Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 293: The Vast Monument

The gray animal skin suddenly bloomed with dazzling golden light in the air, illuminating the entire cave.

The light then slowly expanded, forming a golden arch in place.

Inside the arch, it was hazy and blurry, and nothing could be seen.

Mo Xun opened his mouth in surprise, what is going on?

Could it be that this animal skin is a passage connecting somewhere?

It seems that the main motive of the two gold-faced men in black should be this thing!

Mo Xun put away his technique and circled the light door twice, and couldn't help but marvel.

There are caves in front and behind this arch. They are only as thin as a piece of paper, standing straight in place, which looks extremely strange.

Could it be that this door leads to a hidden treasure somewhere?

Mo Xun nodded secretly. He felt that it was very possible. After all, most of the things that could be taken away by others were good things.

But then again, is there any danger in it?

You know, before he entered the Moon and Star Palace, he also thought that after tens of thousands of years, he could easily obtain the treasure, but in the end, wasn't he almost trapped to death by the old man?

It's also his fault that he didn't inquire about the specific situation in detail before entering this place, and once again encountered this situation of guarding the treasure mountain without knowing it.

He patted the spirit beast bag, white light flashed, and Bai Ze landed on his shoulder.

"Xiaobai, can you feel it inside?"

The little guy wagged his tail and sniffed around the light door.

If you didn’t know this action, you might have thought it was a puppy!

After a moment, Bai Ze jumped onto Mo Xun's shoulder with a puzzled look on his face and shook his head cutely.

Mo Xun was also in a hurry and sought medical treatment, treating the mythical beast as omnipotent.

After thinking for a long time, he couldn't help but smile.

In fact, there is nothing to hesitate. As the old saying goes, immortality is never so cheap!

He can avoid risks cautiously, but he cannot waste opportunities.

It would be fine if he didn't know this, but now that the door has been opened to him, if he is still timid, then how can he be an immortal?

Thinking of this, he put away Bai Ze and came to the light door. After taking a deep breath, he stepped in.

After a period of expected dizziness, when he regained control of his body, what he saw was a white world with no edges.

The sky, the ground, and everywhere the eyes could see were all white, without any other color.

After Mo Xun looked over, he turned around quickly and his heart suddenly tightened.

Behind him, where else can I find any light door?

It was a bit broken now. Apart from him, there was not a single thing visible in the entire space.

This feeling is simply more disturbing than the complete darkness.

After all, darkness is just the fear of the unknown, but this kind of desolation gives people a feeling that they can never get out.

Could it illusion?

He thinks this possibility is very high!

After choosing a direction, he walked forward for a while, but because the scenery around him was exactly the same, it felt like he was standing still.

So weird!

Just when he was doubting, a mechanical voice suddenly came from the silent space, like a thunder in the clear sky.

"Leave your name, surname, and blood essence on Cangkuo Monument, and then you can start the challenge!"

Mo Xun was shocked and asked quickly: "Who is it?"

What monument?

What other challenges are there?

Questions were swirling in his mind, but no matter how he asked, no one answered, and the mechanical voice never spoke again after leaving those words.

At this moment, he felt a loud "bang" coming from behind him.

He turned around quickly, and a surprising scene appeared.

Not far from him, he saw a stone emerging from the ground, like an unearthed bud, rising slowly!

After more than a dozen breaths, the "rumbling" sound stopped abruptly, and what appeared in front of him was a snow-white stone tablet, which was three to four feet high and more than two feet wide.

He slowly walked to the stone tablet and discovered that it was densely packed with names engraved on it.

However, among those names, some are bright and some are dull. There is almost a ratio of one to ten between the two.

Mo Xun immediately thought of a possibility.

Could it be that those dim people were those who failed the challenge and died in the end?

When he thought of this, he immediately took a breath. Isn't this death rate too high?

On the cold stone tablet, the dim names are like bright red lives.

According to what the other party just said, it seems that as long as the name is engraved and the blood is dripped, one can participate in any challenge.

But then again, who would do such a lifeless thing if they had a brain attack?

He looked around the stone tablet for a while, and after finding no other useful things, he bowed to the stone tablet and said loudly: "Junior Mo Xun, because he accidentally stumbled into this place by chance, and he knew that his magic power was low, so there was no challenge. I mean, please ask the seniors to open the passage and let the juniors leave."

After saying this, Mo Xun bowed respectfully again.

But after waiting for a while, no one answered him.

In desperation, he had to raise his voice and say it again, but obviously, the result was still the same.

He couldn't help but feel a thump in his heart, and secretly thought it was broken!

Are you not allowed to go out if you don't agree to that challenge?

If he had known this, how could he have entered this place out of curiosity?

It seems that ignorance can kill people sometimes!

But what about the person who just spoke?

He didn't sound like a living person, but he could express himself clearly word by word.

Besides, it has been tens of thousands of years since this place came here. How can anyone survive to this day?

Of course, the old monster in Yuexing Palace can only be regarded as an exception!

He had a hunch that he couldn't stay here for long.

After thinking this through, he hurriedly began to look for a way out, but in his opinion, it was obviously impossible to get out by bumping around aimlessly.

All around, it was all white. I'm afraid it would be the same no matter where I went.

But this method must be tried, it's better than doing nothing.

In order not to get lost, he left a divine sense near the stone tablet, and then took out the Swift Wind Boat and tried to fly it for a while. He didn't feel the threat of the forbidden magic circle, so he felt relieved to fly away.

During the flight, he would leave marks every distance.

After walking in a certain direction for about half a day, his mood sank to the bottom.

No matter where he went, the color was the same in his vision, and he could not find any different places.

Although he could not say for sure, he was almost 90% sure that this space should be arranged with a huge maze or illusion array.

He did not believe that such a vast place would be endless!

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