Cultivating Immortality: Start by burying corpses in a border town and become proficient!

Chapter 406: The enemy appears, the four seasons rotate the flower demon

Obviously, Yun is the doctor's sister.

I didn't expect that she would be in the Holy Garden now. She was obviously in trouble. Fortunately, Du En found her in time and rescued her in time, otherwise she would have been in trouble.

After all, she obviously knew something inside.

Therefore, at this moment, accompanied by Yun's exclamation, a fierce autumn wind suddenly blew!

Killing Xiao Xiao, suddenly burst out from the enemy's lair that Du En had detected.

Terror, or in other words, weird power swept across all directions, and the images of the living suddenly became mottled and shimmering, withered yellow colors quickly enveloped all directions, and there was a thick and sticky malice that could no longer be concealed!


At this moment, the Holy Spirit's thoughts were changing, he chose to believe, he figured out the context, and his impulse was surging... In the end, the hanging lamp turned into a universal light and exploded, like the sun rising at night, directly withstanding the strange magic that burst out. Threats invaded, and all the passers-by who took photos were included in the scope of protection.

Du En is even more straightforward here. There are layers of space in the step, and the Muyu Fiber Flower, which was suppressed for a moment, shrinks suddenly. After layers of space operations, it gathers thousands of times, and thousands of times. Backlash.

In this way, you can guard your own Taoist domain and not be completely covered by the enemy.

At the same time, I have already marched straight ahead, facing the front without any fear.

The five-layered halo of light glows in the body, overlapping and circulating. It is very sacred, like a dream, like an illusion. One layer has power, five layers has five powers. When the five powers are gathered at one point, the great power of the body is manifested!

However, when Du En stepped into the enemy's lair, the five-layered light wheel was uncertain. Even if it instantly merged into the prototype of the true immortality, the immortal brilliant light could only barely resist the malicious invasion!

Is this the power of time?

After all, he was aware of the surge of time and space, so he immediately caught the clues and realized why the other party's legal domain gave him a strange feeling, and where the vague disharmony from before was located.


Spring, summer, autumn and winter, the four seasons rotate, so there is a rustling autumn wind, and the chill is coming!

As if they were aware of the spying here, the enemy behind the scenes stopped pretending. Immediately, waves of disease broke through the surface, roaring and surging across the sky, heavy and heavy, ominous and terrifying!

Under this suspended sea of ​​disease, the domain of slender flowers and trees began to undergo sudden changes from being simply withered and yellow.

Spring has arrived, and the flowers are blooming.

Bang bang bang!

Twisted diseased flowers burst out of the ground, fluttering hoarsely, unfolding their petals, patterned with numerous jade-like shapes, like densely packed eyes.

Summer is here, and the greenery is in full bloom.

Quack quack!

The big green trees split open in full bloom, struggling and roaring, spreading out their arms and legs, all of which were made of an unknown dark purple color, as if their whole bodies were covered with tumors.

Autumn is maintained, and the leaves fall.

Hoo ho ho!

In the bleak, dry autumn wind, the whole forest was swaying, and every tree, flower, and grass had fallen leaves.

The fruit is the fruit of disease, and the leaves are the leaves of death.

When ripe, it explodes and spreads disease.

Falling down and blooming are signs of death.

There is one last step, winter...

Although Du En had already reacted, he was interfered by the wheel of time. He saw that the surroundings seemed to be refreshed, and the appearance of three seasons had appeared.

Fortunately, he didn't really have to sit back and wait for death.

At this moment, the magic power exploded, and the Taoist power was in embryonic form. He raised one hand, and the killing wind blew. With one hand, he grabbed it, and the mountain suddenly broke through the ground. He immediately attacked from above and below, shaking the power of the four seasons.

Crunch! ! !

A teeth-searing tearing and rubbing sound suddenly sounded.

The winter realm had never taken shape. In addition to the enemy's lack of strength and inability to instantly determine the scenery of the four seasons, it was also because Du En still maintained the wood domain fiber flowers and tightly held on to his own Taoism, making it become A stone stuck inside a gear.

Now that there is another attack, even if the obstruction is obvious, the enemy has to stop.

Du En is not particular about stopping and waiting for you, and then resorting to other methods immediately.

Turn light into treasure.

Impermanence knife!

This is the focus of his preliminary blessing!

Impermanence is impermanent, this is impermanent, that is impermanent, it is impermanent that even time cannot stop!

Grabbing it in his hand and waving it around, Killing Wind suddenly seemed to have taken a shot of gunpowder, instantly penetrating through the obstacles in front of him and seeping into the Wheel of Four Seasons, revealing the power of this Taoist method.

Kill the wind and turn into sand!

When it blows by, it turns into sand!

Even time, even an epidemic, with the help of impermanence, can turn into a handful of yellow sand!

Woo woo woo...

It was as if the howling wind was roaring, and the sand and dust quickly became apparent.

Under the sick sea in the air, the sandstorm that covered the sky and the sun descended on the woods of Muyu, attacking the woods crazily.

Du En also took advantage of the fact that the enemy was frightened and subconsciously tried to resist and slow down the invasion of the legal domain. Then he came directly to infect the opponent's four-temporal legal domain with the two-level Dao-law combination domain that he still maintained control of.

To put it simply, open the door for Sha Feng inside the house!

The legal domain that was originally condensed suddenly began to leak in all directions, allowing the killing wind and dust storm to directly start demolishing the house!

Uproot the flowers of spring and turn them into gravel.

The strange summer tree was destroyed and turned into gravel.

Blow up the fallen leaves of the fruit and crush them, turning them into gravel.

Kill, kill, kill!

Feeding the sandstorm law domain with the combined domain of Tao and law is exactly the opposite of the two elements of wood and earth, the heaven and earth, and the promotion of wind and power!

Moreover, there is also the impermanence wind mixed in, which directly pushes the perfect yellow-grade Dao method of killing wind and turning sand to a deeper and more terrifying level!

The Four Seasons Dharma Domain has become a stepping stone and the pillar of the killing wind Dao field. Du En has already gained the upper hand...

"Damn it! Damn it! Hateful!"

Seeing that the situation suddenly turned upside down and his plan was all in vain, the enemy behind the scenes finally couldn't help but speak out.

As soon as this angry roar came out, people immediately felt that there was no awe, and the mystery was gone, leaving only ordinary and normal.

It was also because the temperaments of everyone on Du En's side were positive. If it were someone like the Dust Puppet Tower Master, they would probably have looked at him with disdain, contempt, and sarcasm.

Everyone looked closely and saw that at this moment, only the enemy's lair had trees and forest walls to block the raging wind and sand. Although it was leaking everywhere, it seemed meaningless to block this side and then the other side, but it was temporarily blocked after all.

The exasperated enemy could no longer hide and revealed his true form.

A flower that looked like a man-eating plant, three feet tall, with four kinds of leaves, tender, green, yellow, and frost. The flower was in the shape of a wheel, with a human face on it, which looked quite tender, just like a child's face, but full of twisted and resentful colors, and his eyes were directed directly at the Holy Spirit Hanging Lamp.

"Damn bitch, you still say you have no ill intentions?! Isn't this a move specially prepared for me?!"

It yelled loudly, with deep resentment.

The Holy Spirit did not expect that the enemy in this garden would be such a flower.

"Flower of the Wheel of Time..."

The flower of the four-season rotation, a strange flower, grows four leaves, should follow the four seasons, then there is the fifth level, and then blooms the flower, it is the sixth level, which contains the principles of the four seasons. If you study it further, it is the great secret of the wheel of time!

Under normal circumstances, it would only be an ordinary spiritual flower, unable to develop spiritual intelligence. Unless it gets a chance to break through to the seventh level, it is possible to get the blessing of heaven and gain self-identity.

But now it seems that it is probably because of the True Lord Buyi that this strange flower has opened its spiritual intelligence early in the Shengyuan Star Realm and become a flower demon.

And after the disease of the heaven and earth, it also became a big hand that fueled the flames, allowing this flower demon, which had already been tampered with, to grow rapidly and reach the fifth level of perfection, about to bloom. Now it can respond to the sea of ​​disease and make it hover above the sky.

Du En maintained the Killing Wind Domain, looked up at the surging waves in the air, but there was no overturned sea of ​​disease, and did not try to contact it now.

Because there are not enough disease characteristics on the Time Wheel Flower Demon!

Although a hint of deep purple can be seen in its rhizome, it is very normal in other aspects. At most, it is twisting and swaying because of the temperament of this demon, like a fallen man-eating plant.

So, although it can respond to the sea of ​​disease, it is also afraid of it!

If you rashly contact or even attack the sea of ​​disease, it will only attract waves of the sea of ​​disease, and you will fall into the trap of this flower demon!

This flower demon is a little difficult to deal with...

Du En was not careless and slightly slowed down his attack.

The shaking flower demon body paused slightly, and glanced at Du En with a resentful look, silently chewing on his resentment towards him.

Why didn't he fall into the trap?

Why did he think he was right and acted on his own from the beginning?

What a damn guy!

It cursed secretly, and publicly gathered together to complain to the Holy Spirit: "What do you have to say now? You are a hypocritical, self-righteous moral bitch, you really say one thing and say another, haha! It's ridiculous that we have been completely deceived by you!"

Holy Spirit: "..."

"What's wrong? You are speechless! Damn bitch, depriving me of my freedom, saying that it's for my good, thinking about me, it's dangerous outside, and the Dark God will take me back to make medicine, but in fact, it's you who want to imprison me and continuously peel my leaves to make medicine!"

Holy Spirit: "..."

"Don't think that silence can quibble, I know the details of you gods, you are all short-lived ghosts, ugly and pitiful eggs who rely on some secret method to constantly regenerate and struggle, so you need the flower of time, the seed of life, to keep you alive, right!"

Holy Spirit: "..."

The Wheel of Time Flower Demon couldn't hold it anymore.

Because the Holy Spirit could only respond with silence.

Whether it was insulting or exposing, it seemed indifferent, without any ripples.

The reason is very simple.

Facing such gossips from enemies, she can't be shaken at all!

The road is clear, the behavior is persistent, just keep moving forward along the goal at the end!

If a dilemma is placed in front of her, she will be entangled because of it. If someone scolds her with flowery words, the gods will just think it's the hum of ants!

She is humane, and He is also high above.

No explanation is needed, no shaking, since it has become a mistake, a stone blocking the road, then it only needs to be smashed!

At most, it is regretful and nostalgic afterwards...

"God of dogs!"

The words of the Wheel of Time Flower Demon became more and more vulgar and vulgar. It should have been a strange flower far away from the world, but now it seems like a low-class vulgar person has been grafted in.

However, the Holy Spirit remained silent, and Du En was even calmer.

Yun was trembling with anger when she heard this. Seeing that her own gods and generals were indifferent, and those who had left their images were all full of anger, but could not speak to refute, she suddenly felt a sense of mission and could not help but stand up.

"Shut up!"

Finally getting a response, the Time Wheel Flower Fairy was shocked, and cast a resentful look at her, only to see a face that was wrapped tightly and could not see the specific appearance at all.

"You said that His Majesty imprisoned you, then do you have proof!"

Yun just said this.

You can't do this.

Du En couldn't help thinking so.

If he didn't want to speak here, the Time Wheel Flower Fairy would have given him that calm, sharp, and particularly vicious words, which really broke his defense in public.

Sure enough, when the Time Wheel Flower Fairy heard this soft rebuttal, she laughed directly: "Little bitch who hides her head and shows her tail, you should show yourself first, be more open and aboveboard, and then talk to me!"

"...Change the subject, you are guilty!"

Yun was silent for a while, and then pointed out the essence.

Although her words were a little soft, she dared to walk alone in the current Holy Kingdom and confirm the status of the three strange objects. She couldn't be a simple person.

The Time Wheel Flower Demon heard this and immediately started to spit shit.

Yun just replied silently: "As far as I know, there is no isolation and detention means in His Majesty's garden. You feel imprisoned, why don't you try to go out."

"Naive! Even if I dare to escape, won't she catch me back?!"

"The previous battle between the Holy and the Dark was not a good opportunity?"

"She also sent an apostle here. Do you think he is blind or disabled?"

"Lie Zunjia has been here to grow flowers for a long time. You know him best. Don't change the subject!"

"Same hypocritical villain..."

"Shut up! You are just afraid! His Majesty the Holy God is kind-hearted and forgiving. Unless there is a spiritual being, he will not try to erase it. But His Majesty the Dark God is different. You are just afraid of leaving her garden. You will face the attack from the Dark God and Dark Country!"


"You said that His Majesty imprisoned you and wanted to make you into medicine, but in fact you know very well that you are not worth it at all. His Majesty just saw that you were the only one plant and felt sorry for you, so he transplanted you here and let all the flowers keep you company..."

"Shut up! Those ordinary flowers are not worthy of being compared with me!"

"Haha, you've exposed yourself! You were actually crooked and ugly from the beginning. Fortunately, His Majesty thought that you could still be saved, and you were like those hopeless fanatics, so you can live safely until now, and you can spew shit and take advantage of the situation to hurt people!"

"Fuck, bitch, I'll kill you first!"

The Wheel of Time Flower Demon was furious, shaking all over with anger, and began to try to squeeze out his remaining strength.

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