Dad Academy

Chapter 1276 Xi’er’s birthday extra 2: Turns out she’s my sister

Tan Jin'er didn't believe it, how could the baby in the belly understand it.

Mom said, "It's true. If you don't believe it, just put your ear to it and listen. Come here, it's okay."

Tan Jin'er was dubious, squatting in front of her mother, and gently put her ear to it. A sudden bang startled her, and she looked at her mother in surprise.

Mom smiled and said, "You heard it? She just kicked her stomach. She knows you are listening to her."

"Is this true? Can babies who are not yet born understand what we are saying?"

"Of course I understand. Don't underestimate her. The baby is very smart."

Immediately, the mother said to the little baby in her belly: "Baby, baby, do you want to hear your sister sing?"

Tan Jin'er put her ear to it again, only to hear another bang, and the little guy kicked again.

Tan Jiner was surprised and happy.

"Is this little baby so smart? He can understand his mother's words even in his belly!"

Since the baby was so enthusiastic, Tan Jiner was not stingy and sang a song "Only Mom is Good in the World" to her.

As she sang, her mother stroked her belly and whispered, "Oh, you little guy, you are even more restless when you listen to your sister singing. Why are you kicking? Stop kicking. Mom feels so uncomfortable."

The baby in the belly seems to understand, and is much calmer, but still kicks or punches her from time to time to cheer up her singing sister.

After singing "Only Mother is Good in the World", Tan Jiner asked her mother curiously: "Is this a boy? Or a girl?"

Mom said, who knows, the doctor knows, but won’t tell us.

"Do you want a brother or a sister?"

"It will be all right."

"Didn't you say before that you wanted a younger brother who could protect you in the future?"

"That's right, then you should have a younger brother. The younger brother will love the older sister and can protect the older sister when he grows up. What a great younger brother. If you don't want a younger sister, the younger sister will just be a follower. She will definitely pester me every day in the future..."

As soon as she finished speaking, her mother felt the baby in her belly was going crazy and kicked her belly several times.

"Jin'er, Jin'er, stop talking. The baby is having a tantrum and is kicking mommy in the stomach."

Tan Jin'er said in surprise: "It's over, don't be a baby girl, otherwise you won't lose your temper."

She wrapped her mother's belly with a towel, "This way the baby won't be able to hear us."

Mom couldn't laugh or cry.

Tan Jiner asked again: "Do you and your father want a younger brother or a younger sister?"

Mom said: "It's all fine, we all like my brothers and sisters."

Tan Jin'er hesitated to speak.

Mom said: "If you have anything to say, just say it. There is nothing else you can't say to Mom."

Tan Jin'er said: "They all said that you adults want a second child just to have a younger brother, right?"

"You are right. There are indeed many people who want a boy, but that belongs to other people's families. Our family does not have this preference, whether it is a younger brother or a younger sister. Having a younger brother can protect your older sister in the future, and give birth to a younger sister. It would be great to be as beautiful as my sister in the future."

Tan Jin'er smiled shyly. She is now 15 years old. She has just grown into a girl. She is as graceful as a willow or a spring flower. She is a very popular female classmate in school. The few male classmates who shamelessly went roller skating with them today went there just because of her.

"I'm a little hungry, let's go get something to eat." Mom said. Tan Jin'er quickly helped her stand up from the chair and went out. Her father had already brought warm food.

"You go do your thing, I will take care of you here." Dad said.

Tan Jin'er poured her mother a glass of warm water and then returned to her room. Not long after she sat down, she suddenly heard a noise coming from outside the house.

She hurriedly pushed the door open and saw her mother sitting on the chair in front of the dining table, holding her belly with a painful look on her face, while her father was talking on the phone loudly.

It turned out that the mother’s amniotic water had broken and the baby was about to be born.

"Jin'er!" Dad waved to Tan Jin'er and said, "Come and take care of your mother. I'll find a car. We need to go to the hospital quickly."

After saying that, he rushed out of the door.

Tan Jin'er came to her mother's side and saw her mother in pain. She was at a loss for a moment. However, she quickly calmed down and held her mother's head in her arms, stroking her gently to comfort her.

Dad came back soon, accompanied by uncles and aunts from the neighbor's house.

Everyone worked together and carefully helped mom out of the door. A car stopped on the side of the road, and mom got in the car and drove away.

Tan Jin'er stood on the side of the road, watching the cars going away, her mind going blank. After a while, she came to her senses and found that her father, uncle and aunt were gone, and she was the only one left where she was.

She hurried back home, turned off the lights, locked the door, and hurriedly prepared to go out. Suddenly she stopped, went to her parents' room, and found the small baby clothes they had hoarded on weekdays, which were only about the size of a palm. She didn't choose. She stuffed them all into her schoolbag when she saw them. Then she put her schoolbag on her back and hurried out. She took a taxi on the side of the road and rushed to the hospital.

She saw her father in the corridor of the hospital. He was walking around anxiously and fidgeting.

"Isn't mother out yet?" Tan Jin'er asked.

The father looked anxious, but said: "How can it be so fast to give birth to a baby? When I gave birth to you, it took more than seven hours."

"Ah! Does it take so long?"

"That's for sure."

As soon as he finished speaking, the closed door of the delivery room suddenly opened, and a female nurse poked her head out and said to the father: "She's giving birth! Are you a parent? You can come in and take a look."

Dad was pleasantly surprised and walked up quickly. Tan Jin'er also followed, and saw another female nurse standing by the bed, holding a baby lying in swaddling clothes, with a wrinkled little face that looked like a little old man.

Loud cries sounded in the room.

The mother was lying weakly on the bed, her face covered with sweat, looking at the baby in the nurse's arms with a gentle and kind look on her face.

Strangely enough, when the wrinkled baby saw her mother, she seemed to be able to feel the affection that blood is thicker than water. Her crying immediately stopped, and then she burst into giggles.

The nurse was amazed, "He smiled right after he was born. I have seen many babies, and this is the first time that he started laughing after crying for a while. This must be a baby who loves to laugh. He will definitely have good luck in the future. After all, love Girls who laugh are not bad luck."

Only then did Tan Jiner realize that she was a younger sister.

The mother took the baby from the nurse's hands. Although she was very weak, she still wanted to hold her as soon as possible.

She looked at her tiredly and tenderly, and said softly: "Little guy, I finally see you. Welcome to our home."

The baby's eyes haven't opened yet. She is mumbling and grinning.

The father took the baby from the mother's arms and held it carefully. Mom asked: "It's a little girl. I need to think of a good name for her."

Dad said: "If you love to laugh so much, let's call her Tan Xi'er. She will be blessed in the future."

Little friend Tan Xier in her arms seemed to understand. She clenched her little fists and pulled them in the air. It was very exciting.

"Jin'er, do you want to hug your sister?"

Tan Jin'er was stunned, then quickly put down her schoolbag, rolled up her sleeves, and carefully took the little sister from her father's hand.

She looked carefully and saw that the little sister was very ugly, with a wrinkled and red face, and lanugo hair sticking to her head. Her head was not round, but oval-shaped, like... like a little mouse.


Tan Xi'er, who couldn't even open his eyes, suddenly grinned again and lay in his sister's arms, showing a contented expression.

This made Tan Jin'er feel warm in her heart. The little sister seemed to really know her. She smiled when she was in her arms, and she smiled so gently.

Tan Jin'er looked at her and said softly: "Xi'er~ I am my sister Jin'er, and my sister will protect you from now on."

I used to have so many dissatisfaction and complaints about my mother having a second child, but now they disappeared instantly. She looked at her little sister with tenderness in her heart.

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