Dad Academy

Chapter 1277 Spicy Rabbit Head is delicious (1/3)

Chapter 1277 Spicy Rabbit Head is delicious (13)

Teacher Jiang has very few relatives here, and there are still a few in the town. On the second day of the new year, Zhang Tan carried gifts and Xiaobai, and went to visit with Teacher Jiang. There, I received a warm reception and had lunch before returning.

At home, Tan Jin'er and Xi'er had already had lunch. The sun came out and Tan Jin'er was drying the quilt in the yard.

Since they arrived in Baijiacun, except for the first two days when the sun came out, it has been rainy and snowy since then.

Today the sun breaks through the thick clouds and shines sunshine on this cold valley. Tan Jin'er immediately took out the quilts and pillows from the bedroom and hung them to dry in the yard.

Xi'er was helping, "Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy".

However, there was little she could do to help. She couldn't hold the quilt, so she could only hold an armful of pillows. She quickly went to and from the bedroom, taking out the pillows one by one and giving them to her sister.

The pillow is so big and she is so small. The child is restless. She always wants to run when walking. She cannot see the road while holding the pillow. She falls several times. Every time she gets up with a smile, pats herself and continues to run up and down. .

"Sister~ It's Xiaobai and the others who are back."

Xi'er immediately spotted the car driving from a distance. This child is smart and has already remembered the car they took these days.

"Then you go and play with Xiaobai, I won't work with you anymore," Tan Jin'er said.

The little sister fell several times, but she refused to walk slowly when asked. In order to prevent her from falling silly, Tan Jin'er had to send her away.

Xi'er did not walk away, but said unconvinced: "Sister, do you look down on Xi'er?"

Tan Jin'er didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Why do you ask that? Why do I look down on you?"

"Then why don't you let me help you? I'm already several years old after the New Year! I even had three bowls of rice today."

When it comes to eating three bowls of rice, Xi'er has been feeling elated recently. She walks with her head held high, looking left and right, looking majestic.

In the past, she was always stumped by three bowls of rice in Pujiang, but she never expected that when she came to Baijia Village, eating three bowls of rice would become a commonplace meal, a piece of cake!

She has been eating three bowls of rice at one meal for several days in a row, and she did it by herself without any supervision from her sister.

At first, she was wondering why she suddenly became so powerful. Later, Xiaobai told her that because she was one year older after the Chinese New Year, of course she would be even more powerful when eating.

Xiaobai also gave her an example, saying that Dunzi used to eat three bowls of rice at one meal, but now he eats four bowls at one meal.

When Xi'er heard that Dunzi ate four bowls of rice in one meal, Xi'er was immediately shocked and admired her very much. For the past few days, she had been looking at Dunzi with little stars in her eyes.

She fantasizes that if she can eat four bowls of rice a day, her sister will be very happy, and she will be completely proud, and she will no longer have to keep a small notebook. She will even fly up and show off in front of her sister.

The car drove to the hillside under the yard, and Zhang Tan, Teacher Jiang and Xiaobai got out of the car. Tan Xi'er, the child who had just shouted to help his sister and not play with Xiaobai, immediately dropped his pillow and ran away.

Not only Xiaobai is back, Dunzi and his father went to pay New Year greetings and came back after lunch. The first time after returning, Dunzi did not go home, but came to visit Xiaobai Xier to play.

He wandered around the yard and mingled with Xiao Bai Xier.

The three children sneaked around in circles in the yard, and then went around to the back of the house when the adults weren't paying attention.

Dunzi took out a small bag from his pocket.

"What is this?" Xiaobai asked.

Xi'er had sharp eyes and answered quickly: "This is food."

Dunzi laughed and did not answer, but directly opened the transparent bag. A burst of fragrance immediately came from inside. Xiaobai and Xi'er immediately swallowed a mouthful of saliva, stared at the food inside and asked, "What is this?"

Dunzi said: "The spicy rabbit head my uncle gave me is delicious."

It turned out that Dunzi and his father visited his uncle's house today and had lunch at his uncle's house. One of the dishes was spicy rabbit head. Dunzi liked it very much, so his uncle asked his aunt to make more and packed a portion for him.

Dunzi took the packaged spicy rabbit head and immediately found Xiaobai and Xi'er to share it with his good friends.

"Is it delicious?" Xiaobai asked.

Although it was a question, her nose was very honest, and she was inhaling the aroma of spicy rabbit heads crazily, and her saliva was secreted continuously, and she swallowed it again and again.

The same thing happened to the kid Tan Xier next to him, licking his lips from time to time with a look of eagerness.

"Can I have some?" Xi'er asked tentatively.

Dunzi nodded and said yes, he brought it back just to give Xiaobai and Xi'er a taste.

Xiaobai and Xi'er rubbed their hands and looked at the spicy rabbit head, salivating. Xiaobai pinched a piece and put it in his mouth. He ate it happily.

Xi'er chewed her mouth along with Xiaobai, swallowed another mouthful of saliva, and asked: "Xiaobai, Xiaobai, will this be spicy?"

She looked at the spicy rabbit head. It was bright red and she knew it was spicy at first glance.

She's not very good at spicy food.

But he was greedy, and Xiaobai and Dunzi kept encouraging her. Finally, Xiao Xier couldn't hold back, pinched a piece of rabbit head, put it in his mouth, and ate it happily, his little mouth moving more and more Fast, and finally unable to control myself.

This kid was also completely addicted to the delicious taste of spicy rabbit head.

The three children gathered together and ate the spicy rabbit head with gusto. Unknowingly while eating, they just felt it was delicious. After eating for a while, they gradually felt the side effects. The spicy taste of the spicy rabbit head began to show its power. The children's hissing became louder and louder.

It was so delicious and fragrant that the three children couldn't control themselves. They could only say to themselves over and over again that they would stop eating after the last piece, one piece after another, and the last piece would never be the last.

Finally, Xi'er couldn't stand it first. With a sad face, she said miserably: "Hi ha, ha ha~~~ It's so spicy~~~"

As she talked, Xierlan burst into tears.

Xiaobai was also hissing, but she was better than Xi'er. At least she could still speak normally, while Tan Xi'er, the child, could no longer open her mouth and could only make aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa'''’’'''s.

"Don't eat it~~ Don't eat it, stop eating it quickly, spit it out, spit it out, hurry up! Hi baby." Xiaobai urged.

The little Xibaby was crying and chewing the spicy rabbit head, trying to die from the spicy rabbit head.

Finally, at Xiao Bai's urging, Xi'er spit out the spicy rabbit head that she had not swallowed. Then Xiao Bai bent down, grabbed a handful of snow in the grass, and stuffed it into Xi'er without saying a word. child's mouth.

Xi'er: "Hmm..."

"Don't touch it. Just eat it. If you take a bite of the snow, it won't be spicy anymore."

Xi'er didn't struggle at this time, opened her mouth and took the snow into her mouth. Sure enough, it was ice cold and she felt a little better. However, she only felt a little better. After a while, the spicy taste took over again and she continued to burst into tears.

As a last resort, Xi'er could only grab another handful of snow and stuff it into her mouth. At this time, Xiaobai couldn't stand it anymore, so she also stuffed snow into her mouth.

Although Xiaobai can eat spicy food, what's worse than Xi'er is that her lips are so red that they look like two sausages hanging from her lips.

Among the three, only Dunzi had the strongest resistance. Apart from a few hisses, he had no other symptoms.

When Zhang Tan looked for them, he only saw these three children squatting on the grass, grabbing handfuls of snow on the ground and stuffing it into their mouths from time to time. He couldn't help but be stunned. What kind of operation was this? ! Is this snow so delicious? !

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