Dad Academy

Chapter 1149: My stomach turned in anger

"It's useless for you to be so loud. You just owe your sister 15 bowls of rice." Tan Jin'er said calmly, ignoring Xi'er's excitement. The little girl started yelling loudly.

Xi'er: "Huh! ╭(╯^╰)╮"

Tan Jin'er walked towards the kitchen and told Xi'er at the same time: "I'm going to cook. Get ready and eat more tonight."

Xi'er: "..."

"There are the glutinous rice dumplings you like to eat, stuffed with meat."

Upon hearing this, Xi'er jumped up and down excitedly, followed Tan Jin'er into the kitchen, and proudly said that she could eat more tonight!

She has confidence again.

"Then have one more bowl."


"Then it's settled, you'll have three bowls of rice tonight."


"You said you should eat one more bowl. If you add the two bowls you were going to eat, wouldn't that be three bowls?"

"...Sister, sister, did you make a mistake?"

"That's right, I recorded everything for you."

In the evening, Xi'er came late.

If she doesn't come again, Xiaobai will call and ask if she is lost.

"Xi'er is sick."

"Xi'er walks slowly. She must have a stomachache."

"Let's ask her."

General Hengha, Liuliu and Dudu were playing in the yard and immediately spotted Xi'er walking towards them with small steps.

Xi'er held her belly in her hands, had a sad face, and walked like an old lady.

Liuliu and Dudu came up to ask her, and she said she wasn't sick, and there was no other reason than that she had eaten too much for dinner.

Then she complained a little to her sister, who told her not to eat, but she insisted on eating the third bowl!

Liuliu's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he had a better impression of Tan Jin'er!

She really wants a good sister like Sister Xier.

She couldn't help but dream about it and have wild imagination.

She wanted to make better friends with Tan Jin'er, so she waited and waited, but she never waited for Tan Jin'er to arrive.

She even told Xi'er to call her sister over.

Liuliu was finally picked up by her father, and she was a little unhappy along the way. While thinking about Sister Xier, she looked at Father Shen next to her, ugh~~

The kid sighed.

Shen Limin asked curiously: "Liuliu, why are you sighing? What's wrong? Are you worried?"

Liuliu sighed again and said, "When will mom give me a sister? I really want a sister, like Xi'er's sister."

Shen Limin: "...even if my mother has another child, she is not an older sister, but a younger sister. You are the older sister."

"You just don't want to give me a sister! Humph!"

After returning home, Liuliu immediately ran to find her mother. Her mother was taking a shower. She knocked on the door and kept trying to get in. When she found that she couldn't push it away, she stood outside and discussed with Zhu's mother inside about when to give her a baby. Sister.

Zhu Xiaojing was speechless for such a silly child.

This is not the first time that Liuliu has mentioned the matter of having a sister. She has mentioned it a long time ago.

Zhu Xiaojing did not agree at the time.

Later, Shen Limin became interested and wanted to have a second child to give Liliu a younger brother or younger sister to keep him company.

But Zhu Xiaojing objected.

She had just gotten on the right track at work and was on the rise in her career, so she didn't want to waste it.

Moreover, in the first few years, she suffered a lot while carrying pomegranates, which left her with a psychological shadow and she did not want to suffer this kind of pain again.

What if the newborn baby is more naughty than a pomegranate?

Even if he is not as naughty as Liliu, but is just as naughty as Liliu, that is enough for her to drink a pot.

One pomegranate has already made this family crazy and exhausted her physically and mentally. How about another one? ? ? Wouldn't that mean the world would fall apart?

If it's a baby like Xi'er, Zhu Xiaojing might consider it.

Luliu didn't get the consent, so she angrily lay on the sofa to calm down. Her mother told her to get up, wash her face, brush her teeth, take a shower and go to bed.

But once a durian falls asleep, it can't be woken up even by thunder.

Her sleep has always been of high quality and efficiency, and ordinary people cannot achieve her level of sleep.

No matter how Zhu Xiaojing yelled at her to beat her, she wouldn't wake up!

If he didn't know her well, Zhu Xiaojing would have thought she was in a coma.

"If she has a boyfriend in the future, she must tell her boyfriend first, otherwise she will think something happened to her." Zhu Xiaojing said.

Shen Limin picked up Liuliu from the sofa and put him in the bedroom. As he walked, he said, "Boyfriend? He doesn't exist. This is my little pig."

Although Liuliu is naughty and clever, Shen Limin still loves her.

He couldn't put it down because of his liveliness and his cute and clever appearance.

After covering Liuliu with the quilt, Shen Limin came out of the bedroom gently. Zhu Xiaojing was blowing her hair. He walked over, took the hair dryer, and stood behind Zhu Xiaojing to blow her hair.

Zhu Xiaojing enjoyed this moment and sighed as she looked at Lao Shen in the mirror. Although they were once separated, although they had quarrels, and even thought about divorce, they survived everything.

"I'm a little hungry." With an empty stomach, Zhu Xiaojing said. She got off work late today and worked overtime, so she just ate something.

"I'm ordering takeout." Shen Limin said.

"Just go to the barbecue restaurant downstairs and buy some. It's quick."

"Then I'll go now."

"Well, hey, will eating barbecue make you gain weight?"

Zhu Xiaojing was a little worried. She pinched her belly quietly, and there was a lot of fat.

She originally had a slightly chubby body shape, which was the same body shape when she was carrying her alone. Now her work and life are much better than before. She has a broad heart, a fat body, and has gained weight.

"It's not like overeating. You won't gain weight. This is a normal intake." Shen Limin said, changing his shoes at the entrance and getting ready to go out.

"Then buy less."

Shen Limin went to a barbecue restaurant outside the community to buy some meat skewers and other things, and arranged them for Zhu Xiaojing when he returned home.

"I bought too much. Let's eat together. I can't finish it by myself." Zhu Xiaojing said.

The two of them sat down to eat barbecue, and Zhu Xiaojing said, "Is there anything to drink in the refrigerator?"

Shen Limin stood up and opened the refrigerator. In addition to mineral water, there was Little Bear drink.

"Want mineral water or bear drink?"

"The Little Bear drink is made from pomegranate. She will definitely be angry if she drinks it. However, the mineral water has no taste and is not worthy of barbecue, so I'd better drink Little Bear."

Shen Limin took two bottles of Little Bear, and he and Zhu Xiaojing each had one bottle.

Zhu Xiaojing inserted the straw and took a bite of the kebab first, then took a big sip of the bear drink and praised: "It tastes really good. No wonder children like it."

Shen Limin quickly looked at Liuliu's bedroom and reminded: "Keep your voice down, don't let Liuliu know, otherwise it won't end."

The two of them lowered their voices, finished their supper, drank the last four bottles of Bear drinks in the refrigerator, tidied up briefly, brushed their teeth and washed their faces, then went to sleep.

The next morning, Liliu slept until dawn. She went to bed early last night and got up earlier this morning. She woke up before seven o'clock, rolled on the bed for a while, then got out of bed, opened the door and went out.

She first went to the kitchen to take a look, and saw that the kitchen was deserted, without any smoke and smoke. Zhu's mother hadn't gotten up to make breakfast yet.

She ran to the bedroom door, knocked loudly, and shouted: "Mother Zhu, Mother Zhu! I'm hungry, let's cook! I want to eat! Someone help me~~~~~~"

She shouted for a while, until Zhu Xiaojing's roar came from inside: "Know! Know! La!"

Luoliu was afraid of being beaten, so she stopped. She finally left the door, stood up on tiptoes, opened the refrigerator, stretched her neck and looked at the top of the refrigerator. She knew there was a bear drink there, but she couldn't get it.

However, now that Zhu’s mother was still sleeping, she decided to give it a try, brought a small stool, stepped on it, stretched her neck and looked inside, but it was empty!

Pomegranates: o(TωT)o

"Where's my little bear? Where's my little bear???? Ah——"

Liuliu got down from the stool angrily and ran to knock on the door again, "Mother Zhu, Mother Zhu, where is my little bear? Where are the little bears that I am so hot???"

Zhu Xiaojing was agitated in the bedroom and woke up instantly. She planned to stabilize Liuliu first: "Liuliu, don't be anxious yet. Mommy got up and got dressed and came to take a look."

"Hurry up~~~"

Luoliu was hurriedly wandering around the living room. Suddenly, her eyes fell on the garbage basket in the corner!

She seemed to have seen a bear!

She ran over and rummaged through the trash can, and sure enough she saw four bottles of Bear drinks lying neatly there!

All empty!

"What's this?"

Luoliu picked up a bag with many small sticks in it. She held it in front of her eyes, looked at it carefully, and smelled it...

Zhu Xiaojing came out of the bedroom and saw her squatting in the corner not knowing what she was doing, so she asked: "Liuliu, what are you doing?"

Liuliu turned her head, →_→, staring straight at Mother Zhu, which made Mother Zhu feel scared.

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