept saving for many years. Today, her beautiful dream was shattered!

She broke Boss Zhang’s photo frame and now she has to pay for it!

She asked Mother Zhu for help, and Mother Zhu told her that a hero should do what he does, and he would have to pay for anything he broke.

She went to find Father Shen, who told her that he had no money and gave all his money to Mother Zhu.

"I'm a pauper just like you. No, I'm even poorer than you. At least I have a piggy bank. I don't have one. I only have 500 yuan a month."

"500?" Luoliu's eyes shone. To her, 500 was a huge sum of money. She wants to make this huge sum of money.

"But this month's 500 yuan has been spent, and there are still five days until the salary is paid. I have to save money now."

"...You're teasing me! Humph!"

"I'm not teasing you, I'm telling you how miserable dad is."

"Where's your piggy bank?"

"I also had a piggy bank before. It was bigger than yours. It was a big piggy bank. However, your mother confiscated it and smashed it. I put the money in her bank card."

Liuliu was completely disappointed with Father Shen, turned around and left, crawled onto the bed and continued to cry.

When she woke up the next day, her pillow was completely wet. Mother Zhu couldn't tell whether it was saliva or tears.

But one thing that is certain is that Liliu did cry in her sleep.

That night, Liliu had a nightmare all night, dreaming that she fell into the sad Pacific Ocean and could not swim out no matter how hard she swam.

"Ah - my stomach hurts so much, I need to go to the toilet!"

Liuliu swished and ran into the bathroom, not giving Zhu Xiaojing a chance to react.

"Hurry up, I have an appointment with Boss Zhang at half past nine."

There was no response from the bathroom.

Zhu Xiaojing looked everywhere and asked Shen Limin: "Where is Liliu's piggy bank? Why didn't you see it?"

Shen Limin said: "I saw her carrying her into the bathroom."

"Did she carry her into the bathroom? Or hide her?" Zhu Xiaojing asked.

"It was carried into the bathroom. I saw it with my own eyes."

"That is not bad."

Zhu Xiaojing was worried that Liuli hid the piggy bank in order not to compensate Boss Zhang. She has this time. Fortunately, children are sometimes more practical.

Liliu might have planned to stay in the bathroom all day, but didn't come out for a long time.

Zhu Xiaojing had to knock on the door to encourage her to be brave.

"In the face of difficulties, we must face them bravely and not escape, you know?"

She talked earnestly for a long time, and Luoliu was finally persuaded. She opened the door and walked out, holding her piggy bank in her arms.

She just said a lot of words to the piggy bank in the bathroom and said goodbye.

"If Boss Zhang bullies you, just tell me and I will avenge you!"

Zhu Xiaojing said accidentally:

"It might end up in Xiaobai's hands."

"...Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhing me me, oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no"

When she thought that the piggy bank she had saved for several years would be in Xiaobai's hands today, Luliu's heart felt like a knife, and all her thoughts were lost.

She staggered, unable to walk, and collapsed in the entrance hall, holding on to the wall to prevent herself from completely collapsing on the ground.

"What's wrong with you?" Zhu Xiaojing asked, holding back a smile.

Liuliu asked with a cry: "You are laughing!"

"I'm not smiling. Look, there's no smile on my face." Zhu Xiaojing said with a straight face, even showing a sad expression, "I'm very sad now, for you and your piggy bank."

There was a sound of durian, and the sadness flowed back into a river.

She looked at the ceiling and let out a long sigh, as if she was tired of the tackiness of the world.

"Don't you want to hand over the piggy bank?" Zhu Xiaojing asked.

Liliu nodded and hugged the piggy bank tightly sadly.

"My little darling, mommy loves you." Liuliu gently stroked the piggy bank, usually calling herself mommy.

Zhu Xiaojing asked again: "Then do you want to compensate Boss Zhang for his photo frame?"

Liuliu thought for a while, shook his head and said he wanted to compensate.

“One person does the work and the other takes responsibility!”

The tone was quite impassioned, but in fact I felt extremely regretful. Why didn't I catch Dudu and Xi'er at that time? No matter what, let them share some of the blame.

"Well said, Liliu, we have to be responsible in doing things. Whoever does it is responsible. It doesn't matter if you lose money. The most important thing is credibility and responsibility. Today you handed over the piggy bank. After a while, you can save money again. Got a lot of money.”

Zhu Xiaojing took the opportunity to teach.

Liuliu seemed to be lectured by her, and she got up on her own initiative, hugging the little pig and carrying her bag. The wind was rustling and the water was cold. She and Mother Zhu went out to see the little pig off. When they were taking the elevator, she asked reluctantly:

"Mama Zhu, was I deceived by that melon kid Xiaobai? Did she dig a trap for me??"

"Why do you think so?"

"I touched it lightly, and Boss Zhang fell off the wall! I didn't even see it."

"Then what does this have to do with Xiaobai?"

"Is she a fox under the tree, saying to the crow on the tree, you sing duck, you sing duck, can you sing? The crow sang, and then the meat in the crow's mouth fell off."

"You mean, Xiaobai is the fox under the tree, and you are the crow on the tree?"

Liuliu nodded.

Zhu Xiaojing said funnyly: "The position you gave yourself is quite accurate."

Liuliu thought about it all the time, and the more she thought about it, the more she felt that Xiaobai had tricked her.

When they arrived at Xiaohongma, when Liuliu saw Xiaobai, he loudly called her over.

"Guawazi, I want to ask you a question! Come over here!"

Xiaobai had just had breakfast and was digging a sand pit with Xi'er. When he heard Liuliu's angry words, he immediately came over with a small hoe, and there was still sand falling off the hoe.

Liliu: "..."

Xiaobai: "Claw??"

"Ho ho ho, 666 duck, Xiaobai, look at my piggy bank."

Liuliu betrayed her piggy bank and took the initiative to deliver it to her door.

"So cute~~" Xi'er fell in love with it.

Liuliu immediately introduced her piggy bank to them and said there was a lot of money in it. She shook it a few times and heard the sound of coins clattering inside.

"Liuliu, you are so rich!!!" Xi'er praised.

Luoliu's little vanity was greatly satisfied, but when she saw Boss Zhang walking out of the house, her face immediately fell.

I saw her mother talking to Boss Zhang about losing money, and pointed to the piggy bank in her hand.

Luliu suddenly felt like someone had stabbed a knife into her heart. She screamed in pain and fell on Xi'er, pushing Xi'er backwards.

"Aiya~~~My child~~~~" Xi'er shouted.

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