Dad Academy

Chapter 1088 Little Happiness

When Liuliu heard that there was no more Little Bear drink and only the Laushizi yogurt was left, her face suddenly changed and she started to cry in mourning. She was about to cry the next second.

Zhang Tan hurriedly comforted her, but before he could say a few words, Luoliu burst into tears, wailing so loudly that all the friends in the living room were invited.

After Xiaobai understood the situation, he chased Zhang Tan and beat him up, while Xier put the bear she had just taken a sip into Liuliu's mouth and asked her to drink it.

Liuliu was stunned for a moment, then subconsciously took a deep sip, let go of the straw, and continued to cry to the sky. But just as he cried, he suddenly found another bottle of Little Bear on his lips. He raised his tearful eyes and saw that it was Cheng Cheng.

Cheng Cheng also offered her little bear to Duliu and asked her to drink. So Duliu took another deep sip, let go of the straw, and prepared to continue crying, but this time Xier moved faster and connected seamlessly with Cheng Cheng. , and then handed his little bear to her mouth, so that she didn’t even have a chance to cry.

Over there, Zhang Tan asked Xiaobai to catch him and punch him twice, apologize and get forgiveness. When he came over, he saw three children drinking two bottles of Little Bear. They were very harmonious and there was no cruel situation like "two peaches kill three people".

Zhang Tan couldn't help but be happy for them, congratulated them, and gained another understanding of friendship. He told Xiaobai that there was actually a bear in the refrigerator. The reason why he lied to Liuliu that there was no more bear was because he wanted to exercise their awareness of sharing. Liuliu, Xi'er and Cheng Cheng should thank him.

"You said Boss Zhang bullied you?"

"Yeah, yeah."

"Why did he bully you?"

"He didn't give me a bear to drink, and he lied to me and teased the children..."

When she got home in the evening, Shen Liuliu immediately complained to her mother, Zhu Xiaojing, saying that Boss Zhang had bullied her tonight, not only about drinking Little Bear, but Zhang Tan also caught her and chased her in the yard. Why did he do that? Don’t chase other little friends! ╭(╯^╰)╮

Zhang Tan must have been overthinking. How could Liuliu understand his good intentions and thank him? For two days in a row, he found small bugs in his shoes.


"Xiaobai's father bullied Liliu?"

At the same time, Cheng Cheng chatted with his father before going to bed, and also talked about Boss Zhang bullying Liuliu, which made Liuliu cry.

Little friend Meng Chengcheng didn’t appreciate Boss Zhang’s painstaking efforts and was not grateful.

"Boss Zhang must be joking with her." Meng Guangxin said, opened the storybook and asked, "Chengcheng, do you want to read the storybook when telling stories tonight?"

Cheng Cheng shook his head and lay quietly on the bed and said crisply: "Dad, let me tell you the story of a giant monkey..."


"Sister, sister, do you know? My godfather bullied Liliu today, and she even cried." When Xi'er returned home, she immediately complained to her sister. Although her godfather was her godfather, at this moment she was standing beside him. On Liliu's side, they are all children.

Tan Jin'er is preparing tomorrow's breakfast and preparing to make steamed buns by herself. During this period, Xi'er suddenly fell in love with eating steamed buns stuffed with celery.

I need to knead and wrap it first at night, and then do it in the morning. Every time she would make more and send them to Zhang Tan and Xiao Bai in the morning. Sometimes she would also give a copy to everyone in the comic studio.

"Ah? Why did your godfather bully Liliu?" Tan Jin'er asked curiously.

"Because, because Liuliu wanted to drink the little bear, but the little bear was gone, the godfather gave it to Xi'er and Cheng Cheng to drink, and then it was gone..."

Xi'er Balabala has to "report" to her sister every night and tell her the interesting things that happened today.

Sharing anecdotes with her sister is one of the happiest things she does every day.


Summer has gone quietly, leaving behind a lush world ready for autumn pruning.

Before autumn can be felt, people first feel the warmth of autumn. Pujiang has entered sauna day, and it is really difficult to fall asleep without turning on the air conditioner at night. Only at four or five in the morning can we usher in the coolest time of the day, which is also the best time to sleep. However, many people have already gotten up at this time and started to prepare for work.

Wang Na is a waiter in a Western restaurant. She goes to work at ten in the morning and works until ten thirty at night.

She is used to waking up at five o'clock in the morning every day and preparing breakfast, lunch and dinner for the day.

Her husband, Zhao Rongli, is a taxi driver. He gets up at five o'clock every morning. After eating the breakfast she made, he takes lunch and dinner out of the taxi and rushes to the train station at the first stop, where he waits for the first batch of customers.

After sending her husband out, Wang Na would sleep for another hour and get up again at seven o'clock. At the same time, she would wake up her son Zhao Xiaochun, urge him to get up and have breakfast, and then send him to school. Then she would return home again and use this free time to do housework. After cleaning up, she would go out at 9:30 and spend 20 minutes on the road. Because she was walking, she didn’t have to worry about traffic jams and delays. She could arrive ten minutes early every day. In the restaurant, take a cup of hot coffee from the boss and start working all day long.

She has been living like this for two years. Ever since she took Zhao Xiaochun to marry Zhao Rongli, she has been living such a life, hard and full of small worries, but full of life and lots of small happiness.

Her ex-husband, whose surname is also Zhao, and Zhao Ronli are colleagues, both taxi drivers. Four years ago, her ex-husband suffered from cancer and unfortunately passed away. She and Zhao Xiaochun lost the backbone of their lives.

Zhao Rongli was busy helping her deal with her husband's funeral, which was a lot of help in her life.

Zhao Rongli is unmarried. She is married for the second time and has children. But Zhao Rongli didn't mind, he loved her like his first love, and gradually won her heart.

Their union is destined to bring rumors, especially in small cities. People around them say things to each other and point behind their backs. They can ignore it, but they cannot let Xiaochun live in such an environment.

So the two resigned and took Zhao Xiaochun away from their original small place to the metropolis of Pujiang. No one here knows them and they can start over and start a family.

In the early morning of this day, Wang Na woke up from her dream. The morning light was dim, and the morning light by the window illuminated the room. She pushed her husband beside her in a panic and said: "Husband, husband, it's time to get up. It must be late. I..."

Suddenly her words stopped, and it was not her husband Zhao Rongli who was pushed awake by her, but her son Zhao Xiaochun.

At this time, Wang Na suddenly remembered that her husband fainted during work, was diagnosed with thyroid cancer, and was hospitalized!

The thought of this made her heart beat like a knife, and she no longer felt sleepy. She patted her face hard and felt pain. She pinched her arm again and felt strong pain.

This is not a dream!

"Mom, why are you beating yourself? Dad will get better. Don't be sad!" Zhao Xiaochun turned over and climbed up to comfort her.

Wang Na was a little relieved and wanted to cry while holding her son, but what she needed at the moment was to be strong.

"Xiaochun is right. Dad's illness will be cured. The doctor said he will be fine after surgery and rest for a month or two. He will go home soon."

Zhao Xiaochun's eyes lit up, he believed what his mother said. "After dad comes back, I will never be angry with him again. I will definitely listen to him."

Wang Na touched his head and said, "I believe you."

My son has become much more sensible in the past few days. He is no longer naughty and does not deliberately make them angry.

She couldn't sleep, thinking about Zhao Rongli lying in the hospital. Zhao Rongli has been hospitalized for five days. She has been taken care of by the hospital. When she is tired, she lies on the empty bed next to her and takes a nap. Another patient was admitted to the ward the day before yesterday, an old man with advanced lung cancer.

Wang Na had no place to rest, so she could only sleep on her stomach next to the bed for one night. She couldn't stand it any longer the next day, so she returned home after Zhao Rongli's persuasion. Her biological clock still made her wake up around five in the morning, but she was just five minutes late because she was too tired these days and overslept.

She went to the kitchen and found a piece of tenderloin in the refrigerator. She bought this before Zhao Rongli was hospitalized. She originally wanted to make sweet and sour pork for Zhao Rongli and Zhao Xiaochun. This is their favorite food.

Sweet and sour pork must not be cooked now. She stewed the soup, and after Xiaochun was full, she put it all into a thermos and took it to the hospital. When she went out, the sun had just emerged from the horizon, and it was not yet six o'clock. The city was waking up from the night, but Wang Na was walking in a hurry, and she still felt that it was too late.

These days, even if Zhao Rongli is hospitalized, he always wakes up at five o'clock in the morning. He is used to working.

He must be very anxious because he can't see his wife and son.

I saw the message that a book friend named "Yue Lan" was diagnosed with thyroid cancer. I am very sad to hear such news. I hope you are healthy and happy and get better soon. The probability of recovery from this disease is very high, so don't be anxious. , muster up fighting spirit. I also hope that all book friends will be healthy and happy in the new year.

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