Cultivation Of Coders

Chapter 868 Changing Markets

Chapter 868 Changing markets

"It's impossible. Although our Spirit Medicine Mountain has accepted a lot of disciples over the years, the core members have always been the same group back then. It's impossible for anyone to start working on it at that time.

And those who are waiting in front of me should be afraid of those previous ‘commercial spies’ getting into trouble. Over the years, there have been no new ones at all. Besides, I am in my training room right now, and there is no way anyone is watching me. "Li Shangyuan shook his head directly.

"In terms of ordinary means, this is certainly the case. But if this is really Sacred Land's arm, why go to such trouble? It can be easily completed without even the need for Liuhe Daxiu to control it behind the scenes."

Zhang Deming showed a wry smile and said: "Send a Liuhe Daxiu or several Five Elements Daxiu who are proficient in formations to go to Spirit Medicine Mountain for a tour in advance.

By the way, an advanced magic array can be set up, which can directly create a one-to-one virtual 'sand table', and it is also dynamic all the time. "

"Sand table?" Li Shangyuan showed a puzzled expression.

"This is a term outside the territory, which is to use magic array means to establish a global photo surveillance of Spirit Medicine Mountain. In other words, your every move will be watched by others." Zhang Deming said.

"Now?" Li Shangyuan looked around and said in surprise.

"Who knows!" Zhang Deming looked confused and followed Li Shangyuan's movements with a calm expression on his face. He looked at the training room where the other party was and said with a hint:

"This is still the most basic method, including the Sky Eye, Clairvoyance, Sky-gazing Mirror, Space Mirror, etc.

Based on the knowledge base I have now, among the many reconnaissance path Apex Level techniques, there are a lot of them that can enable the silent detection and monitoring of the current level of defense at Spirit Medicine Mountain.

So now we...well, you are probably being looked at like a monkey.

To be honest, I wouldn't be surprised if someone suddenly appeared in front of you and asked you to reveal the Book of Living Beings and give him and me a chance to chat face to face. "

"Don't scare me, okay. Maybe you're overthinking it. It's not that scary." Li Shangyuan said uneasily as he let out his senses for a while, but didn't see anything.

‘You don’t know the methods of Liuhe before Liuhe, only the more exaggerated ones! '

Zhang Deming smiled and did not answer. Although the Book of Living Beings is based on personal consciousness, others will never be able to see it. But what this guy did just now clearly revealed that he was communicating with someone.

Although I couldn't see or hear what Zhang Deming said, if anyone heard what Li Shangyuan said just now, anyone with a brain would definitely know who Li Shangyuan was communicating with.

He was actually very sure that Li Shangyuan was now under surveillance. The speculation just now was not so much a guess as it was a final conclusion based on knowledge reserves.

And if Liuhe Daxiu is really behind the scenes, they should be using various means to try to figure out Li Shangyuan's communication methods.

Trying to see Li Shangyuan's Book of Living Beings, see and hear what Zhang Deming said, and even decipher and track Zhang Deming.

"Don't worry, it's not as serious as you think. They just want to find me. At least it's still in the searching stage and they won't do anything to you." Zhang Deming looked at the frightened Li Shangyuan and said.

"But for safety reasons, you should not try to contact me in the future. If you have any issues, just chat with us at most. If you want to transfer items, please put them aside for the time being!"

At this moment, Li Shangyuan was still sensing the entire Spirit Medicine Mountain, but he didn't find anything. He felt like he was fighting wits with the air.

But because of Zhang Deming's words and the horror of the information he had previously discovered, he still couldn't feel at ease. He looked at Zhang Deming anxiously and said, "Okay, I understand. By the way, what do you want from me?"

Zhang Deming replied: "Nothing, I originally wanted to ask you how the collection of Spiritual Treasure fragments is going, and how many you can give me. After all, it has been in stock for more than ten years.

But now... let's forget it and let you go first. I'm afraid that if you teleport to me with your front foot, I'll have an extra 'Sword of Mountains and Rivers' or 'Scroll of Destiny' or something like that in front of me. "

Li Shangyuan became even more uneasy by Zhang Deming's words, and said speechlessly: "The more you talk, the more exaggerated it becomes. Why didn't you say that Holy Master Jian Chen came to invite you in person?"

"Haha!" Zhang Deming looked at Li Shangyuan but did not reply.

You can't tell the other person. If you have the chance, you might be able to do it, let alone know the editing panel.

When Li Shangyuan saw Zhang Deming's strange expression, he felt a little embarrassed. He stopped dwelling on this and changed the subject:

"It's getting harder and harder to collect the fragments. In the past ten years, we have received a total of one and a half, close to two pieces. And they are all extremely damaged, and the sellers are asking more and more expensive prices. Everyone They all want to take advantage of me."

Zhang Deming nodded and said: "I understand, you can continue to collect it. I will leave it with you for now and pick it up when I have the opportunity."

Let's stop here today. If we chat for a long time and others can't detect the contact method, I'm afraid I will simply run in front of you and "please" you reveal the book of living beings. The master and disciple talked with me face to face. "

"Uh..." Li Shangyuan froze when he heard this, and said with a dark face: "You head-chopping man, you want to do this to me, so I won't be able to sleep well every day, right?"

Zhang Deming smiled and said: "Combined!"

After saying this, he squeezed his fist and Li Shangyuan's figure disappeared from the list of living beings.


After Li Shangyuan disappeared, Zhang Deming looked at the book of living beings suspended in his hand for a long time and said with a smile: "Haha, Sacred Land, I really ignored Sacred Land's powerful intelligence system before!

It seemed that Li Zhengkun had better not come into contact with those circles where he had traces of his previous life. Otherwise, he might be tagged for something one day and be found out! "

While thinking, Zhang Deming waved his hand, and the Spiritual Treasure fragments flew out one by one from the Spirit World storage room. Zhang Deming counted the fragments and found that there was about half the amount of Spiritual Treasure, which was what was left before.

"A one-time Spiritual Treasure consumes only about one-fifth of the traditional Spiritual Treasure. Now these should be more than enough.

However, the supply of Qingyu Street was cut off for a short period of time, and the future supply would need to be found again. After all, this thing needs to be kept in reserve, just in case. "

While thinking, Zhang Deming was silent for a moment, shook his head, and said: "Forget it, let's just issue a long-term mission as the owner of Daobing Tower. Since the intelligence on Qingyu Street has been penetrated like this.

So Li Zhengkun's identity as the owner of Daobing Building should not be a secret in Sacred Land.

After all, there are tens of millions of disciples in the alliance, and they have met ‘Money’ Du Xuanda many times. If Hongmeng Sacred Land didn't know much about this, the previous intelligence systems would have been seriously mismatched. "

After making the decision, Zhang Deming no longer struggled. The space image of the Worm Nest Taoist Tower appeared in front of him. Zhang Deming looked at the image, hesitated for a moment, and summoned the monitoring elf and said:

“Set up a convenient way to capture Tao soldiers in the Dao soldiers building that doesn’t require much effort.

Hmm... As for the specific function, it's similar to the fragment exchange function in card-gaining online games. Using fragments, you don't have to go through tests and you don't have to contribute to obtain Dao soldiers. It is even exempted from the purification task of obtaining Dao soldiers.

As for the way to obtain this fragment, it is to exchange for some resources, similar to the recharge channel.

By the way, in addition to the extremely precious resources, the exchanged resources also need to be strange and weird. Regular resources are not included, and Spiritual Treasure fragments are mixed in as the mainstay.

Well, you can also use these fragments to speed up the cultivation of poisonous insect babies and so on.

In this way, it will be convenient for some rich people to open babies, and at the same time, it can prevent Daobing Tower from becoming a place where you can simply recharge and draw cards to get Purifier Bug babies. "

"Concept ingest..."

"Function under construction..."

"The preliminary functions have been established, please make fine adjustments and optimizations!"

Because the monitoring elves already have a complete routine for the welfare system of alliance disciples, fully utilizing and applying the relevant essence of the previous game.

Therefore, within a moment, a rough function was created. Zhang Deming checked it carefully, made only some minor adjustments, and then chose to complete it.

Then put it into the various channels of Daobinglou and ignore it. The effect cannot be seen in a day or two. It can be regarded as a kind of long-term sustainable development of wool.


After waving his hand to disperse the image, Zhang Deming returned to the weapon refining room and threw the surveillance elf into the depths of the chaotic sky.

In fact, with his current weapon refining methods, it is not difficult to refine a Qiankun Substitute Talisman, and with Spiritual Treasure Dao Yun Dog Food, it is not difficult to reforge it into a Seven Star.

The real difficulty is that it is difficult to find the pile of fragments in front of you. Now that there is enough dog food for Heavy Forging, Zhang Deming is actually no longer worried about this order.


Among the main materials of Qiankun Substitute Talisman, there are two that are relatively precious. One requires the material of the Space Path and requires extreme purity. The other requires the material of the Life Healing Path and requires strong life repair power.

Among his many inventories, there is a special empty Akashi, which is of a sufficient level, but it is a healing material, which is somewhat insufficient.

After pondering for a moment, he directly issued a purchase message to the entire alliance. Nowadays, there are a lot of such purchase information, so he pinned it with his identity.

Although the healing material he wanted was very precious because of its relatively high level, it was not rare. Therefore, in just a few moments, Zhang Deming received several transaction requests.

Zhang Deming carefully selected the match, selected the most suitable one, and completed the transaction with a special set of beads.

Looking at the spiritual materials falling out of the portal, Zhang Deming smiled with satisfaction. After so many years of alliance building, I am now more and more aware of its benefits and convenience.

In the past, for such a precious but not rare thing, I might have had to attend a party or find someone from the sect to exchange a small favor.

After checking the materials and finding that there were no problems, Zhang Deming completed the transaction.

(End of chapter)

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