Cultivation: From the Inauguration of Druid

Chapter 619: Yasha Female Ghost

What is different from Zhang Qing is the feeling when those monks were burned to death by himself.

What Sun Erniang met was those people she killed in the past, who turned into ghosts and sought revenge on her, wanting to eat her flesh and drink her blood.

However, she deserves to be called a dominatrix, and she has no fear in the face of this situation.

When the group of ghosts came to eat her, she ate it back. When someone else bit her, she wanted to bite her back twice, without any remorse or fear.

After eating until her belly was full, she still refused to give up after being torn apart.

While eating, it leaked from the intestines.

Until I was eaten up, and I clearly felt that even my bones were broken and swallowed by Jue, and then reappeared among the ghosts.

Still unaware, she pounced on the group of ghosts again, grabbed one of the ghosts, bit them and tore them apart.

Every time a ghost was eaten by Sun Erniang, one of them disappeared.

Every time she was eaten, an evil ghost would come back to life.

In this way, gradually, she ate less and less of the nearly thousand-headed evil spirits.

The evil spirit all over his body is getting heavier and heavier.

Originally, the demonic energy in her body was stronger than other gangshas, ​​but the demonic energy in the demon star escaped earlier, which had already affected her mind.

Become fierce and cruel, and don't take other people's lives seriously.

At this time eating so many evil spirits actually hooked the magic star hidden in her body.

The transpiring demonic energy turned into wisps of black flames entangled with the red flames of karma.

For a moment, Lingqing looked at the two scenes in front of her.

On one side is the illusion, where Sun Erniang keeps slaughtering and devouring evil spirits.

On the one hand, in reality, the red lotus karmic fire shrouding Sun Erniang's body is entangled with the black flames of demonic energy constantly emerging from her body.

Behind her gradually condensed into a phantom of Yaksha.

Yaksha refers to ugly ghosts, who are brave, vicious, and can eat people.

Its image is not a ferocious spirit with a face like indigo, hair like cinnabar, and huge fangs.

It is a hump-like head, hairless, holding an iron fork, and a ferocious and terrifying evil ghost.

Or other ugly forms, anyway, none of them look good.

However, this image mostly refers to Yasha men.

But the Yasha girl among them has a straight face, a good figure, a slender waist, big breasts, plump buttocks and long legs, which is instantly attractive.

Sun Erniang's mother Yasha was originally called Yasha because she had a vicious personality, like a ghost, and she was engaged in the business of killing people and selling rice and meat.

That's why I got this name, but in fact, my birth is worse than that of ordinary village women.

However, the Yaksha behind her at this time has a three-point appearance similar to hers, but it is even more enchanting and charming.

The figure is even more beautiful like a real Yasha girl.

It's just that there is more evil spirit between the brows, and the fierce light in the eyes, she is a real witch.

Lingqing saw her like this, fearing that she would be burned by the red lotus karma to disperse the magic star, and the magic energy would rage out, so she restrained the blood flame.

The fire of his karma can't burn away that devilish energy.

Just as Sun Erniang devoured the last evil ghost, the scene in front of her eyes changed, and the Taoist priest who came to trouble her was standing in front of her.

Look at me eating you! She roared red-eyed, with five claws spread out, as fast as lightning, as fast as thunder, and rushed towards Ling Qing.

Er Niang, come on slowly. Zhang Qingben, who was on the side, was also surprised, seeing that the demon fire on his wife had died down, he knew that Ling Qing had resorted to tricks.

Originally, he wanted to take Sun Erniang to thank Lingqing for not killing, but who knew that she would kill again as soon as she woke up.

He yelled in panic and jumped into the middle.

However, now that Erniang Sun is in the illusion, the only thing left to kill is her heart full of killing intent.

He also spontaneously refined his own demon energy and red lotus karmic fire into a Yasha demon soul.

Now it is equivalent to a master in the foundation building period.

And Zhang Qing couldn't beat her in the first place, how can he stop her now?

Sun Erniang also didn't expect that her husband would appear in front of her. Seeing a figure rushing towards her, she grabbed it with one claw.


With just one blow, a huge gash was opened between Zhang Qing's chest and abdomen.

Immediately, heart, liver, spleen, lungs and stomach dripped all over the floor, and Zhang Qing also fell to the ground in a daze.

Xianggong! Sun Erniang was shocked when she saw it,

He didn't even care about killing Ling Qing, and threw himself on the ground, wrapping his stomach in his hands and trying to stuff it into Zhang Qing's cavity.

However, in such a big hole, the top is stuffed in and leaks out from the bottom, and when the bottom is blocked, it overflows from the top.

Press both ends, and there is a big gap in the middle.

Sun Erniang, who was looking directly at her, was tearing apart, her eyes were weeping blood, and she screamed again and again.

It can be said that when a person is about to die, his words are good, and when a bird is about to die, his song is also sad.

Zhang Qing ended up like this, as if he looked away, he stretched out his palm tremblingly.

Caressing Sun Erniang's face that has changed drastically, she said with a smile: Erniang has never been as good-looking as she is today, and of course she was much more beautiful in the past.

If I fail, don't blame the Taoist priest, and don't take revenge for me, we are to blame for this.

If I did something like that in the past, I should have known that it would not end well.

It's just that I didn't want you to die, so you went to ask the Taoist priest to let him spare your life.

From now on, don't do this business again, now you look different, and no one recognizes you.

You went to find a good family, and lived the rest of your life in peace.

Sir, don't say any more, there will be a way to save you. Erniang Sun said hurriedly.

She lost her mother since she was a child, and grew up with a bandit-like father, who also had a rude temperament.

Suddenly one day, my old father brought a man outside, looking weak and submissive, she might as well look like a man.

But the old man said that this was the man he was looking for for her, so she didn't refuse.

According to the old father's wishes, this man will be her pillar in the future.

Although she felt that he might not be able to bear it, she was still willing to listen to her father and regard him as a pillar.

After getting married, she found that this man was actually a good guy, and she didn't mind making trouble whatever she said.

After taking over from his father, he treated all the elders in the green forest properly, and everyone gave him three points.

Now she can safely stay in the store and open the hotel, all thanks to this man behind him.

He took care of black and white in an orderly manner, especially after his father died.

It's just that her father just died a few days ago, and now her own man was killed by her own hands again, which made her feel at a loss.

Er Niang, don't panic, this is the retribution we deserve in our lives...

After hearing Zhang Qing's words, before he could finish speaking, Erniang Sun screamed and shouted, Retribution? This world doesn't give us a chance to live in peace, so why should we get this retribution?

She has been used to the sinister world since she was a child.

After the old man got old, he also wanted to live a stable life in the city, but how could the city be a place for people like them to live?

He had no choice but to run to this cross slope to do such a business of killing people and selling rice and meat.

Killing someone to eat rice and meat is better than being killed and eating meat, right?

Since everyone deserves to die, I'll kill you first, and then kill all the people in this world to be buried with you!

After Sun Erniang finished speaking, she raised her eyebrows and raised her paw to pat Zhang Qing's head.

Zhang Qing didn't speak anymore, and didn't care about the falling ghost claws, just looked at her with a smile.

Pindao has a way to save his life.

An indifferent voice sounded, and the ghost claw suddenly stood still.

Sun Erniang turned her neck to look where the sound came from.

The Taoist who caused all that was leisurely shaking the dust whisk in his hand, looking at him indifferently.

A fierce light flashed in Sun Erniang's eyes from time to time, but she finally calmed down and asked, What is the solution?

Ling Qing smiled and remained silent.

Sun Erniang gently put Zhang Qing down, bowed down and kowtowed to the ground, begging: Please be merciful, Taoist priest, and hope to save my husband.

This method requires Yasha's painstaking efforts to make medicine. Lingqing said slowly after seeing this: And in front of me, there is a Yasha female ghost.

I just don't know if she will.

Sun Erniang paused when she heard this.

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