
Under the lush green woods, the dark purple diseased spiritual plant was ruthlessly torn apart by a pair of hands that looked ordinary but looked like they were made of diamond.

The smelly purple liquid mixed with crystals flowed out and was immediately evaporated by the light, leaving only a faint smell, which was soon purified by the green wood spiritual flowers.

A pair of calm eyes appeared after the broken spiritual plant was torn.

Du En waved his hand again, and the fire was shining. The body of the diseased plant that had not yet fallen to the ground was immediately burned by the fine forging, purified, and covered with many restrictions, turning into a large-scale sword, whistling and flying out, completing its mission just after it was born.



In this non-stop sound, the Holy Spirit came back to her senses and looked at Du En, whose expression was calm and calm, and who was meticulously killing enemies and weeding. She couldn't help but feel that she had a long way to go.

And at the moment, it was indeed necessary to do so.

While Du En repeated the task of killing individual diseased plants, he continued to urge the Wood Domain Fiber Flower to completely overturn this Holy Garden.

Unexpectedly, but seemingly not unexpectedly, there were almost no obstacles along the way.

The only obstacles were those diseased spiritual plants and various exotic flowers and plants?

He did not relax his vigilance in his heart.

Time passed quickly, and although the sky became increasingly dim, the spiritual light of the Wood Domain brought warm light, and the Holy Spirit hanging lamp was dispelling impurities, and the light in the inner area of ​​the garden became brighter.

As the last diseased spiritual plant that attacked was killed, everything suddenly turned silent, and there was no movement. It was so quiet that it made people feel a little creepy and uneasy.

Du En stepped forward, and when he fell, he stepped on the dead branches and leaves, making a creaking sound.


Dead branches and leaves?

Suddenly he realized something was wrong. With a dry warm wind blowing suddenly, the woodland forest, which was originally green and lush, as if it was in the middle of summer, suddenly changed into mottled autumn clothes, mixed with various yellow colors.

The dead branches and leaves became a particularly appropriate supporting role.

It was obvious that a stronger law domain was covering him, just like before in the Queguang Star Realm, the woodland was instantly covered by the Great Compassion Demon Realm, and turned into the pillar foot of its Taoist temple.

Of course, now that Du En has made further progress in his cultivation, and the Wood Domain Dao Fa has been perfected, his strength is no longer what it used to be. Therefore, although there is now another domain of the same quality covering it, it can only cover one-third.

If there is no Xianhua Dao Fa, it is about half. If it was before, it would be the bleak state of late autumn now!

That is exactly the opponent's method, or a certain state of mind, right?

Spring and summer are already the past, and the end of autumn is the reality now... No matter what, the opponent has gotten rid of the previous daze and started to really use great magic power!

Du En was naturally not caught off guard, but just looked at the front calmly.

"How could it be?"

The Holy Spirit seemed to see something incredible, and the hanging lantern flew up suddenly, and then suddenly stopped.

Because in the forest ahead, figures began to walk out.

Human figures!

They were dressed simply, each with their own edges and corners, men and women, and there were quite a few of them.

Du En used his fiery eyes and golden pupils, and immediately saw through the truth.

They are all human, but not human. There is a flower growing in their heart.

It looks ordinary, just like a small white flower that can be seen everywhere.

Looking more closely, it is not real, but more like a projected shadow, which feels unreal.

Shadow of the gap flower!

Relying on the strange flower growing in the gap of people's hearts, these former living people can live in the form of shadows!

The Holy Spirit was shocked by this, because he had thought of a very bad possibility!

"Where is this?"

"...Your Majesty the Holy Spirit?"

"Where are we?"

The shadows of the living suddenly woke up at this time, regained their consciousness, and everyone was a little confused when they saw the god and the person opposite.

Then they reacted quickly.


"Didn't I die of the disease?"

"Disease? What disease? By the way, when is it now? Has the war with the Dark Country started?"

They were in a mess and became uneasy.

In Du En's vision, the shadows of the gap flowers were also flickering.

And now, the Holy Spirit needs to make a decision.

To save the living in the past, we need to leave the gap flower to them. To save the current patients, we need to dig out the gap flower!

That strange object is very shaped. All the shadows gathered together, which is its entirety, its body, the goal that one god and one person came to find this time!

Because of this, it was taken out as a test!

"Lie! Is this your voice!"

The words of the Holy Spirit contained anger, no longer gentle as before, and directly rebuked.

Because of the anger of the gods, those past images fell silent.

They were not fools, and quickly realized that the situation was very abnormal, especially their current situation!

However, the sharp voice of the Holy Spirit did not get any clear response, only a few small frictions of branches in the forest, as if a positive answer had been made.

She was even more angry, then took a deep breath, and finally fell into entanglement.

This time, she was directly pinched in the soft spot. No matter which side she chose, it would not be in line with her original intention, because one side would definitely suffer misfortune and pain.

She didn't even dare to take a picture of the living in front of her and explain the current situation in detail, because then, these people in the past would most likely choose to free themselves.

From the clear and firm eyes that looked over, she could taste this kind of future.

That's why she was even more entangled and powerless.

They are all her own people, all...

The Holy Spirit was in a deadlock on the tram, but Du En noticed something.

Let's just treat the enemy as the Apostle Lie.

How did this enemy know that the target of the one god and one person here was the strange flower?

The little action of the Immovable True Lord?

It didn't seem like it.

The obstruction from the Dark God?

It was a bit possible.

Other reasons...

Du En thought about it and felt that it was really troublesome that his divine sense could not be used.

Otherwise, a large scan would be able to capture the specific...

At this time, he looked up at the sky.

In the dark night, there were several puppets still hovering in the sky.

The head and abdomen were huge, like a fathead fish, and he named it "Kongyu", a high-altitude bombing puppet!

Because he had not entered the garden before and was flying high in the sky, he became a fish that slipped through the net.

At this moment, it was just right to use!

Du En snapped his fingers.


A living being looked over, without any malice, but rather with a lot of curiosity.

The last apostle...

There seemed to be a different understanding of this kind of existence.

The Holy Spirit hanging lamp trembled and also looked over.

What solution did you find?

She asked this invisibly, and suddenly she was a little shocked, for fear that Du En would make another calm move, without any waves or hesitation.

Although she felt that he should not go against the right path, her heart was in a mess now, and she couldn't help but have such a messy thought.

Obviously, this time he was targeted a little harshly!

In the anxiety of the Holy Spirit, he did not notice the friction of the branches and leaves in the forest, and now he was also in a stagnation.

Even those living people who realized something could not speak out.

It was the enemy in the dark who took action!

Using the dilemma to restrain the Holy Spirit, and then... facing Du En, it was like seeing a steel cube. If a mortal bites it, the result will only be a broken tooth!

So, he paid close attention to this side, and now he is paying close attention to this side!

But Du En did not care at all, and he was calm and dropped his hand.

He did nothing!

But he had already done it!


The key point is not in himself...

Before the enemy could react, the puppet general who had fallen outside the garden before, now roared up to the sky, his body was already tattered, and his spiritual light was flickering.

But there was a back-up plan set by Du En, so he could naturally complete the next thing.

The enemy wanted to stop him, but Du En was like a nail that was nailed to the ground. He used himself and the Wood Domain to firmly nail the opponent who was covered by the Law Domain in place. He could not do that at all.

Therefore, he could only watch the puppet general rise into the air.

Then, it turned into a brilliant firework.

It exploded!

This seemed to leave an inspiration and a hint to the living people, so that they could also burn themselves for the Holy Kingdom and the Holy Spirit at this moment!


The Holy Spirit subconsciously objected.

However, it was mentioned before that in the framework of the Holy Kingdom, the apostles are the direct leaders!

The words of the Holy Spirit, a "mascot" who is high above, are sometimes useless. For example, now, a group of living people who have passed by are about to obey Du En's orders and carry out their own self-destruction dedication driven by their enlightenment in their hearts...

Explosion is a flower, and falling is a sky full of stars!

The blood and magic raindrops fell down, covering the whole green and yellow wood area.

These blood and magic were stored in the puppet general by Du En before, and they were specially processed. It can be said to be a semi-magic fluid.

After falling at this moment, it first penetrated the wood area, brought up the seeds of the flowers, and then began to penetrate and spread, replacing the role of the divine consciousness to conduct an investigation from the inside out.

What is self-destruction?

Du En didn't think about it at all. It was just that you play yours and I do mine. I ignored the images of the living and focused on my own actions.

For such an accident, the opponent was a little slow to react and subconsciously wanted to interfere...

Found it.

Du En thought so.

Through the multiple feedback of magic power, instrument prohibition, magic area, etc., two key points suddenly became obvious, one big and one small. In the big one, the wave marks that had been affected were captured by him, which was the specific location of the enemy.

And the small one was another key point!

The flower seeds that were just wrapped up now absorbed the power and blossomed.

The flowers were in clusters, very beautiful, but also dangerous. They grew on the wood domain and took root under the wood domain. In an instant, the small area was completely transformed into a place under Duen's control, and the enemy's magic domain was blocked outside, unable to penetrate it.


But it was enough.


Accompanied by a sound like a whale's cry, a sky-saurus puppet suddenly fell into the air, casting a large shadow on the ground, with a very fast momentum, like a meteorite.

It opened its plump head and mouth to kiss, like a big demon opening its mouth and biting towards the ground.

The autumn wind is bleak, sweeping the fallen leaves.

If you are temporarily unable to exert influence at the target location, then interrupt the action in the middle of the action!

But how could Duen not be prepared for escort?

Along with the fallen Sky Salamander, there were bombardment projections from other Sky Salamander puppets.

The stars were shining brightly and it was chilly.

The essence of the fire elemental mine had been used up, but it still contained the essence of ice crystals. At this moment, Du En had no spare energy, and all of them were poured down.


The air screamed, freezing all the way down, hitting the fallen leaves in the autumn wind, and immediately turning them into frozen ice.

Although it was broken quickly, the Nakong Salamander puppet had successfully landed!

Just like a big demon preying on prey, it takes one bite and swallows the target directly.

Then it was like a plane crashing, with the roar of the tail self-destructing, receiving the thrust, sliding all the way, smashing into a bunch of trees, and finally stopped in front of Duen in a devastated place.

The Holy Spirit was stunned, and those living people who took pictures were also confused.

The series just happened in the lightning and flint, and they didn't even see it clearly. Then a giant thing slid through the trees and forest, came to their eyes, and just missed hitting Du En?

He himself was Gujing Wubo. He raised his hand and fired out a burst of magic power. It was like inserting a key into a lock and twisting it, and immediately opened the stopped empty salamander puppet.

There must be invisible explosions along the way to pin down and contain the enemy!

Since the opponent's legal domain is covered, this invisible confrontation has always existed. This is also the reason why Du En does not have much remaining power now, and there is another gap in his magic power.

That's why the puppets' help is needed.

In other words, this situation was preset, and they came in handy at critical moments.

Blah blah blah...

The self-disassembled puppet fell apart quickly and orderly, and then began to reassemble on the side. The damaged parts of the puppet body were discarded, which was exactly the modular construction method derived from the light and ink moment.

An empty salamander puppet that was several sizes smaller, after the core and spine were transplanted and assembled, burst out streams of mana and began to fly into the sky again, returning to the sky.

It is also that Du En's mana is endless. There is only a limit on the output port, but no limit on the amount of output. Otherwise, he would not dare to do this to the puppets. Normally, he should fill them with spirit stones, or even transfer spiritual veins into them as their energy source.

The Empty Salamander Puppet was not the focus, so it was not targeted.

The focus is on something else, or rather, someone else.

A man who was so well-dressed that he could barely wrap himself up like a corpse.

"Yun, is that you?"

The man curled up and reacted suddenly when he heard the Holy God's surprise words.

"Your Majesty, and you, don't be impulsive, don't be anxious, you can't fall into the trap, and you can't let Lie Zunjia down!"

She hurriedly shouted, telling the gods and people who were in a deadlock to know.

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