Dad Academy

Chapter 1089 The teacher is coming for a home visit

Wang Na took Zhao Xiaochun to the hospital, and Zhao Rongli was indeed awake. He lay on the bed, his eyes dazed, and the bed next to him was empty again.

"Where are the people here?" Wang Na came in carrying a lunch box and asked.

Upon hearing the sound, Zhao Rongli turned his head and looked at her and his son Zhao Xiaochun, with a smile on his face, and then sighed and said, "He passed away in the early morning."

"Ah?!" Wang Na was shocked and stared at the bed again. The old man with a sallow complexion had just arrived the day before yesterday, and he had disappeared just a few days ago.

She didn't dare to think too much and quickly changed the topic, fearing that Zhao Rongli would lose his fighting spirit when he thought of her.

"The broth is stewed. I'll help you sit up and drink some."

"No, I can sit up by myself."

He leaned on his elbows and sat on the head of the bed, smiling at Zhao Xiaochun: "Xiaochun, why didn't you go to school today?"

Zhao Xiaochun stood at the end of the bed and replied: "I'm asking for leave."

"Don't ask for leave, study is important, just go in the afternoon."

Zhao Xiaochun didn't answer. Wang Na poured a small bowl of broth from the thermos, stirred it evenly with a spoon, blew in the hot air, and sat on the bedside to feed Zhao Rongli.

Zhao Rongli took the spoon and asked to drink it by himself without being fed. Although he was sick, he was still in good health and had no serious symptoms. If he hadn't been diagnosed by the hospital, he wouldn't have thought of this at all.

"Are they Zhao Rongli's family members?" the doctor came to the door and asked.

"Hey, I am." Wang Na replied.

"Come with me for a moment."


Wang Na put down the bowl and spoon, got up and left the hospital, telling Zhao Xiaochun to stay here to take care of his father.

"Doctor, has my husband's condition changed?" Wang Na asked nervously when they arrived in the corridor.

"Oh, that's not true. Your husband's condition is relatively stable and has not worsened. I called you here to discuss his treatment plan with you."

Wang Na breathed a sigh of relief.

After she left, Zhao Rongli waved to Zhao Xiaochun and let him drink the broth.

"I'm full. If you're sick, you can eat." Zhao Xiaochun said, but hesitated.

"what you want to say?"

"...You, will you die?"

At noon, Zhao Rongli fell asleep, and Zhao Xiaochun was also lying in the ward, sleeping soundly. He was lying on the hospital bed next to him, where the old man who had just passed away this morning had been lying. Wang Na was quite taboo in her heart and wanted to wake Zhao Xiaochun several times, but she gave up when she saw that her son was sleeping deeply and soundly and did not wake him up even if she called him.

She sat on the edge of the bed. When she was tired, she rested her head on the edge of the bed and squinted for a while. Suddenly she felt something strange moving on her head. When she opened her eyes, she saw that it was Zhao Rongli wiping her head, with a look of distress on his face.

Wang Na smiled, rubbed her eyes, and sat up, "You're awake. Do you want to drink some water?"

"You should continue to sleep. You have dark circles under your eyes these days, and you have never had a good rest."

"I'm not going to sleep anymore. Oh, by the way, I'm going to a restaurant in the afternoon..."

Wang Na came to the western restaurant where she worked in the afternoon. At around three o'clock, the western restaurant was very quiet and there were no customers. A waiter in front of the bar was mixing drinks. When he saw her appearing, he took the initiative to say hello: "Sister Na, it's been a few days." I didn’t see you, where have you been?”

Many colleagues didn't know that something was going on at Wang Na's family. They only heard from their boss that Wang Na had taken leave and there was something going on at home.

Wang Na smiled and chatted with him for a few words. She only said that there was some delay at home, and the boss heard the sound and came out of the office.

"Boss, I..."

As soon as Wang Na spoke, she was interrupted by her boss.

"Come to my office and talk."

The boss is a Chinese, a middle-aged man in his 40s. He is gentle in speech and deeds. He is very popular and the working atmosphere in the restaurant is very harmonious. Although it is hard work, Wang Na likes it here very much.

Wang Na came to the restaurant to submit her resignation to the boss. She is now focused on Zhao Rongli. Zhao Rongli is going to have an operation soon. He needs someone to take care of him after the operation. She cannot take care of her work here.

She didn't want to resign, but she didn't want to embarrass her boss.

After listening to her words, the boss said: "Thyroid cancer is not dangerous and can basically be cured with good treatment. You don't have to worry too much. Let's do this. In order not to distract you, you can take care of your husband with peace of mind. Don't worry about resigning for now. Mention, your husband will always be fine, and you will always come back, right? Of course, if you don’t like the work here, then I will accept your resignation. If you still want to stay here, then I will not accept your resignation application."

Just as Wang Na was about to speak, the boss continued: "To put your mind at ease, let's do this. Your salary will not be settled during these days when you are away."

Wang Na opened her mouth and wanted to say something, but hesitated. In the end, she solemnly said thank you.

As she was about to leave, her boss stopped her and handed her an envelope with a bulging envelope.

"This is?"

"This is a little thought from the restaurant, not much. If your family is really in trouble, feel free to tell me and I will help as much as I can, okay?"

Wang Na quickly waved her hand and said she couldn't take it, but the boss gave it to her and wouldn't let her give it back.

Wang Na was so grateful that she didn't know what to say. She just bowed deeply to the boss and smiled when she left, with a bright smile on her face.

"Go, I hope to hear your good news as soon as possible." The boss said standing at the door.


Wang Na left the restaurant, turned a corner, and turned into an alley. She hid in the corner and covered her mouth and cried, her heart full of gratitude.

Many people say that in the big city of Pujiang, people are bustling for their own benefit, but she felt the temperature of this city.


Xiaobai was out of school, Zhang Tan picked her up and Xiaomi, and met the big boy Jiang Bin.

Jiang Bin is now a sunny boy, much more cheerful than before.

"Boss Zhang, can I go play at the Little Red Horse tonight?"

"Of course, you are welcome to come anytime."

"Okay, then I'll bring delicious food to Xi'er and the others tonight."

Jiang Bin left with his classmates, and Zhang Tan took Xiaobai and Xiaomi into the car. Xiaobai was listless and listless.

"What's wrong, Xiaobai?" Zhang Tan asked.

Xiaobai was downcast and silent.

Zhang Tan asked Xiaomi, and Xiaomi said with a smile, "The teacher is coming to visit my home."

"Home visit?"

"Yeah, the teacher said he would visit my house and Xiaobai's house tomorrow night."

Zhang Tan looked at Xiaobai: "That's it?"

"Oh, I'm so annoying!" Xiaobai was irritated.

"Xiaobai children's shoes, don't you want the teacher to visit your home so much?"

Zhang Tan thought to himself, have you done something bad at school and are you worried that the teacher will find out during his home visit?

Who would have thought that the child Bai Chunhua, who is not afraid of anyone in the world, would be afraid of the teacher's home visit!

Back at Little Red Horse, Xi'er has arrived. Since there were no other children, she moved a small bench and sat next to Lao Li, listening to the radio with him.

A children's story is playing on the radio.

"In order to take revenge, One Ear traveled across the ocean and went to Africa to find his uncle 'Eat Cat and Mouse'. 'Eat Cat Mouse' led the brothers to follow One Ear to seek revenge from the black cat Sheriff. Okay, kids, today's story That’s it for now, it’s time to wash your hands and get ready for dinner, we’ll meet again at the same time tomorrow.”

Xi'er listened with great interest, but suddenly it stopped and she immediately became unhappy, "Don't go, don't go, keep talking, oh, don't go..."

No matter how she tried to persuade him to stay, the uncle who told the story still left and was replaced by a female voice.

"Little Bear Ice Cream, made with 36 kinds of top-quality ingredients, is not just for children..."

Xi'er shouted: "I don't want to eat ice cream, I want to listen to stories!"

Lao Li said: "No, Xi'er, you go play, ah, go quickly, look at Xiaobai and Xiaomi coming, you go to them, I have to tune in, my 'Zhang Zhen tells ghost stories' is about to start ”

When Xi'er heard this, she immediately covered her ears and ran away. She also waved to Xiaobai and Xiaomi, telling them to go over quickly and not to listen. It was so scary.

The three little girls gathered together. After a while, Xi'er was seen jumping up and down and shouting excitedly: "The primary school students are having fun. The teacher is coming to the house. It's so fun. I want to be a primary school student. I am a primary school student. I am 8 years old." La, hiahiahia~~~Xiaobai Xiaobai, let the teacher come to my house to play..."

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