Dad Academy

Chapter 998 The Weak (2/2)

Chapter 998 The Weak (22)

Wang Xiaoyu has not been to Little Red Horse for a long time. He has only been here once, but this time, he and the children of Little Red Horse were deeply impressed.

He always yells to his parents to come and play with Little Red Horse, and Little Red Horse's children are always worried about why he doesn't come, especially Liuliu and Dudu.

The two of them even wanted to call Wang Xiaoyu and ask Xiaobai for Wang Xiaoyu's phone number, but Xiaobai didn't have it, so they asked Zhang Tan to ask for it, but Zhang Tan didn't give it to them because they were already on Wang Xiaoyu's mother Zhang Qingqing's negative list.

Wang Xiaoyu had a great time when he came to Little Red Horse, but as soon as he returned, he complained to his mother, saying that he was bullied by Liuliu and Dudu in Little Red Horse.

However, children are always forgetful. They remember happy things for a longer time, but unhappy things are forgotten in a few days.

After so long, Wang Xiaoyu has forgotten how Liliu and Dudu teamed up to bully him.

Now he saw Liliu's enthusiasm again, and he was actually very happy and felt that he was very welcome. This was completely different from the treatment he received at his grandma's house.

Others were so enthusiastic towards him, so of course he couldn't be left out in the cold, and happily made friends with Liuliu.

He remembered Liliu, this chubby little girl was very interesting, always startled, and very greedy.

The visitor was a guest, and Liuliu wanted to carry a small schoolbag for Wang Xiaoyu. Wang Xiaoyu was excited and gave her the small schoolbag without thinking too much.

Then Liuliu fell behind, waiting for an opportunity to escape.

Fortunately, Xiaobai is staring at her. Xiaobai knows her too well. This guy must be thinking about the snacks in Wang Xiaoyu's schoolbag!

There were a lot of snacks in Wang Xiaoyu's schoolbag. Xiaobai saw him stuffing them desperately before leaving. He didn't hurried out until he couldn't stuff anymore and was discovered by Zhang Mingxue.

Xiaobai was already quite sensible. She asked Liuliu to come up and handed her a bag of snacks in her hand, asking her to share them with the children in Little Red Horse. Then she asked Liuliu to hand over Wang Xiaoyu's schoolbag.

Seeing this, Liuliu handed over her schoolbag and snacks in one hand without saying a word, and happily ran to share the snacks.

But when Xiaobai followed, he found that she was hiding in the corner and giving snacks to Cheng Cheng who was telling the story. Xiaonian and Xiao Zhengzheng stood nervously against the wall, trying to escape but there was no way.

Liuliu gave snacks to Cheng Cheng, and left some for Xiaonian and Xiao Zhengzheng.

"Call me sister~" Luoliu pinched little Zheng Zheng's cheek, and then tugged on Xiao Nian's pigtails.

The two little ones were afraid that Liliu would turn into a little devil, so they quickly called their sister.

Liuliuah laughed loudly, gave them some snacks again, and ran to find Pangdudu. Why should we share the snacks? Let's share them with our friends first.

Soon Dudu appeared, and formed a duo with Liuliu. Under the auspices of Teacher Xiaoman, they sat in rows to eat Guoguo, one for you and one for me and another for me.

Teacher Xiaoman upheld justice and said that he had never seen anyone so divided. This was a pretense of public benefit for personal gain. Let Liuliu be more generous. After all, she is a young lady.

Luoliu was heartbroken, holding her chest and handing out snacks to the children.

Xiaojun is here, good guy! Luoliu and Dudu's little heads came together and muttered a few words together. Luoliu signaled for Dudu to do it, so Dudu gave Xiaojun a bayberry.

That's right, it's a bayberry.

They took the opportunity to retaliate.

Xiaojun pinched the bayberry in disbelief. He had a cold face and a stern eyebrow. Dudu immediately retreated and leaned closer to Liuliu, but Liuliu was unreliable. Liuliu ordered Dudu to send it because he was afraid of Xiaojun, and now it was even more impossible to stand in front of Dudu.

Xiaojun now belongs to the only class in Little Red Horse, and no one dares to provoke him. But fortunately, he never caused trouble, but he seemed difficult to deal with, which made the children scared. For example, Xiao Zheng, Xiao Nian and Shi Baobao did not dare to approach Xiao Jun and stayed away from him. He seems to have thorns on his body, like a hedgehog, always conveying a "don't bother me" aura.

Xiaojun said hello twice, pinched the bayberry and left.

Liuliu and Dudu looked at each other. Dudu was worried that Xiaojun would drag him into the woods to make fun of him. He immediately blamed Liuliu and let her do it even though he had the idea! ╭(╯^╰)╮!

There are many children in Little Red Mali, but not so many snacks. These snacks were left for Xiaobai by Qin Huifang. They were only for one person, and they were too full to satisfy all the children in the kindergarten.

Fortunately, at this time, the big dog owner Wang Xiaoyu came. He laughed, opened his little schoolbag, and generously distributed snacks to everyone.

Liuliu and Dudu hurriedly helped, and soon the small schoolbags were in their hands.

The snacks were going to be gone soon. Wang Xiaoyu took a look and asked Liuliu and Dudu to continue passing out. After they were all distributed, he stopped eating.

"What's wrong with you, Wang Xiaoyu?" Luoliu noticed that the skin on Wang Xiaoyu's face was peeling, and she was immediately shocked, thinking that he was going to die.

Wang Xiaoyu said that he would not die and that he just had a small problem, but Liliu didn't think so. He thought that Wang Xiaoyu was probably ill, and he discussed with Dudu whether there was any way to save him.

Don't question Liliu's judgment. She is the number one doctor in Xiaohongma. Many children have come back to life under her rescue. Even Boss Zhang has been saved by her three or four times, so she said that Wang Xiaoyu is going to die. , Wang Xiaoyu may be dying.

Wang Xiaoyu didn't believe it. He thought he was fine. But as soon as he walked away, he went to Zhang Tan and asked for water. He drank it hard and kept repeating what Xiaobai said, drinking more water can help you live longer.

He saw Xi'er, who frowned and ran home in a panic to ask for water.

Wang Xiaoyu quickly gave her his water glass, and Xi'er drank it.

"What's wrong with you?" Wang Xiaoyu asked.

"hiahia, so sour."

Xi'er felt a little better. She was originally given a pack of beef jerky by Liuliu Fake Gongji, but when she saw Xiaonian grimacing after eating the sour plums, she gave her beef jerky to Xiaonian, and she accepted the plums, and then I found that she couldn’t eat plum blossoms either, it was too sour~

Liuliu and Dudu also came to the door. When they saw Wang Xiaoyu, they laughed, put their arms around his shoulders and called him brothers. They had a very good relationship.

They asked everyone to go out and play with wooden ducks, and they met Xiaojun in the yard. Dudu immediately ran away and ran away like the wind. Seeing this, Luoliu wanted to run but held back. It was useless for her to run. She couldn't outrun Xiaojun.

Ho ho ho~~ She grinned stupidly at Xiaojun. It was not her who sent the message to Xiaojun, it was Dudu, and Dudu had already run away.

Wang Xiaoyu felt that he was the big brother. When he saw Liliu and Dudu being bullied, he stepped forward to ask Xiaojun not to bully the little girls. As a result, he soon learned that Xiaojun did not bully little girls, but bullied little boys.

Wang Xiaoyu was pushed back by Xiaojun, and he immediately shouted that he was going to use his unique sword skills and see blood.

Until he fell down, he did not use the so-called peerless sword skills. Xiaojun left, and Luoliu pulled Wang Xiaoyu up and said pitifully: "Wang Xiaoyu, you are such a pathetic duck. You were bullied by Xiaojun. You can't beat him. You are a weakling, aren’t you?”

Wang Xiaoyu: "..."

Happy National Day

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