Dad Academy

Chapter 1243 Grandpa’s Wisdom

Lao Feng quickly thanked him, but he didn't expect that his own Xiaojun would still be so popular.

He didn't refuse. Children always gave things sincerely and without any purpose.

For such a pure kindness, what we have to do is to accept it with surprise, keep it well, and say thank you. That is enough. We must never apply the worldly rules.

"Then I'll take him in, thank you!"

"You're welcome, let's go play, bye."

After saying that, Xiaobai ran away.

Lao Li and Lao Feng watched the children run into the classroom. Lao Feng said with emotion: "What a group of good children."

At this time, another parent sent their children outside the door. They said hello to Lao Li, and Lao Li took the opportunity to introduce Lao Feng to them.

"This is the new Lao Feng. He will also be a guard from now on. He will take turns with me on duty."

Tonight, under the introduction of Lao Li, Lao Feng has met most of the children's parents.

After the other party left, Lao Li introduced to Lao Feng who this person was and who his children were.

Lao Feng kept it in mind, found the other party's name in the duty notebook, and put a check mark after the name.

Lao Li told him that every child must make a record when entering the kindergarten and when leaving at night. This is the case every day. He must be cautious and cautious.

At 12 o'clock in the evening, the last child finally left. Lao Li stretched himself and told Lao Feng: "You can get off work tonight. Today is relatively early, because there are a lot of children in the garden. If it is normal, , there may be forty or fifty children, and at that time we often had to be on duty until about one o'clock in the morning."

Lao Feng said: "Compared with my previous job, it is very easy."

"Go home." Lao Li said, "Xiaojun has probably already taken a nap."

After saying that, he took Lao Feng around the academy and made sure everything was correct before leaving. Lao Feng entered the classroom and went up to the second floor.

Teacher Xiaoliu is on duty tonight, and beside her stands Xiaojun, who has just woken up.

"Thank you, Teacher Xiaoliu, Xiaojun, let's go home."

Lao Feng waved, and Xiaojun said good night to Teacher Xiaoliu and followed his grandfather.

The two of them left the yard and locked the door.

Xiaojun saw a bag in his grandfather's hand and asked, "What is this?"

Lao Feng said: "This is a gift from Xiaobai and the others. It's a piece of clothing. You said you didn't accept it, so they gave it to me."

Xiaojun looked at him and said nothing.

He added: "People have good intentions, so don't reject their good intentions. They don't have any other bad intentions, so why not accept them."

Xiaojun said: "You can't just ask for other people's things."

Old Feng said with some relief: "That's right. We don't want things from strangers, and we can't want things from people we don't have close friendship with. But if it's something from a good friend, they will give it to you with good intentions. , we have to accept it, but while accepting this gift, we must also keep this kindness in mind and look for opportunities to return it to them in the future."

"The more frequent exchanges of favors, the better and better they will be. Only when there are comings and goings will they come again. If you don't come and I don't go, the favors will fade away. If you cherish the friendship between Xiaobai and the others, then you You should accept it and find an opportunity to give something to them in the future. In this way, your relationship will deepen with regular exchanges."

Xiaojun was thoughtful and seemed to understand, but he didn't resist the clothes anymore.

The night was silent, and the only sound in the alley seemed to be the footsteps of their grandfather and grandson, clicking in the air.

At around 11 o'clock in the evening, Zhang Tan walked out of the room and went for a walk in the yard. After a busy night, he was about to clear his head and prepare to sleep. Suddenly, he saw several red lights shining in the woods. He walked over and saw that they were small red lanterns, two of which had gone out. . Zhang Tan took it off to check and found that the battery inside was exhausted.

Lao Li came over and said, "Xi'er and Dudu hung them here. They said it was too dark in the woods, so they bought a few small lanterns to hang here. Not to mention, they are quite beautiful."

Zhang Tan looked at the dark grove, where the evening breeze was blowing and chilling, and said, "Speaking of which, we should do a lighting project in this grove. It will look much better and be safer."

Lao Li said: "Anyway, if you have money, you can do whatever you want. If you install some floor lamps, it will indeed look much better."

Zhang Tan discussed this matter with Aunt Huang, and Aunt Huang also agreed, and it didn't cost much to build a lighting project.

"There are three main points. One is to install a few floor lamps on the ground, the other is to hang some LED star lights on the tree trunks, and the third is to pave some gravel roads. In this way, the dark grove in the past can be turned into a A fairy-tale little paradise.”

As soon as he thought of it, Zhang Tan hired workers and it took him a day to finish it all. That night, when the children entered the park, the lights in the grove were already on. They were attracted here one after another and gathered outside the grove to wander, not daring to go in.

They heard the rumor that as long as they entered the woods, they would be pinched in the face. They didn't know who did it! Rumor has it that Night Owl Beard did it!

Regardless of whether it is Night Owl Beard or not, to them, it is definitely a terrifying existence.

But when more and more children gathered together, everyone finally couldn't help their curiosity. The first child walked into the woods, wandered around, and called the children wandering outside the woods to come in. It's so beautiful here.

Finally, they overcame their fear and ran around in the woods until Teacher Xiaoman drove them all into the classroom.

When Dudu came to the academy, he discovered this place immediately. She stood at the edge of the grove, but did not dare to enter. She looked around and found no suspicious person, so she took off the bow and arrow from her back, put it in her hand, and then walked into the grove, also fully armed, and wandered around. She walked around and came out safe and sound. She couldn't help but laugh. She looked outside and still found no suspicious person, so she walked around again and shouted inside:

"Come on, come on, come on, where are you? Come and pinch my face! Come on, come on, duck~~~"

The voice echoed in the woods, but no one answered her, and no one came out to pinch her face.

I didn’t see Night Owl’s beard either.

Dudu laughed loudly, jumped up and down, and came out of the woods, just in time to see Liuliu.

Dudu pulled Luoliu to introduce the lit up grove. Luoliu never expected that the dark grove would become so bright. Who did this? !

"Come on, duck, come and pinch my face, duck~" Dudu shouted while wandering around in the woods again.

Liuliu also cheered and shouted: "Come on, come on and pinch Dudu's face! Come on, come on and pinch her face!"

No one answered them, Night Owl's beard disappeared, and so did the little villain!

From now on, the grove can no longer harbor filth and evil, and it can no longer be a place where crimes are committed outside the law.

However, some children were happy because of this, and some were a little sad because they had no use for doing bad things.

Time passed day by day, and soon the final exam finally arrived.

Thank you to book friend 20220413214848996 for the 30,000-coin reward, thank you to Little Flying Cat 001 for the 5,000-coin reward, thank you Jing Daojun for the 1,500-coin reward, and thank you to other book friends for the reward.

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