Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 260 The Golden Cicada Escapes Its Shell

Lu Chen, who suddenly stopped the teleportation array, frowned,

Because of the joy brought by the Cultivation Base breakthrough, Lu Chen almost forgot that he had robbed more than a hundred cultivator resources.

Among them, there are thirty Gold Core early stage cultivators. Even if I am now in the Cultivation Base breakthrough to fusion late stage, my essence is comparable to the Gold Core early stage.

If you encounter a cultivator of the Gold Core early stage, it's nothing to be afraid of, but if you have too many, you can't beat it.

Lu Chen thought:

"If I just teleported out in such a grandiose way, there will be many cultivators ambushing outside,

Just waiting for myself to go out so that I can kill myself so I can lick my own storage bag. "

Thinking of this, Lu Chen hesitated for a while, and suddenly realized that he really was, not knowing what to do.

Somewhere under the mountain in the secret realm, just as Lu Chen guessed, there are quite a few or more than two hundred cultivators gathered at this moment.

Among them, there are more than one hundred cultivators, all because they entered the medicine garden space, and then were robbed by Lu Chen.

The only thing Lu Chen guessed wrong was that these people did not ambush him, but gathered in front of the stone platforms of the five teleportation arrays in a grand manner.

Surround the teleportation stone platform tightly, as long as Lu Chen comes out, he will definitely become a turtle in the urn.

Young Master Yu Xiao and Shang Zhen are far away from the teleportation stone platform at this moment, because Lu Chen has caused such a big disaster, it is easy to know that Lu Chen will definitely be besieged,

So when the two of them were teleported out first, they fled directly with the sword, so as not to harm the fish pond.

After Yan Zixia was teleported out, she also left directly with her subordinates. He didn't intend to trouble Lu Chen, after all, Lu Chen had done her a great favor.

Because Hu Shilong has been locked, Lu Chen is the chief culprit who stole Tianhuo Wulian Xinhuo,

As soon as he was teleported out, he immediately told his subordinates to keep an eye on the movement of the teleportation stone platform, and if they found any traces of Lu Chen, they would immediately capture him.

When Mei Ye Qing was sent out, Song Wan

Ting eagerly came to ask about Lu Chen's whereabouts,

Mei Ye Qing was sulking because Lu Chen robbed 50% of her spiritual herbs. Seeing her cousin's caring attitude, she was even more angry.

He said lightly: "I'm afraid he's in danger!"

Song Wanting heard the words and guessed in her heart that Lu Chen must have encountered something dangerous.

His complexion instantly became ugly, his heart was very sad, and he looked devastated.

Lu Chen not only saved her life, but also took good care of her along the way, which gave Song Wanting a lot of resources.

Therefore, when Song Wanting heard the sad news about Lu Chen, she felt very uncomfortable.

As the cultivator was continuously sent out, various voices of complaints, insults, and swearing continued to resound in the crowd.

"Hmph... This damn kid actually dared to take advantage of the fire and rob all of us. When he comes out, I must cut him into pieces to relieve my hatred."

A cultivator fused with the middle stage jumped off the teleportation stone platform, cursing,

"That's right! We're waiting for him here. I don't believe he'll stay in there forever. I swear I'll kill him."

Another cultivator who integrated the late stage echoed.

"In my opinion! Why don't we destroy the teleportation stone platform so that kid can't get out for the rest of his life? Wouldn't it be nice?"

There is a cultivator in the crowd full of righteous indignation,

Once this idea was put forward, it immediately attracted the support of many cultivators.

But there are also quite a few cultivators who spoke out to stop them, including several Gold Core early stage cultivators.

"Hehehe... That kid robbed all of us, and the amount of Spiritual herbs he got is almost half a medicine garden, and there are so many Spirit Stones,

If he beheaded, wouldn't all of this belong to me alone? "

A middle-aged cultivator of Gold Core early stage looked at the teleportation stone platform and thought to himself,

The more he thought about it, the hotter he felt, and greed could not help showing in his eyes.


After Xia Housheng was teleported out as the last person, everyone waited for a long time but did not find that the teleportation platform showed signs of the cultivator being teleported out.

But everyone didn't give up. As a cultivator, you can have nothing. There is absolutely no problem with patience.

After about a day and night, at noon that day, the formation stone platform finally started to move.

I saw the third stone platform suddenly flashing golden brilliance, and mysterious runes danced around it.

The whole brilliance lasted for about a dozen breaths, but it was a long time since the kid was sent out.

Until the brilliance dissipated, no cultivators were seen being sent out.

This change made everyone confused and confused.

Logically speaking, if the teleportation array responds, a cultivator should be teleported out, but the brilliance has disappeared

There is no trace of the kid, which is very strange.

"Xiahousheng! What's going on here?" A cultivator who knew Xiahousheng asked,

Because he knew that among these people, only Xia Housheng understood formation.

"Uh... I don't know what's going on," Xia Housheng said helplessly.

In fact, the reason why he didn't leave was because he wanted to help Lu Chen when he needed help the most. Maybe the other party would agree to him and join the Tianyan Sect.

Therefore, he has been paying attention to the teleportation stone platform, but what puzzles him is that,

The teleportation stone platform has been activated, why is there no sign of Lu Chen? And that's just one of them.

Second, he is more careful than others. It stands to reason that Lu Chen is the Cultivation Base that integrates the early stage. When he should come out, he also came out from the first stone platform.

But now it is the third stone platform that is lit up. You must know that the third stone platform can only be used by the late stage cultivator.

So, he was also at a loss, so was Lu Chen teleported out?

If it was sent out, then why, no one can find him......

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