He stopped immediately. If he didn't find the crux of the problem, he would die of exhaustion and still not be able to get out.

Half a day later, he returned to the original place. Looking at the stone tablet in front of him, he fell into a brief contemplation.

It would be no problem for him to set up a ready-made formation, or the main formation, but once he wanted to break the formation, he would have no idea.

With his knowledge, he might not even be able to find the center of the formation.

He walked around the stone tablet for a while, and suddenly he took out a talisman for escaping the earth. After casting the spell, the whole person suddenly turned into a wisp of green smoke.

When the green smoke dissipated, he opened his eyes again, but was surprised to find that he was still in the same place.

Then, he changed to other talismans, but no matter how he cast the spell, it didn't work at all.

This is a bit troublesome!

It seems that he still thought the problem was simple. There should be a restriction on the talisman here.

Fortunately, at least there is no restriction on spiritual consciousness and magic power.

He stepped on the snow-white ground, then took out the Qiankun Ring and shouted "Go". The Qiankun Ring flew high, then suddenly fell and hit the ground.

After a "boom", a large piece of white soil splashed on the ground in the distance, like an explosion, and fell back to the ground like snowflakes.

But a big pit appeared where it was hit.

Mo Xun walked over quickly and found nothing special.

He still didn't give up and slapped his palms a few more times in the same place. Except for splashing more dirt, there was nothing under the ground.

Looking at the white soil, he suddenly said "Huh".

This thing seems to be a bit similar to the white soil in the green gourd!

Because he has never found the use of white soil in these years, he almost forgot about it.

Thinking of this, he quickly picked up a handful of soil and smelled it at the tip of his nose.


This soil is colorless and tasteless, while the white soil has a pungent sour smell, which seems to be just similar in appearance!

Despite this, he still found the storage bag and collected some from the ground. When he has time in the future, he will study it in detail.

After doing this, he returned to the stone tablet.

The surroundings are bare, and only this huge stone is the most conspicuous. If he wants to go out, he can only find a breakthrough from this thing.

He stepped back two steps and took out the Qiankun Ring again.

He was ready to use the simplest and crudest way, which was to smash it!

But just when he was about to do it, the mechanical voice sounded again in his ears.

"The time has come, and the challenge is about to begin!"

Mo Xun was shocked. What is about to begin?

He looked at the white stone tablet in confusion, and saw a flash of light in the blank space, and three small words appeared on it.


Before he could react, an invisible force bound him in place.

Then a drop of red blood oozed out from his brow and flew towards the stone tablet.

In panic, Mo Xun hurriedly circulated his spiritual power to resist this restraint, but no matter how hard he tried, he could not move. He could only watch the drop of blood sink into the stone tablet.

He cursed in his heart, this is too bullying, when did he agree to accept any challenge?

And what about that "nameless person"?

After a moment, he suddenly felt the external force on his body loosen, and he could finally move.

But obviously, it was too late!

Just when he was extremely depressed and wanted to ask questions, the stone tablet in front of him sank into the ground again in a shaking.

Then, the earth began to tremble, and the sand and gravel in front of him kept rolling, and the rumbling sound was endless.

Countless large pieces of snow-white gravel emerged from the soil. Not long after, a huge white stone man condensed in front of him.

This stone man was more than three feet tall, and his bare feet were comparable to the size of an adult.

Mo Xun looked at the scene in front of him. The visual impact alone made him swallow unconsciously.

The two pupils of the stone man flashed with dazzling light.

Its entire body surface was uneven, and it was all white stones of different sizes.

The moment the stone man appeared, Mo Xun's figure quickly retreated more than ten feet away.

Could it be that this big guy was a challenge?

Mo Xun secretly wiped a cold sweat. Although he could not feel the opponent's strength, the incredible scene in front of him was enough to shock him speechless.

What kind of hell is this place? Not only does it have mysterious power that can absorb his essence and blood, but it can also produce such a monster out of thin air.

No wonder he was uneasy at this moment. After practicing for so many years, he asked himself that he had been to many secret places and dangerous places, but this was the first time he encountered such a big enemy.

After calming down, he held the Qiankun Ring in one hand and took out the magic weapon Linglong Ring in the other hand.

Facing such a huge monster, if he still conserves his strength, he may not even have the chance to make a second move once he starts.

Sure enough, before he could stand firm, the stone man rushed towards him.

As he ran, his huge body made the ground tremble.

What shocked Mo Xun was that such a big guy was not slow at all. By the time he reacted, a huge fist had already smashed down from the sky.

He could clearly feel that the huge fist that was rushing towards him compressed the air around him, sweeping out a gust of wind, blowing the hem of his clothes with a whistling sound.

Mo Xun quickly performed the Ghost Shadow Technique, and his body almost flew up into the air close to the falling giant fist.

A huge explosion-like sound came from his ears, and the aftermath of the fist wind hit him heavily on the back.

Fortunately, he created a layer of spiritual power to protect himself on his body in time, otherwise, the power of this punch would probably hurt him.

The place where the giant fist hit was immediately covered with mud and a deep pit of about ten feet in size appeared.

Suspended in the air several feet away, Mo Xun did not dare to delay at all and began to cast spells.

This level of fighting did not allow him to be distracted at all. Even if he was a little slower, he would be courting death. .

He first threw out the Qiankun Ring, and the golden ring was divided into five in the air. In the flash of golden light, it suddenly disappeared, and when it appeared again, it had been put on the limbs and neck of the stone man.

The five rings emitted a dazzling light, as if they had become as heavy as a thousand pounds, pulling the stone man who was about to jump back to the ground.

There was another earthquake, and the huge monster fell to the ground because it could not stand firmly, splashing white dust.

Mo Xun shouted: "Collect!"

The five rings shrank rapidly, and the sound of the stone being compressed and cracked could be clearly heard.

The stone man, perhaps because he was not a living being, did not make any painful cries under the contraction of the Qiankun Ring.

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