Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 140 Midnight Transfer Power

Just when Lu Chen and Yang Yunfei congratulated Lu Da for changing his name and becoming a hero,

A young man of eighteen or nineteen years old with a face like a crown jade, wearing Jinglun on his head, and intelligent eyes, came out of the room.

At this time, he was no longer the dying look when he first came here.

"Lu Su! You're awake! Haha...that's really great, hurry up and thank your savior, thanks to Lu Chen this time,'t talk about that, haha... ..."

Seeing that Little Brother was back to normal, Lu Zhi was so excited that he spoke incoherently.

"Lu Su thanked Engong for his kindness of rebuilding. Engong has given me great kindness and virtue. I will never repay him. I hope that I can always be by Engong's side and obey Engong's orders."

Hearing this, Lu Su said with a serious and respectful expression, he made such a decision without asking the big brother's consent, and knelt down to Lu Chen directly in front of several people.

"Hehe...get up! These are trivial things, nothing to worry about." Lu Chen raised his palm, and a burst of real energy helped Lu Su up.

Looking at Lu Su with admiration in his eyes, there are really not many people in Cultivation World who can repay their kindness, which shows that he has not misjudged the person.

"Haha... You better improve your Cultivation Base, what can you do with your little Cultivation Base?" Lu Zhishen patted the back of Lu Su's head and said with a smile,

Naturally, he could see Lu Chen's potential. He had no objection to Little Brother working with Lu Chen in the future, but he did not forget to remind Little Brother to focus on cultivation.

"Hehe... What Dage said is very true, then I will repay Lu senior after I have achieved some success in cultivation," Lu Su said with a slightly embarrassed smile.

He also realized that he might have been a little rash in his words. As a small cultivator at the Foundation Establishment early stage, he really couldn't do much.

"Okay! I accept your wish. Your big brother is right. Now your main task is to cultivate with peace of mind. As for the future, let's talk about it in the future!" Lu Chen laughed.

He is actually very optimistic about Lu Su. He is young but has gold and wood, sixth-level double Spiritual Roots, and his aptitude belongs to the upper class. He will definitely make a big difference in the future, so when treating him,

Lu Chen generously used all kinds of precious spiritual herbs to refine Medicine Pill for him, which not only cured his injuries, but also helped him break through bottleneck in the future.

Next, Yang Yunfei suggested that everyone go to "Food is Immortal" to celebrate together, and invited Qi Yutang and Zhao Chengzhi.

After three rounds of wine and five tastes of food, Lu Zhishen's drinking capacity is astonishing, and almost everyone comes,

His boldness was quickly recognized by Qi Yutang and others, everyone was talking and laughing, and soon

I got acquainted.

During the banquet, Zhao Chengzhi used Jiu Jin to reveal to everyone a news that only the upper-level cultivators are qualified to know.

It is said that because of the cooperation between his book Jade Slip business and the Feiyu Chamber of Commerce, his father once invited a manager in charge of purchasing from the Feiyu Chamber of Commerce in Shun'an City to dinner.

After drinking, the manager slipped his mouth, and Zhao Chengzhi's father told Zhao Chengzhi later.

The thing is that after half a month in Qianyang City, Feiyu Chamber of Commerce and Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce will have a pill refining competition, and the loser will withdraw from the southern border market and give up all their cupped hands.

Moreover, Zhao Chengzhi's father also got four tickets for the auditorium through his relationship, so that Zhao Chengzhi can increase his knowledge,

Zhao Chengzhi proudly wanted to invite Yang Yunfei and others to observe together.

Although this matter can be described as a shocking gamble, Lu Chen was not interested after hearing the news.

The two chambers of commerce are giants in Beichen Continent, where would it be their turn to be mixed by small people like them,

Lu Chen didn't even bother to look at it.

However, when he heard the news that Nanjiang Yaxing was jointly wiped out by the seven Sects, Lu Chen's expression finally changed.

Before Lu Chen rushed to Haiqingzhou, he didn't know about this matter.

He didn't expect that what he once wanted to do would be done by the Seven Sects. He was shocked and admired the move of the Seven Sects.

In the evening, after a few people were full of wine and food, Lu Chen directly opened two rooms on the fifth floor of "Food is Immortal", and Yang Yunfei, Zhao Chengzhi, and Qi Yutang went home separately.

In the dead of night, Lu Zhishen and Lu Su were practicing in their respective Lotus Positions. Suddenly, a beam of true energy hit Lu Su's body, and Lu Su fell to the ground in an instant.

Because the speed is too fast, the Cultivation Base integrated with Lu Zhishen and the middle stage cannot detect and stop it.

"Who?" Seeing this, Lu Zhishen's pupils shrank, and he stood up as if facing a formidable enemy. Biqu library

"Don't be nervous! It's me!" At this moment, Lu Chen's voice sounded, and then a Daoist figure flashed in through the window.

"Lu Chen! What are you?" Lu Zhishen complained,

His eyes revealed that he blamed Lu Chen for not leaving the door, insisting on coming in through the window, and even knocked his own baby Little Brother unconscious.

"The situation is a bit special, please forgive me!" Lu Chen apologized,

The right hand raised several formation flags, and quickly arranged a formation that shielded the Divine Sense and sound insulation effects.

Lu Zhishen stared at all this, he didn't expect that Lu Chen could even know the way of formation,

In addition to cultivation, if an ordinary cultivator can achieve something in Alchemy or Dao, then he is a genius who is unique in a million.

But Lu Chen is not only good at pill refining, but also his formation method seems to be very good, how can you not be amazed.

"Okay! I came to you to give you this. This was given to me by a friend of mine. It's very important. You should take a look first."

After arranging the formation, Lu Chen took out a sheepskin roll and handed it to Lu Zhishen.

Lu Zhishen took the sheepskin scroll, and when he saw the large characters on it, he shouted out in shock: "The art of refining the body of chaos!"

Then he quickly covered his mouth, looked around, and thought that fortunately there was a soundproof formation, otherwise the whole tower could have heard his voice.

The importance of the body refining technique is extraordinary, especially what Lu Chen gave him was the Cultivation Technique derived from the Chaos Dao Shengjue.

Although he could only cultivate to the Realm of the Body Refining King, Lu Zhishen could see the extraordinaryness of this Cultivation Technique at a glance.

"Hehe... for me?" Lu Zhishen asked tentatively.

"En! Take a look first. If you need help, I'd be happy to help you." Lu Chen raised his mouth slightly.

After Lu Zhishen read the complete Cultivation Technique, he couldn't put it down even more. Like Lu Chen back then, he had begun to fantasize about being invulnerable and invulnerable to Vajra.

"Hehe... You should understand the method of cultivation, right? Are you trying to solve it yourself, or should I help you?" Lu Chen interrupted Lu Zhishen's fantasy.

"This... you should help me! After all, you have practiced and have experience. If you do something wrong, you can still point it out. It's just... just can you be gentle?"

Lu Zhishen said with some fear, because it was clearly stated in Cultivation Technique,

Body training is the training of the physical body, first refining the skin, then refining the flesh, and finally refining the tendons, in order to reach the spiritual state of body training.

And the only way to refine the skin is to be beaten, and you can't use your true energy to resist, otherwise you won't be able to achieve the effect of refining the skin.

"I declare in advance, you asked me to hit you, you can't hold grudges against me, and don't use your true energy to resist,"

Lu Chen tried his best not to laugh, and said seriously.

"Okay! Come on!" Lu Zhishen took off his shirt, and slapped his heart hair several times with his right hand to embolden himself.

"En! I'm coming, you have to get ready!" Lu Chen said tightly, and then dodged to hit Lu Zhishen.

"Bang... ah..." Lu Zhishen felt a blur in front of his eyes, as if his body had been hit by a truck, and let out a scream.

How can Lu Chen let go of such an opportunity that can not only beat someone, but also make the other party appreciate own, almost punching to the flesh, without mercy.

Lu Zhishen's screams like killing a pig came from the soundproof formation...

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