Crown of Silence

Chapter 707 This shouldn’t be the case

Amid the roar, Ye Qingxuan lay in the ruins, looking up at the turbulent sky.

The fierce light rose and fell, and it was clearly enough to burn the world into purgatory. When it gathered in one place, it made people feel beautiful, and the colorful lights danced in their eyes.

At some point, he closed his eyes and fell asleep.

The dream was so quiet and long.

The tide swept in from afar, washing on the beach, stepping barefoot on the gravel, a small crab came out of the sand pit, crawled over the instep, and was carried into the puddle.

The familiar smell of sea water came from the air.

The blue sky was reflected on the sea.

Ye Qingxuan sat on the beach in silence, watching the quiet waves surging and rushing onto the beach. The wind blew from afar, bringing a fresh breath, blowing on the dilapidated palace of Guixu.

There was no dispute.

There was no fighting.

There was no ambition.

There was no so-called ambition and future.

In the quiet decay, there is only an eternal loneliness and beauty.

After a long time, he suddenly realized.

"Is this my dream?"

Ye Qingxuan laughed softly, rubbing his forehead embarrassedly: "I didn't expect that I still like to deceive myself so much..."

He looked up at the sky and raised his voice:

"This world, isn't it like this?"

The roar came from afar.

The smell of the wind changed.

"This world has never been so quiet and gentle."

Ye Qingxuan stepped on the tide and moved forward along the beach, muttering to himself: "The sky is not this color."

Then, the blue sky broke, and the fierce light of the fight emerged from the gap, as if opening the door of purgatory, and the fire burned the clouds, just like igniting iron. The white clouds were dyed black by ink, and rubbed against each other, and the high-pitched sound of steel collision burst out.

The silence was torn apart.

"The wind doesn't smell like this."

The breeze stopped, and then the burning wind of Purgatory blew from the raging fire. The wind carried a pungent smell of sulfur, which was dyed yellow. When it blew on my face, it stung my eyes and made me want to cry.

"The sea water is not this temperature."

So, the clear sea water boiled, and a foul smell emerged. The fishy white foam surged between the reefs, like a boiling spring under the earth's crust, pure and overflowing with the smell of rotting corpses, and the smell of blood was pungent.

"The earth is shaking."

Ye Qingxuan whispered softly, looking back, and saw that the decadent and quiet palace group collapsed in the shock of the island, cracks emerged from the stone road, and the lava of Purgatory gushed out from under the earth's crust, dyeing it blood red bit by bit.

"The stars have gone out."

So, the light fell, broke through the clouds, ignited the air, fell into the sea with a long tail, set off a thousand-foot tide, and fell to the ground, leaving a tragic scar.

It was as if a cruel child had scribbled on a masterpiece with red paint.

Everything was unrecognizable.

But something was missing.

Ye Qingxuan thought for a moment, nodded and said, "There should be wailing."

The roar was like the collision of countless thunders, and the strong wind raised a wailing sound. It seemed that countless desperate souls emerged in the wind, crying softly, mourning the death of everything.

Ye Qingxuan stood between the sea and the sky, looking up at the world.

Under the burning sky, the sea water was blood red, the broken islands were spitting out lava, the stars fell, the burning wind blew, the wailing and wailing sounded one after another, and then dissipated in the air, like an illusion.

Everything seemed to be a nightmare from purgatory.

"This is the real world."

Ye Qingxuan looked at his creation with satisfaction, so detailed and real, truly presenting its original appearance.

But he couldn't laugh, he just felt tired.

After saying goodbye to hypocrisy, his dream finally became exactly the same as this world. But he couldn't tell whether he was awake or in a dream.

"The world shouldn't be like this, right?"

Ye Qingxuan reached out and took out a cigarette that didn't exist here from his empty pocket. After lighting it, he smelled the fragrance of burning tobacco. The ashes rolled in his lungs, bringing a familiar sting.

He couldn't tell the difference between reality and dreams.

Reality was as absurd as a nightmare, but dreams were as cruel as reality.

No one responded.

Only the roar from the sky came, and the whistle in the burning wind.

Ye Qingxuan tasted the taste of the ashes in silence for a long time, threw the burnt cigarette into the boiling sea, raised his head, and repeated softly:

"It shouldn't be like this."

In the reflection of lightning and fire, he slowly raised his palm: "The sky should be clear!"

In the roar, a ray of pure white moonlight lit up from the sky.

The moonlight shines, and the music of the silent moon runs in it, transforming into a flawless moon. The moon runs in the sky, as if it has opened up the world, flattened the fire and thunder, and opened up a quiet night sky in the turmoil.

In the night sky, the stars are lit again, so far away.

Compared with the huge turmoil, the starry sky is so small, but it is so firmly shrouded above Guixu, staying in Ye Qingxuan's dream.

"The wind and the ocean should return to their original appearance."

So, the burning wind of purgatory stopped quietly, the boiling sea water returned to calm, the blue ocean reflected the stars, and around Guixu, a cool wind blew from the sea.

Ye Qingxuan turned back and stared at Guixu: "The earth is stable, carrying the sky."

The turbulent Guixu returned to stillness, the collapsed earth healed again, the cracks disappeared, the burning lava quietly condensed, the collapsed palace was finally complete, and the dust was wiped away.

The fierce wind and roar subsided, and the mourning disappeared.

Away from the turmoil and chaos of the outside world, this small dreamland seemed to be separated from reality again, denying everything unruly and returning to tranquility and stability.

The earth is stable, the stars are shining, and everything is quiet, singing for the long past and future.

As beautiful as the world should be.

In the silence, Ye Qingxuan had an inexplicable illusion.

He seemed to be sleeping in this deep dream, everything was beautiful, but he was clearly awake, standing on the turbulent and collapsed Gui Ruins, watching the world slowly move towards purgatory.

Being in two completely different worlds at the same time, so distinct, dream and reality are only combined together with themselves as the link.

At that moment, he finally understood and chuckled.

"So that's it."

Ye Qingxuan spread his arms and faced the quiet wind in the dream, but breathed in the smell of sulfur and let the ashes burn in his heart.

As his body dimmed and disappeared, the light of ether lit up from his blood, and he entered the ether cycle again.

With the soundless spread of electric light, his destiny chapter broke free from the shackles of the body and expanded rapidly. Countless music theories evolved and multiplied, and in an instant, covered the entire Guixu.

The Nine Heavens Ring flew out from his fingertips, extended forward, and the ladder to heaven was built out of thin air, flying upwards, and instantly disappeared into the far-reaching night sky.

As if it had found a long-lost destination, the ladder did not stop, but continued forward, forward, like a giant tower reaching the sky, breaking through the conventions of the material world, crossing the nine-layer ether sea, and sinking into the depths of the ether world.

And along with the dragon's roar of the strings, a corresponding echo came from the deepest part of the etheric world.

The forgotten land drifting in the higher dimensions was awakened.

Echoing the melody of the Ladder to Heaven, it traveled through endless distances. After sleeping for decades, Ye's scepter finally heard the sound of the Nine Heavens Ring.

The ethereal dream followed the guidance of the ladder, going down without hesitation or hesitation, as if the stars followed the moonlight, regardless of their own collapse and dissipation, going down, down, and down again.

Passing through the sacred city, ignoring the persistence of countless bells, passing over the dissipating abyss, crushing the last residue, passing through the phantom of the Great Wall, ignoring the joyful calls in countless beacons.

Under the echo of the ladder, it crashed through the last barrier of the etheric realm and crashed into the sea of ​​ether, burning, turbulent, and cracking. Regardless of its own rapid dissipation, it threw itself towards the location of Guixu.

Until this moment, Yuan Changqing finally recalled why this breath was so familiar.

"Ye's 'Millennium Dream'..."

He murmured softly and looked at the huge falling scepter with a complicated expression, a profound dream created by the blood of the Ye family for hundreds of years.

As if reflecting all the changes in the world, the vicissitudes of life are revealed in the stream of dreams, joys and sorrows circulate in it, life, old age, illness and death are given meaning, and in the end...all things fall asleep in it.

In the core of Guixu, in the crumbling palace, a young man with white hair raised his head, looked up at the fallen thousand-year dream, and raised his palm.

"Let's play it!"

Ye Qingxuan whispered softly, waved his hand, and struck the first note:

"——The founding chapter of the future!"

At that moment, the dream from the etheric realm fell into ruins.

There was no roar, no loud noise, and no turbulence. It was so quiet that nothing happened, as if it was just an phantom. The huge scepter instantly merged into Ye Qingxuan's dream, causing his dream to expand crazily, expand, expand, and expand again...

It's like the evolution from a mote of dust to the world.

With Guixu as the melting pot, Ye Qingxuan's Chapter of Destiny and Thousand Years of Dreams connected with each other and merged into one silently. Earth-shattering changes sprouted from this silence.

Countless dreams burned, turned into firewood, and merged into Ye Qingxuan's chapter of destiny.

In that wilderness filled with tombs, the extinguished lights in front of the tombstones were rekindled, cracks emerged from the tombstones, and then collapsed into dust and disappeared.

But among the lights shining like stars, figures from the past stepped out. Those musicians who passed away in the long past reappeared from my dreams.

Some are old, some are young, some are handsome, some are ugly, some are cold, some are indifferent.

The musicians who placed their souls and future in dreams seemed to be resurrected again.

They stepped forward, nodded to Ye Qingxuan, and entrusted their lifelong dreams to Ye Qingxuan's destiny chapter. Then, they completely dissipated in the flames without leaving any trace.

The nine-sky ring pendant murmurs, playing an elegy for the departed musicians.

The integration of each dream brought about drastic changes. The Chapter of Fate ran like lightning, integrating these inheritances from the past, constantly transforming, collapsing, and reborn.

At the end, it bloomed like a crystal.

Do you…have…that…monthly…ticket?

By the way, after experiencing the last lesson, I re-established a readership. This time, in order to make management easier, I decided to verify the fan value and make the scale smaller.

Group number: 30-38-09-230, the land of nothing.

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