Dad Academy

Chapter 1112 Wang Xiaoyu is here, come and see the ducks

Wang Xiaoyu, whom he hadn't seen for a long time, appeared again in the Little Red Horse Academy one evening.

This child was very happy, carrying big and small bags, and a backpack on his body. As soon as he entered the school, he shouted, "Uncle, I'm here~~"

He didn't call Zhang Tan, but instead called Zhao Chendu's little friend who was patrolling everywhere.

With a whoosh, Miss Zhao seemed to emerge from the ground and appeared in front of him in an instant, startling him.

Wang Xiaoyu was just about to take out an ice cream for Dudu to eat, but Dudu ran away and rushed to the classroom, shouting loudly, "Pang Liuliu - Wang Xiaoyu is here - Wang Xiaoyu is here again - he took a lot of things!" Fat pomegranate, come out and watch the ducks~~~~

Wang Xiaoyu immediately thought of Shen Liuliu, and his expression changed. The chubby girl was particularly difficult to deal with, and he was a little scared.

He wanted to sneak upstairs, secretly, but as soon as he climbed the steps, he heard loud laughter from behind him. When he looked back, he saw Dudu leading Liliu.

"Wang Xiaoyu! Wang Xiaoyu!!! My good friend Duck, hahahaha~~666~~" Liuliu was full of enthusiasm, like a little sun, making people feel at home.

"Wang Xiaoyu! Our good friend~" Dudu also imitated Liuliu in speaking, with a friendly smile on his face. He stepped forward and grabbed Wang Xiaoyu's hand, shook it, and gave him comradely enthusiasm.

The three of them entered Zhang Tan's house and sat around the coffee table, eating snacks brought by Wang Xiaoyu and chatting.

Wang Xiaoyu is a miserable primary school student. He has heavy homework and no rest on weekends. He has to attend various cram schools, including hip-hop, piano, calligraphy, music, and writing... He is exhausted.

When Wang Xiaoyu said this, he sighed heavily and collapsed on the ground, exhausted both physically and mentally.

"What about you, Xiaobai?" He thought that Xiaobai, who was sitting across from him, was also a primary school student. They should have a common language.

Xiaobai pinched a plum and thought it was too sour. He didn't want to eat it, so he stuffed it into the mouth of Liuliu who wanted to talk, and said, "There's so much homework, I'm bored to death."

After saying that, the little friend quickly glanced at Zhang Tan in the distance and felt relieved when he saw that he had not heard her.

Liuliu, who was eating plums on the side, said happily that she didn't need to do her homework, hahaha, happy! So I pinched another gummy bear and kept it ready.

Wang Xiaoyu finally found "the same fallen person at the end of the world", and he and Xiaobai poured out their hearts and souls, poured out their bitterness, talked about how they were doing, and asked Xiaobai if he was like this too.

"Did my uncle also ask you to participate in many interest classes?" Wang Xiaoyu asked. He had seven or eight interest classes in total. There was only one he really liked. His parents signed up for the others. He couldn't go. .

Wang Xiaoyu now attends classes seven days a week, Monday to Friday, and attends one interest class a day after dinner in the evening. On weekends, when school does not have classes, he mainly attends interest classes.

"No rest~~~~"

Xiaobai said that she did not need to participate in interest classes.

"you do not need???"

"No need, hohoho~~~"

"You have it, Xiaobai, you have it." Although Liuliu has been working hard to eat and has not participated in the conversation, it does not mean that the little friend is not paying attention. For example, now, she has discovered Xiaobai's mistake, "You practice sword Woolen cloth."

Xiaobai remembered, yes, she was still practicing swordsmanship, and Luoliu was practicing wrestling.

"In addition to practicing swordsmanship, do you have anything else to do?" Wang Xiaoyu asked.

Xiaobai said no more, just practice swordsmanship.

"Then why are you going there on the weekend?" Wang Xiaoyu asked reluctantly.

"Playing~~~" Xiaobai answered simply.

Wang Xiaoyu found it unimaginable. At the same time, as a primary school student, why should he go to class every day and Xiaobai play every day?

He looked at Liuliu and Dudu beside him. They both nodded and agreed, "Play duck."

Wang Xiaoyu fell to the ground and lay on his back, lamenting endlessly. Why was he the only one who had to do so much homework and attend so many interest classes? ?

Several children were having a tea party. Zhang Tan came over and asked, "Xiaoyu, have you finished your homework today? If not, go ahead and do it, and take Xiaobai with you by the way."

Wang Xiaoyu rolled on the ground and finally got up after a while and said: "Tomorrow is the weekend!"

"Don't you want to join interest classes on weekends? You won't have time to do homework." Zhang Tan said.

Wang Xiaoyu and Xiaobai were rushed to the study room to do their homework by Zhang Tan. When Liuliu and Dudu saw them, they immediately got up, grabbed two handfuls of melon seeds, peanuts, gummy bears and so on, and hurried out. They were worried that they would be beaten by Boss Zhang if they were late. Rush to the study room to do homework.

Wang Xiaoyu came here this time not only to be a guest at Little Red Horse, but also to invite Xiaobai to Qin Huifang's house tomorrow. If he went alone, Zhang Hui would be frightened, so he hoped to call Xiaobai and have a few companions to embolden him.

Zhang Tan and Xiaobai hadn't visited their uncle and aunt for a while, so the next day he took Wang Xiaoyu and Xiaobai as guests.

Zhang Hui went to work. Even though it was the weekend, for him, there were no concepts of rest days and working days 365 days a year. He could get into work at any time if something happened.

When Wang Xiaoyu saw that his grandfather was not at home, he immediately came to life. He spoke louder, walked briskly, ran up and down, chased ducks and chickens, and played more happily than Xiaobai.

If Zhang Hui were here, he would immediately become visibly depressed and speak in a soft voice.

Qin Huifang cooked at noon, and Zhang Tan helped. Zhang Mingxue did not come back. It was said that she went shopping with friends for dinner and would not come back until evening.

After lunch, Zhang Tan left Wang Xiaoyu and Xiaobai here while he rushed to attend the script bidding meeting.

He didn't tell Qin Huifang about it, there was no need.

Chen Bin called him yesterday. The finalists have been announced. "Dark Blood" and two other works have been shortlisted. Today, he will attend a script presentation held by the bidding unit to evaluate the final selected works.

When Zhang Tan arrived at the agreed place, Chen Bin had already arrived, along with two young men, a boy and a girl.

Chen Bin introduced that he was the assistant he had hired. Zhang Tan would be the one who would mainly explain things to everyone later. As for him, he was just a helper.

There is no director for this project yet, so only two screenwriters, Chen Bin and Zhang Tan, are on board.

When Chen Bin said this, he had been quietly paying attention to Zhang Tan's expression, and he couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that he didn't show any unpleasantness or dissatisfaction.

He specially selected two young people who had just joined the job not long ago in order to avoid misunderstandings from Zhang Tan. If they were experienced screenwriters, Zhang Tan might think that he was interfering in the project. After all, if he won the bid, Zhang Tan will decide how to set up the screenwriting team when the project is approved.

Although everyone had not started discussing this topic at all, based on Zhang Tan's past style, Chen Bin knew that he and the business department did not have much say in the matter of screenwriting, so he should leave everything to Zhang Tan.

In fact, Zhang Tan has always done well and has guaranteed results, so Chen Bin just goes along with the flow. Why fight for this power? Let Zhang Tan be responsible.

Chen Bin still has selfish motives. There are so many screenwriters in the studio, such as the script review team, who are all young screenwriters who have just joined the job. Which two people should be chosen to be Zhang Tan's assistants? The two he chose can be said to be his junior students, they graduated from the same university, and he personally went to his alma mater to recruit them.

Zhang Tan doesn't care about these little thoughts at all. As long as it doesn't touch his principles and doesn't affect the project, he is too lazy to take care of it and can't take care of it at all. When the water is clear, there will be no fish.

He was familiarizing himself with the presentation and mumbling words in preparation for the upcoming screenplay selection.

Chen Bin and the other two screenwriters saw this and did not dare to disturb him. They sat aside to familiarize themselves with the business in silence.

They arrived early, and the other two groups of screenwriters came in one after another. The leader of one group was a middle-aged man who had been famous for a long time. After entering the conference room, he took the initiative to say hello to Chen Bin. Then he saw Zhang Tan and took the initiative to say hello. A few words, quite respectful in their words.

The screenwriters in the third group are all young people. The leader is a woman. She looks like she is in her late twenties, and her dress and style are very capable. After coming in, she nodded and said hello to Chen Bin and the middle-aged man. , without even looking at Zhang Tan and the others. They sat in the corner, gathered together, and started making final preparations on their laptops.

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