Dad Academy

Chapter 1111 Poisoned by Xiwawa

Zhang Tan and Xiaobai came back from dinner. As soon as they entered the little red horse, they heard Xi'er's unique laughter. The little friend smiled very happily.

Zhang Tan is a top-notch screenwriter and has a very strong imagination. Based on the laughter, he automatically pictured Xi'er's proud and smug little face in his mind. He must have nostrils in the air, head and tail wagging, and a lively look.

Xiaobai swooshed, followed the sound, and ran away from Zhang Tan.

Zhang Tan was not in a hurry, and looked at Lao Li who was drinking tea in the open air, and then looked up at the night sky. The moonlight was dim tonight, and the drizzle was much lighter, but it was still falling.

"Don't sit outside when it rains."

Lao Li was leisurely and leisurely, filling up his tea cup slowly and saying with his fork: "It's very artistic. If you don't understand, you can go back."

Tsk~~~ Zhang Tan endured it, but couldn't hold it back and said, "I'm worried about your rheumatism."

Lao Li muttered a few times and ignored him, but when Zhang Tan left, he looked around and saw no one was paying attention, so he stood up, beat his knees, and returned to the post with the teacup and teapot.

In the classroom, Zhang Tan spotted Xi'er at a glance. She was surrounded by several little friends, such as Xiao Nian, Shi Baobao, Xiao Zheng Zheng, and Xiao Youyou. They were all about the same size as her, or even younger than her. 's little one.

Only in front of these little ones, Xi'er will not be a little tail, will not be disliked, and will not have no one to play with her.

Xiaobai is also there.

Xi'er held a photo album in her hand and happily showed it to her friends, introducing it very enthusiastically.

Xiaobai stood behind Xiaonian and Xiaoyouyou, stood on tiptoes, stretched his neck forward, and asked loudly: "Xiwawa, who are you trying to strangle?"

Xi'er laughed before answering.

"hiahiahia, guess what."

"It's you."

"hiahiahia, Xiaobai, you are quite smart."


When Xi'er turned down a page, Xiaobai exclaimed: "Xi'er, you are so good~"

"Guai" in Sichuan dialect means pretty and cute.

Xiao Bai was praising Xi'er for being beautiful and cute. Zhang Tan couldn't help but be curious and walked over. He stood behind Xiao Bai and looked forward. His eyes lit up and he saw Xi'er and Tan Jin'er in the photo album, wearing beautiful clothes. The aqua-green costume dress has a fluttering belt and a fairy air, just like a fairy who sneaks out to play in a fairy tale.

This cosplay is awesome.

"Show me~"

Zhang Tan stretched out his big hand and took away the photo album from Xi'er's hand. A group of children immediately shouted, accusing him of not caring for children and grabbing their photos!

Zhang Tan immediately realized his mistake, quickly returned the photo album to them, and apologized.

Good guy, it's like stealing the monkey wine from the monkey group.

Fortunately, Liuliu and Dudu are not here, otherwise it would be a hornet's nest.

"Can you show it to me when you're done?"

Zhang Tan did the next best thing, satisfying the children first, and then it was his turn.

He thought it would be soon, so he waited aside. As a result, one child left and another two came, but there was always someone there.

Xi'er welcomed all comers warmly. She repeated the same actions and words over and over again, enjoying it endlessly and being in high spirits. Zhang Tan couldn't help but worry that this little girl wouldn't wet the bed at night.

Finally, when there were fewer people, only Zhao Xiaochun was left watching. Zhang Tan thought to himself that it was his turn this time, but suddenly, a little dot ran up from a distance. When he looked closely, it was Dudu. Behind her was the panting little plastic sister Shen Liuliu.

The thing that worried Zhang Tan the most happened! Heng Ha, the second generation arrived, chattering around Xi'er, asking to see photos.

"Let's watch it again, let's watch it again~"

What Liliu said made Zhang Tan even more angry. It turned out that he had seen it and then came back again! He couldn't fight with the children, so he also gathered around, intending to stand behind him and silently watch from the beginning with Liuliu Dudu, but!

However, child Shen Liuliu covered the photo album with her hands, turned back and glared at him, but she refused to let him see it! She said she would wait until they finished reading before showing it to him. This is a little girl!

This annoying little fat girl!

Zhang Tan simply went home first and went downstairs later to catch Xi'er and ask for photos. The image of Xi'er and Jin'er in aqua-green ancient dresses appeared in his mind. They were quite cute. He didn't know what Xiaobai would look like in them. Maybe it would be more suitable for Xiaobai to carry a long sword. They have a heroic appearance and a sword fairy. white!

The relationship between Zhao Xiaochun and the children in Xiaohongmali has improved a lot, and they are no longer the kind of people they used to be who would not approach strangers. This time when Xi'er brought a photo album, he took the initiative to ask to admire it, which was impossible before. In the past, if he really wanted to see it, he would just grab it.

Zhao Xiaochun praised it a few times after reading it, and he couldn't forget it all night long. He was extremely envious of Xi'er. After thinking about it, he didn't expect that he had a photo with his parents.

He doesn’t even have a few pictures!

I don't remember taking any pictures.

When he got home in the evening, even though it was very late, he still rummaged around, trying to find a photo of the three members of his family together. But apart from digging out his parents' wedding photos and a photo of himself just one month old, there was nothing else.

Even the wedding photos of his parents were very simple and plain, far less beautiful than the Xi'er and her sister we saw today.

However, he liked it very much. He turned it over and over in his hand for a long time, and then secretly put it back until he was about to go to sleep.

As for the photo of him when he was one month old, he looked left and right and couldn't tell it was him. Some people believed it even if they said it was Liuliu.

After school the next day, he looked at the shops on the side of the road and found a photo studio called "Xiaoshiguang". He lingered outside for a long time and saw two groups of people entering and exiting. Finally, he braved the courage to go in...

"Why did you come back so late today?" Zhao Xiaochun returned home. Zhao Rongli was cooking in the kitchen. When he heard the noise, he went out and stood at the door to ask.

Zhao Xiaochun usually gets home after school at 5:30 at the latest, but today it was already past 6:00.

Zhao Xiaochun is in the second grade of elementary school. He goes to and from school alone and no longer needs his parents to send him to school.

Zhao Rongli was discharged from the hospital not long ago, and his body has not fully recovered. He continues to rest at home and will not return to work next month. Now at home, he is responsible for cooking and taking care of Zhao Xiaochun.

Zhao Xiaochun said that he was playing with his classmates for a while on the road, so he was a little late. He immediately ran back to his small room with a bang, closed the door tightly, and found Xiaozhu on the simple small desk. The piggy bank shook and shook, and there was a clattering sound inside. It had been deposited for more than two years. It contained a lot of coins and some banknotes.

He hesitated for a long time, and finally smashed the piggy bank, scattering coins and banknotes all over the floor. He sat on the floor and forgot to take off the schoolbag on his back, so he kept it on his back, lowering his head and concentrating on counting the money.

Zhao Rongli's voice sounded outside the door, calling him to come out for dinner.

"I'll eat later, I'm not hungry." Zhao Xiaochun said, speeding up the counting of money, and counted it once, 305 yuan and 65 cents. After calculation, it was enough to take a photo!

The money problem was solved, but how to convince his parents to take photos together was a bigger problem.

The easiest way is of course to tell his parents directly, but as a little man, he is very embarrassed and always feels that taking pictures is something that only little girls like Xier do.

He had always regarded himself as a little man, and was unwilling to play with the little ones at Little Red Pony Academy. He only liked to tease them. It was only after this incident that he changed slightly, but his nature was difficult to change.

Since you can't say it directly, how about saying it tactfully? But he won't.

Zhao Xiaochun was so troubled by this question that he suddenly thought, why did he want to take a family photo so much? ? ? He actually dropped the small piggy bank he had saved for two years! ! !

Zhao Xiaochun was about to cry but had no tears. He felt that he was possessed by a demon and that Xi'er had cast a spell on him. What kind of photos could he take? ! ! !

The piggy bank fell and he had nothing to put the coins and banknotes in. So he temporarily found a film bag used for grocery shopping and poured them all into the bag. It was heavy and very weighty. He put it under his pillow, thinking he had put it down, but before going to bed, he was still thinking about how to convince his parents to take photos without anyone noticing.

Ah - he felt like he was really poisoned by Xiwawa!

Thank you everyone for your rewards, thank you for the 110,000 coins reward for grabbing your lollipop. The third Silver Alliance in this book is born, thank you, boss! It is definitely necessary to add more updates, but you need to give some time to save the manuscript.

At the same time, the 53rd cute protagonist of this book was also born, our Mazi brother "|In the dream, who knew he was a guest|"! Hey, I have to add more updates. You have to give me time to save the manuscript.

Thank you to A Guhungk for the 10,000-coin reward, thank you to the Wasteland Warrior for the 5,000-coin reward, and thank you all for the reward! ! !

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