Mo Xun suddenly took out the Golden Rainbow Halberd and stabbed it hard at the bark.

On the one hand, he wanted to see if the inside of the sacred tree was also withered and dried up.

On the other hand, he followed the principle that a thief should not leave empty-handed. Since he had seen it, he would naturally be unwilling to not pry off a piece of wood.

But after hearing a "bang" sound, the rays of light suddenly shot out. He only felt a shock in his tiger's mouth, but not even a piece of bark was wiped off the whole tree.

The surface of this thing seemed to have an extremely solid layer of protection.

Mo Xun secretly touched his chin. According to this, it should be a living thing.

He had heard that Fusang was as hard as precious jade and difficult to break rocks. It turned out that the reputation was well-deserved.

"Boy, what are you doing?"

Mo Xun chuckled.

"Since you have seen such a treasure, how can you miss it?"

Gong Yang sneered disdainfully.

"The ignorant are really fearless. This tree has been possessed by the underworld and has long been possessed by the Yin Qi. What are you going to do with it? Are you raising a ghost?"

Mo Xun frowned and asked in confusion: "Do you mean that after the Fusang tree has opened up the three realms, it can no longer be used?"

"That's not the case. It's just that with your current ability, you can't drive away the Yin Qi!"

Mo Xun nodded suddenly. He really didn't know much about this aspect.

"And the tree trunk is as hard as a rock. It's so difficult to get a piece of it. If you really want to get this thing, you can only start from the new green on the treetops!"

Mo Xun subconsciously looked up at his head. The black fog was pervasive and he couldn't see far at all.

Having said that, he instinctively wanted to get a piece of Fusang wood.

If not, wouldn't his green gourd lose its due value?

As soon as he thought of this, he had already jumped up and circled around the entire ancient tree, looking for new green.

His request was not high at all, even if it was just to pick a branch.

The higher he went, the thicker the ghost energy became, and the more ghosts he saw.

Could it be that there was something else up there?

Fortunately, his body of relics was covered with golden light. At this moment, he really had the intention of killing gods and ghosts.

When he ascended to about 700 to 800 feet, the wind on the left and right seemed to be real, blowing on his body, just like the waves of the sea.

The ghosts cried and captivated people.

Mo Xun kept his mind tightly, and on the other hand, he directly closed his ears and was completely silent.

Even so, he could still feel waves of bewitching and terrifying sound waves, like thousands of man-eating insects and ants, biting and tearing at his soul bit by bit.

This feeling was three times more intense than the pain in the body.

Just when he was a little bit unable to hold on, a huge black vortex appeared in his field of vision.

The entire vortex, which was two or three feet in size, was attached to the tree, like a big eye.

However, the surroundings of this eye were filled with ghostly auras, and thick black fog kept coming out, like a tide!

In the black fog, there were hideous and terrifying things, which were the ghosts and evil spirits that had just crawled out of the underworld!


Mo Xun suddenly felt a chill in his heart, and he groaned inwardly.

Could this be the so-called underworld passage?

Looking at the strange eyes in the distance, the thing seemed to have life, as if it was also watching him.

Gradually, a sense of confusion came over him, and he couldn't help but fly towards the vortex.

Just as he was about to fall into the vortex, a loud shout suddenly came from his sea of ​​consciousness, pulling him back to reality from his turbid consciousness.

When he saw that half of his foot was almost trapped in the thick fog, Mo Xun was already scared out of his wits.

This thing can make people lose their minds through vision!

In an instant, he realized the problem, and hurriedly closed his eyes, groping with his spiritual sense, and was about to retreat.

But then, a strong suction force came from all around, pulling his body and sinking into the vortex.

Mo Xun was anxious, and his physical strength skills were running quickly to resist this force.

But at this moment, he seemed to have fallen into a deep swamp. The more he struggled, the faster he sank.

In the vortex, there seemed to be a voice calling constantly!

That voice hit his soul again and again, tempting him to give up resistance.

His consciousness seemed to fall into confusion again.

The mana running in his body also stagnated, and he only felt that his body began to become light...

At this moment, another voice seemed to suddenly emerge in the chaotic consciousness.

"Xuan brother... Xuan brother..."

This voice was extremely ethereal, sometimes far and sometimes near. In his dizzy head, he couldn't help but mutter, when did he have such a brother?

He seemed to have only a younger brother!

It was a few years ago, or more than ten years ago, I can't remember clearly.

He and his younger brother went up the mountain to cut grass. The younger brother, who was only eight years old, accidentally slipped and fell into a deep pit.

The younger brother was just below, crying and shouting "big brother"!

I didn't expect that in a blink of an eye, I have been away from home for so long that I have almost forgotten my younger brother's voice and smile.

This time I went home, I don't know how my parents are doing, and whether my younger sister is married?

By the way, Baicaotang just issued silver money, and the family should not have eaten meat for a long time...

As he did so, his thoughts became more and more confused. The pictures in his mind seemed to be disrupted. He was in Baicaotang picking medicine for others, and then he was playing with his younger brother and sister on Xiaoling Mountain.

He woke up suddenly when he heard the word "venom" again.

Perhaps it was the last bit of obsession in his mind that made him regain some clarity when half of his body was about to fall into the vortex.

"Xuan Di Venom!"

This was Gong Yang's voice!

At this moment, he no longer cared about the environment he was in. He instinctively slapped the storage bag on his waist, and a jade pot suddenly appeared in his hand.

The pot was filled with dark liquid.

He used all his strength to pour the whole pot of venom into the center of the vortex!

A corrosive hissing sound came, and the black vortex around it, like a huge gear stuck by something, slowly stopped rotating. The evil ghosts that emerged from it had just crawled out halfway, and they were stopped in place as if they were cast a spell.

Those gloomy ghost energy seemed to be paused by someone, and suddenly solidified!

But before Mo Xun could show a moment of joy, the whole tree under him suddenly shook violently.

He was startled and was about to pull himself out of it.

Fortunately, at this time, the mysterious power finally disappeared from his body.

But the next moment, there was a huge explosion behind him, and the surging air waves engulfed his body in an instant.

Sorry, sorry, there is another chapter in the middle of the night, on the way...

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