Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 259 Broken Star

I saw that the two cultivators were suddenly shaken by the sun, and the cultivator on the left was holding a long sword, flashing blue light,

The cultivator on the right is holding a spear, flashing fiery red light.

It's too late, so soon,

Two streamers of light, one blue and one red, collided together in the blink of an eye, and then separated again. The shadows of swords and guns filled the entire space, and the speed was so fast that it dazzled people.

Lu Chen couldn't see their fighting process at all, but wherever Sword Ray and Gun Shadow went, they directly tore the surrounding space apart,

Like a sharp knife cutting through the black cloth, countless long cuts were exposed, and then slowly recovered. Biqu library

Immediately afterwards, one of the cultivators, whose body was flashing with a blue glow, seemed to be invincible, and suddenly flew backwards. After stabilizing his figure,

He let out a roar, pointed his palm directly at the starlight in the universe, and grabbed it in the air.

The Star in the distance seems to have been pulled by some kind of powerful force, and at a speed visible to the naked eye, it quickly smashes towards the cultivator with red rays of light flashing all over it.

Star, which was originally glowing with a light blue halo, suddenly burst into flames during the flight at extreme speed, like a huge fireball, quickly struck with a terrifying aura.

However, the cultivator flashing red light was not in a hurry, he threw the spear in his hand at the attacking Star,

After the spear was thrown, it became infinite in an instant. With terrifying power, it directly pierced the huge star flying at extreme speed, and then shattered in an instant.

"Boom..." Another burst of powerful energy spread to the surroundings, and a Star was exploded like this, setting off a mushroom cloud in the universe.

"This... this... what kind of Cultivation Base is this person? He can easily destroy a Star?"

Lu Chen, who seemed to be in a third perspective, was dumbfounded.

The huge spear seemed as huge as it could straddle the universe. After piercing the Star, it suddenly turned around and flew towards the cultivator that was flashing with blue light.

Then, the cultivator with a cyan glow all over his body froze, and then threw something into the universe, and then kept making seals with his hands,

Seen from a distance, a dark and deep light flew towards the huge spear that was attacking at a high speed.

As the cultivator continued to seal, the black light suddenly shook, and a colossal object appeared, that object was as big as a spear.

At this time, Lu Chen also saw clearly what the Magic Treasures glowing with black light were.

I saw that Magic Treasures is clearly a pagoda, the whole body is dark, but the material cannot be seen, the bumps and convexes are distinct, with edges and corners,

The top of the pagoda is like a cover, the pagoda is like a bottle, the whole body is dark, and there is a black dragon hanging from each corner.

Colored huge bell, simple atmosphere,

The base is hollowed out and engraved with two characters of "sky".

"The Sky Tower!" Lu Chen was surprised. He never thought that the carrot-sized Sky Tower in his hand would appear in the universe, and it behaved so horribly.

At this time, the huge sky tower and the spear collided fiercely in the universe,


The collision of two Magic Treasures is like the collision of two planets, bursting out destructive energy, and the surrounding space is instantly dented,

A huge black vortex is formed, and the center of the black vortex is even darker and deeper, with a strong attraction,

The Sky Tower and the spear kept spinning in the universe, as if out of control, and then disappeared into the black vortex.

When the two cultivators saw this, they all showed panic, as if there was something terrifying in the black vortex, even they were extremely afraid,

The two desperately cast Movement Technique, each turning into a streamer, trying to get rid of the attraction of the black vortex.

But it didn't have any effect at all, the strong attraction, with a strange aura, just sucked the two of them in.

At this time, Lu Chen, who was originally staying out of the matter, suddenly felt his body lose control in an instant, spinning rapidly in the universe, which made him scream again and again in fright.

Even running the Chaos Dao Sheng Jue couldn't stabilize his figure, and was quickly sucked into the dark and deep vortex.

"Ah..." Lu Chen, who was lying in the golden bead world, seemed to have been frightened, opened his eyes suddenly, and sat up abruptly.

After looking around in horror, he found that he was still in the world of Jinzhu, and checked his physical condition again.

After confirming that he was safe and sound, Lu Chen finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Subconsciously wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, feeling like he was alive after a catastrophe.

"Hehehe...Fortunately, it's just a dream!" Lu Chen, who was slumped on the ground, murmured.

Then I found that Own was still holding that carrot-sized Sky Tower in his hand,

The scene from the dream just now came back to his mind, giving people a very real feeling, just thinking about it made Lu Chen feel terrified.

"This pagoda is exactly the same as the one I saw in the dream just now, if that is the case, I am afraid that the Sky Pagoda is definitely not as simple as an ancient mysterious treasure!

And what kind of Cultivation Base did those two cultivators fall to the ground? Can actually easily destroy a Star? "

Lu Chen looked at the Cang Qiong Tower in his hand, and then thought about the scene in his dream just now, and said in doubt.

Lu Chen remembered that after using Divine Sense to view the Sky Tower, he fell to the ground and lost consciousness, and then had that strange dream. Biqu library

So out of curiosity, Lu Chen cast Divine Sense again

Look at the Sky Tower in your hand.

But this time, the previous situation did not happen. Lu Chen's Divine Sense easily penetrated into the Sky Tower.

Immediately, Lu Chen's body also disappeared into the world of Jin Zhu,

In the next second, he appeared in the inner space of the Sky Tower and had the experience of the Golden Bead World.

Therefore, such a change did not cause Lu Chen to panic. Instead, he looked at the surrounding environment curiously.

The entire space is about the size of a bedroom, and there is nothing around it except for a staircase on the right.

The surrounding walls are octagonal, with a window on each wall.

Lu Chen happily walked to the window, through the gap of the window, he could directly see the ground close at hand,

Lu Chen felt that he should be on the first floor of the Sky Tower.

At this time, Lu Chen also saw a tall three-story wooden frame,

The items placed on it were all familiar items to Lu Chen, and the Cang Qiong Tower just stood on the ground, not far from the wooden frame.

From the outside, the Sky Tower is still the size of a carrot, but Lu Chen has become smaller, which is very magical and mysterious.

Lu Chen came to the stairs again and wanted to try to climb to the second floor, but was suppressed by an invisible force. No matter how hard Lu Chen tried, he couldn't make it.

"Hehehe... It seems that the own Cultivation Base is too low, but I don't know if the second floor will be as shabby as the first floor."

Lu Chen laughed at himself.

He probably understands the role of the Sky Tower, a bit similar to the Golden Pearl World, it is a Magic Treasures that can accommodate living people.

I can enter the inner space of the Sky Tower as I like, but because my own strength is limited, I can only enter the first floor of the Sky Tower now.

If there is no Golden Pearl World, maybe Lu Chen will be very surprised by this function of the Sky Tower.

But now, he feels that this function is just so-so!

Seeing that there were no other treasures on the first floor of the Sky Tower, Lu Chen lost interest, and planned to try to visit the second floor after his Cultivation Base was upgraded.

Immediately, with a thought, Lu Chen reappeared in the golden bead world.

Successful breakthrough to fusion late stage, coupled with body refining technique breakthrough to Zongti state,

Lu Chen is quite satisfied with this trip to the secret realm of Yinfeng Valley.

Next, Lu Chen appeared in the medicine garden again.

Lu Chen took out the general formation flag, and under the infusion of true energy, the general formation flag shone with purple light, and then the teleportation formation in the thatched shed shone with golden light.

Just when Lu Chen was about to teleport himself out, Lu Chen suddenly frowned, as if thinking of something again.

With a thought, quickly stop the activation of the teleportation array...

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