Dad Academy

Chapter 1192 The Story King is so awesome (1/2)

Chapter 1192 The Story King is so awesome (12)

PS: You can go watch the movie "I Am Sam". It is very touching. The little girl is very beautiful and cute.

Xin Xiaoguang came over and took a look at Zhang Tan on the way. He wanted to go into the office to talk to him about something, but seeing that he was very focused on typing words and didn't notice his arrival, he quietly left and closed the door for him.

Zhang Tan's fingers were flying, and pictures flashed through his mind. What he needed to do now was to translate these pictures into words and lens language.

The story of Sam and his daughter changed when his daughter entered elementary school. One time, the teacher called Sam to school and showed him a painting.

This painting caught the teacher's attention.

In the painting, the eldest daughter is holding the little Sam, as if Sam is the child who needs to be taken care of.

The teacher believed that the little girl was a smart child, but in order to accommodate her father's IQ, she deliberately refused to study and grow up.

The teacher raised a serious question to Sam: The little girl will be 8 years old tomorrow. Can Sam, who has an IQ of only seven years old at that time, still be able to take care of her?

"I have never doubted your love for her, but to take care of a child, love alone is not enough."

Sam not only doubted himself. In the days that followed, he discovered that his daughter was indeed deliberately accommodating him. For example, when reading fairy tales, her daughter would deliberately mispronounce the simplest words to take care of her father's feelings.

Sometimes, if you love someone, you have to let them go.

At their daughter's birthday party, staff from the children's agency found the father and daughter. They told Sam that he was not suitable to raise children and took their daughter away.

Sam shouted desperately from behind: "Today is her birthday! Today is her birthday!"

But the staff took his daughter away without looking back, and just like that, Sam began a "war" with the children's agency to compete for custody of his daughter.

The original story took place in the United States, so Zhang Tan needed to make adaptive changes.

Even so, he wrote very fast. By noon, he had written half of the outline of the script, which was nearly seven to eight thousand words.

He had lunch in the studio at noon. Seeing how busy he was, Xin Xiaoguang ordered takeout for him.

During the break of eating, Xin Xiaoguang had the opportunity to ask about the new script.

Zhang Tan briefly told him something. Xin Xiaoguang heard that Zhang Tan valued the show very much and wanted to talk to him about new comic ideas. He couldn't help but hold back and decided to discuss it with a few people in the studio.

Zhang Tan has taken a lot of care of the comic studio, and several popular comics are his creative ideas.

It's time to prove their worth, Xin Xiaoguang said in his heart.

In the afternoon, Zhang Tan continued to work hard in the studio until the alarm clock on his cell phone rang on his desk, reminding him that it was time to pick up the children from the elementary school.

It has been raining all day today, the sky is gloomy, depressing and clammy.

Zhang Tan went out and arrived at the elementary school. He got out of the car, held an umbrella, and stood at the door waiting for the school to end with other parents.

There are still five minutes left.

Many parents gathered at the door to pick up their children from school. A mother approached Zhang Tan and greeted him, saying that she was the mother of Xiaobai's classmate.

She knew Xiaobai and Zhang Tan, but Zhang Tan didn't know her.

Speaking of which, Zhang Tan was not familiar with the parents of Xiaobai's classmates, and barely knew any of them, except Ding Jiamin.

He suddenly realized this problem. He didn't seem to be fully integrated into Xiaobai's life, and he didn't know her study life well.

Thinking of this, he thought to himself, let's start from now on.

He chatted with the students' parents and inquired about Xiaobai's status at school.

Ring ring ring~~~~~

The school bell rang, and Zhang Tan saw groups of children pouring out of the classroom. When the parents of the students around him saw their children, they waved and walked forward.

Zhang Tan also saw Xiaobai. Walking with her was Xiaomi and two other boys, one of whom was Jiang Bin.

"Boss Zhang!" Jiang Bin was very polite and greeted Zhang Tan immediately.

"Jiang Bin, how are you going home?" Zhang Tan asked.

"My classmates and I took the subway."

"Be careful on the road there."

"Okay, please pick up Xiaobai and Xiaomi and go home. Bye, see you tomorrow."

Zhang Tan and others watched Jiang Bin and his classmates leave. Xiaobai told Zhang Tan that she would also take the subway to and from school in the future.

"You are still too young. Maybe you can wait until you are older. Let's go home. Xiaomi, come back to Little Red Horse with me."

Xiaomi smiled and pointed outside, just in time to see Ding Jiamin coming.

The two children waved goodbye.

"Xiaobai, let's go home too."

"Old man, have you had lunch?"

"Mr. Bai, don't worry, I'll eat it."

Because once Zhang Tan didn't have lunch at noon, Xiaobai found out, so she repeatedly told Zhang Tan that he must have lunch, he must eat, otherwise his stomach would hurt.

Because both Malanhua and Bai Jianping had stomach problems, Malanhua was more serious. She used to eat irregularly, which made stomach problems painful. Xiaobai knew this since she was a child.

Later, Zhang Tan missed lunch again. When Xiaobai learned about it, he immediately went into a rage and ran to the old man to give him a heartfelt lecture.

Classmate Xiaobai seemed a little suspicious of Zhang Tan's words, and said in a threatening tone: "Don't let me know that you haven't eaten, otherwise I will be angry."

"I really ate it. Xiaoguang bought me lunch. He can testify."

"Kang-kuang-kuang little light?"

"That's the one."

Xiaobai said that she would go back and ask Brother Xiaoguang. After all, she still didn't trust the old man.

The two got in the car and returned to Little Red Horse. Xiaobai ran to the studio immediately and looked for Xiaoguang everywhere.

In the evening, the rain still didn't stop, and it looked like it would rain all day and all night.

Zhang Tan held an umbrella and was about to go out to buy groceries. When he was about to cook, he realized that there was no food in the refrigerator.

Xiaobai was playing with Xierdudu in the classroom. In addition to them, there were several other children.

Just as he was about to get out of the little red horse, he saw Zhu Xiaojing and Liuliu running all the way down West Chang'an Street. The two of them didn't bring umbrellas, and it was still raining lightly in the sky.

Zhang Tan hurried over, held an umbrella for them, carried it to the little red horse, and then turned around to continue shopping for groceries.

The child Liuliu stopped him and said that in order to thank him for saving the car, he decided to reward him with a candy.

"Give me something to eat?" Zhang Tan was very surprised. My dear, it's not easy to get snacks from the pockets of children like Liuliu.

Of course, treats and the like don’t count.

Whether it's a treat to a children's massage parlor or a barbecue, Liuliu is always generous.

Of course it's generous, it's mom's money.

"Boss 666 Ya Zhang, you eat, I'll give it to you." Little Liuliu is actually quite polite. She knows how to thank others for helping her.

Zhang Tan suddenly thought, does the new drama also give Shen Liuliu a chance?

It seems that I promised to find a role for Liuliu before.

He took the candy, thanked the children Liuliu, and hurried to the wet market in Huangjia Village to buy vegetables and come back to cook.

In the evening, Xiaobai ran to the classroom on the first floor to play with the children, while Zhang Tan stayed at home and continued to write the script all night, trying to finish the synopsis of the script "I am Sam", now called "I am James", and the script tonight. Write out the main characters.

There are not many characters in this drama, and their relationships are very simple.

The route this drama takes is a warm one. The story is relatively simple but full of emotions.

I don't know when, Xiaobai came back and poked his head at the door of the study. When he was discovered by Zhang Tan, he burst into laughter.

"Come in, don't stand at the door." Zhang Tan looked away from the computer screen and smiled at Xiaobai.

"are you working?"

"Yeah, I'm writing a story."

"Are you a storyteller?"

"I'll count it too."

"Hahaha, you are so awesome. Will I disturb your work if I come in?"

"No, you can come in anytime."

Xiaobai then walked into the study, walked up to Zhang Tan, and curiously glanced at his computer, "What are you writing?"

"Do you want to watch? Stand over and watch."

Zhang Tan asked Xiaobai to stand directly in front of the computer screen, and then explained the story to her.

He originally wanted to explain the story to Xiaobai first, and then see her reaction and see if she was interested.

What he was thinking was that maybe Xiaobai could play the daughter in the play.

However, I never expected that before classmate Xiaobai finished listening to the story, she fell asleep in his arms.

It’s definitely not that the story isn’t nice.

Well, definitely not.

Going to school turns out to be so tiring!

Zhang Tan gently held the child in his arms and carried her back to the bedroom. After putting her on the bed, he stayed with her for a while. Seeing that she was sleeping soundly, he returned to the study again and continued to work hard all night...

The patter of rain outside turned into a patter, and the wind blew loudly, blowing the rain on the window glass. The temperature in the air seemed to have dropped a lot all of a sudden.

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