Cultivation: From the Inauguration of Druid

Chapter 529 True Spirit and Reincarnation Good and Evil Will Be Rewarded (Please subscribe! Please a

The Heart Sutra of Refining Demons and Transforming Dao in the Supreme Seventh Nine Years.

This method does not talk about forgetting emotions, let alone cultivating demons with seven emotions and nine thoughts.

Just adhering to the heart of exterminating evil spirits in the world as one's own responsibility, and then subduing all evil spirits, killing all evil spirits, and subduing all evil spirits, what you do is the method of refining evil spirits and becoming enlightened.

Moreover, this method is no better than before, and it is impossible to achieve enlightenment. Now it can be said that there is hope for the future.

Since then, Xiao Mo has contributed a lot during the time when Taoist Lingguan turned demons into Dao, and he has returned to the peak of immortality by virtue of the characteristics of this skill.

Not long after the demon gate was stabilized, Taoist Lingguan killed the original demon lord and helped Xiao Mo kill the supreme demon lord.

He also completely changed the Demon Sect into Tongtian Daozong, and claimed the position of suzerain himself, and the world respected him as Tongtian Daozong.

Afterwards, he was also grateful for Xiao Mo's contribution and the kindness he was carrying now, so he accepted him as his apprentice.

But because of the crimes Xiao Mo committed in reality, he must first be tried by the Special Affairs Department.

Xiao Mo also agreed without hesitation.

There is a saying that everything yesterday is like death yesterday, and everything today is like life today.

Reincarnated in this life, Xiao Mo can be considered to have lived again, and now that he has a hopeful future, he naturally put aside all the troubles in the past and prepared to welcome a new life.

But in reality, he is still him, and the reincarnation in the dungeon does not mean that it will be written off in reality.

In this life, at the request of his master Taishang Taoist, he has accumulated virtue and done good deeds since he was a child, and he is willing to take responsibility for the sins he committed before because of his deep love and the grace of saving his life.

Afterwards, Taoist Lingguan thoroughly sorted out the Tongtian Dao Sect, and after he built the nine Two Realms archways, he brought Xiao Mo out through the Two Realms archways.

The exit of the Two Worlds Archway is in the Guangming Hall of Baozhu Temple. Taoist Lingguan and Xiao Mo met Zhu Guang who was refining alchemy in the hall, and Tang Deng who was guarding here together.

Taoist Lingguan accompanied Tang Deng to personally send Xiao Mo to the Jingye Department of the Special Affairs Department, and told his situation one by one, and asked the Special Affairs Department to let him pay for his merits.

Xiao Mo also cooperated very well, explaining all the crimes he committed before, and checked the victim's information with Jing Yesi, in case Jing Yesi made any mistakes.

But Jing Yesi deserved to be a well-prepared operation. Except for Xiao Mo's accident, there was no other mistake or omission, and he even arrested some other people who used evil methods to harm people.

Then Xiao Mo really changed? What does the Special Affairs Department say now? Ling Qing asked with a sigh after hearing the whole story.

Xiao Mo is quite open, no matter what the Special Affairs Department does, he is willing to accept it.

Furthermore, I also made an agreement with him and the Special Affairs Department. If it is really impossible to make the merits of the crime, then I will keep him as a true spirit.

After his death, I will take his true spirit and send it to reincarnation, and I will take it back under my sect in the future. The Lingguan Taoist seemed indifferent.

After the sky changes, souls of dead people will also appear, but they will disappear without a trace after seven days, and it is very difficult to retain such souls.

I don't know if it was taken away by the Yin Division, or it disappeared completely due to the influence of the rules of heaven and earth.

However, it is possible to extract the soul before death, or to condense the true spirit at the moment of death.

Living souls cannot be reincarnated, nor will they disappear, but true spirits can send them to reincarnate.

However, the method of condensing the true spirit is not common, and few people know it, but it just so happens that the Taoist of Lingguan knows it.

Since Lingqing got the ancient spirit dragon, she can also use the power of the spirit dragon to do it after careful study.

At this time, he couldn't help but nodded when he heard the words, indeed, one death will disappear.

This kind of true spirit reincarnation is different from Xiao Mo's previous transformation into a baby in the dungeon.

Unless he can prove himself immortal, condense the Yin God to survive the three disasters, and retrieve the memory of the third life, otherwise, Xiao Mo is just a past.

But for the Xian family, the true spirit is the only one, and the others are nothing more than a hundred years of experience in the world.

Taoist Lingguan continued: At present, the Special Affairs Department has not yet discussed a precise countermeasure on how to execute Xiao Mo.

Lingqing didn't say anything after hearing the words, but asked some details about the energy of Lingguan Taoist in the dungeon.

Then they began to direct Taoist Yunsheng to place the statues in the shrine one by one, and supplemented them with decorations.

Taoist Lingguan stayed in Qingyun Mountain, discussing good, evil and responsibility with Lingqing from time to time.

One is to prove one's own way for the discussion, and the other is for Xiao Mo's affairs.

He knew that this matter might not be settled so easily, and he would definitely have to come forward to deal with it.

Sure enough, within two days, the Special Affairs Department convened the Religious Alliance and the Martial Arts Alliance to discuss the matter.

Taoist Lingguan, as the leader of Laoshan Mountain, naturally also participated in this matter.

In addition, there are Zhang Hongdao from Tianshifu, Xu Gaoyi from Maoshan, Zhao Qingci from Gezaoshan, Pei Zhicheng from Quanzhen Sect, and others.

Together with the great virtuous and eminent monks of Buddhism, and the elites of various schools of martial arts.

Now the law in the practice world has not been revised yet, and there is still no specific and subtle implementation standard, and everyone is arguing about how to deal with Xiao Mo.

Ordinarily, this kind of murderer is directly killed without mercy. Even if the current law in the practice world has not been revised, it can still be executed according to the previous law.

If Wu Tiantong is here, it is estimated that according to his temperament, I don't care what you do, I will send Xiao Mo directly in accordance with the existing laws, and then discuss what laws and regulations should be used in the future.

The most important thing is to let the Lingguan Taoist take away his true spirit because of his merits and virtues and the face of the Taoist Lingguan.

The only problem is that he is currently in retreat and cannot participate in this matter.

Another one is the main reason for holding this discussion.

That is, the world has changed a lot after the sky has changed.

Not all problems can be solved by killing alone.

Taoism talks about responsibility, and Buddhism talks about cause and effect.

Cause and effect, there must be an effect if there is a cause, and there must be a cause if there is an effect. From cause to fruit, cause and effect are natural.

Each other is both cause and effect. Reciprocal causation.

As for the bearer, the bearer is the front, and the bearer is the last.

The inheritor means that the ancestors acted in accordance with the heart of the heavens. Small mistakes, without knowing it, have accumulated over time, and they get together a lot.

Those who lose are those who are lost by the ancestors to the later generations.

The Tao sets up life to reward goodness, and sets up death to intimidate evil. Do good, and the way will follow; do evil, and harm will follow.

Therefore, the law of heaven has a cycle, and good and evil have burdens.

In the past, these things were dismissed as non-existent things, and it is better to believe in the law than to believe in these things.

But it's different now. Some people from the Special Affairs Department have found out that the saying in the world that good is rewarded with good, and evil is rewarded with evil is true, but it is also not true.

That's right, in today's world, good is rewarded with good, and evil is rewarded with evil.

What is wrong is that the good and bad rewards do not necessarily belong to the person who does the work.

When a person does good, there will inevitably be good results, but only part of the good results will fall on the person who does good.

The other part will randomly fall on other creatures.

It could be someone you know, it could be your descendants, your disciples, or it could just be a stranger.

In the same way, the same is true for doing evil. The evil results are partly borne by themselves, and the rest will randomly fall on others.

This is cause and effect and responsibility.

Of course, this kind of burden basically has an invisible range, that is, the closer the relationship between the bearer and the bearer, the more likely it is to bear it.

Therefore, it is impossible for the General Assembly to have a situation where all the evil deeds committed by one country are transferred to other countries without being affected by itself.

If it's just like this, it's nothing. The evil ones will suffer the consequences, and death will follow.

To eliminate evil is to promote good, and to kill evildoers is to eliminate evil, which is to promote good.

But there is another point, in today's world, killing is the original sin.

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