Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 555: Heaven's Evil and Evil Talisman

"Gongyang, what can you see?"

In fact, both of them were dabblers in Fu Lu. Putting aside their knowledge, perhaps Mo Xun's level could be higher. After all, he had worked hard for a period of time.

"I can't tell. It's not like an attack, nor is it defensive. It may be similar to your previous Tranquil Jade Talisman, and it has some special function."

Mo Xun nodded in agreement. His main concern now was whether this thing could help him leave.

In his previous speculation, he had thought that the woman's hand might be a map, or a key to some kind of teleportation.

Now, it seems to be getting more confusing.

And he hasn't been able to try it yet. Most of the jade talismans are one-time use. Without knowing why, they are almost like decorations.

Because he didn't come up with a specific idea, Mo Xun couldn't help but feel a little anxious.

Just when he was at his wits' end, that vigorous voice came from the sea of ​​consciousness again.

"This is the Heavenly Containment Wuji Talisman, which can temporarily offset the suppression of the ban!"

Mo Xun's eyes lit up, but then he frowned slightly.

This is equivalent to him not knowing why, but another old guy lives in his body.

It seems that this substance cannot be kept in the body for a long time.

Either it must be passed on as soon as possible, or a way must be found to seal the weapon spirit when it is no longer needed.

Otherwise, he would be almost a transparent person!

The moment he heard this explanation, his mind immediately thought of the black hole that entered this place.

There must be some extremely powerful restriction in the cave that prevents the use of magic power.

So the function of this talisman is probably to resist this kind of restriction.

In other words, there is actually only one passage leading to the entire secret realm, which is the way in!

The ram suddenly chuckled.

"This sword's weapon quality is quite good, but I'm used to living alone, so having such a neighbor suddenly is a bit unaccustomed to me!"

Mo Xun was speechless, old man, this is taking his body as his own.

But having said that, the tacit understanding between the two is getting better and better.

Sometimes you can understand what the other person is thinking without even saying a word.

In the sea of ​​consciousness, Mo Xun thanked the Jade Sky Sword, then put away the jade talisman and walked around the jade coffin.

Although the senior Gu Yutian didn't say it clearly, this time, after receiving such a great favor from him, Mo Xun naturally wanted to express his feelings.

I saw him carefully collecting the scattered corpses and putting them into the jade coffin.

The two may have been tragically separated during their lifetimes, but being buried in the same cave after death meant that their fate was not broken.

The moment he put the jade coffin away, he unexpectedly discovered that there was something underneath the coffin.

This object is completely round and exudes a faint golden light.

It was just embedded in the soil, without any storage or protection around it.

It is still a Buddha bone relic!

It's just that it's much bigger than the ones we got before, about the size of a baby's fist.

Mo Xun suddenly realized, no wonder this barrier can isolate ghost energy, it turns out that the secret is here.

He was even more overjoyed in his heart. Perhaps there was some divine will. If he had not planned to take the two orphans out for burial out of gratitude, how would he have discovered such treasures.

Maybe sometimes, it’s not that the opportunity is too shallow, but that it’s just too utilitarian, leading to missed opportunities!

After putting away the relics, he directly lit a fire and burned everything around him, including the bones that were originally kneeling on the ground.

Then he used the Boundary Breaking Insect to leave this place in a hurry.

Returning to the outside world, the wind was still shrill and ghostly sounds lingered.

But the golden light of the barrier behind him was obviously much dimmer than before.

Without the protection of that relic, I'm afraid it won't be long before the entire barrier will be destroyed by the collision of ghosts.

Because he didn't know the specific location of this place, according to Mo Xun's idea, he naturally found the teleportation array where he came from, first returned to the mural secret room, and then returned through the original route.

But as soon as he came out of the barrier, his eyesight became dark and dim again, and he could only see two to three feet.

It's not that easy to touch it back.

Fortunately, with these relics, as long as the luck is not too bad, no matter how many wandering ghosts you encounter, you don't have to be afraid of anything. It's just a matter of being careful and delaying a little more time.

But often, things always backfire!

Before he had gone far, two extremely powerful mana waves quickly approached him.

And this time, it was obviously different from before. It seemed like a battle between two monks!

By the way, in this ghost place, if you don’t want to deal with the ghosts together, why are you fighting among yourself?

Could it be that there is another opportunity here, which leads to a fight.

By the way, he almost forgot that since so many ghosts can gather here, the Fuso Sacred Tree is probably nearby.

Most of the monks must have come here just for that thing.

However, Mo Xun didn't want to wade into troubled waters anymore. Even if it concerned the upper realm, it was actually of little use to him at the moment.

Furthermore, a divine object of this level was beyond his reach.

Thinking of this, he quickly walked around to avoid the conflict in front of him.

But after working for a while, I suddenly realized something was wrong!

Vaguely, there seemed to be a wide and towering vertical rock wall in the distance. Because of the ghostly aura, only a rough outline could be seen.

Could it be that this place is in a deep valley.

He quickly recalled the previous map. There are quite a few such terrains, and it was difficult to tell the direction for a while.

When he got closer, he was almost scared.

This is not a rock wall at all. Judging from the rough texture on the surface, it is just a huge tree that is difficult to describe.

The following description immediately appeared in his mind!

"In the green forest, there are trees that are thousands of feet long and more than 2,000 feet in circumference. The trees grow from the same roots in pairs and rely on each other, so they are called Fusang!"

This is the record of the Fusang sacred tree in "Records of the Ten States in the Sea".

Although the ancient tree in front of him is not as exaggerated as described in the text, after walking around, the two trees that are leaning on each other occupy an area of ​​at least a hundred feet wide.

To be honest, it is the first time that Mo Xun has seen such a large tree trunk. I am afraid that a palace can be built inside it!

Even if the treetops above cannot be seen, its height can be imagined!

If this thing is moved into his green gourd, whether it can survive is another matter. The size alone makes it difficult to accommodate it.

The bark surface is thick and has deep grooves, but it is dry and withered, without any vitality.

Mo Xun couldn't help but wonder, is it a dead tree?

That's not right. Since so many ghosts have appeared, it means that the passage to the underworld has been opened. How can it be a dead thing?


Author's words:

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