Dad Academy

Chapter 1404 Wang Xiaoyu, my good friend

Wang Xiaoyu is always like this. Before doing something, he is full of interest and enthusiasm, thinking that he is going to do something big, but in the end, it often ends miserably.

The same goes for playing mahjong.

Before starting, everyone advised him not to hit him. Why would he come if he didn't know it? Looking for abuse?

But the kid was about to come, full of energy, and one can imagine the result. Even with his mother as a strategist, he couldn't escape the fate of having notes plastered all over his face.

It's as miserable as it gets.

He got off the table crying and stopped playing. Zhang Mingxue sent Xiaobai to comfort him.

Xiaobai doesn't like to see Wang Xiaoyu because she doesn't like crying children, especially Wang Xiaoyu is a little boy who always loves to cry.

But thinking that Wang Xiaoyu was indeed miserable, he stepped forward to comfort him: "Wang Xiaoyu, please stop crying. Can you go to the Little Red Horse to play at night? Liuliu and Dudu miss you very much."

Xiaobai is also able to comfort people, and Liliu and Dudu clearly don't miss him very much!

Wang Xiaoyu wiped away his tears and asked, not believing it, "Really?"

"It's true! They asked me, why don't you go play with them?"

Wang Xiaoyu regained his energy, stopped crying, and was thinking about whether to go to the Little Red Horse to play in the evening.

The two little people inside him were quarreling. The white one said to go and play. There are many children there, but the black one said not to go. There are Liuliu and Dudu there, and they will bully you!

Neither of the two villains could convince the other, and they started fighting. In the end, with Xiao Bai's help, the white villain gained the upper hand.

Wang Xiaoyu happily agreed to go to Xiaohongma in the evening, and planned to stay there for one night and come back the next day.

"Actually, I like my uncle's little red horse very much." Wang Xiaoyu said to his mother.

Zhang Tan walked over with a book in his hand.

"Xiaoyu, this is for you."

"Given it to me? What?"


"Wow, it's a comic! A panda!! Ah - it's "Kung Fu Panda"!!!"

Wang Xiaoyu held the comic book "Kung Fu Panda" given to him by Zhang Tan and jumped up and down with excitement, completely forgetting the negative emotions that playing mahjong brought him.

Zhang Mingxue asked curiously: "What is "Kung Fu Panda"?"

Xiaobai rushed to answer: "It's a panda!"

“How can I still know it’s a panda???”

"you do not know."

"The name is "Kung Fu Panda", can I not recognize it?"

"you stupid."

"You're stupid."

"...I don't even know how to yell at you."

"Then don't say it."

"Why don't you find a fat boyfriend?"

"Why do kids care so much?"


"What are you laughing at?!"

In order to prevent the two from quarreling and making Zhang Mingxue furious, Zhang Tan intervened in time.

He told Zhang Mingxue that "Kung Fu Panda" is the work of his comic studio, a comic about a panda learning kung fu.

This is the work that Xin Xiaoguang is responsible for. After all the paintings are completed this year, he is preparing to release a single volume.

The reason why Wang Xiaoyu knew about "Kung Fu Panda" and jumped up with excitement when he saw the cover was mainly because he had read the comic series of "Kung Fu Panda" before.

However, only two issues were serialized to the outside world.

According to the plan, two issues will be serialized to test the market. If the response is good, a single volume will be released.

To read the complete story, buy the separate book!

A separate volume has recently been printed and will be on sale soon.

The first batch of 500,000 copies will be printed.

Wang Xiaoyu is introducing the story of "Kung Fu Panda" to his mother. He is looking forward to how envious his classmates will be when he takes out the comic book after school starts.

He seemed to see the envious eyes of his classmates, and he felt extremely proud, and his huge vanity was satisfied.

"Uncle, I want to make friends with you!" Wang Xiaoyu sent out a friend request, wanting to embrace Zhang Tan's thigh.

Zhang Tan thought to himself, it turns out you didn't regard me as a friend before.

"Why don't you ask me first?" Xiaobai stood in front of Wang Xiaoyu. If she wants to make friends with her old man, she must first obtain her consent.

Wang Xiaoyu couldn't wait to open the packaging film of the comic book, and sat on the sofa to read it. He was excited and entered a state of selflessness.

Lunch and dinner were eaten at Qin Huifang's house, and they left in the evening. Wang Xiaoyu followed Xiaobai on the car to Little Red Horse. His mother, Zhang Qingqing, stayed at his parents' house, preparing to pick him up tomorrow.

At this time, it was already past eight o'clock in the evening. When we arrived at Little Red Horse, it was very lively. A karaoke grand prix was being held in the yard.

"Who is singing?" Wang Xiaoyu carried his schoolbag, stood on tiptoe, and tried to look into the crowd. He didn't recognize the child singing, so he asked Xiaobai.

"It's Wan Xiaohu." Xiaobai said, "He is very good at reading."

Wang Xiaoyu rolled his eyes, why should he emphasize to him that he is good at reading? ? He is also very good at reading, hum!

Wan Xiaohu's singing was average, but the children all gave him warm applause.

One person sang a song, and after Wan Xiaohu, a little boy came up.

Wang Xiaoyu asked Xiaobai again, who is this.

Why hasn't he come for a while? There are so many unknown children in Little Red Mali.

Xiaobai stretched his neck, looked at the center of the crowd and said, "This is Little Plum."

"Who is Xiao Lizi?" Wang Xiaoyu asked.

"Little Plum sleeps very well."

Wang Xiaoyu: "...let's go sing too."

He was eager to try and show off his singing voice, but Xiaobai decided to go to see his grandma first, say hello to her, and give her the gift given by her eldest grandma before coming down.

When Wang Xiaoyu heard this, he also decided to go and say hello to Xiaobai's grandma. He still had a gift for his mother in his schoolbag.

The two of them bypassed the crowd, and suddenly a child shot out from behind. He stared at Wang Xiaoyu again and again, and finally confirmed his identity. He jumped excitedly and said: "Wang Xiaoyu! It's you!!!!"

It's Dudu.

Dudu looked at Wang Xiaoyu's schoolbag and added: "Ah, you are here with a schoolbag on your back!"

"Dudu, I heard that you miss me very much." Wang Xiaoyu was also very happy to see Dudu. Xiaobai said that Dudu missed him very much, so now he thinks Dudu is cute and kind.

Dudu must have missed him. He nodded and followed him. She looked back at the singing children, but she didn't see Pang Liuliu, so she ignored her.

That guy Liliu must be crowded in the crowd, always trying to grab the microphone and sing a song.

Dudu decided to stabilize Wang Xiaoyu first and followed him to the third floor. After wandering around for a while, three children came downstairs. They were still singing downstairs, but at the same time there were children arguing.

It's pomegranates and small plums.

The two had a dispute about singing and were competing with each other.

Little Plum said: "I eat three bowls of rice a day! I'm going to grow up, I'm older than you."

Liuliu said: "I only eat three bowls of rice in one meal!"

Little Plum: "I still want to eat a lot of vegetables, and I also want to eat meat."

"I also eat late-night snacks and eat meat every meal, so I'm older than you."

"I eat meat, and I also eat vegetables, radishes, apples, and rice. I also drink milk. I drink a bottle in the morning. Dad said I grow fast."

"I drink three bottles of milk a day. My mother wants me not to grow so fast, otherwise I will become a giant now."

"I'm not afraid of you even if you drink three bottles. I eat children! I take one child at a time, so I'll eat you first."

"If you dare to eat me, my teeth will pop out for you."

"I have tiger fangs and my brain turned into a tiger. I will eat you."

"If you dare to eat me, I will knock out your teeth."

"I really want to eat you!"

"I'll beat you flat."

The two of them were talking and about to use force. Xiaobai quickly stood between them and told them not to fight. It would be bad if they killed anyone.

Liuliu was furious and was very dissatisfied with Xiaolizi, a 3-year-old child, for disobeying her. She was about to take this opportunity to deal with her, but Xiaobai came to make trouble.

She was dissatisfied when she suddenly glanced at her little sister, Miss Zhao.

Miss Zhao was gesturing towards her frantically, pointing at Wang Xiaoyu.

Liuliu looked at it again and again, and said in surprise: "Wang Xiaoyu!! My good friend!!! 666 Duck~~~~~~You are here~~!!!"

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