Dad Academy

Chapter 1005 Talent Show

Xi'er and Xiaobai were standing in the yard, their trouser legs rolled up to above their knees, their feet bare, their little hands still dripping with water. They had just been fishing for toy fish and shrimps in the small pond and playing in the water.

Zhang Hui suddenly came in, but Xiaobai was fine. She knew Zhang Hui. Zhang Hui looked serious, but he was very kind. When he talked to her, he always spoke kindly and with a smile.

But Xi'er didn't know Zhang Hui. She stood at attention obediently, looked up at the tall and serious old man with her little head raised, and timidly called her "grandpa."

Zhang Hui nodded with a smile, said "good boy", touched Xiaobai's little head, and asked her to go inside to wash her hands and eat, and stop playing with water.

Xiaobai took Xi'er back to the house, while Zhang Tan chatted with Zhang Hui and went to take care of the two children.

Zhang Hui went back to his room, changed into casual clothes and came out. When he saw Xiaobai and Xi'er sitting on the sofa watching TV, he also sat over and asked Xiaobai what he was doing during the summer vacation.

"It's fun..." Xiaobai Balabala introduced him to the colorful summer vacation life. Zhang Hui listened carefully, then suddenly turned to Xi'er and asked, "Where are you, Xi'er?"

Xi'er was stunned, thought for a while and then said: "hiahia, I will follow Xiaobai."

Xiaobai took Xi'er's little hand and told Zhang Hui that this was her sister.

Xi'er immediately said that she could also be her sister.

As long as she is given a chance, she has no objection.

Zhang Hui smiled and asked how old Xi'er was.

"I'm 8 years old~" Xi'er said without hesitation.

Xiaobai immediately corrected her and said she was 4 years old.

"8 years old~" Xi'er insisted, as if she could really become 8 years old as long as she persisted.

Xiaobai whispered to Zhang Hui that Xiwawa was a little fool and should not listen to her.

Xi'er said angrily: "I'm not a little fool! Humph! Xiaobai, I heard it all~"

Xiaobai laughed and didn't answer.

Zhang Hui asked Zhang Tan again if Xiaobai's primary school had been decided.

Zhang Tan told him that it had been decided. It was on West Chang'an Street and all the conditions were very good.

Zhang Hui nodded, indicating that he was satisfied with the elementary school. He immediately told Zhang Tan some precautions, saying that elementary school was different from kindergarten and he could no longer leave it alone. He had to spend more energy on homework, such as homework, which was not available in kindergarten before. It's different in elementary school. Homework is given every day...

He was worried that Zhang Tan was still a child at heart and did not know how to educate Xiaobai, causing the child to grow crooked, so he talked to Zhang Tan about this matter earnestly.

Zhang Tan listened carefully and nodded from time to time, thinking to himself that you always have so many things to do, why are you so caring and familiar with this matter.

"Here, take this and write it down."

Suddenly, Zhang Mingxue brought a notebook and a water-based pen as a prank, handed them to Zhang Tan, and asked him to write down Zhang Hui's words.

Zhang Tan: "..."

Zhang Hui waved his hand and asked Zhang Mingxue to go aside.

Zhang Mingxue laughed and said, "It's time to eat. Let's talk after dinner."

"Let's eat first. I have nothing more to say." Zhang Hui stood up and called Xiaobai and Xi'er who were watching cartoons.

Qin Huifang brought the last dish to the table and asked Zhang Hui what he and Zhang Tan were talking about just now.

"What else could it be? It's just a matter of Xiaobai being promoted from junior high school to junior high school." Having said this, Zhang Hui couldn't help but emphasize to Zhang Tan again, "You must pay attention to the promotion from junior high school to junior high school. This is not a simple matter of entering a higher school. Let me tell you, going to school during the summer vacation A summer bridging class would be better. After all, there is a big difference between primary school and kindergarten, whether it is the child's school education, the child's academic performance, whether it is parent communication, or the child's performance in school, etc., these are all More complicated than kindergarten.”

After Qin Huifang heard this, she also attached great importance to this issue and discussed with Zhang Tan the matter of Xiaobai's promotion to elementary school.

She asked more detailed and specific questions than Zhang Hui. Are you prepared for this? Have you considered that? The question left Zhang Tan speechless. He really hadn't considered this.

Zhang Mingxue joked that the notebook he had just been given came in handy.

Qin Huifang smiled and asked Xi'er, "When will you go to elementary school?"

Xi'er remembered this clearly and said without hesitation that she would go to primary school next year.

"Didn't you say you were 8 years old? Why are you 8 years old and not in elementary school yet? Did you repeat a grade?" Zhang Mingxue asked maliciously.

Xi'er hiahia smiled and could only nod, admitting that she had failed the grade.

"So you are a stupid boy." Zhang Mingxue's venomous tongue made no distinction between young and old.

Xi'er didn't admit this, she retorted: "I'm smart, I can recite Abo's Buddhist songs~"

Zhang Mingxue said: "Then you can listen to it from behind."

"Abo's Buddhist song..." Xi'er opened her mouth and actually recited it, and her talent was not limited to this, "I can also speak English~my name is xiwawa~"

"Hey, that's great, you're right." Zhang Mingxue had to accept it and applauded her. Everyone applauded her and praised her for being smart.

"Xiao Bai, you're not good at it. Don't you have a talent show? You're not as smart as Xi'er." Zhang Mingxue is such a bad guy, sowing dissension.

Xiaobai said: "Wang Xiaoyu doesn't have it either! Why don't you talk about him."

Zhang Mingxue: "Wang Xiaoyu doesn't need to show off, he is just a little fool, don't compare with him."

Wang Xiaoyu let out a weak cry, short, urgent, and wanted to cry.

He didn't even dare to cry loudly, because sitting next to him was his grandfather, whom he was most afraid of. When his grandfather was around, he would sink into the dirt.

Xiaobai looked at him sympathetically and was about to list her strengths. At this time, Xi'er helped her, saying that Xiaobai had many strengths, including fishing, climbing trees, singing, fighting, and killing chickens. , can make Bang Bang Chicken...

When Xiaobai heard this, he quickly interrupted and said, "I don't know how to fight. I'm a good boy. I'm well-behaved."

Her old man didn't like her fighting, so she stopped being the eldest sister for many years, washed her hands and withdrew from the world. Besides, Luo Zikang, the only one who could fight, was gone, so who else could she fight with?

"Eat first~" Qin Huifang said, giving Xiaobai and Xi'er a piece of chicken each. Xi'er glanced at Zhang Hui from time to time, a little scared of this serious old man.

Zhang Hui noticed it and put a piece of pumpkin in the bowl for her, "I'll put it in for you if you want to eat it."

Xi'er smiled and said, "Thank you, grandpa. You should also eat more."

Zhang Hui smiled and said, "You are very caring about people."

Xi'er said again: "Grandpa, don't smoke, you will..."

Zhang Tan covered her mouth to prevent her from saying the next words, because Zhang Tan knew that the next words were probably: She will die.

Zhang Hui didn't take it seriously and asked with a smile: "How do you know I smoke? I don't smoke."

Zhang Tan let go of Xi'er's mouth, and Xi'er pointed at Zhang Hui's finger and said it was yellow.

Zhang Hui looked down and laughed, thinking that this child was really smart and even knew this.

After dinner, Zhang Hui watched TV in the living room, and the news broadcast was on.

"Eat some more."

Qin Huifang advised Xiaobai and Xi'er to eat more, but the two children were already full, and their bellies were bulging and they couldn't hold it anymore. They had to get off the table, wandered around the living room, sat on the sofa, and looked around. The TV is not good to watch.

Xiaobai glanced at Zhang Hui, walked over, and said, "Grandpa, your TV doesn't look good. I'll find a good one for you."

Zhang Hui asked: "What do you want to show me?"

Xiaobai affirmed that it looked good, and Xi'er nodded.

Zhang Hui gave them the remote control, Xiaobai pressed it skillfully, and pressed "Windmill Car and Fake Sophistication". He asked Zhang Hui if he liked watching this. Zhang Hui said it was so-so, so Xiaobai pressed it again and pressed "Three." "A Little Pig Builds a House" and asked him if he would like to see this.

Zhang Hui pinched his nose and said he liked it.

"Then let's watch this~" Xiaobai happily decided, climbed onto the sofa with Xi'er, and beckoned Wang Xiaoyu to watch with him. However, Wang Xiaoyu was frightened by Zhang Hui and ran to the kitchen to wander around. As a result, Zhang Mingxue caught him washing Wan, this poor child, no wonder he always wants to leave here.

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