Dad Academy

Chapter 1191 My name is Zhan Er

This script was tailor-made for Zhang Yuyan. Zhang Yuyan’s acting skills are very good. The key is that he likes to study and challenge himself.

He can completely control ordinary ordinary characters, and the more difficult they are, the more they inspire his fighting spirit.

DiCaprio has played so many classic roles, and many of the movies he has participated in have achieved box office success, but he just can't win the Oscar or be recognized by the judges.

Until he starred in The Revenant.

A movie tailor-made for him, setting up a stage for him to show off his acting skills.

In this movie, he destroys his image and is no longer a handsome guy, but a middle-aged hunter with a scruffy beard and a bulging belly.

When he no longer paid attention to the external performance, he fully devoted himself to the role and showed the inner part of the role. Only then did he get his wish, stop running around, and get the first statuette in his life.

Charlize Theron's trajectory is quite similar to that of Leonardo DiCaprio. She has also appeared in many movies that have exploded both at the box office and in word-of-mouth. She is well-known, but she just can't win the Oscar.

Until she destroyed her image and appeared in "The Devil Wears Prada"...

Zhang Tan does not need Zhang Yuyan to destroy his image, but it is definitely completely different from his previous roles. This role is a huge challenge for him.

Thinking of this, Zhang Tan did not start writing the script, but pondered it in his mind for a while, and decided to chat with Zhang Yuyan first and listen to his opinions.

"Hello? Zhang Tan, Lao Zhang is participating in a brand event right now. It will end soon. Should I ask him to get back to you later?"

When Zhang Tan called, Zhang Yuyan was participating in a brand event. It happened to be halftime. He walked off the stage and was going to take a rest backstage.

"Hey, wait a minute, Zhang Tan, there's an intermission at Lao Zhang's event. Don't hang up yet. I'll give him my phone."

Chen Feiya covered her phone, met Zhang Yuyan, and handed the phone to him.

"Zhang Tan's."

Zhang Yuyan answered the phone and walked into the lounge under the guidance of his manager.

The agent wisely did not follow him in, but stood outside the door to help Zhang Yuyan block those who wanted to go in.

Chen Feiya did not follow. She guessed that Zhang Tan might want to discuss the new script with Lao Zhang.

This is her intuition.

She would ask in detail later after Lao Zhang finished the call.

Thinking of Zhang Tan's script, Chen Feiya couldn't help but be eager to try it. She was very looking forward to what kind of script Zhang Tan would write for Lao Zhang.

She stood guard at the door, chatting with her agent.

In the room, Zhang Yuyan listened to Zhang Tan's introduction and said in surprise: "A retarded person?"

Even though he was mentally prepared, he was still extremely surprised when he heard Zhang Tan said that the new role given to him was a retard.

He quickly searched in his mind. Which movie in his memory had a mentally retarded protagonist? Maybe not!

"He is considered mentally retarded. He only has the intelligence of a 7-year-old child." Zhang Tan said.

Zhang Yuyan quickly calmed down. Zhang Tan definitely wasn't here to tease him. He definitely had a comprehensive plan.

Who is Zhang Tan? Gold screenwriter! Who wouldn't want to work with him?

The more bizarre the character, the more Zhang Yuyan felt that there was much to be done in it.

He listened patiently to Zhang Tan's introduction...

"How's it going? Do you have the confidence to challenge yourself?" After the introduction, Zhang Tan asked with a smile on the other end of the phone.

Zhang Yuyan thought about it seriously and seemed to be hesitating. The hairs on his arms stood up and his hands were shaking a little.

It's not fear, it's not the cold weather!

This is the thrill of excitement!

A character who challenges his limits like never before!

This plot is very good, warm and humane, touching people's hearts.

Zhang Yuyan forgot how he answered Zhang Tan. When he reacted, the phone had been hung up.

He stared blankly at his phone in a daze.

Did he answer Zhang Tan's question? He suddenly became suspicious.

He forgot how he hung up the phone.

Zhang Yuyan was speechless to himself. He was in a daze. He couldn't remember whether he answered Zhang Tan's question and hung up the phone.

After much deliberation, he decided to call Zhang Tan again and tell him that he would play this role well.

But Zhang Tan smiled on the other end and said, he has already said it.

The door to the lounge was pushed open, and Chen Feiya poked her head in. Seeing that he had hung up his phone, she walked in, closed the door again, and asked, "What are we talking about? The new script?"

"New script."

When Zhang Yuyan said this, his eyes were bright, and he couldn't wait to share the good news with his girlfriend, as well as the strange but new role that filled him with the desire to challenge.

After Zhang Tan received Zhang Yuyan's affirmative reply, he started writing the script.

The new play he is going to write is called "I Am Sam."

Of course, you can't call it this name now.

"My name is Li Jun".

"My name is Lao Zhan"

"My name is Liu Li"

Any of these names are acceptable, but they must be very common and common names.

Sam's name among foreigners is common to the general public, similar to our previous names of "Tiedan", "Goudan", "Gou Sheng", "Cat Dan"...

Only ordinary people can show that the protagonist is an ordinary person, not even an ordinary person.

"My name is Zhang Zixin", "My name is Zhang Jinghan"... they definitely won't work.

Zhang Tan thought for a while and deleted "My name is Zhang Zixin", "My name is Zhang Jinghan", "My name is Li Jun"...

In the end, "My Name is Zhan Er" was left.

This name is so familiar and unsophisticated that one can immediately tell that the person with this name must not be a destined protagonist.

Zhang Tan's fingers were flying, typing quickly...

"My Name is Sam", now called "My Name is James", tells the story of Sam, a man with only 7-year-old intelligence, and his daughter.

Sam has been mentally retarded since childhood and has only the intelligence of a 7-year-old child. He has been working in a coffee shop for eight years and still cannot make coffee and is clumsy. Fortunately, the coffee shop owner was a kind-hearted person who tolerated his shortcomings and did not fire him.

In this way, Sam lived an ordinary life. Although he was poor, he was able to support himself.

Until one day, he took in a homeless girl and had a daughter with her.

Sam's happiness came suddenly. He thought he had a family and was going to be a father.

Finally, he had a daughter. When he was leaving the hospital with his daughter and his wife, his wife quietly blended into the crowd, abandoned them, and left alone.

She didn't want to start a family with a fool.

Sam held his newborn daughter in his arms and stood on the crowded street, looking around helplessly.

He had been happy just now, but now, he was filled with confusion.

He couldn't understand.

This father with an IQ of only 7 years old began to work hard to raise his daughter and be a good father...

However, he is too stupid.

He awkwardly breastfed on the bus, got up in the middle of the night to change diapers awkwardly, and was at a loss when faced with all kinds of milk powder in the supermarket...

Even the neighbors couldn't stand it anymore. They thought he was abusing the baby and called to question him.

Fortunately, the neighbor was kind-hearted and patiently told him how to take care of his daughter.

Sam works in a coffee shop during the day, and his neighbor helps him take care of his daughter.

Although Sam has an intellectual disability, he loves his daughter no less.

The daughter grew up day by day, and she became a beautiful, cute and smart girl. Her intelligence even surpassed that of Sam...

At one point, Sam said guiltily, I'm sorry.

The daughter held his hand and said, "It's okay, Dad, it's okay, no need to apologize. I'm very lucky. The fathers of other children don't want to accompany them to the park."

Sam clapped his hands and laughed happily like a child.

Soon, my daughter will go to elementary school...and a series of problems will follow.

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