Cultivation Of Coders

Chapter 867 The Terrifying Sacred Land Intelligence Bureau

Chapter 867 The Terrifying Sacred Land Intelligence Bureau

Because the fifth day of the lunar month is the departure day for the exchange study group from both worlds, choosing the third day of the lunar month is a kind of trial. If the other party really wants to join the group, this is the best time to deal with it.

Yan Xiangcheng was obviously stunned when he heard the time. He looked at Zhang Deming with a smile on his face and said, "Then when will the utensils be warmed?"

Zhang Deming said: "This is not difficult, it is just some special processing. It will be handled in time when the delivery meets."

Yan Xiangcheng pondered for a moment, nodded and said, "Okay!"

Yan Xiangcheng and Zhang Deming looked at each other and smiled as they spoke, and a faint tacit understanding emerged. At this point in time, many things were revealed.

After finalizing the relevant deal, the unfamiliar two people stopped chatting, and Yan Xiangcheng quietly left the gathering place.


After Zhang Deming watched the other party leave, he excitedly took out the jade box again.

As the jade box is opened, the unique aura permeates the entire room again. The rhythms of lightness and weight are obviously contradictory, but they complement each other perfectly.

Zhang Deming looked carefully at the sometimes brown-red, sometimes dark-yellow spirit fruit in front of him for a long time before he calmed down a little.

Turning his hand again, another jade box appeared. As it was opened, a special Beast Core lay quietly in the jade box. Looking at the two objects, Zhang Deming smiled.

It has been more than eighty years since he started practicing Buddhism. In his nearly one hundred years of life, he has been stumbling along the way.

Every time I make a recipe, I have to work hard and raise it little by little. It is very difficult and I fully experience what precious resources are, just like an Independent Cultivator.

And as the cultivation level increases, the formula materials become more and more precious, and it becomes more and more difficult to collect the formula in a short time. He originally thought that the seven-star formula was the same.

Therefore, when the formula for the Liuhe period was changed, I took precautions and changed the formula for the Seven Stars together. I have been paying attention to it for so many years, but I haven't found even a single supporting material.

It can be seen how difficult it is to find these things. You must know that the alliance is now tens of millions in size.

But this is normal. If it weren't for this, Hongmeng's current seven-star overhaul would not only have nineteen people.

Unexpectedly, I couldn't find any leftover ingredients in the formula, but now I suddenly got a Dao Integration Beast Core that is extremely suitable for the main ingredient in the Black Bird Relic, and now I have this special Taichu Xuanhuang Fruit.

Both are extremely special things, extremely compatible, and very mild in effect. Taken together, they are definitely as good as a formula. For Zhang Deming, they may even be better than the orthodox formula.

This is the reason why Zhang Deming is excited. With this thing, even if his cultivation reaches the peak of Liuhe, he still can't find any seven-star formula materials, so there is no need to worry. You can try these two things!

"In so many years, this is the first time I've had good luck with the formula!" Zhang Deming smiled as he carefully repackaged the two items.

As he spoke, he clicked on the editing panel again and took a look.

Kung Fu: Yulong Tianjing (Rank Eleven)

Cultivation: Liuhe Level 2 (890/1000/100 million)


"It's still early for Seven Star promotion, don't be in a hurry!"

As he spoke, Zhang Deming put away the spiritual materials and did not leave the Yu Spirit World. He got up and went to a special refining room in the building complex. His expression changed into that of Li Zhengkun. Then he turned his hand and the book of living beings appeared.

As the Book of Living Beings flickered and floated for a moment, it suddenly opened, and Li Shangyuan's old upper body figure emerged from the opened book.

"I originally planned to contact you in the past few days, but you contacted me in advance." He looked at Zhang Deming for a moment, and before Zhang Deming could speak, he took the lead and said: "What on earth are you doing? Can't your life be a little more stable? ?”

Zhang Deming was stunned for a moment by his sudden words, and said, "What do you mean? Did you take the wrong medicine?"

Li Shangyuan rolled his eyes speechlessly and said: "A few days ago, one of my disciples accidentally discovered that someone in our Qingyu Street has been following us for a long time.

At first I didn't pay much attention, thinking it was another random person who had his eye on some business on Qingyu Street. So I casually ordered the people from the Qingyu tribe to inquire about it.

As a result, the juniors below made two consecutive waves of exploration, but there was no news. When the Qingyu tribe discovered that something was wrong, they sent people to investigate seriously. The result was that the building was empty and there was no trace at all. "

Zhang Deming frowned, looked at Li Shangyuan and said, "Are the current 'commercial spies' in Qingyu City so exaggerated?"

Over the years, Li Shangyuan, with the support of Zhang Deming, has gradually taken control of Qingyu City. Zhang Deming also occasionally heard a little bit about the commercial matters on Qingyu Street.

"If that's the case, that would be great." Li Shangyuan rolled his eyes again, looked at Zhang Deming and continued:

"This matter is nothing at first, but it is indeed a bit weird. My disciple is worried about it, fearing that he will be cheated by someone who is jealous of our store's business.

I carefully and carefully explored the entire Qingyu Street. After all, our business has indeed become a bit big now because you have opened up the relationship with Alliance Leader Zhang and have the backing of countless disciples in the alliance.

As a result of this investigation, I suddenly realized that not only one store, but many of our stores were being followed. We still have a lot of surrounding shops, all-weather ones.

When I learned about the situation at that time, I was very surprised that I was not scared out of my mind. After all, someone who could do something like this would at least be in the blessed land of Grotto-Heaven. I thought someone was going to attack our Qingyu City. "

Zhang Deming listened and frowned more and more. Li Shangyuan continued: "Only after that did I pay attention and started to investigate carefully.

With the support of the Herring Clan and various leasing and sales information records, it is not difficult to investigate quietly as long as it does not go too deep.

However, after checking, I discovered that the other party was obviously not here for business. Because the entire Qingyu Street is monitored to a certain extent.

Even Qingyu City didn't know when it turned into a special intelligence center. It has been arranged one after another since ten years ago. Three months ago, this intensity was intensified by the Transcendent Level.

Our current Qingyu City has almost become the intelligence headquarters of who knows who!

And my Spirit Medicine mountain is even more focused. I thought about it carefully and realized that I was obviously incapable of causing such a fight. Then there are only other possibilities.

After thinking about it, at this time ten years ago, the only big news was the one you made in Lingxiao Realm. In addition, a few days ago, I heard some rumors about what happened at Heavenly Mechanism Pavilion three months ago.

So you really went to Heavenly Mechanism Pavilion to cause trouble? Are these people coming for you with such an exaggerated battle? "

Zhang Deming was obviously stunned when he heard Li Shangyuan's words. After his experience with the Heavenly Spirit Sect Intelligence Department, he has always taken the Hongmeng Intelligence Agency very seriously.

But a place like Qingyu City, a place that has been run by aristocratic families for tens of thousands of years, is not just monolithic, but it is at least at the level of slate, right?

Now it has quietly penetrated into the sieve and has not been discovered. Is a Sacred Land-level intelligence department so awesome?

Ha, it seems that he hasn't been caught in the braid all these years. Thank you for the powerful disguise ability of the editing panel!

After listening to Li Shangyuan's words, Zhang Deming's thoughts flashed for a while. As for why Li Shangyuan, why is Herring City...

Because he only used Li Zhengkun's vest except when he needed it, his life circle is not big, and he hasn't contacted many people in these years.

Therefore, Li Zhengkun's life circle and circle of friends are extremely small. In this way, Li Shangyuan's situation is logical.

It was also at this time that Zhang Deming discovered how exaggerated Hongmeng Sacred Land's search for Li Zhengkun was!

After thinking for a while, Zhang Deming said: "Don't worry about this matter, in fact, I'm surprised that you can find traces..."

At this point, Zhang Deming was taken aback for a moment, and said, "You said that your disciples found out these things?"

Li Shangyuan nodded and said: "Well, now among my three thousand disciples, there are already dozens of three talents, and they are worthy of use."

"So it was a group of three-talented disciples who found out the information?" Zhang Deming asked again with a puzzled look on his face.

Seeing Zhang Deming's reaction, Li Shangyuan was taken aback for a moment, then thought of something, and said, "You mean... making bait for fishing??? Wait a minute!"

In the book, only the upper body of Li Zhengkun was lying leisurely on some kind of recliner. At this point, Yan suddenly woke up and suddenly turned over. After leaving a sentence, he hurriedly closed the book of all living beings and the communication disappeared.

Seeing this, Zhang Deming's expression changed slightly.

After only three breaths, the sentient beings book was opened again, and the opponent's miniature figure resurfaced. This time it was no longer on a reclining chair in the courtyard, but in a secret cultivation room.

"You just said that what I found was deliberately revealed to me?" Li Shangyuan looked at Zhang Deming and asked.

Zhang Deming nodded and said: "It's almost like he's the one investigating you. If you can't find anything for a long time, let's just try to scare him away and see what the effect is.

Behind this matter is probably the arm of Hongmeng Sacred Land. With the staff of Sacred Land, it is not difficult to deploy and control the entire circle I have been in contact with before. After all, I used to mostly clean up, and the circle was very small.

Under such circumstances, at least the monks of the Four Symbols and Five Elements should be the main force. I would not be surprised if there is a Liuhe Daxiu master behind the scenes.

I can still believe that your group of three talented disciples accidentally discovered some clues by chance, but it is obviously impossible to investigate to this extent.

So after eliminating all possibilities, there is only one possibility. They hope to shock you and make you contact me. From this process, they can find some traces and find me out.

Maybe... our connection just now has been seen by others. In other words, you are still being stared at now! "


(End of chapter)

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