Dad Academy

Chapter 1242 Giving Clothes

"Come up quickly."

Xiaobai asked Xiaojun to follow him and go upstairs.

Xiaojun followed up "obediently". When he passed Xi'er who was standing against the wall, he didn't look away. Xi'er stared at him again and again in surprise, wondering if this Xiaojun was fake and the same as the one she just called. Not the same person.

"Why did you call me here?" Xiaojun asked doubtfully when he entered the house and saw several little girls there.

Before Xiao Bai could answer, Xi'er behind him couldn't wait, jumping up and down, pointing to a folded new dress on the coffee table and said: "This is for you, we are giving it to you, I wish you a happy new year." ."

Other children also chirped and said excitedly: "I wish you a happy New Year."

Xiaojun's eyes fell on the clothes, and then on the faces of several children, scanning them one by one. His serious little face finally relaxed a lot, but this was not enough for him to accept this inexplicable gift.

Although Xiaojun understood what was going on under Xiaobai's explanation, he still refused to accept it. He came up empty-handed and walked down empty-handed.

"I just want to play and don't want to work." The girlfriends looked at each other. They didn't expect it to be like this. They thought the children would be very excited and happy.

Liuliu said angrily: "Good guy~good guy~can't afford to play like a duck! This good guy!"

Since Xiaojun didn't want it, Xiaomi suddenly thought of seeing Xiaojun's grandfather in the guard box just now, and said, "Let's give the clothes to Xiaojun's grandfather and let him give them to Xiaojun."

At this time, Xiaobai once again sent Xier downstairs to find Xiaonian.

Xiaonian has arrived, and so has Shi Baobao. They are playing with building blocks, one and the other.

Xi'er slipped over from behind and patted Xiaonian on the shoulder. Xiaonian was so frightened that all the blocks fell over with a crash.

Xi'er was also shocked and quickly apologized: "I'm sorry~"

Both Shi Baobao and Xiaonian said it didn't matter, and they even asked Xi'er to play together.

"Come quickly, Xiaonian." Xi'er said.

Xiaonian was a little surprised, but she still followed, but when she learned that she was going to the third floor, she hesitated.

She had only been to Xiaobai's house once, so she was relatively unfamiliar with it, and the unfamiliar environment made her feel insecure.

However, with Xi'er's repeated assurances, Xiaonian still followed and entered the house. Suddenly a group of children jumped out and surrounded her and said, "I wish you a happy New Year, Xiaonian!"

Xiaonian looked confused, surprised and happy.

Xiaomi took out the new clothes and handed them into her hands. Xiaonian didn't know what it was or what it was for.

Xiaomi said: "The new clothes we bought for you are for you to wear during the New Year. I wish you a happy New Year and happiness every day."

Xiaonian was extremely surprised and asked in a low voice: "Did you give it to me?"

Xi'er jumped up and down and said excitedly: "It's for you. It's for you. It's for you."

Dudu was infected and jumped and said: "Try it now, wear it and try it."

Liliu shouted: "Take off her clothes, take off her clothes."

Xiaobai quickly said: "Don't be like this, don't be like this, let's not scare Xiaonian away."

Xiaonian was shy, with a red face, and lowered his head. He was shy, nervous, happy, and at a loss. It took him a while to recover, and he whispered: "Thank you."

The children's words made Xiaonian accept the gift and prepare to give it a try on the spot.

Zhang Tan kept his ears open to listen to what was going on outside. Suddenly, a child ran over, looked into the study, and said, "No peeking."

Then there was a bang, and the door to the study was closed tightly, leaving no room for room.

Zhang Tan is speechless, little carrot head! What’s there to see!

In the living room, several children surrounded Xiaonian, helping her dress up, and brought the little person to the floor-length mirror.

Xiaobai praised: "What a good baby."

Xiaomi said: "Xiaonian, you are so cute."

Liuliu said: "Xiao Nian's yellow hair is yellow."

Cheng Cheng said: "Many of the princesses in the story have yellow hair."

Dudu said: "I want to protect the princess! Look at the arrow."

Luoliu groaned, covered his chest, staggered, and struggled in the living room. It looked like he was about to die after being hit by an arrow, but in fact it was still early. He groaned for a long time, staggered for a long time, and still held a breath and refused. Hanging from the southeast branch!

Xi'er: "hiahiahiahiahia~"

Although Luoliu's performance was very exaggerated, the children loved it and burst into laughter. Even the shy Xiaonian was snickering.

As expected, only children understand children.

Xiaonian happily went downstairs holding a bag. The bag contained her new clothes.

Xiaobai and others also went downstairs. Before going out, Xiaobai opened the door of the study room and told the old man inside that they were going downstairs to play, and he could come out.

Zhang Tan was speechless again, feeling like he was in jail.

Several children ran into the yard, wandered around the guard box, and looked inside.

If only Lao Li was here, they would have rushed in long ago, but there was an extra Lao Feng tonight. For the children, Lao Feng is still very unfamiliar.

Lao Li spotted them and asked, "Is something wrong?"

Xiaomi ran away in a swish, Xiaobai stayed, waved to Lao Li and said: "Come here, Li Weibao, come here."

Lao Li walked out of the post, suddenly stopped, looked around warily, and asked: "Where is Dudu hiding?"

He suspected that this was an old trick played by children. After sending him away, he sent Dudu to run into the guard box to move things.

This trick is particularly effective against him, and he often falls for it.

"You Feng Baobao are still in there, I'm not afraid of you."

Lao Li followed Xiao Bai out with confidence and asked, "What's wrong? Do you want to whisper to me?"

Xiaobai handed him a bag, and Lao Li asked doubtfully: "What is this?"

Xiaobai said: "The clothes are dirty."

"Clothes? Did you give them to me?"

Lao Li was a little surprised. Unexpectedly, Xiao Bai shook his head and pointed to the guard box. Lao Li looked back and asked doubtfully: "Isn't it for Feng Baobao?"

Unexpectedly, Xiaobai nodded and said yes.

Lao Li couldn't help but feel jealous. Good guy, Lao Feng has just started working and he can receive gifts from children. He has worked here for several years and has never received such treatment!

Comparing people to each other is really infuriating.

At this time, Xiaobai said again: "Hahahaha, just kidding, Li Baibao, this is for Xiaojun. If Xiaojun doesn't want it, we will give it to his grandpa, and let his grandpa give it to Xiaojun."

Only then did Lao Li understand, and said, "Then go in and talk to Feng Shuabao. Come on, I'll take you in."

Xiaobai looked back at his friends, who burst into smoke and slipped away further.

"Shovel!" Xiaobai muttered and had no choice but to go in by herself. Under Lao Li's introduction, she met Lao Feng and gave the bag to him, saying, "It's for Xiaojun."

Lao Feng asked in surprise: "For Xiaojun?"

Xiaobai nodded and said, "They are new clothes. We bought them. Xiaomi, Liliu, Dudu, Xiwawa and Cheng Cheng and I bought them for her. I wish him a happy new year and I wish you a happy new year."

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