Dad Academy

Chapter 1334 Oh haha~

Little Weiwei is here again, and her mother sends her to Little Red Horse Academy.

After the last incident, she deeply reflected and could no longer neglect Xiao Weiwei because of her work.

But after Xiao Weiwei came to Little Red Horse, she didn't want to leave. When she heard that she wouldn't come to Little Red Horse anymore, she burst into tears, and hundreds of thousands of reasons flocked to Zhong Fei.

When Zhong Fei saw this, she knew that Xiao Weiwei had made good friends at Xiaohongma, which was more important than anything else, so she promised to send her to Xiaohongma every day.

In this case, Zhong Fei can also take care of her own work at the same time.

This day, little Weiwei came again with a small schoolbag on her back, jumping up and down and entering the school happily.

She insisted on carrying this small schoolbag. It also contained a small notebook and pencil case. According to her, the small notebook was homework.

For this reason, Zhong Fei specifically asked the kindergarten teacher why the kindergarten started assigning homework, but was told that the kindergarten did not assign homework.

Zhong Fei took a chance and quietly opened Xiao Weiwei's little notebook. What kind of homework book was there? It was a drawing book with all kinds of weird patterns drawn on it.

While Xiaobai and Liuliu were doing their homework, she was doodling and drawing wildly.

Zhong Fei put the notebook back and let Xiao Weiwei go if she liked it.

She had nothing to do tonight, so after sending Xiao Weiwei there, she also came in.

"Li Weiwei, what are you doing?" Xiao Weiwei saw Lao Li sitting in the yard again, "Why do you sit here every day?"

Lao Li said: "I am basking in the sun, and there is still some sunset."

The weather has been good these two days and the sun is shining brightly. At this time, there is still a hint of sunset, and Lao Li is sitting in the sunset.

After listening to Lao Li's words, Xiao Weiwei had questions.

With questions in her mind, she looked at Lao Li, looked up at the sun that was about to set, and asked: "Li Baibao, why is the sun shining on you? You mean basking in the sun?"

Lao Li: "..."

"Why don't you answer? Don't you know?"

Little Baby is so sharp, Lao Li said: "I know, but I want Xiaobai to tell you, because Xiaobai also asked this question, and I told her the answer, you go and ask her."

As expected, Xiao Weiwei ran to ask Xiao Bai.

At this moment, Xiaobai had just finished dinner and was looking through his tablet computer. Different hairstyles appeared on the computer.

"I need this~"

Among the dazzling hairstyles, Xiaobai chose one.

"Come and see, old man, just take care of this problem."

Zhang Tan finished wiping the dining table, took off his apron, walked over and took a look, what a guy!

“You want me to shave my head??!!!”

"Hahahahaha~~ I was teasing you, hahaha~~~"

Xiaobai leaned forward and back with laughter and was about to fall on the sofa. At this time, Xiao Weiwei knocked on the door.

"Wai, is Xiaobai at home?"

The door was not closed, it was open, and Xiao Weiwei's voice came.

When Xiaobai heard her voice, he was excited and asked Zhang Tan: "It's not easy to talk, is Xiao Weiwei here to ask me questions again?"

"Probably." Zhang Tan said. When he came to the entrance, he saw little Weiwei. This child was already taking off her little shoes, put on little slippers, and was diligently collecting the socks on the shoe rack.

"Xiao Weiwei, what are you doing?" Zhang Tan asked quickly.

"It stinks, it stinks so much, I need to wash my socks." Little Weiwei is so diligent.

Where does it stink? Zhang Tan took away the socks from Xiao Weiwei, two pairs of which were his.

"Boss Zhang, let me wash your dishes for you." Xiao Weiwei begged.

How dare Zhang Tan let her wash it? This is not child labor.

"No, you go and play with Xiaobai."

Zhang Tan vaguely heard Xiaobai yelling from the living room, "No!"


Xiao Weiwei ran to find Xiao Bai.

Zhang Tan put away his tablet, and Xiaobai found many hairstyles for him.

His hair is a little long and he plans to get it cut.

He told Xiaobai about this, and Xiaobai was very serious.

In Xiaobai's opinion, cutting hair is not a trivial matter and must be done very carefully.

I remember one time, Zhang Tan had his hair cut without saying a word. Xiaobai came back and saw that he was too ugly, which left a deep psychological shadow on Zhang Tan.

So this time Zhang Tan was careful and went out of his way to say hello to Xiaobai first.

Xiaobai was really interested and immediately found a hairstyle for him.

"I'm going to get my hair cut." Zhang Tan greeted and was about to go out, but Xiaobai immediately called him and wanted to go with him.

Little Weiwei also followed, like a little puppy.

Isn't it? Are you going to follow me? Zhang Tan looked down at Xiaobai.

Xiaobai had already put the small bag on his back, and he was ready to go with him.

She also has to take care of the old man's haircut. If she has worried about it since she was a child, she won't grow up.

The three of them walked through the yard. Zhong Fei was chatting with Lao Li. When she saw them, she greeted Zhang Tan and looked at little Weiwei, who looked like a little tail. She saw little Weiwei taking small steps, following closely behind her. Bai, without squinting his eyes, went out.

"Little Weiwei, what are you going to do?" Zhong Fei couldn't hold it back, her mother stood beside her, but the little cutie didn't even look at her. Her little friend was too arrogant.

"Hehehehe~~~~ I'm cutting hair with Boss Zhang."

Xiao Weiwei kept walking and grabbed the hem of Xiao Bai's clothes with one hand to prevent Xiao Bai from being thrown away.

Zhang Tan: "..."

Zhong Fei: "..."

After leaving the courtyard, Zhang Tan said: "Let's go to West Chang'an Street to get a haircut and find a high-end one. I am a celebrity now, and my hairstyle is very important. My image is worth a thousand dollars."

When Xiaobai heard this, she agreed very much. She raised her little hand and asked to recommend a good store in her mind.

"I know which one is better!"

"Okay, you lead the way." Zhang Tan fully believed in Xiao Bai. This little friend was so beautiful. He could stand in front of the mirror and admire himself for a long time. He couldn't help but boast that I was the most beloved doll in the world.

Compared with some durians, and this seems to be contagious, now Xi'er also has this trend.

Xiaobai enthusiastically took Zhang Tan to Huangjia Village. Not long after, he came to the entrance of an old shop.

Zhang Tan secretly thought that it was not good. This was a place for haircuts for the elderly in villages in the city. It used to cost ten yuan a head, but now it costs ten yuan a head. He would not increase the price if the price went up.

"Here, this is good." Xiaobai pointed inside and said.

There was a pot-bellied old man sitting at the door of the store, peeling peas. Hearing this, he looked up and said with a smile, "Hey, it's Xiaobai."

In the blink of an eye, he saw Zhang Tan and said, "Zhang Tan, do you want to cut your hair? Come in."

Xiaobai answered quickly: "My old man wants a haircut, you give him a good-looking haircut."

Zhang Tan just wanted to excuse himself, but now he was riding a tiger and couldn't get off.

He glared at Xiaobai, did Guawazi deliberately trick him? He seriously suspected that Gua Wazi was taking revenge on him for forcing her to repair her watermelon head last time.

This barber shop is called "Lao Niu Barber Shop". It has a very unpretentious name, and the storefront is also very unpretentious. Walking inside is like walking into a barber shop in the 1990s. The owner and barber are the same. The old cow with pea seeds.

When the business came, Lao Niu happily put away the peas and prepared to cut the hair of the big screenwriter.

Zhang Tan said politely: "You haven't had dinner yet, how about you eat first?"

Lao Niu casually put the peas on the coffee table, put on an apron, picked up the scissors and said: "No hurry, no hurry, you sit down."

When Xiaobai saw that the old man was not moving, he also advised him: "Old man, please sit down."

Xiao Weiwei also said: "Old man, sit down, hehe, Xiaobai, Xiaobai, what does old man mean? Why do you call me old man?"

Zhang Tan has no choice but to be tricked by Gua Wa Zi. Now he can only pray that Lao Niu's technology keeps pace with the times and can get a fashionable haircut.

"That one has a little friend!"

Suddenly Xiao Weiwei said, pointing to the old sofa in the room, where a little boy was sitting, holding a book and reading seriously.

The light in the room was dim, and the little boy was small and motionless, so Zhang Tan and Xiao Bai didn't notice him at the first time.

"It's a little boy." Xiaobai also said.

Zhang Tan asked: "Master Niu, where is your grandson?"

Lao Niu laughed and said, "I'm from a relative's house. I'm from a relative's house. I'll stay for a few days and then leave. Zhang Tan, please sit down and I'll wet your hair first."

Zhang Tan sat down and was wrapped in a bib. He took another look at the little boy in the corner through the mirror. Although they were talking about him, he didn't seem to hear them. He was still reading seriously, as if he was a child from another family. , the little one is so cute.

"Xiaobai, look at this kid, how serious he is in reading. You have to study."

After hearing this, Xiaobai had something to say!

"I'm not serious."

"Then you have to be pushed by your aunt every time you do your homework. You have to be conscious."

Xiaobai snorted, walked up to Lao Niu, and asked curiously with his little face raised: "Grandpa Niu, what is the name of your little friend?"

Lao Niu didn't seem to hear it until Xiao Bai asked again and then quickly said: "Xiaohu, my name is Xiaohu."

As he said that, the razor sneered across the top of Zhang Tan's head. Zhang Tan felt that his broken hair was falling for a moment. He looked up in the mirror and saw that a large piece of hair was missing from the center of his head! ! !

Zhang Tan: (((;;)))

Xiaobai: "Oh haha~Grandpa Niu..."

Zhang Tan quickly interrupted: "Xiao Bai, stop asking, let your Grandpa Niu focus on cutting my hair, otherwise I may not be able to leave the shop today."

Master Niu said: "It's okay, it's okay, my hands are not shaking, this is normal operation."

Zhang Tan was in a state of confusion, thinking that your words made me even more worried. Is this normal operation? I guess the craftsmanship has not kept pace with the times, so today is a miserable day.

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