Dad Academy

Chapter 1004 Little Matchmaker

Zhang Mingxue was amused by Xi'er's "Ride on My Beloved Motorcycle" and laughed loudly. Xi'er also laughed along with her and asked enthusiastically if she wanted to listen to it. She would do a lot more.

Zhang Mingxue was idle and asked her to continue singing.

Xi'er was very enthusiastic. She not only sang to Zhang Mingxue, but also enthusiastically wanted to introduce her to her fat boyfriend.

"Hahahahaha~~~~You want to introduce me to your boyfriend?"

Zhang Mingxue laughed like crazy. Seeing Xi'er's serious look and not joking, he asked her who she was going to introduce. What if she really introduced a top boyfriend? !

But the next second, her expression suddenly changed, because Xi'er actually said that she wanted to introduce Li Weibao to her.

"Silly boy!" Zhang Mingxue concluded in one second that he was a stupid boy.


"hiahiahia~~~I'm teasing you, little aunt~~" Xi'er said with a smile, what she wanted to introduce to Zhang Mingxue was her godfather!

Xiaobai was dragging Zhang Mingxue's Hello Kitty and didn't listen to them at all, but for some reason, when Xi'er said the word "godfather", she surprisingly heard it clearly and stared at Xi'er for an instant, fiercely Question: "Gua Wa Zi, what are you instigating???? Nao Kuo Kuo will give you two bags!"

Xi'er quickly held her head with both hands, worried that Xiaobai would really put two bags on it.

Zhang Mingxue grabbed her cheek, this little fool was teasing her again!

However, she was also very dissatisfied with Xiaobai's reaction. What did this mean? ? ? Does it mean that she, Zhang Mingxue, is not worthy of Zhang Tan? ? ?

Xi'er waved her hand and hiahia smiled, saying she was just teasing them.

Zhang Mingxue put down her harsh words and said, Xi'er, if you tease me again, I will throw you into the pool.

Xi'er immediately shut her mouth tightly, acted like a good baby, and stopped talking.

Zhang Mingxue was dissatisfied again and asked Xi'er what she meant and why she didn't speak. Don't you want to introduce her to the best fat guy? Was Ganqing teasing her from beginning to end?

"If you don't introduce me to a great boyfriend today, we're not done yet! Don't think that because you're cute, I won't bully you! I'm going to make you cry." Zhang Mingxue threatened.

Xi'er was taken aback and immediately started thinking. Ding~ came up with something, saying that she wanted to introduce a bearded elder brother to Zhang Mingxue.

"What's his name?"

Based on the idea that mosquito legs are also meat, Zhang Mingxue decided to ask clearly.

Xi'er thought for a while and called her Xiao Xi Xi.

"what is it call???"

"Little pee pee~"

"What's this name? Did you remember it wrong? Let me knock it out for you."

Xi'er held her head and asked Xiaobai quickly, and Xiaobai said firmly that it was Xiao Xixi.

As for their real names, neither of them knows, and they usually call them Little Boo Boo and Boo Boo brother.

Zhang Mingxue asked Zhang Tan if he knew who they were talking about.

"These two little fools are 10 years old in total. They can't speak clearly. When I was this age, I could already write essays and even won awards." Zhang Mingxue said.

Zhang Tan said: "They are talking about Xu Qizhe, a painter in my comic studio. He is a good character. He is 185cm tall and weighs 180cm. He looks very masculine and has a beard..."

He gave Zhang Mingxue a detailed introduction, maybe it would actually create a good relationship.

He had a very good impression of Xu Qizhe, and if he was interested, he wouldn't mind matching them up.

But after Zhang Mingxue saw Xu Qizhe's photo, she immediately passed. It was not her cup of tea.

She continued to look at Xi'er, forcing the poor little man to continue introducing her to her fat boyfriend, otherwise it wouldn't be over.

Xi'er was distressed and her face was wrinkled. Finally, she thought of another person, Xu Qizhe's friend and a painter in the studio, Liu Xiangsheng.

Zhang Mingxue didn't ask her how Liu Xiangsheng was like, but asked Zhang Tan. Zhang Tan gave her a detailed introduction and finally said that this person was really good.

"Do you have any photos? Let me take a look."

Zhang Tan found a group photo from the studio on his phone. Liu Xiangchong's handsome features and tall figure were completely different from Xu Qizhe's "wildness". He was more restrained and boyish.

"Pass his communication account to me." Zhang Mingxue said straightforwardly.

Zhang Tan was stunned. He really didn't expect Zhang Mingxue to be so direct. He immediately pushed Liu Xiangsheng's account to her and said, "Do you want me to talk to him first and let him understand the situation."

"Don't worry, I won't eat him." Zhang Mingxue said fiercely.

Xi'er has been paying attention to the situation. She jumped up and down after hearing this and was very happy. She asked Zhang Mingxue if she was going to be Xiaosheng's brother's fat girl?

Zhang Mingxue laughed loudly, while Xiaobai, who was tossing Hello Kitty on the side, muttered and prayed for Liu Xiangsheng.

They had to stay at home for dinner in the evening, so before leaving after lunch, Zhang Mingxue and Zhang Tan took their three children for a walk in the community.

This is the municipal party committee compound. The management is very strict on the outside, but the management is loose on the inside. The environment is beautiful, lined with green trees, quiet and peaceful, and there are many single-family courtyards hidden among the trees.

Some people were enjoying the shade under the shade of the trees. When they saw Zhang Mingxue and Zhang Tan, they greeted each other and asked who Xiaobai and Xi'er were.

A parent made an inflatable pool with many toy fish, shrimps, and turtles in it, and two children sat fishing beside it.

"Wang Xiaoyu, come and play~~" When the two children saw Wang Xiaoyu, they enthusiastically invited him to come and play together.

Children have no resistance to this kind of game. Wang Xiaoyu not only joined in the game, but also invited Xiaobai and Xi'er to join the game. Five children sat around the inflatable pool, each with a toy fishing rod, busy catching "fish" , having a great time.

Xiaobai quickly caught a big pot, while Xier was so clumsy that it took her a long time to catch two small turtles. Zhang Mingxue looked anxious for her, but she was not anxious at all and had a great time. hiahia laughed Non-stop.

Zhang Tan pulled Zhang Mingxue aside and told her not to act blindly. It didn't matter whether the children caught more or less, as long as they were happy.

After a lot of work, almost all the small fish and shrimps in the pool were caught. The two children at the beginning suggested that everyone put the caught fish back into the pool and they could continue fishing.

Xiaobai was reluctant to part with her big basin of fish and refused to let go.

Xi'er also held on to her little turtle reluctantly, preparing to act based on Xiaobai's eyes.

The two little boys and Wang Xiaoyu persuaded them, and Xiaobai agreed to let go of the harvest. Seeing this, Xi'er had no choice but to let it go.

Soon the inflatable pool was filled with various small fish and shrimps, and the five children hurriedly swung their poles happily.

They had a great time, but Zhang Mingxue was extremely bored at the side. After staying for a while, she couldn't stay any longer, so she asked Zhang Tan to stay here while she went back first.

In the evening, Zhang Hui finally went home.

The first person to notice his return was Zhang Tan. Zhang Tan went to the yard to ask Xiaobai and Xi'er to go back to the house and wash their hands. Suddenly he saw a figure standing at the door of the yard, motionless, facing the pool.

Xiaobai and Xi'er, who were fishing by the pool, didn't notice either, so Zhang Tan called him uncle.

Zhang Hui then started to move, walked into the yard on foot, and said, "Why don't you turn on the lights in the yard? Xiaobai~~~Is this Xi'er?"

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