Zhang Qing saw that Erniang Sun couldn't help the Taoist in front of him, and knew that it would be useless to fight hard, so it's better to be soft and say something nice.

Not only can avoid the disaster in front of me, maybe it can also turn hostility into friendship, and have an extra backer to retreat.

But Sun Erniang has been in the rivers and lakes since she was a child, but she is more staunch than a man.

How can Lingqing look at herself like meat on a chopping board?

In addition, seeing him being so relentless, I suddenly became angry in my heart.

Pushing aside the table in front of her, she rushed towards Ling Qing, and shouted: I've seen a lot of birds like you, who are full of thieves and whores.

I can't wait to strip and eat you all, so that my old lady will feel disgusted.

But when she rushed closer, she realized that there was no Taoist in front of her, it was clearly a ball of fire.

Blood red fire.

In Zhang Qing's eyes, his wife just lost her temper and pushed the table away, and was about to pounce, so she froze in place.

Then she saw a ball of blood flames burning from under her body, turning her into a burning man in the blink of an eye.

Zhang Qing saw that his eyes were broken, and he rushed towards Ling Qing with a loud cry, You Taoist, you are so merciful that you even used the demon method to burn and kill my wife.

However, like Sun Erniang, when he rushed forward, he saw a ball of blood flames in his arms.

Seeing that both Sun Erniang and Zhang Qing had demon flames on their bodies, the two helpers remained motionless, screamed and ran out the door.

Ling Qing flicked the fly whisk, and the red lotus karmic fire also rose from the two of them, but in an instant, the two were burned to fly ash.

Although Emperor Miaojing is not around now, his avatar that has been refined by Lingqing can naturally use the supernatural power of the red lotus fire.

Zhang Qing panicked when he saw the fire on his body, and yelled for help while beating the flames on his body.

But when he opened his eyes, he found that there was a temple on fire all around him, and some monks with bright heads beside him were caught in the flames like him.

Rolling over and trying to put out the fire on his body, crying for someone to save him.

But outside the sea of ​​flames, there was a person watching with a torch in one hand and a simple knife in the other.

Amidst the smoke and fire, Zhang Qing saw that the man was about twenty-five or sixteen years old, with three fists and a forked face, with a few mustaches, and looked familiar.

It was only when he was burned to death that he suddenly realized that that person was not exactly what he looked like?

As the eyes went dark, he woke up again and was in a sea of ​​flames, but this time it was as if he had changed his body.

All the hatred for Zhang Qing welled up in his heart, looking at the indifferent devil, he rushed towards him with flames all over his body.

However, after only a few steps out of the sea of ​​flames, he threw himself on the ground, unwillingly watching the devil who was so close in front of him die in hatred.

What he saw before he died was a sharp knife light like a cold wind.

In such reincarnations one after another, he suffered twenty or thirty rounds of burning fire.

Until the end, like an old monk, he was sitting upright in the meditation room when he suddenly smelled smoke and saw a fire outside the door.

He opened the door and saw that the entire temple had turned into a sea of ​​flames, and monks all over the temple were running and crying in the sea of ​​flames.

And beyond the sea of ​​flames, there was a person holding a torch and a steel knife, looking at the scene in front of him with a full face.

Smiling like a demon, he recognized that it was Zhang Qing who was growing vegetables in the temple.

He couldn't help but proclaimed the Buddha's name, Namo Amitabha!

Then he recited the Sutra of Rebirth, Namo Amitabha Yeduotagaduo Yeduo Diyeta Amitamiya Dupopi Amitamiyaduo Sidampopi...

The sound of the Buddha resounded through the body and mind, without the slightest resentment, without the slightest hatred, but a light in the heart.

The sound of the Buddha didn't stop until it was swallowed by a piece of fire, and there was a little light ups and downs in the fire in a trance.

The light soared, engulfing itself, and he came to a vegetable garden again.

Thinking of arguing with the monk in the monastery during the day, my heart was filled with malice, and I couldn't fall asleep after thinking about it.

Looking at the oil lamp on the table, the anger in his heart seemed to turn into a flame and burn.

He grinned, went outside the door to find a wooden stick, went back to the house to find a cloth wrapped around it, soaked it in sesame oil, and lit it on the oil lamp.

When he got out of the door, he lit the torch when he saw the dry place, and walked around the temple, enclosing the whole temple in a sea of ​​flames.

Holding a torch, he looked at the monks who used to be aloof and wailed bitterly, and his heart was filled with joy.

The monk who had been arguing with him during the day was full of resentment, but he could only slowly struggle in front of him, and was hacked to death by him.

He just watched them little by little, watching them die slowly.

Until an old monk with white eyebrows walked out of the meditation room, he looked at himself with no hatred, no pity, and no mercy.

Go as if you didn't see yourself.

He couldn't help but become more angry, flooding like the sea of ​​fire in front of him.

Why doesn't he hate himself, why doesn't he take himself seriously?

In a flash of thought, he rushed into the sea of ​​flames, grabbed the monk who closed his eyes and chanted scriptures, and asked, This monk, is he still looking down on me here when he is about to die?

The flame had already burned to his body, but he didn't notice it, he just looked at the old monk in front of him with eyes full of anger.

All dharmas come into being due to karma, and I say it is karma; when karma is exhausted, I say so. The old monk opened his eyes and said in verse.

It's not because I look down on you, it's because you look down on yourself.

It wasn't you who killed the old monk, it was the old monk who made the karma die.

I also hope that in the future you can see your original mind clearly, not be disturbed by evil thoughts, and return to your original colors.


As the old monk pushed him, a ray of light flashed, sweeping away the flames on his body.

And when the light disappeared and the scenery in front of him changed, he returned to the hotel in the cross slope.

Ling Qing's surprised eyes appeared in front of her eyes.

When Lingqing burned people with the red lotus fire, she could watch what they were doing in the illusion from the perspective of a bystander.

But this is extremely demanding in terms of xinxing, and a little carelessness will be affected by it.

Therefore, generally speaking, he would block it and only let Emperor Miaojing carry it.

But at this time there were only two people, and they were extremely important two people, so he was naturally watching from the sidelines.

He was not surprised to see Zhang Qing experience all kinds of pains of burning and killing in it.

However, the old monk was able to push Zhang Qing out of the illusion and extinguish the karmic fire on him, which Ling Qing never expected.

It seems that, as Fu Yaozi said, it's not just me and him who are paying attention to the gangsters.

Zhang Qing woke up, looked at the scene in front of him, and knew that Fang was Ling Qing's method.

Seeing that the demon fire on his body is gone, and seeing that the fire on Sun Erniang's body has not disappeared, her body and clothes have not been burned, she knows she is not dead yet.

So she fell to her knees and begged bitterly, asking Lingqing to let her wife go.

Ling Qing didn't intend to burn them to death with a single fire, but now that he has escaped the fire of karma, he no longer cares about him.

Let him kowtow on the side as if smashing garlic and ignore it, but continue to look at Sun Erniang who is on the side.

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