Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 133 Lifetime Regrets

"Ding dong..."

Dear fellow daoists, hello, the teleportation array from Tai Bai Cheng, Zhongzhou, Central Plains to Qianyang City, Qianling Prefecture, Southern Xinjiang is about to open, and it is expected to arrive at the main hall after forty-nine breaths...

Please prepare the staff for the battle, and please wait patiently at the entrance of the teleportation hall for the fellow daoists who pick up relatives and friends...

After forty-nine breaths, Dongfang Yuanhua walked out of the teleportation hall with many cultivators. Most of the cultivators would have their own relatives and friends to greet them, or fly away directly with the sword.

Dongfang Yuanhua came to Qianyang City this time to represent the Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce and participate in the betting competition with the Feiyu Chamber of Commerce.

It turned out that Feiyu Chamber of Commerce was the first to find Dongfang Yuanhua, signed an agreement and collected a deposit.

Later, the Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce found Dongfang Yuanhua and promised to give him double the price, and both the liquidated damages and the deposit were borne by the Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce.

Who would have trouble with the Spirit Stones these days? So Dongfang Yuanhua readily agreed.

He thought that he was also a well-known Little Pill King in the Central Plains, and he was specially poached by the Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce from the Feiyu Chamber of Commerce. The Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce would definitely welcome him with great fanfare.

But when he was the only one left at the entrance of the palace, and no one came to greet him, Dongfang Yuanhua's expression was gloomy.

Just as Dongfang Yuanhua was about to buy a ticket to go home, a pleasant voice came.

"Hehe... Your Excellency must be Mr. Dongfang who is known as the Little Pill King!" It was Xia Ji who had just finished working with Hu Shilong who was speaking.

"" Dongfang Yuanhua who heard the words wanted to be furious at first, saying how could you neglect me so much, but when he turned around and saw Xia Ji's appearance, he froze on the spot.

If Lu Chen were here at this time, he would definitely play a song for Dongfang Yuanhua: "Snowflakes are fluttering, the north wind is rustling, the world is boundless..."

"Young Master Dongfang! Young Master Dongfang...hehe..." Xia Ji laughed, her voice was as gentle as water, and the lingering lingering sound made people think about it.

"Uh...hehe...I'm so sorry, this is Dongfang Yuanhua, who is Miss?" Dongfang Yuanhua was overwhelmed by Xia Ji's beauty, instantly lost his temper, and said with a smirk.

"Hehe... I'm sorry, Mr. Dongfang, I have kept you waiting for a long time because of a temporary incident. I hope Mr. Dongfang is Haihan, and Xia Ji will apologize to you here."

Xia Ji said with a coquettish and charming smile, nodding her head as she spoke.

"No! No! Miss Xia, please don't be such a villain. In fact, I just arrived, hehe..."

Dongfang Yuanhua panicked, and hurriedly backed away a few steps, not daring to accept Xia Ji's nod, lest she be abrupt.

"Since that's the case, my son has already prepared thin wine to wash you off. Please Mr. Dongfang come with me." After speaking, Xia Ji Yujian led the way first.

Dongfang Yuanhua followed closely behind, secretly looking at Xia Ji from time to time, especially her proud figure.

Lei Aotian of the Lei family in Central Plains received a report from his disciples, saying that Leihu and Leibao's soul jade tokens were broken, which meant that they had fallen. This news made Lei Aotian very angry.

He didn't expect that two Gold Core early stage cultivators would fall in southern Xinjiang. No matter what happened, Lei Aotian felt that it had something to do with the Foundation Establishment stage cultivator that killed his son.

So he sent another Gold Core middle stage disciple with a memory crystal ball to search for Lu Chen in southern Xinjiang.

"Choo Choo Choo……"

"Don't make trouble, I don't go to work today, let me sleep a little longer," Lu Chen, who was lying on the ground, waved his arms and turned over without waking up.

In a daze, Lu Chen felt as if his body had been poked by something, thinking that someone was telling him to get up and go to work, pen fun library

Suddenly, Lu Chen trembled, as if thinking of something, he opened his eyes suddenly.

"Choo Choo Choo……"

"Oh my god..." Lu Chen screamed and disappeared in place.

Just now he clearly saw a chick the size of an elephant, its feathers not fully grown, pecking at him with its beak, Lu Chen was so frightened that he hurriedly hid in the Golden Pearl World.

In the Golden Bead World, Lu Chen was still in shock. After checking that he was not injured, he was relieved. He recalled that when he heard the cry of the flame magic bird, he felt a sharp pain in his soul, and then lost consciousness.

Combined with the scene he saw just now, Lu Chen guessed that he should be brought back by the flame magic bird.

Now I should be in the old nest of the flame magic bird. The elephant-sized chick just now should be the little flame magic bird that was just born.

"Haha... It seems that the ancients did not deceive me. The flame magic bird really eats grass. Otherwise, why didn't it eat itself?" Lu Chen said to himself fortunately.

Looking at the peaceful world of Jinzhu, Lu Chen heaved a long sigh, and suddenly felt a rare sense of leisure,

Because since Shennongmen Zhuhai escaped from Chu Dingtian, the head of the Shenshoushan branch, he has been tired of various things,

First, I met Horn and his wife in Vientiane City, not only got the body training technique, but also let them go to the Central Plains to set up a Chinese mercenary regiment, which can be regarded as a way for me to go to China in the future.

The development of the Central Plains has laid a foundation,

Also in Vientiane City, I was almost taken away by the ancestor Wushuang, but fortunately, there was no danger in the end, and I got the "Sky Tower", which may be an ancient mysterious treasure, but I still don't know what this "Sky Tower" has. effect.

Later, he participated in the Endless Forest Trial sponsored by the Seven Sects. During the period, he accidentally got news of the Ten Spiritual Roots Bitter Bamboo because he rescued Zixuan.

Thinking of Zixuan, Lu Chen felt an inexplicable pain in his heart.

In the "Qiankun Stone Workshop", I still have two rough stones with strong fluctuations of Spirit Power, because I have been busy and have no time to unlock them.

Then there are various encounters in the endless forest,

At first, I was confused by a strange fragrance and was almost trapped in an underground cave. Fortunately, with the parchment scroll given by the Horn couple, I was able to get out of the predicament by attaining the spiritual realm of body refinement.

Because of this, he got the Zhuyan Flower, successfully refined the Zhuyan Pill, and later realized the powerful skill of Buddha Palm.

After that, I met Ding Buhui, who was tricked by Zhao Wuji, the owner of the Ten Thousand Arrays Palace in the Northern Territory, in the Immortal Cave of Immortal Cultivation in ancient times. descendants.

But fortunately, I am not at a loss, not only learned the way of formation, but also got out of the endless forest because of it.

Then there is Black Thunder Calcined Body, the ultimate Cultivation World Supreme Treasure Ten Spiritual Roots Bitter Bamboo,

But it also caused a big trouble for myself.

Because he killed a bastard, who seemed to be called Lei Junjie, didn’t the two Gold Core early stage cultivators in Baiyun City come to seek revenge for him?

There are two Gold Core period cultivators in one shot. The Lei family thinks highly of themselves, and I don't know if the Lei family in the Central Plains will send people to chase and kill themselves.

In the last period of time, because I was concerned about Zixuan, I searched everywhere after I learned that she was missing, but in the end, I learned that Zixuan's life and death were unknown.

This undoubtedly left a lifelong regret in Lu Chen's heart.

In the Golden Pearl World, Lu Chen counted the twenty or so storage bags he got in the Yahang Den in Baiyun City, and got a total of 150,000 middle-grade Spirit Stones.

Among them, there are many storage bags of cultivators of the Gold Core stage, and more than 20 storage bags of cultivators of the fusion stage. It can be seen that ordinary cultivators are not very rich.

Including the 650,000 medium-grade Spirit Stones obtained from the previous sale of Medicine Pill, excluding expenses, there are a total of 800,000 medium-grade Spirit Stones.

Immediately, Lu Chen Lotus Position sat next to the mountain of Spirit Stones, operated the Chaos Dao Sheng Jue, began to absorb the Spiritual Qi in the Spirit Stones, and hit the Great Perfection of the Foundation Establishment period...

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