Dad Academy

Chapter 999 I can never hold my head up again (1/2)

Chapter 999 I can never hold my head up again (12)

As soon as Xiaojun left, Dudu appeared out of nowhere. With lingering fear in his heart, he asked Liuliu if he had been flattened by Xiaojun.

"You're already running away!" Luoliu pretended to look angry.

Dudu also felt that what she did was wrong. She only cared about herself and ignored Pang Liuliu, but she also had difficulties. She wanted to run away with Pangliuli but couldn't, so what could she do?

She went to pull Liuliu's little fat hand, but Liuliu avoided it, hid the little fat hand from her, and took Wang Xiaoyu away.

Dudu chased after him, hehe, jumped on the back of Liuliu, causing Liuliu to stagger, and ran three or four meters away. It looked like he was about to fall, but he didn't fall. Withstanding Dudu's impact, he is indeed a strong little pomegranate.

Liuliu got furious: "It's a duck!!! Fatty~~~~ Come down here!!!"

"Hahaha, 666~~~Chong Ya Fat Pomegranate——"

Liliu wanted to throw Dudu down, but Dudu held on and refused to come down. The two were in a stalemate, while Xi'er and Wang Xiaoyu looked on and hiahia laughed.

"Uncle, it's so fun here. There are many children here, and I like them all."

After returning home and getting ready to go to bed, Wang Xiaoyu was in a good mood, not sleepy at all, and had a heart-to-heart talk with Zhang Tan.

"Then who do you like more?" Zhang Tan asked.

On the sofa, Xiaobai and Xi'er were watching TV.

Wang Xiaoyu thought for a while and said that he preferred a little toot.

He mainly played with Liliu and Dudu tonight. Compared to Liliu, Dudu was probably cuter.

But he quickly overturned this answer and said a name that surprised Zhang Tan.

Little Zheng Zheng!

Zhang Tan stared at the little boy and asked, "You don't seem to be talking to little Zheng Zheng tonight, right?"

Wang Xiaoyu shook his head and said no, but he thought little Zheng Zheng was cute and beautiful.

"I want to marry little Zheng Zheng~"

What a guy~~ Zhang Tan was surprised. At a young age, he knew how to choose a good-looking and cute little girl who had the potential of being a Neptune.

"Why did you think of marrying little Zheng Zheng? Do you know what marriage is?" Zhang Tan asked.

Wang Xiaoyu said that getting married means sleeping together and having babies.

Zhang Tan said: "Then do you know that Xiao Zhengzheng and Shi Baobao have a very good relationship?"

Wang Xiaoyu thought for a while and said that Shi Baobao must be the little boy running around and being chased by Dudu. Don't be afraid! He is not afraid of Shi Baobao.

This is really good guy! Zhang Tan was amazed, glanced at Xiaobai and Xi'er, and asked them to take a bath in order to prevent them from hearing these bad things.

Upon hearing this, Wang Xiaoyu said that he also wanted to take a bath, and actually followed Xiaobai and Xi'er to the bathroom.

Zhang Tan raised his hand involuntarily, and immediately heard Xiaobai's voice.

"Get away!! You little melon!"

Xiaobai was scolding Wang Xiaoyu to go away and not follow him.

Wang Xiaoyu said confidently that he wanted to take a bath.

Xi'er smiled hiahily, Xiaobai had a cold face, and looked like he was about to give Wang Xiaoyu a slap. Zhang Tan appeared in time, took Wang Xiaoyu away, and told him that boys and girls should take baths separately.

"Oh." Wang Xiaoyu seemed to understand, "Uncle, I want to drink water~"

Zhang Tan poured him another glass and asked, "You've drank a lot today. Are you so thirsty?"

Wang Xiaoyu said that he and Dudu were exhausted from running up and down today.

But in fact he was afraid of death.

As a result, Wang Xiaoyu wet the bed that night.

Xiaobai looked at the wet sheets, laughed heartily, and told Wang Xiaoyu face to face: You are 6 years old~~~

Grab the bamboo shoots~

Wang Xiaoyu's face turned red, and he sat dejectedly in the living room, still drinking from a water glass.

Zhang Tan asked Xiaobai not to laugh, but Xiaobai stopped laughing and ran to call Xiwawa to come and see him.

"Hi baby, Wang Xiaoyu also wets the bed, hahahaha, just like you."

I don’t know how Xi’er replied. I couldn’t hear it, but I’m sure she wouldn’t be very happy. This would harm both Wang Xiaoyu and Xi’er.

Wang Xiaoyu couldn't raise his head and begged Zhang Tan pitifully, if he could not tell his aunt.

Zhang Tan is curious, why is it the aunt and not the parents?

Wang Xiaoyu said that his aunt would laugh at him.

Zhang Tan instantly understood that with Zhang Mingxue's character, he would definitely laugh at Wang Xiaoyu.

Zhang Tan reassured Wang Xiaoyu that he would never tell anyone.

Wang Xiaoyu felt relieved, looked at Xiaobai, ran to open his schoolbag, took out a small stuffed animal, and insisted on giving it to Xiaobai~

The sun was hot today, so Zhang Tan threw the quilt cover into the laundry room, washed it, and hung it to dry in the yard.

Xiaobai led Xi'er around in circles in the yard, looking at the quilt cover from time to time and laughing, which made Wang Xiaoyu panic.

Wang Xiaoyu felt that he might never be able to hold his head up in front of Xiaobai.

In the studio, everyone is busy, several new projects have been launched, and there is a lot of work to be done.

The "Fantasy Night of the Tang Dynasty" magazine has released a notice. Little Red Horse Studio will launch three comics, which has aroused heated discussions among comic lovers and raised expectations.

Wu Shiying and Xin Xiaoguang are not well-known and have limited acquaintances, but Xu Qizhe is very famous. His "Swordsman Life and Death" is very famous and has gained a large number of die-hard fans. Now that their idols are about to release a new comic, their enthusiasm is very high.

Zhang Tan casually chatted with the three of them about the notes on the story, then came to the conference room to talk about the new work with Liu Xiangsheng.

Xu Qizhe watched Zhang Tan enter the conference room and was very interested in Liu Xiangsheng's new work. However, he believed that his new work would not lose to Liu Xiangsheng in terms of reputation and market sales. He is full of confidence.

In the conference room, Liu Xiangsheng was talking about his creativity.

His style is healing and warm, so the new work also plans to follow this line.

Zhang Tan recognized this point very much. Just as he said to Xu Qizhe, since he pursues the aesthetics of violence, he should play to the extreme and he will definitely achieve results.

Liu Xiangsheng is the same way. Liu Xiangsheng's style is healing. Even if he tells sad stories, his purpose is not to make people sad, but to draw positive energy from sadness and get better on the road.

Liu Xiangsheng said that the story idea he was thinking of was a story about a boy who can see monsters.

Zhang Tan listened patiently to him and felt that the idea of ​​this story was somewhat similar to a comic from his previous life called "Natsume's Book of Friends".

While listening to Liu Xiangsheng's story, Zhang Tan pondered over the story ideas of "Natsume's Book of Friends", compared the two, and made timely suggestions to help Liu Xiangsheng continue to improve and learn from each other's strengths, rather than copying them completely.

After chatting for a long time, Liu Xiangsheng gained a lot and wrote down several pages in his notebook. It was not until Lao Li came to call Zhang Tan that Zhang Tan left.

"Xiaobai climbed up the tree and couldn't come down even if I told her to," Lao Li said.

Xiaobai, the little monkey, climbed up the tree again, lying on a branch more than four meters high and laughing. Xi'er and Wang Xiaoyu stood under the tree.

Wang Xiaoyu's clothes were very dirty. He also wanted to climb the tree, but he couldn't climb and kept sliding down.

As soon as Lao Li and Zhang Tan appeared, Lao Li said loudly: "Xiao Bai, I called your father here!"

When Xiaobai saw Zhang Tan, he quickly said: "I'll be down soon, I'll be down soon~~~Don't panic~~"

With that said, she hugged the tree trunk and tried to slip down.

Lao Li was furious. He tried hard to persuade him for a long time, but Xiao Bai didn't listen. As soon as Zhang Tan appeared, before he could say anything, Xiao Bai shouted to come down.

Zhang Tan stood under the tree and asked Xiaobai not to move yet. Xin Xiaoguang had already run to move the ladder.

Zhang Tan went up with the help of a ladder, took Xiaobai down from the tree, and put her on the ground. Instead of blaming her, he touched her head and asked her why she climbed up the tree. There were no mulberries on the tree now.

Xiaobai bared her teeth and smiled, saying that she was competing with Wang Xiaoyu, and Wang Xiaoyu was so bad.

Wang Xiaoyu had nothing to say. He can't beat Xiao Bai in running, he can't beat Xiao Jun in fighting, and now he can't beat Xiao Jun in climbing trees. He even wets the bed at night!

Sigh~~ He always thought he was very powerful, but now it seems that he is just a little bit powerful.

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