Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 132 Don't Be Arrogant

"Hey! Lu Chen! Didn't you say that as long as you pretend to be a wooden figure, the flame magic bird won't be able to find us? How does it look like, it's coming for us?"

Young Master Yuxiao shouted anxiously, but his body still maintained the state of a wooden figure.

At this moment, the huge figure of the Flaming Phantom Bird was already aiming at them and approaching extremely fast.

"Run!" Lu Chen also didn't expect it. Seeing that the situation was critical, Yu Xiao was still frozen there, so he quickly grabbed his shoulder, threw out the Magical Item long sword, and desperately ran the Chaos Dao Sheng Jue Yu Jian to escape, the speed Soon, only two afterimages were left on the spot. Biqu library


The flame magic bird descended from the sky like an eagle preying on its prey. Its two huge claws pounced on the place where Lu Chen and the others were standing just now, poking a big hole.

Immediately, stone chips flew, and the huge energy spread rapidly to the surroundings.

The two narrowly escaped, and countless small stones hit the backs of the two of them. Fortunately, Lu Chen cast his protective energy in time, otherwise Master Yuxiao would have suffered.

"Chirp..." Seeing that it hadn't caught its prey, the flame magic bird let out a long cry, and flew towards Lu Chen and the others at high speed.

The situation is very critical.

"Yuxiao! You run in another direction, I'll lure that bastard away," at this moment, Lu Chen suddenly sensed the imminent danger in his heart, and he said anxiously, throwing Mr. Yuxiao violently with both hands. go out.

"Lu Chen! You..." Young Master Yuxiao didn't even have time to say anything, his body flew out like a cannonball. He didn't expect that Lu Chen would save himself regardless of his own safety.

At this time, he saw that the flame magic bird had already pounced on Lu Chen, which showed how fast it was.

Thousands of meters away, Mr. Yuxiao stabilized his figure, watching with regret that Lu Chen was enveloped by the body of the flame magic bird, causing waves of dust to fly.

You must know that the Flame Phantom Bird is an eighth-level Demonic Beasts, comparable to a human cultivator Nascent Soul early stage, while Lu Chen is only a Foundation Establishment late stage, and there is a huge difference in strength between them. Chen will definitely die this time.

"Brother Lu! If I succeed in cultivation in the future, I will definitely come back to avenge you! If there is a chance in the next life, let's be good brothers."

After Master Yuxiao finished speaking, Yu Jian flew away without looking back. He couldn't let down the chance of survival that Lu Chen gave him with his life.

A dozen breaths ago,

It was less than three breaths before Lu Chen threw Young Master Yuxiao out, when the danger really came.

The flame magic bird came to Lu Chen in the blink of an eye, and its two huge claws grabbed Lu Chen like a tripod,

It was too late to say it, and the strong Qi locked Lu Chen, making him

At the critical juncture, Lu Chen yelled loudly, bursting with bewitching flames all over his body.

With Lu Chen as the center, the blue fog lotus sprang out more than ten meters high, enveloping him in flames,

Lu Chen stood at the feet of the flame magic bird like a Vulcan.

"Chirp..." The flame magic bird let out an angry cry, flapped its wings, and quickly vacated its body away from the blue flame.

At that moment just now, the Flame Phantom Bird, which was flying downward, was shocked by the sudden Wulian Heart Fire. It keenly felt that this kind of flame was very dangerous to it.

However, even though the Flame Phantom Bird flapped its wings desperately, the feathers on its abdomen were still scorched, revealing a piece of pitch black.

"Chirp..." The flame magic bird let out a long cry, and continued to hover in the air, looking at the blue flame with fear in its eyes, but it didn't dare to approach Lu Chen again.

Wulian Xinhuo is the top-ranked strange fire in Tianhuo. It belongs to the rare treasures of heaven and earth, extremely rare, and its power is terrifying.

This is also the reason why Lu Chen never dared to use it in front of outsiders. Lu Chen still understands the truth that everyone is innocent but pregnant is guilty.

"Haha... you bastard, come down if you have the ability! I won't break your grandfather, right? Daddy tells you, as long as you dare to come down, daddy will turn you into a roast chicken today...haha..."

Seeing that the Flame Magic Bird was very jealous of Wu Lian's anger, Lu Chen felt relieved and looked a little arrogant.

"Chirp..." The Flame Phantom Bird screamed suddenly, and the scream was mixed with a heart-pounding sound wave, and it rushed towards Lu Chen like a huge wave. Biqu library

" don't talk about martial arts..." Lu Chen said unwillingly, and passed out after speaking.

The domineering Lu Chen instinctively felt the danger when he heard the scream of the flame magic bird, but he couldn't dodge the invisible and invisible sound wave attack.

"Chirp..." The Flame Phantom Bird chirped again, as if to say, little boy! I can't kill you?

Then he flew down, grabbed Lu Chen under his feet, and flew towards the depths of the desert.

Xuantian Sect in Anlinzhou, Hao Nande's small courtyard before, Zhong Tao and Gu Feng left enough Foundation Establishment pills because of Lu Chen.

So after returning to Xuantian Sect from Zhongba City, the two went directly to Closed Door Training for the Foundation Establishment period, and Tong Wei protected them both.

"Boom...haha... Daddy finally broke through!"

At this time, an aura belonging to the Foundation Establishment early stage cultivator spread from Zhong Tao's room, Lotus Position

Tong Wei, who was sitting in the yard, was a little out of breath by the momentum,

"Damn it!" Tong Wei had no choice but to resist with the Spirit Power of the Dzogchen Dzogchen of fate, and she barely got injured but suffered terribly.

"Damn Fatty! What are you doing? Get out of here!" Gu Feng roared.

Then with a finger of consonance, the powerful true essence was injected into Tong Wei's body, and the pressure on Tong Wei disappeared instantly. Tong Wei seemed to realize something, and smiled happily:

"Gufeng! You also successfully broke through to the Foundation Establishment period?"

"En! Thanks to Lu Chen's Medicine Pill," Gu Feng smiled and nodded.

"Haha... I'm sorry, I accidentally spread the aura during the breakthrough to Foundation Establishment just now, Tong Wei, are you okay!" Zhong Tao came out very proudly.

"Hmph..." Tong Wei snorted coldly, ignoring Zhong Tao.

"Don't be angry! I didn't do it on purpose. By the way, Gu Feng, how many Foundation Establishment pills did you use for the breakthrough?" Zhong Tao could naturally see that Gu Feng had also broken through.

"Six! Why do you ask this?" Gu Feng asked puzzled.

"Haha... I only used five, one less than you." Zhong Tao smiled triumphantly, as if he was afraid that Gu Feng would not believe him, and held the jade bottle in his hand to play with.

At this time, a figure took advantage of Zhong Tao's trembling and snatched the jade bottle from Zhong Tao's hand.

"Hey...Tong Wei! What are you doing?" Zhong Tao's face changed drastically.

"No reason! Just to see if you really only used five Foundation Establishment pills." A bright look flashed in Tong Wei's eyes, and she was about to uncork the jade bottle as she spoke.

"No! Hehe... Sister Tong! Is it okay if I'm wrong? Alright! I admit, I used seven Pills, one more Foundation Establishment Pill than Gufeng, okay? Return the jade bottle quickly Me." Zhong Tao begged awkwardly.

"Bo..." Tong Wei still opened the jade bottle.

Looking at Zhong Tao again, he was already covering his face with his hands, as if he wanted to find a hole to drill down, because he spent ten Foundation Establishment pills before he broke through to the Foundation Establishment period,

"Hehe... I'll give it back to you. I advise you not to pretend in the future, or you will be easily struck by lightning." After seeing the empty jade bottle, Tong Wei imitated what Lu Chen said before, to stimulate Zhong Tao, and at the same time threw the jade bottle to him. he.

"Hehe... Is it okay if I'm wrong?" Zhong Tao smiled embarrassingly.

"Okay! Stop making trouble! Tong Wei is yours, go! I wish you success." Gu Feng said in a timely manner.

Next, Tong Wei entered the room and began to attack the Foundation Establishment early stage, and Gu Feng and Zhong Tao protected her.

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