Crown of Silence

Chapter 660 The black musician saw this and wanted to hit someone

Chapter 661 The black musician looked at him and wanted to hit him

“So God created the air and divided the water below the air from the water above the air.”

The young man walking out of the shadows recited the holy scriptures, clapped his hands lightly, and declared:

"--that's how it's done."


Terrifying power erupted from behind him, and the exquisite music theory that was above the scepter emerged out of thin air, skipping the two of them in an instant and forcibly taking over everything within a few hundred meters.

Immediately afterwards, the music theories of both parties were divided exquisitely.

It was like re-separating the mixed sea water and river water, forcibly stopping the fight between the two sides and taking control of the situation.

The duck he got flew away before his eyes. Orlando was furious and looked at the young man furiously. But in an instant, his anger dissipated, and deep fear emerged in his heart.

Only now did he see clearly that behind the white-haired young man was an old nun with downcast eyes.

There is also the scepter that roars in her body.


Now he no longer dares to feel any anger, but is considering... whether he can escape unscathed.

The savior fell from the sky. Oden did not breathe a sigh of relief, but his heart sank.

Just out of the tiger's mouth, he entered the wolf's den.

He never thought that Ye Qingxuan came to save him to do good things.

The guy who saved him was probably not a good guy, he just wanted to kill them all.

But beyond his expectation, the white-haired young man, the infamous Grand Inquisitor, did not carry a sharp knife, nor did he have any killing intention.

Instead, she knelt down and looked at him, smiling happily.

"Hey friend."

He took out a fresh contract from his arms and waved it towards Oden: "Are you interested in making a deal?"

Facing Oden's confused eyes, Ye Qingxuan explained the terms with a smile: "Now you have two choices. First, I leave and you wait to die.

Second, ask me for help. I will save your life and ensure that you are safe before leaving Guixu.

In exchange, you need to sign your name, and look, here it is. "

As he spoke, Ye Qingxuan took out a pen and stuffed it into Oden's hand, then pointed to the blank space at the end of the contract: "Sign this and you will be saved!

How about it? It’s a good deal, right? "

Oden subconsciously borrowed the contract and only read the beginning. He couldn't hold back a mouthful of old blood and wanted to spray it on Ye Qingxuan's face.

Good deal?

What a deal!

Which bastard made this bullshit treaty?

The black musician wanted to hit someone when he saw it!

In the next thirty years, he will serve the Inquisition for free and train musician apprentices for the Inquisition. That’s all. Moreover, he must unconditionally cooperate with all Ye Qingxuan’s plans and orders...

And this is just the beginning!

Looking at the dense matters written in it, Oden felt his eyes darken. Where is this life-saving contract? To say that this thing is a deed of prostitution is just to refute it!


Darker than the abyss!

Although it said that he would not work for nothing and would pay him the highest salary according to market conditions, it was considered a high-paying hire. But once a musician reaches the status of a master, will he still worry about his job?

If you work for others, it's not just for a small salary. I want to use money to recruit masters to work for me, and not just once or twice, but for thirty years... I'm dreaming!

The masters all have their own research and projects. Anyone who doesn’t have a lot of things to do will be able to work for you when he has nothing to do! Moreover, if you dedicate your youth to your life, you will have to be limited to your descendants (apprentices) even if you dedicate your life!

This contract is as ridiculous as asking another boss to work in your company and signing a shady contract. It's not a matter of how much you pay, it doesn't matter how much you pay.

Once this contract is signed, musicians from his lineage will work for the Inquisition in the next hundred years!

Who would have nothing to do to be a dog for others?

Moreover, this contract was made based on the commandments of the Forbidden School. It is the most superior mandatory contract and is expensive to make. It is directly guaranteed by the strangeness of the etheric world. Once it is violated, it will definitely be unbearable for people to walk around.

After reading the contract, Oden looked up at Ye Qingxuan again. Looking at the white-haired guy, his eyes were like looking at a devil in human skin.

——You beast!

Although it sounds nice and gives you two choices, he can refuse, but refusing is a dead end. Who knows what he will do?

But if you don't will be worse than death!

Who knows what will happen if it falls into the hands of this guy? The reputation of the Inquisition has never been good. Even the black musician Naberish said that no one with any sense would have anything to do with the Inquisition...

"so what have you thought of?"

Ye Qingxuan looked at him with a smile, pretended to take out his pocket watch from his arms, and looked at the time: "I'm a little pressed for time, if you don't want to, forget it."

As he spoke, he glanced at Orlando not far away intentionally or unintentionally.

When Orlando heard that Ye Qingxuan was leaving, his eyes lit up. He wished that Oden and him had broken up!

"No! I'll sign! I'll sign!"

Oden shouted loudly, and as soon as he finished speaking, he saw Ye Qingxuan's happy expression.

Damn, I took the bait...

Oden's heart twitched and felt a cramp.

In Ye Qingxuan's expectant look, he swallowed a mouthful of old blood, with tears in his eyes, stamped the traces of the Seal of Fate on the contract, and from then on sold all the musicians of his lineage to the Inquisition.

You surnamed Ye are not human!

"Welcome aboard!"

Ye Qingxuan smiled and helped him up from the ground with great enthusiasm: "Although the methods are not authentic, the welfare here is absolutely top-notch. All the music theories of the Inquisition are open to you. Don't worry, we will never wrong you. From now on, we will It’s a family!”

A ghost wants to be a family member with you!

Oden snorted and said nothing.

What can he say now?

It's useless to say anything.

Now that you have jumped into the fire pit, you can only find a way to live more comfortably in the fire pit.

Thinking of this, he glanced at Orlando fiercely. If it weren't for that guy, how could he have paid such a heavy price for his mistake!

Ye Qingxuan pretended to blow the signature on the contract, and after drying the non-existent ink, he slowly tightened the contract in his arms.

Then he turned back and looked at Orlando who was quietly preparing to run away:

"My friend, it's your turn now."

Looking at the new contract that Ye Qingxuan took out, Orlando was stunned, and then his heart went crazy:

"I don't need to beg you!"

"Is it?"

Ye Qingxuan smiled and pointed behind him: "You need it now!"

Faced with Oden's eyes that wanted to eat him alive, Orlando's face instantly turned green and he couldn't help but cursed.

Well, now it is definitely needed.

If he didn't sign, who knows if Ye Qingxuan would immediately avenge Oden and kill himself to eliminate Oden's resentment?

Oden laughed sinisterly.

Now I have begun to think about how to torture this bastard!

How can you do nothing if you are just unlucky?

At least bring some back support!

If it weren't for this bastard, I would still be fine now!

Now he hates Ye Qingxuan three-quarters for adding insult to injury, and hates Orlando the other half!

"Mr. Ye, there are two clauses in the contract that can be adjusted."

He reminded Ye Qingxuan, pointing to the third paragraph of the contract: "The scope of the 'rights and obligations' here is a bit vague, so don't give some people the opportunity to take advantage of it.

Also here, in terms of the price of breach of contract, the right to pursue liability must be reserved. He can escape, but his school cannot escape..."

Since he was already unlucky, Oden didn't mind making others suffer even more.

All I can say is...people's bad nature is really terrible.

"oh oh!!"

Ye Qingxuan's eyes shone after being reminded, and he happily revised the terms. As expected, there is strength in numbers. If Oden hadn't reminded him, he would have almost overlooked a loophole.

"And here, here... here you can get some reservations."

As soon as Oden joined the group, he began to shine and devoted himself wholeheartedly to the great cause of harming others.

"I see!"

After some on-demand viewing, Ye Qingxuan held Oden's hand gratefully: "Recruiting you is really my wisest choice. How do you know so much?"

Oden gave a sneer that made Orlando tremble: "The biggest income of the Ten Thousand Base School is lending. Even the Emperor of Burgundy once borrowed money from us. When I was an apprentice to the teacher, I specially planned this.

Mr. Ye, don't worry, I will help you make this contract perfect. "

"Then please!"

Ye Qingxuan patted Oden on the shoulder and looked at Orlando with a smile.

In grief and anger, Orlando trembled all over and suddenly vomited a mouthful of black and purple blood. It was really a mouthful of old blood.

He was almost so angry that Le Li lost control.


After both people signed the contract, Ye Qingxuan took the contract back into his arms with satisfaction.

Seeing the thick stack of written contracts in Ye Qingxuan's arms, the corners of their eyes suddenly jumped wildly. They didn't know how many musicians would be pushed into the fire pit by Ye Qingxuan.

But now that they have boarded the pirate ship, the two of them sincerely hope that the more people who are as miserable as themselves, the better.

"Since you are one of our own, I won't be polite."

Ye Qingxuan handed a coordinate to the two of them: "Next, you go here and tell me my name to meet Master Mabel of the Anglo School. We are all our own people, you are welcome."

The two couldn't help but roll their eyes.

You're so polite!

This bastard didn't even want to give it away, he was already bent on deceiving others.

Before leaving, Ye Qingxuan stopped the two of them again.

"Ah, there is another question..."

Ye Qingxuan scratched his head in embarrassment and smiled honestly: "Do you have any...that...core music theory of your school that you can lend me for a look?"



In just one day, all the musicians in the city knew that there was a crazy guy who was going around breaking up fights. More than dozens of musicians had witnessed the scene with their own eyes.

When the two sides were fighting, suddenly a white-haired guy jumped out, separated the two sides with his hands, waved a contract and started to pull people.

Supported by the bad nature of human beings, countless musicians have fallen into the trap and are miserable.

It’s life-threatening if you sign, it’s even more life-threatening if you don’t sign...

Now everyone walks around when they see the white-haired guy, causing both Liu Ran and Yuan Jing to be regarded as disaster stars.

Orientals are not good people!

Just when the two people who were tricked were having a headache, Ye Qingxuan was squatting in the corner, looking at the two murderous musicians.

The two murderous musicians looked at each other, and then looked at him.

There was a long silence.

In the stalemate, everyone was motionless.

Ye Qingxuan had almost finished eating the melon seeds, and when he saw them still basking in the sun, he couldn't help frowning.

"Hurry up and fight."

He urged the two people like a busybody: "Why don't you fight?"


The two were silent for a long time, and one of them gritted his teeth, stomped his feet, turned around and left.

"No more fighting!"

The other person also fled quickly, as if something deadly was following him.

Only Ye Qingxuan was left there, dumbfounded.

Well, to some extent, maybe he also contributed to the peace of Guixu.


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