Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 141 The Bold Thief

Fortunately, there is a soundproof formation, otherwise, with Lu Zhishen's loud voice, it is estimated that all the cultivators in Shun'an City could hear his screams.

As time passed, Lu Zhishen's shouts gradually weakened, not because Lu Chen was merciful, but because Lu Zhishen's skin had begun to show a faint halo,

This means that the first stage of skin refining in the body refining spirit realm has been completed, and the body's ability to resist blows has been acquired. Under the same force of attack, it can no longer cause any damage to Lu Zhishen.

At the beginning, Lu Chen was at this stage, but it took him several days, that was because the Gold Devouring Toad and Sky Knife Praying Mantis didn't understand the acupuncture points of the human body at all, so many beatings were almost for nothing.

Lu Chen stopped the fist in his hand, very satisfied with his masterpiece.

"Hehe... I know you're fine. Don't lie on the ground and pretend to be dead. Don't tell Little Brother about this for now. It's not too late for you to teach him when you have a chance. Let's continue tonight." Lu Chen instructed ,

Lu Zhishen, who was lying on the ground pretending to be dead, was kicked hard on the butt by Lu Chen.

"Haha... You saw it. This body training technique is really amazing. I really don't know how to thank you. How about we continue?" Lu Zhishen smiled embarrassingly.

Although he was beaten up by Lu Chen all night, Lu Zhishen also noticed the increase in physical strength, and he wanted to enter the next stage of cultivation in his heart.

"Hehe...haste makes waste, you'd better use your true energy to recover from your injuries!"

Seeing Lu Zhishen being beaten into a pig's head by himself, Lu Chen reminded with a suppressed smile,

He raised his hand and put away the formation flag, and left in a flash. He was afraid that if he stayed for a long time, if he couldn't help laughing out loud, it would damage his majesty as the boss.

During the day, Lu Zhishen stayed behind closed doors in the name of practicing, because even though his injuries had improved, the bruises on his face were still faintly visible.

When Lu Su woke up, he saw the bruise on Dage's face at a glance. When asked why, Lu Zhishen couldn't explain it clearly.

So I made up a story that I went to the latrine last night and accidentally fell because it was too dark.

Seeing Dage's perfunctory prevarication, Lu Su sneered in his heart, and then he didn't bother to ask again.

In the next few days, Lu Zhishen suffered inhuman treatment every night, and his appearance in the morning was getting worse day by day.

Seeing this, Lu Su just said lightly: "Dage! Although I don't know what you went to do at night, I don't want to hear or care about it, but can you not

Knock me out at night! "

"Uh..." Lu Zhishen was speechless when he heard the words, so he could only pretend to be stupid.

But at night, Lu Zhishen still took the opportunity to knock Lu Su unconscious, and tonight was the third stage of "Bone Refining" in the Body Refining Spiritual Realm.

According to Lu Chen, as long as tonight is over, he can breakthrough to the spiritual realm of body refinement and achieve the physical body of Magic Treasures. Thinking about it, I have some expectations.

It didn't take long for Lu Chen to arrive on time, skillfully laid out the sound-proof formation and the formation to isolate the Divine Sense, and then began to help Lu Zhishen strengthen his bones.

In the formation barrier, there was another heart-piercing scream, which lasted until dawn.

Lu Chen used the high temperature of magma to refine the bones in the underground cave of the endless forest, so this time Lu Chen directly used the fireball technique to forge Lu Zhishen.

What's interesting is that after being burned by the flames, Lu Zhishen's originally flowing long hair was completely burnt. At first glance, he looks more like Lu Zhishen in Water Margin.

Seeing that the bone refinement was completed, Lu Chen stopped using the fireball technique, took back the formation flag, and left quietly.

The next morning, when Lu Su woke up leisurely again, he saw a naked, fair-skinned bald man in the room, and he was frightened.

I didn't even have time to think about where Dage went,

Without saying a word, he picked up the Magical Item long sword and launched an attack. Under the infusion of true essence, the Magical Item long sword stabbed towards the heart of the bald man with a fierce offensive.


However, when the Magical Item long sword touched the flesh of the bald man, it suddenly broke,

Seeing this, Lu Su's pupils shrank, and he quickly stepped back, preparing to escape from the window.

But a figure suddenly flashed past, and blocked Lu Su's front first. Who could it be if it wasn't the bald man?

"Bold thief! Food is immortal here, why don't you retreat quickly." Seeing that there was no way to retreat, Lu Su shouted loudly.

"Hehe... Lu Su! Can't you even recognize Dage?" Lu Zhi smiled proudly.

As early as when Lu Su launched the attack, Lu Zhishen already knew that the reason why he didn't respond was because he wanted to try the effect of the body of Magic Treasures.

"Dage?" Hearing the familiar voice, Lu Su looked at the big man's eyes again, confirmed that the eyes were Dage, and then saw Dage's current appearance, and immediately haha... laughed.

At this time, Lu Zhishen's superficial skin was burnt by flames and repaired by the technique of body refining, so the skin is relatively thinner than before.

Much fairer,

In particular, the hair and beard were burned off, and it was a completely different person from before. It's okay if you don't laugh, but it looks very funny when you laugh.

"You bastard! If you laugh again, be careful and I'll beat you up," Lu Zhishen reprimanded pretending to be angry.

"Haha...Okay! I don't laugh! That's right! How did Dage become like this?" Lu Su asked with a suppressed smile.

Then Lu Zhishen briefly explained the matter, and told him to keep it a secret, and to pass on the body training technique to him when he had a chance.

In Qianyang City, because there are still ten days before the competition between the two chambers of commerce, the pre-match preparations for the two chambers of commerce have been completed one after another, and they are waiting for the day of the competition. Biqu library

Because this competition is a private gambling competition between the two chambers of commerce, not to mention that it also determines the ownership of the southern Xinjiang market,

No matter which side loses in the end, it is disgraceful, so it was not made public with great fanfare, and only a small group of people knew about it.

Wang Haocang, one of the observation groups, arrived in Qianyang City ten days earlier this time with Wang Jingxuan and Zhang Haoyang in order to let his daughter come out to relax.

In the new city and new environment, Wang Jingxuan was in a good mood. When Zhang Haoyang invited Wang Jingxuan to go shopping in Qianyang City, Wang Jingxuan unexpectedly agreed.

This made Zhang Haoyang very happy, and Wang Haocang was always relieved to see this, he had long regarded Zhang Haoyang as his son-in-law.

On Qianyang City Street, there are many cultivators coming and going, and there are all kinds of shops, and the items for sale are also dazzling. The whole city gives people a sense of prosperity, and any street is very lively.

Among the bustling crowd at this moment, there was a woman in a fiery red dress with an exquisite figure, who was choosing clothes in a shop specializing in selling clothes.

Beside him was a handsome and handsome young cultivator, who was none other than Zhang Haoyang, the son of the lord of Guang'an City.

"Hehe...Jing Xuan! You can buy whatever you want, I have a lot of Spirit Stones here, as long as you are happy, you can buy them all."

It was rare for Wang Jingxuan to agree to go shopping with him. Zhang Haoyang seemed to see hope again in his heart. Seeing Wang Jingxuan standing in front of a purple lady's robe, he said boldly.

"'re not afraid to flash your tongue when you talk big, and you bought them all. Do you know how much this dress is worth in Spirit Stones? I'm afraid some people can't even afford one, so they're still talking big here!"

At this time, a Yin & Yang strange voice came...

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