Dad Academy

Chapter 1347 Xi’er’s physical education class

After Zhang Tan revised "A Bouquet for Liu Li" several times, he finally sent the script to the boss of the film and television company. He thought he would have to wait for a few days, but he didn't expect that the other party called him directly that night. , first expressed that he was very satisfied with the script, and then wanted to interview.

Zhang Tan thought it was an interview to revise the script, but after meeting, he realized that the other party wanted to discuss specific cooperation matters, that is, royalties and sharing.

Although the incident happened suddenly, Zhang Tan was familiar with the road and quickly calmed down. He thought quickly in his mind and reached an agreement with the other party after he had an idea.

When he returned to Huangjia Village, it was already past nine o'clock in the evening. Zhang Tan was walking in the alley of the village when he suddenly saw a small restaurant that he usually frequented. There was a sign hanging at the door that said "Wangpu Sublet". words.

Zhang Tan remembered that this store had a good business and a good location. White-collar workers on West Chang'an Street often visited it.

Out of curiosity, Zhang Tan walked in and saw the boss and his wife busy in the kitchen. There were no customers in the store.

"Welcome, do you want something to eat?" the landlady looked up and asked.

Early the next morning, the little sisters of the Tan family got up early. After breakfast, Xi'er quickly packed her things for school and got ready, wearing tight pants and showing off her slender figure.

"Have everything been packed?" Tan Jin'er asked.

"It's packed~" Xi'er replied crisply.

"Schoolbag? Water glass?..."

"All ready."

"Okay, let's set off."

"Come on~~"

Today, Tan Jin'er did not leave after sending Xi'er to the kindergarten, but followed her in.

There are many parents like her.

Tan Jin'er recognized several parents of Xi'er's classmates.

Everyone greeted each other and came together to a spacious stadium.

Today, the children in the kindergarten class will have a physical education class. This physical education class is not just for fun, it is a real training program.

Tan Jin'er heard the introduction from the head teacher yesterday, and there are many projects.

After hearing this, she felt that her Xiwawa might not be able to do it, so she hung up the phone and discussed it with Xi'er. As a result, Xi'er confidently said that there was no problem, and she was amazing.

Tan Jin'er immediately asked her to demonstrate it on the spot, but she couldn't turn over even somersaults and always got stuck in mid-air.

Tan Jin'er was a little worried about Xi'er, so she came to the kindergarten today to observe Xi'er's physical education class.

The physical education teacher was an uncle in his forties, wearing a sports suit with a whistle hanging around his neck.

He speaks in a humorous manner, and despite his strong body, he always makes cute little moves, making the children laugh from time to time.

"Let's warm up first and get ready." The physical education teacher said, leading the children to jump and do warm-up exercises.

Tan Xi'er's child was jumping happily and waving to Tan Jin'er, looking confident.

Tan Jin'er just felt that the scene was full of all kinds of little milk sounds, as if they could cure everything.

After a few minutes of warm-up exercises, the physical education class was finally about to begin.

Start by doing a front roll on the mat.

The children lined up one by one and took turns to do it. The physical education teacher was responsible for both directing and guiding.

The first child was the smallest girl. She lacked confidence and looked at the physical education teacher with fearful eyes. She then turned to look at the sidelines, looking for her parents.

Not far from Tan Jin'er, a young man and woman waved to the little girl on the field and shouted to come on.

The little girl in the lead was very small. When she heard her parents cheering her on, she mustered up the courage to run forward and did a forward roll on the mat. When she rolled into the air, she almost missed it. The physical education teacher secretly gave her a helping hand.

The little girl who successfully completed the front roll was jumping with joy, yeah yeah yeah.

"That's great, let's applaud Xu Shuya~~~ She has made a good start for us." said the physical education teacher.

The children applauded the little girl named Xu Shuya.

The little girl's face turned red, and her self-confidence instantly exploded.

After her, there is the little kid Tan Xier.

The child kept mumbling to himself, all he said was words of self-encouragement, such as come on, what I can do, what Xiaobai taught me...

"Xi'er, it's your turn." the physical education teacher said.

Xi'er stopped mumbling, took two steps, and took a starting position. Then she threw her arms and sprinted, and rolled forward. She turned over, but almost fell over. Fortunately, the physical education teacher gave her support again, and she was able to avoid it. fail.

Seeing that she had succeeded in one attempt, Xi'er jumped up and down excitedly and gestured to Tan Jin'er.

The physical education class is simple but lively, full of childlike fun and innocence. Watching the little cuties fighting and jumping for joy on the field, Tan Jin'er also feels that her mentality is much younger, as if she has returned to her childhood and went to the rice fields with the children. scene of play.

She looked at it with a smile on her lips.

Xi'er on the court also became more and more confident, doing forward rolls and back rolls all at once, chattering, and teaching by words and deeds to help other children who had never done it before master the tricks.

Oops, I’m busy.

After the tumbling, the next item is to stand on your head for 30 seconds. The key point is to support your hands on the mat and your feet on the wall, and hold on for 30 seconds.

This is not easy, children keep falling off...

"It fell, hurry up and get back up." the physical education teacher said.

Tan Xi'er's arms were weak and she was so thin that she couldn't hold herself up. She fell down several times, but she quickly stood on the wall again and did a serious job.

When the 30 seconds were up, she was panting, clapped her little hands, and stood there to rest.

Next comes the vaulting box.

Take a running approach, put your hands on the horse box, and use your strength to step over.

Tan Xier's little short legs were not strong enough. He sat directly on the horsebox several times and failed to jump over.

Seeing that other children could jump over it, she was so sad that she almost cried.

Both the teacher and Tan Jiner comforted her.

Xi'er cried and asked, "I'll go back to Dudu, will Dudu teach me?"

Tan Jin'er didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and said, "Dudu will definitely teach you. Let's go find Dudu then."


"Then don't cry now."

"Okay, don't cry anymore."

In the evening, as soon as Xi'er arrived at Little Red Horse, she looked for Dudu everywhere.

Lao Li said that Dudu was already here, but Xi'er couldn't find Dudu in the classroom or in the yard until she heard the sound of Dudu coming from the studio next to her.

She ran to follow the sound and saw Dudu arguing with Xin Xiaoguang who was making noise.

Dudu saw a small cart, pushing it around as if for fun. Xin Xiaoguang thought she was in the way, told her not to move, and even beat her.

Dudu was angry and quarreled with him, not afraid at all.

"I didn't scold you, why are you so cruel?" Xin Xiaoguang had already begun to give in, but the little baby in front of him refused to let him go.

"*\u0026¥% # ¥%%......\u0026.........\u0026" Dudu danced excitedly. Although he didn't know what he was talking about, his momentum was very strong.

Xin Xiaoguang didn't argue with her and walked away. Dudu followed. At the same time, he didn't forget to push the trolley to keep up and continued chattering.

Seeing Xi'er coming, Xin Xiaoguang quickly asked Xi'er to take Dudu away.

Dudu heard this, and there was another burst of accusations, "*\u0026%...¥ # %¥ # ¥@#¥"

Xi'er did come to see Dudu for something. She asked Dudu to teach her how to vault the horse box.

When Dudu heard this, she immediately said that this was her strength, and she could do anything related to sports.

Vault box, right? The child immediately asked Xi'er to bend down and do horse riding. He didn't even need to run up. He held his hands in place and passed Xi'er cleanly.

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