Dad Academy

Chapter 1150 Don’t even let me say anything

Zhu Xiaojing's heart went crazy when she was stared at by Liuliu, and she felt that her little friend's eyes were glowing green at this moment.

"Liuliu, get up quickly. You didn't see anything. You saw it wrong. You are still sleeping and dreaming."

She went over to pull Liliu up and prevent her from squatting in front of the garbage basket.

Liuliu was confused, but he stood up obediently, raised his little head, and asked like a little white rabbit what was in the garbage basket?

"There's garbage in the trash can." Zhu Xiaojing said vaguely.

"I saw the little bear." Luoliu stretched out his fingers, bent his thumbs, and only raised four, "Four bottles."

"Where is the bear in the trash can?! You must have seen it wrong."

Liuliu thought about it and laughed. She didn't want her four bottles of Little Bear to lie neatly in the trash can and be consumed by others.

After listening to her mother's words, she seemed to feel relieved, and a big stone fell to the ground, but she still felt very depressed.

"There is no bear in the refrigerator! Where is my bear?" Liuliu asked. When she thought about the bear in the refrigerator missing, her heart was bleeding and she seemed to be in a trance.

"You've finished drinking. Have you forgotten? You drank the last bottle yesterday and it's gone. But don't worry, mom will buy you a few more bottles today and put them in the refrigerator. You can drink them when you want, okay? good?"

In order to divert Liliu's attention and prevent her from crying, Zhu Xiaojing is now particularly talkative.

Liuliu nodded, a little happy, "Okay!"

"Then have you brushed your teeth and washed your face? You go and brush your teeth and wash your face, I will squeeze out the toothpaste for you." Zhu Xiaojing said, pulling Liuliu to go to the bathroom, but suddenly Luoliu thought of something, broke away from her hand, and ran to the trash can On the side, he pointed to the full garbage basket and asked Zhu Xiaojing, what are the small sticks in it?

"Is it delicious?"

"It's not delicious! This is a stick. Mom uses it... emm, to weave bamboo baskets."

"Oh." Liuliu seemed to believe it, but instead of leaving, she grabbed a small root in her hand, put it in front of her nose, smelled it again and again, and praised, "It smells so fragrant~~~~It's delicious." .”

"Does it smell good?" Zhu Xiaojing pretended to be confused.

"Smell it." Luoliu handed the small stick to Zhu Xiaojing, who had no choice but to take it in his hand and smell it. Luoliu grabbed another one from the trash can and smelled it as if he was intoxicated.

"It's so dirty, it's almost lost." Zhu Xiaojing said.

"Hey~~ It's meaty!"

Suddenly, Liuliu noticed a piece of flesh hanging on the stick, emitting an intoxicating fragrance. She wiggled her little nose and kept sniffing.

"It's almost lost, it's almost lost, it's so dirty." Zhu Xiaojing was worried that she couldn't help but swallow the piece of meat in one gulp, so she took the small stick out of the durian's hand, threw it in the trash can, and then put the stick in the trash can. Pull out the garbage bag inside and tie it at the mouth.

"Liuliu, go and throw away the garbage bag."

This is not the first time for Liuliu to do this kind of work. In the past, Zhu’s mother would lure her to work with some food, so she was quite happy.

At this moment, Liuliu didn't ask her what to reward her with. Instead, she simply took the garbage bag in her hand and walked to the entrance, planning to go out and throw away the garbage downstairs.

Seeing this, Zhu Xiaojing breathed a sigh of relief. She finally managed to get over the clever durian. She was too careless last night! Forgot to put away the trash bags!

"Don't run when going down the stairs, walk slowly, you know?" Zhu Xiaojing told Liuliu from behind.

"Okay~" Liuliu replied without looking back.

Suddenly, while walking, she staggered and almost didn't fall. Fortunately, she held on to the wall in time, fluttered, and stood up again. After taking two steps, she couldn't hold on anymore. She staggered, and this time she fell directly. He fell to the ground, threw away the garbage bag, and tried to get up with his hands on the ground, but struggled twice and failed.

Zhu Xiaojing ran over and helped her up: "What's wrong? Liuliu, why did you fall suddenly?"


Luoliu looked at her and smiled, but in Zhu Xiaojing's eyes, the smile was so forced that it was uglier than crying.

Luoliu smiled and smiled, but suddenly she couldn't hold it any longer, and burst into tears. She looked up to the sky and opened her mouth. Tears flowed out from her eyes, nose and mouth unsatisfactorily...

"Don't even let me say anything, ugh~~~~~~"

She saw another skewer of meat!

Just like the stick in the garbage bag!

That skewer of meat fell into the entrance hall!

Her little heart suddenly seemed to be broken!

Finally she couldn't turn a blind eye!

She finally stopped forcing a smile!

She finally stopped pretending not to know!

She finally stopped deceiving herself into believing her mother's words!

She finally doesn’t have to pretend to be strong anymore!

She is no longer a strong little pomegranate!

She...she just wanted to cry louder!

Mother Zhu’s comfort no longer works!

It’s useless for anyone to comfort the little baby! !

This is not a problem that four bottles of Cubs can solve!

This is not a matter of avoiding her stealing meat skewers!

It's a matter of trust and love!

So, love disappears, right?

Zhu Xiaojing's comfort and coaxing didn't work anymore.

Liuliu cried miserably.

She originally helped Liliu up, but at this moment, Liliu's body was like a clay doll, and she sat limply on the ground again.

Liuliu simply lay on the ground, rolling around, crying~~~

Seeing all this, Zhu Xiaojing began to have a headache. At the same time, a sentence popped into her mind: What a human-shaped mower.

When she was still thinking about how to comfort Liliu, the doorbell rang.

She stepped over the rolling pomegranates, looked out through the peephole, and then quickly opened the door.

Standing outside the door is the old lady next door!

"What's wrong? I heard Liuliu crying."

After the door opened, the crying became louder. Zhu Xiaojing stepped aside, and the old woman saw the heartbroken Liuliu, who was crying, and immediately came over to hug her...and help her up.

Seeing that she had a backer, Liuliu immediately began to cry out her grievances and accuse Zhu's mother and A'Piao's father of their evil deeds!

"They, they, they secretly ate a lot of meat! They didn't call me! They didn't even let me squeak!" Liuliu cried, hiccupping as he spoke, and he was already choking from crying.

The old lady spoke for her and echoed that they were going too far, how could they treat children like this!

Liuliu then complained: "They even drank all my little bears!! Ah——"

Thinking of this, Liliu became even more heartbroken and in pain.

Zhu Xiaojing couldn't help but said: "Don't cry, talk to me if you have anything to say, you are a strong little pomegranate. It's my fault that I drank your little bear. The main reason is that there was nothing to drink last night, so I borrowed your little bear to drink." , I will compensate you later. As for not calling you Sui Rourou, it is because you fell asleep last night. How could I wake you up if you were asleep? If you were awake, I would definitely I’ll call you to say something!”

Pomegranate cried and said, "Everything you say is a lie. The strong little Pomegranate can't be strong~"

The old lady took Liliu to her house and said she had a bear drink at home.

Liuliu said harsh words to Zhu Xiaojing, saying that she would always be angry with her and never make peace with her again.

Zhu Xiaojing watched Liuliu go to her neighbor's house, feeling a headache.

She saw a bunch of meat skewers dropped on the floor in the entrance hall. Apparently Shen Limin dropped it on the ground without paying attention last night.

She looked back in the direction of the bedroom, and Shen Limin was still sleeping! Didn't you hear such a loud noise?

She walked to the bedroom menacingly...

As soon as she opened the door, she saw Shen Limin sitting beside the bed, fully dressed, looking at her and smiling.

"I heard it all and didn't dare to go out." Shen Limin said. His status is far inferior to that of Zhu Xiaojing. It will not be of much use if he goes out to coax Luoliu. Moreover, if Luoliu sees him, he will regard him as an accomplice. Then the image of a good father that he has worked hard for so long will be ruined.

Zhu Xiaojing was speechless, but agreed.

The two got together to discuss countermeasures. As they talked, Zhu Xiaojing complained to Shen Limin that he didn't even know if a skewer fell out of the entrance! If it hadn't been for the mutton skewers, she would have successfully coaxed Liuliu, and she wouldn't have had this early morning incident.

Although Liliu was no longer at home, they couldn't keep leaving Liliu there, and they had to give an explanation.

So, Shen Limin came forward and prepared to negotiate terms with Liuliu.

The reason why he went was, firstly, because Zhu Xiaojing was already a bad guy in the eyes of Liuliu, and secondly, Shen Limin had never had a status in Liuliu's heart. If he negotiated terms with him, Liuliu would feel that he had taken advantage.

Shen Limin knocked on the door, and the door opened. It was the old lady.

The old lady pointed to the restaurant and said that Liuli was having breakfast.

Shen Limin quickly expressed his gratitude and apology, entered the door, and walked over to take a look. Good guy, little Shen Liuliu had his head buried in the bowl and was eating deliciously.

She felt someone coming, looked up and saw Father Shen.

She threw away the spoon, pushed the rice bowl, and started crying again...

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