Crown of Silence

Chapter 706 I have a rough plan


Paganini reached out and was about to say something, but saw Ciel take a step back.

In mid-air, he pulled off his coat with frost marks on his body, revealing his thin body.

Paganini's eyes widened.

He saw a lonely wing slowly unfolding on the young man's back. The radiant wings took root from the back and slowly extended outward, but sank into the depths of the etheric realm.

Countless music theories spurted out from it like a torrent. At this moment, even the markings of the abyss were decorated on it, turning into dark feathers and becoming part of the huge wings.

The visible wings are as small as the human body.

But the moment he spread his wings, the light in the entire sky dimmed, as if he had been wrapped by invisible wings. Just by spreading its wings, it covers the sky and the earth.

In the huge sea of ​​ether, that one wing quietly set off an earth-shaking frenzy.

In front of it, Paganini couldn't even stand, being pushed back by the invisible wave.

In the stunned gaze, the huge wings behind Ciel fanned the wind from the etheric realm.

Ciel's figure flickered like a phantom.

At that moment, Paganini finally realized: how could he appear quietly behind him... because he was not there at all!

Not here, not there anymore.

At this moment, Ciel was not in front of him, nor anywhere.

This is just a phantom that completely distorts the high-level dimensions, reaches a dead end, destroys the conventional laws of space, and then projects in front of itself through layers of refraction.

This is completely different from the Wolf Flute's ability to travel through higher dimensions and bypass the blockade of the material world. It is as if the space is folded in half like layers of paper, or even crumpled into a ball, forming an intricate maze for the black dots on the paper.

You can travel between high-level dimensions at will, even jump, and play with the indescribable ether world, making the world within your reach.

"Phase distortion?"

Paganini struggled to speak out from between his teeth: "This is simply impossible. How did you achieve it?"

Charles tilted his head to look at him blankly. He quickly reacted, smiled suddenly, and pointed at his back: "Is this what you're talking about? If you want to learn, I'll teach you when I have time.

It's actually quite simple, but it can be a little troublesome at other times. Thanks to this, I often got lost when I was young. I just went out to buy soy sauce, but I would end up in strange places for some reason. It wasn’t until recently that I realized... I just went in the wrong direction. "

He paused, reached out and grabbed Paganini's wrist:

"Stop standing there in a daze, let's go!"

There was obviously no movement, but for a moment, Paganini seemed to have fallen into a deep pool. Countless streams of light flashed past his eyes. The deeper secrets of the etheric world slowly unfolded in front of him, with countless twisted dimensions and unknown space compositions. It was stuffed into his consciousness like iron sand, making his forehead swell and almost burst.

At that moment, he realized it, but even faster, it was all forgotten by him, and it was even difficult to recall.

All that remains is fear.

Beyond the fear of life and death, pure trembling.

At that moment, it seemed that he had been trapped in loneliness for thousands of years. In that eternal time, it seemed that even death had lost its meaning. But the moment he opened his eyes, the remaining shadow quickly faded away, and the perfect body created by divinity The body was sweating like pulp.

He couldn't remember.

What on earth did he see at that moment?

And when he woke up from the fright, the wheel of balance had already come into view.

The sudden appearance of the two people triggered a vicious cycle, as if they jumped into a steel-making furnace. The terrifying force of the collision between the Holy City and the Great Wall turned into a pool of destruction, swallowing the two people up.

The mighty force of the movement of heaven and earth comes crushing.

In just an instant, the fierce light that evaporated everything would be swept away, but Paganini remained unscathed. It's like watching a horror show through a layer of glass. It seems scary, but the distance is so far away.

As if two mountain peaks collided together, they moved forward along the fleeting small gap, shuttled through the maze-like turbulence, and passed by destruction, getting closer and closer to the wheel of balance.

"What the hell!"

The roaring sound of the iron drum sounded. The man with the high crown was the first to notice their approach. He raised his eyes, and his eyes burst into blue light. The drumstick formed by the scepter in his hand fell. Then, the copper peacock burst out with the roar of the earth's crust. .

Amid the sound of the drum, everything collapsed.

The fiery music theory set off invisible shock waves in the sea of ​​ether. The waves came and went, and everything in the path of the ripples was shaken to pieces. Countless ripples echoed each other, and the movement was constructed, vaguely transforming into a majestic illusion of a golden war and an iron horse, with the projection of the cauldron of mountains and rivers, and the iron curtain coming down.

The twisted space structure deep in the etheric realm also shook under this terrible shock. In an instant, most of the exits collapsed, causing the curved passage constructed by Ciel to be blocked in an instant, and the ripples of destruction followed closely, tracing back Come.

At this moment, the four musicians from Tianshang City were jointly hosting, and the music theory was linked. After the high-crown man struck, the head of the Yuan family also casually threw out a beam of iron light, but the sword energy howled miserably, and after three weeks of circling Ciel, there was nothing he could do. It's like there is no way to start through transparent glass.

The head of the Yuan family was stunned, "How to get into a good place without any favors? That's not right..."

The white jade pipa sounded, and in an instant, Paganini felt restless and a ghost emerged in his heart. In the sound of the pipa, the music theory turned into the school of mind with the beast nature of the dead soul, and quietly implanted into Paganini's body. If it weren't for the fact that the music theory of the transformation was also good at this, Paganini would have suffered a loss immediately.

The Red King snorted coldly, resisting the joint attack of the four celestial beings with one hand, and raised the other hand to practice playing with his fingers, which triggered the music theory of the Blue King. The judgment hymn was played in the void, and the light of destruction swept in everywhere, flowing into the etheric world in an instant, turning and moving in the high-level dimensions, locking up Charles who was constantly dodging, and forcing him to be in a hurry with just one finger.

But soon, the light of judgment went in the wrong direction, and was actually guided to the direction of the bronze peacock under Charles's guidance.

In an instant, the projections of the Holy City and the Great Wall roared.

At this moment, the two sides have already looked at the overall situation, competing with their own music theory and the overall situation, even the slightest part has terrifying power.

Using this as a bridge, the two sides fought hard in an instant.

Under the attack, both sides suffered a loss, and Charles's strange ability also surfaced.

"Phase jump... high-level dimensional distortion..."

The head of the Changsun family looked at Charles' direction with his blue eyes, "It can actually be done to this extent... Is it a hybrid of some weird thing in the ether world and humans?"

In an instant, in the projections set by both sides, countless elements changed, the focus shifted, and Charles's location was faintly locked, and a thunderbolt was ready to go.

And what Paganini felt was an unprecedented huge pressure.

The scepter of the sacred city created by the cult in the ether world, and the great wall perfected by the nine dragon veins for thousands of years, were locked by both at the same time, even the upper natural disaster would suffer heavy damage.

And Charles' forehead was also sweating.

"Wait a minute!"

Facing everyone's cold eyes, Charles jumped out of the high-dimensional maze, showing a rare serious expression: "I have a rough plan that can solve the current problem!"

For a moment, in the dead silence, everyone wanted to laugh.

Even Bai Heng looked at Gaius's projection in astonishment.

Gaius smoked a cigarette, calm and indifferent, as if he had expected Charles's derailment. He just shrugged to show the people present that this was not my instruction.

As expected, everyone looked over.

Charles paused, lowered his head and coughed a few times, then raised his head and showed a smile that made everyone present want to beat him up:

"Since everyone wants this broken thing, why not split it up!"

There was a long dead silence.

Even Gaius was stunned.

Only Bai Heng laughed after a slight surprise, laughed loudly, and applauded in admiration.

"Good idea, I agree!" Bai Heng smiled at the gloomy King of Red, "Actually, it's useless for me to take all of this thing, just a part of it will be fine."

Charles and Paganini looked at each other, raised their heads, and looked at the Heavenly City. There was a strange silence in the Heavenly City. The celestial beings who transformed into the four pillars looked at each other with subtle eyes.

In the end, everyone's eyes were on the balance wheel suspended in the center.

This thing... how should it be divided?

The next moment, everyone started to act at the same time!


So, a troublemaker like Charles is not to be taken.

Everyone understands that in the current situation, if they want to fight for the balance wheel, they can only maintain the current stalemate, but when their goal changes from the entire artifact to a part of it... the whole situation will become completely different.

In any case, dismantle it first!

The quick hand has it, the slow hand has it!

And the first to stop everyone is the King of Red.

The Holy City has long regarded the Wheel of Balance as its own possession. The stalemate maintained by the Red King is just to wait for the Blue King to send a stronger force here through the wind tunnel.

Among the three kings, the Red King is controlled by seventeen successive popes. The so-called body is just a tool used by successive popes in the Nibelungen, and it is not the root. Therefore, it can achieve almost mythical human teleportation and resurrection.

But the Blue King can't do it. He can set up a restricted area through the wind tunnel, but there are still places that he can't reach even though he is thousands of miles away.

And the Yellow King has left after the initial intervention, determined not to care about the disputes on the ground. If he is here, even on the other side of the world, he can still easily interfere with the situation through the music theory system of the Holy Cauldron.

There is no need to fight, as long as you use your own power as a guide, the Wheel of Balance will come to you.

There is no need to fight this battle.

In an instant, the battle in the sky has reached its climax. In the blink of an eye, countless music theories are born and destroyed from the core. Elements collide with each other, born, and destroyed. The projection of the Holy City and the Great Wall collide with each other, head-on, strangling each other.

But after saying that, Charles turned around and got into the twisted phase maze, evading the attacks and aftermath of both sides.

In an instant, hundreds of times of interlacing, several high towers in the projection of the Holy City have been broken. And far away in the Holy City, the corresponding steel towers made a sharp metal friction sound, and fell apart in the piercing whine.

The Great Wall was also tragic, and several beacons had been extinguished in the storm.

In that instant of confrontation, Paganini made a quick decision and blocked all the attacks that rolled towards Charles, but the result was that half of his body was broken, which was extremely miserable.

A moment later, the Red King, Yuan Changqing, and Charles, who followed closely, had already placed their palms on the edge of the Wheel of Balance.

No need to look at each other or exchange colors.

The next moment, a cold light flashed in Yuan Changqing's eyes.

The iron light was fleeting, as if it would cut through the eternal night, destroy the stars and the scorching sun, destroy everything with a crushing force, and illuminate my only future.

The essence of Yuan's swordsmanship was revealed.

Then, Chunjun cut down!


The sharp sound first burst out from the deepest part of the ether world, and then swept down, and wherever it passed, it set off a roar of the collapse of the world.

In an instant, the sky was pure white like day, and then the ocean boiled, and then it was frozen for thousands of miles in an instant.

The air turned into iron sand and rubbed against each other, and all things were agitated and cracked.

The frenzied power flowed out of the Wheel of Balance as it broke, and at that moment, a terrifying chain reaction was set off from the sea of ​​ether.

The whole world could sense the shrill sound that seemed to break the heaven and earth.

Everything seemed to be out of control in an instant.

The whole world was in turmoil.

In an instant, the Wheel of Balance fell apart. In the fight between the three parties, it was broken into three pieces. Countless musical theories gathered towards the fragments and formed a new form in their hands.

They were obviously from the same body, but the three gave people completely different feelings.

At that moment, it was not only the form that was separated, but also the power of the Wheel of Balance was completely separated.

The Red King had a gloomy expression, and the fragments in his hands still maintained the appearance of the Wheel of Balance. Countless elements gathered and took shape again.

The power running in it inherited the power of the original Wheel of Balance's "separation", which could cut off all musicians' induction of the etheric world.

The fragments in Yuan Changqing's hands did not show any magical appearance, but the place where they were, was calm, and everything seemed to be back on track. The etheric world and the material world were stable again.

The power he got was "maintenance", the power to maintain the balance between the two worlds, and it was also the most suitable part of the Aurora Great Wall.

The fragment in Charles's hand was vague, like an illusion, not here. But where he was, it was like a huge void, with all kinds of illusions flashing in the void, bizarre and dazzling.

This was the last part of the Wheel of Balance - 'Overlap'.

With this, the Wheel of Balance was completely disassembled. As soon as the artifact that gathered countless powers and expectations from all parties came into being, it fell apart in the fight, and it was divided into three, no longer as magical as before.

It was simply a great irony.

The fight was finally over.

But the aftermath had not dissipated.

With the collapse of the Wheel of Balance, a large number of elements flowed out of it, turned into impact, and flew between heaven and earth.

Guixu also wailed, as if mourning the death of its offspring.

Wait... Guixu?

Paganini was stunned, and a trace of confusion flashed through his mind:

Why is Guixu still here?

Guixu's mission is to bring about natural disasters, but with the birth of the Wheel of Balance, Guixu should have disintegrated and disappeared long ago. Why is it still staying in the same place?

And in the earth-shattering battle between the three parties, it can still remain intact?


He suddenly lowered his head and looked at Guixu, but then his expression changed.

He felt it.

In the etheric world, some huge monster is emerging!

The huge monster that has been floating in the deepest part of the etheric world and disappeared for a long time is now sinking towards the material world along the crack opened when the Wheel of Balance was born!

Across the intricate turbulence, Paganini could only vaguely see a vague phantom.

It was like a dream.

A dream, falling towards the material world... no, towards Guixu!

And at this moment, with the shattering of the Wheel of Balance, the remaining power scattered between heaven and earth seemed to sense a new call, turning into a torrent, sweeping towards Guixu!

Who else is there?

Paganini was stunned for a moment, then suddenly realized.

——Ye Qingxuan!

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