Dad Academy

Chapter 1348: Keep the clouds clear and see the moonlight

While Xi'er and Dudu were in the vaulting box, Xin Xiaoguang quickly ran away.

Dudu asked Xi'er to make a horsebox and jumped over immediately, which won Xi'er's praise.

There is nothing wrong with asking Dudu for advice, Dudu is very good at it.

Dudu used Xi'er to make a horse box and gave a standard demonstration. Then she made her own horse box and asked Xi'er to jump over it.

Xi'er hiahia laughed and jumped a little, but she still didn't jump over, but sat on Dudu's back. She couldn't get over or get off, so her laughter turned into awkward laughter.

But Dudu was not angry at all. She continued to teach Xi'er very enthusiastically, letting Xi'er jump over her many times.

The two came to the yard, where Xiaobai was playing football with Xiaomi, and Liuliu also came, sitting on Lao Li's chair and eating melon seeds, while Lao Li stood aside and played with the birds.

"What are you doing?" As soon as Liuliu saw Dudu, he left Lao Li and ran over.

"hiahia, we are dancing the goat, can you do it? Liuliu." Xi'er asked.

Of course Liliu wouldn't say that he couldn't do it, he said confidently that he could.

Xi'er asked her to make a horse box and let her and Dudu dance.

Liuliu bent down enthusiastically and let Dudu jump over her.

I have to say that Dudu's athletic talent is really good. Liuliu is a bit bigger than Xi'er, but she still jumped over easily in one go.

But Xi'er still couldn't jump over and sat on Liliu's back, being supported by Dudu before getting down.

Liuliu straightened up, clapped her little hands, and panted deliberately to show that she was tired and hard. Then she excitedly asked Xi'er and Dudu who would come first.

The two little ones asked in confusion what was coming.

Liuliu said, make her a duck.

Xi'er was stunned and said, "I'm a kindergarten friend."

The next second, she ran away.

Liliu: "..."

Look at Dudu.

Dudu rolled his eyes, said he was a kindergarten kid, and ran away.

Although the two children are young and simple-minded, they both know at this moment that whoever acts as a fool will be a fool.

"It's stupid, you can't afford it~~~"

Liuliu yelled behind them, filled with indignation. She was enthusiastic, but what she got was betrayal, ε=(ο`*))) Alas, Liuliu felt that Dudu had changed, and now he was becoming less and less obedient to her.

That night, Xi'er went home early because she had physical education classes during the day and was very sleepy at night. She brushed her teeth at home and fell asleep while brushing. She was so sleepy.

The next day, Tan Xier's child was very lively. He had breakfast and set off to the kindergarten with his small schoolbag on his back.

Tan Jin'er was driving her on a small electric car. When passing by "Lao Niu Barber Shop", Xi'er saw Wan Xiaohu standing at the door with a small schoolbag on his back, ready to go, so she waved hello excitedly.

Wan Xiaohu also waved enthusiastically in response.

After watching the little electric car that saw the Tan sisters disappear at the intersection, Lao Niu came downstairs, pushed out the electric car, and sent Wan Xiaohu to the kindergarten.

Xi'er and Wan Xiaohu are both 5 years old and in the first kindergarten class in the same kindergarten.

After Lao Niu sent Wan Xiaohu to the kindergarten, he immediately returned and opened a shop for business.

Since he tidied up the store inside and out, the business in the store has been getting better and better day by day. In addition to the old men, there are also children visiting.

For example, in the past two days, Lao Niu has cut the fetal hair of three babies.

Lao Niu had almost no rest all morning. Apart from drinking some water and going to the toilet, he was busy the rest of the time.

This made him very happy.

It wasn't until half past one in the afternoon that the barber shop became quiet.

But Lao Niu still couldn't rest, he had to hurry up and have lunch.

As time did not allow, he did not cook by himself. Instead, he went to a small restaurant on the street and ordered a takeaway. He went back to the store and grilled a few things to fill his stomach. Suddenly he remembered that a postman had come by in the morning. gave him an envelope.

He picked it up casually and put it in the store.

Lao Niu immediately started searching, and finally found it on the coffee table in front of the sofa, pressed under the magazine.

Looking at the envelope, Lao Niu felt anxious because he saw the name of a publishing house written on the cover.

It should be related to his novel, Lao Niu thought.

He opened the envelope and took out the letter inside. It was just a thin piece of paper, folded in half.

Lao Niu unfolded it and couldn't help but read: "Dear Mr. Niu, Zhan Xinjia, thank you very much for your submission to this magazine... We deeply regret that we were unable to use your novel..."

Lao Niu was disappointed and received another rejection letter.

He refolded the letter according to the folding marks on the letter, put it back into the envelope, threw it back into the wooden box, and kept it as a souvenir.

However, at this moment, he remembered the self-recommendation email he sent to another publishing house a few days ago with Wan Xiaohu's encouragement.

The store has been busy these days, so Lao Niu forgot about it. Mainly because he still had no hope. He had been disappointed too much in the past, which had worn away his expectations for this matter.

He came to the second floor, turned on the computer, and opened the mailbox with his fingers awkwardly. Sure enough, there was an unread email.

He clicked the button expectantly and saw the content:

"Dear Mr. Niu, Zhan Xinjia. We have received your work. Can you please leave us a phone number so we can contact you more easily?"

Although it didn’t say that Lao Niu’s work was accepted, it at least said that he would leave a phone number.

Lao Niu immediately replied to the email and sent his mobile phone number.

The cell phone rang suddenly, and Lao Niu saw that it was a strange caller.

After Lao Niu got through, the person on the other end claimed to be the editor of the publishing house whom he had just contacted via email.

Lao Niu was shocked, and the other person said that he admired his writing very much and wanted to publish it, and asked if he had any other works that could be considered for publication.

Lao Niu felt a surge of energy flowing straight through the sky.

He just felt that his past efforts had finally paid off, and he was excited and relieved.

Lao Niu was in a good mood. When he was giving haircuts in the afternoon, he would put a smile on his face from time to time, and his craftsmanship seemed to be better than before.

In the afternoon, he specially bought half a roast goose from a small shop in Huangjiacun, and he and Wan Xiaohu had roast goose as an extra meal for dinner.

"Hehehe, I'm just saying~ You have to work harder, Grandpa Niu."

Wan Xiaohu, whose mouth was full of oil, was very happy after hearing what Lao Niu said. He habitually took credit and was happy for Lao Niu.

Lao Niu laughed heartily and felt relieved. The bad energy that had been accumulated in his heart for many years finally let out a sigh of relief.

"Is there anyone in the store?"

There were questions coming from downstairs. It was a customer who was getting a haircut.

Lao Niu put down the bowl and chopsticks and said to Wan Xiaohu: "Eat slowly. When you're done, just leave it like this. I'll wash the dishes when I'm done."

After saying that, he hurried downstairs, and a young man asked: "How much does it cost to just cut here?"

Lao Niu said 20 yuan and noticed that there was someone else in the store, a man in his thirties, who kept looking around.

Because it wasn't the other person's turn yet, Lao Niu didn't care. When he finished cutting a person's hair and was about to cut that person's hair, he noticed that the person had left.

I just don’t know when the other person left, and he didn’t even cut his hair!

In the evening, Lao Niu worked by candlelight, rummaging through boxes and cabinets, sorting out all the saved and discarded manuscripts in the cabinet. He worked until one o'clock in the morning, and finally compiled a copy of several stories, ready to be sent to the publishing house.

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