Dad Academy

Chapter 1405 There is no great wisdom, only little cleverness

Liuliu was so enthusiastic, so enthusiastic that Wang Xiaoyu was flattered.

He never expected that he would be so popular in Little Red Horse, and that Liuliu and Dudu would welcome him so much.

"Good friend, good friend, what have you been doing lately? Why don't you come to play with the little red horse?" Liuliu asked with concern.

Dudu also came over and asked Wang Xiaoyu how he was doing during the time he didn't come to Little Red Horse. happy?

"Do you have a lot of homework?" Liuliu asked, and it had to be said that Da Yanyan's question got to the point.

Wang Xiaoyu was asked this question instantly. He expressed his bitterness and said that he had been harmed by his homework.

He is too difficult.

Liuliu and Dudu felt the same way, and the three of them came together to attack the teacher who assigned the homework, the parents who supervised the homework, and the homework books!

Wang Xiaoyu was a little moved.

Not only did he gain a lot of friendship and enthusiasm here, but he also found like-minded people. Unexpectedly, there were two other children who were as devastated by homework as he was.

They can be called comrades.

As the saying goes, half a sentence is enough if you don't speculate, but you will be happy if you say it.

The three of them were chattering away, their chatter was flying, and their saliva was flying everywhere.

Wang Xiaoyu saw a little girl standing beside him, whom he didn't recognize, so he asked her: "Little sister, are you also worried about homework?"

The original intention was to drag Xiao Lizi into the chat group, but Xiao Lizi shook her head and said she had no homework.

"Just playing."

Wang Xiaoyu was filled with envy. The little friends in the kindergarten were so happy.

Thinking of this, he looked at Dudu who was echoing that he was troubled by his homework.

He remembers that Dudu is also in kindergarten, right? ?

There should be no homework in kindergarten. Why is Dudu so angry about homework?

"Does Duduo kindergarten also do homework?" Wang Xiaoyu asked.

Bala Bala's mumbling paused, her eyes rolled, and she was thinking rapidly about how to deal with Wang Xiaoyu's question. Wang Xiaoyu must not let Wang Xiaoyu find out that she was agreeing on purpose.

At this time, Comrade Shen Liuliu changed the topic and asked Wang Xiaoyu: "Good friend, have you done your homework today?"

Wang Xiaoyu was startled and said in a panic: "I, I didn't, did you do it?"

Liuliu also shook his head and said he didn't do it.

Dudu looked at Liuliu on the side and had to say that her little sister did not have great wisdom, but she had a little cleverness, so she put Wang Xiaoyu in the way, otherwise she would be exposed.

"My good friend, where is your schoolbag? Let's do our homework together." Liuliu had no good intentions.

As soon as she asked this question, Dudu immediately pricked up his little ears and stared at Wang Xiaoyu intently.

The two little ones were paying close attention, waiting for Wang Xiaoyu's answer.

Why have they been chatting together for so long?

"I didn't bring my schoolbag, hahaha, I don't have to do my homework tonight!!" Wang Xiaoyu was very proud. He didn't bring his schoolbag, and he didn't bring his homework book either. Naturally, he didn't have to do his homework. It's just right not to do his homework, dad. Mom can't say anything about him either.

He was happy, but he didn't notice that the little sisters next to him were unhappy.

Luoliu's face dropped, secretly unhappy.

Dudu quickly started thinking and said, "No, Wang Xiaoyu, I saw you coming with your schoolbag!"

The first time Wang Xiaoyu entered the Little Red Horse, he was spotted by Dudu, who clearly saw him carrying a schoolbag.

When Liuliu heard this, she became excited and energetic again. Her eyes shone and she stared at Wang Xiaoyu. If she found out that Wang Xiaoyu was lying, she would have to educate this little friend.

But Wang Xiaoyu said that it was not a schoolbag, but a gift bag with gifts inside.

"The gift bag is even better!" Liuliu blurted out overjoyed, and the next second, Dudu covered her mouth with a hand.

Pomegranates: →_→

Wang Xiaoyu didn’t know why and asked: “Which gift package is better?”

Dudu quickly said it was nothing, while Liuliu urged Wang Xiaoyu to quickly search inside the gift bag. Maybe her mother had stuffed the homework book in the gift bag.

"That's what my mother did!" In order to get the big gift package, Liuliu did not hesitate to frame Zhu's mother.

Wang Xiaoyu believed their evil deeds and actually took them to find gift bags.

Liuliu Dudu looked at each other, then followed up the stairs with a smile. When they reached the turn of the stairs, they saw a little tail following them.

"Hey duck, what are you doing here?" Liuliu was disgusted. The person coming was Xiao Lizi.

Xiao Lizi didn't say a word, but he actually followed.

"It's none of your business that I'm playing with Sister Dudu, Ailiuliu." In terms of momentum, Xiao Lizi is very good at controlling her momentum. She can't lose even if she loses. At least she can't lose when she quarrels with Liuliu.

Liliu put her hands on her hips and was about to get angry when Dudu stopped her. On one side was her good sister, on the other side was her little crush...

It's neither right nor left, it's embarrassing for myself

I should think about you, I should think about her

In the end, Dudu chose to take care of the weak and let Xiao Lizi follow.

Liuliu gave Dudu some face and didn't chase Xiaolizi away. The most important thing now was Wang Xiaoyu's big gift bag. What good things did it contain?

The four of them arrived at Zhang Tan's house. The door was open and ajar, so they pushed it open and went in.

"Is anyone here? Is Boss Zhang here? I came to your house to play." Liuliu asked. There was no answer, but there was a sound, and then there was a burst of footsteps, and a cute little Xi'er appeared next to him. in front of people.

"hiahiahia, I'm at home."

Dudu asked her why she didn't go down to play duck.

Xi'er said that she wanted to look after the house, and her godfather was at home, so she wanted to accompany him.

The child looked inside, but did not see Zhang Tan.

Zhang Tan was writing in the study.

Xi'er stayed with him, using his nonsensical ideas and scribbling.

Several children first came to the door of the study room and bowed to Boss Zhang inside. Then, under the leadership of Wang Xiaoyu, they went to find his big gift bag.

Wang Xiaoyu lives in the guest room, and his gift bag is also there.

The gift bag originally contained gifts for Teacher Jiang. The gifts had been given away. At this moment, only some snacks that Wang Xiaoyu ate by himself and clothes that had been changed were left.

"I didn't find the homework book." Wang Xiaoyu was sincere. He really looked for the homework book first and found that there was none.

Liuliu didn't care if the homework book was there or not, she had already seen what she cared about.

Wang Xiaoyu was very smart and took the initiative to provide snacks and share them with them.

"Do you want to eat? If you want to eat, come here quickly." Wang Xiaoyu said to Xiao Lizi standing outside the room.

Xiao Lizi looks small and weak, which makes Wang Xiaoyu very protective.

Liuliu said not to give it to Xiaolizi.

Wang Xiaoyu feels that Xiao Lizi is a little sister and should be taken good care of.

Dudu also helped Xiao Lizi speak, after all, she was her little fan girl.

Xiao Lizi came over, received a snack, sat between Wang Xiaoyu and Dudu, and made a face at Liuliu.

This time, Wang Xiaoyu really became a good friend of Liuliu Dudu, not just a cover-up.

In order to thank Wang Xiaoyu for treating her to snacks, Liuliu promised to treat Wang Xiaoyu to meat next time.

Wang Xiaoyu was very impressed and said that as long as Liuliu dared to invite him, he would definitely go.

Liuliu is not bragging. She cares about food, but she is not stingy. She has treated the children to eating, drinking and having fun, and she has given her a massage session many times!

A stingy person cannot do this.

Thinking that it had been a long time since I went to Yilong, Liuliu missed it very much and planned to tell Mama Zhu when she got home in the evening.

Mother Zhu would definitely say, oh no money.

Liuliu thought about it. If Zhu's mother said so, she would use her new year's money to treat the children. Her new year's money was stored with Zhu's mother.

Luoliu saw Little Plum's big eyes twitching, and she was very yearning for eating, drinking and having fun, so she deliberately made her angry: "I won't take you there, hahahaha~~~"

Little Plum was furious: "I'm not going, ╭(╯^╰)╮!"

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