Dad Academy

Chapter 1333 Stop fighting, stop fighting

Along the way, Xin Xiaoguang saw the three sisters being angry and quickly comforted them and asked them to calm down.

He felt that Lao Li's intention in dragging him along might not be to put pressure on the three of them, but to help them calm down and stop getting angry and beating them up.

Xin Xiaoguang glanced at the expressionless Ding Jiamin. This sister was particularly tough and aura when she wasn't smiling.

He remembered that when he first met Ding Jiamin, Ding Jiamin was still like a girl next door. She had changed a lot in two or three years.

He knew that Ding Jiamin was very skilled, and he also knew that Li Xiaoxiao had many tricks, but he didn't dare to mess with her anyway.

"Sister, my name is Xin Xiaoguang. I am an artist at a comic studio under Boss Zhang..." Xin Xiaoguang introduced himself to Zhong Fei, the only one who didn't know him.

"Sorry to trouble you." Zhong Fei apologized.

"Hey, it's not troublesome. Xiao Weiwei and I are also good friends. She even gave me braised pork tonight."

Xin Xiaoguang was right. He really didn't bother him much this time. He came just to show off. When the time came, he did nothing but appealed to the sisters to calm down and not to do anything.

"Go quickly, I can't hold you back!" Xin Xiaoguang said anxiously to Guo Yuan.

Guo Yuan didn't believe in evil at first, so he really dared to take action? As a result, Ding Jiamin grabbed his hand and almost broke his arm.

Although he is taller and bigger, he has neglected to exercise for a long time. How could an otaku who is addicted to games be the opponent of Ding Jiamin, who has been fighting on the front line of the police for a long time.

He knelt on the ground on the spot, screaming for mercy.

Xin Xiaoguang looked on and clicked his tongue, shouting: "Stop fighting, you guys, stop fighting, men want women, don't do it, brother, don't fight back! We must convince others with virtue."

I have to say that Xin Xiaoguang, who is bang bang bang, is very good at making things happen. Zhong Fei and Li Xiaoxiao who were talking on the side were speechless. Stop fighting and don't do anything. Brother, could it be that what they saw was fake? Isn't this Ding Jiamin's one-sided killing?

Guo Yuan knelt on the floor, feeling extremely aggrieved. He felt that Xin Xiaoguang's voice in his ears was like a crow, screaming, he was going to be beaten to death! He also told him not to fight back.

"Calm down, Sister Ding, calm down! Let go, let go, he is going to die."

As Xin Xiaoguang said this, he took the opportunity to place a hand on Guo Yuan's shoulder.

Guo Yuan screamed even more miserably.

His hands were held behind his back by Ding Jiamin, and he knelt on the floor. Xin Xiaoguang, a big man, supported him, which instantly doubled the pain in his arms.

Screaming in pain.

"Calm down, buddy, keep your voice down, don't shout so loud, my sister didn't use her strength." Xin Xiaoguang said while trying to persuade her.

Under his conciliation, Ding Jiamin let Guo Yuan go.

Xin Xiaoguang: "Brother, stop yelling, pack your things quickly, and leave quickly. Do you want to stay in the hotel for one night?"

Guo Yuan endured the pain and hurriedly packed his change of clothes. Before going out, he looked at Zhong Fei reluctantly, hoping that Zhong Fei would show mercy to him.

But Zhong Fei said contemptuously: "Get out! I don't want to see you in the future."

If, before tonight, she thought that Guo Yuan was not a bad person in nature, but just had no sense of responsibility, then the face he exposed tonight completely made her give up. Looking at him more, she felt that her eyes were stained, and she just wanted to Tell him to get out of here.

"Hey wait~~"

Guo Yuanyi was excited, thinking that Zhong Fei had changed his mind. He stopped and looked back, only to find that the person calling him was Xin Xiaoguang.

"Throw this in the trash can downstairs."

Xin Xiaoguang stuffed the garbage from the trash basket into Guo Yuan's hand and patted him on the shoulder.


Guo Yuan's arms and shoulders still hurt.

Xin Xiaoguang enthusiastically pushed him out of the door and said to him: "Go quickly and don't come here again. My sister has a bad temper and won't hold back next time."

Then, without waiting for Guo Yuan's reply, he slammed the door, turned around and said to the three women: "How about it, sisters, my performance is not bad."

Zhong Fei didn't expect the process to be so simple and smooth, and thought it was going to be a bloody soap opera.

She wanted to treat everyone to a late-night snack, but the closing time of Little Red Horse was coming. Ding Jiamin had to pick up Xiaomi home, Xin Xiaoguang also wanted to pick up his girlfriend from get off work, and Zhong Fei herself wanted to pick up Xiao Weiwei.

So I made an appointment for next time.

When the four of them returned to Little Red Horse, Lao Li appeared immediately and asked Xin Xiaoguang with concern: "How is it? You didn't ask the person to ask questions, did you?"

Xin Xiaoguang said to himself, it's true that it's like duck, but ginger is still like old Yin.

"Don't worry, as long as I'm here, the matter will be resolved satisfactorily, and nothing will happen. The people have been rushed out."

"You really did not let me down." Lao Li said, looking like a coward who could be taught. He knew that bringing along Xin Xiaoguang, a cunning man, would be beneficial and harmless.

When they arrived at Little Red Horse, Liliu's mother Zhu Xiaojing happened to come to pick up Liliu.

"Why is your mouth so oily? Is it the smell of braised pork? Have you eaten braised pork?..."

Zhu Xiaojing easily deduced that Liliu had eaten braised pork tonight, then opened her little clothes and touched her belly. Good guy, she had eaten a lot.

After being scolded by her, Zhong Fei stepped forward to explain.

Xiao Weiwei didn't have dinner that day, so Luoliu packed a portion of braised pork and generously gave it to Xiao Weiwei, so tonight Xiao Weiwei also brought a portion to thank her.

Only then did Zhu Xiaojing realize that it was Liuliu Gudao who was kind-hearted and had done good things.

Although eating is eating, this situation should not be reprimanded, but affirmed.

So Liuliu found a glimmer of hope in an instant, and said weakly but stubbornly: "I didn't even know I was talking about you, Mother Zhu."

Zhu Xiaojing apologized to her, and after confirming it, praised her.

This time, Liuliu directly grabbed the chance of life and came to life instantly. He put his hands on his hips and said, "I'm so awesome~ 666 duck me, give me a little red flower."

The future of Dayanyan is the future of a bowl of braised pork or a small red flower.

Luliu followed Zhu's mother back home in a hurry, thinking that there would be some reward when she returned home. As a result, Zhu's mother spread a yoga mat on the floor and asked her to sit on it, and wanted to take her to practice yoga.

"You ate so much braised pork at night. You need to burn some calories, otherwise you will gain three pounds tonight. Come on, follow mom's lead and she will accompany you."

Liuliu was stunned and said instinctively: "I don't~"

"If you don't, then Xiao Weiwei's mother invites you to dinner, so I'll say you're not free."

When they left tonight, Zhong Fei said that she would treat Liliu to dinner and express her gratitude to her.

Liuliu agreed on the spot and was very considerate.

However, Zhu’s mother is now threatening her with this.

"I'm free!"

"No, you're not free, you have to do your homework."

"Ah - I won't do my homework, I can't afford to play duck~"

Doing homework has now become a curse for her. She heard that doing homework gives her a headache, which is worse than a duck's migraine.

Liuliu finally compromised. For the sake of the big meal in the future, he would suffer a little tonight.

"I——Mother Zhu, I can't stand up~"

"What's going on? Why do I keep falling?"

"Let me taste my jiojio, bah, it smells so bad."

"Ah, so tired."

"I'm thirsty, can I drink a bear?"

Congratulations on the birth of the 57th cute owner "Mingkit Ming", thank you for your support. Thank you for the 10,000-coin reward from the country.

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