Crown of Silence

Chapter 659 It's done like this

Chapter 660 It's like this

It's bad!

At that moment, everyone's face changed drastically. Without waiting for Ye Qingxuan to finish his words, they gathered all their strength and rushed out quickly instead of attacking.

But then, in mid-air, they felt something was wrong.

There was no thunder strike as expected.

Nothing happened at all.

They looked back in surprise, only to see Schubert glance at Ye Qingxuan, his eyes empty and without any spirit. Then, he retracted his gaze.

He bowed his head and chanted.

Confused, surprised, suddenly realized, angry... and finally, mocked.

In everyone's sight, Ye Qingxuan's old face turned red, and he embarrassedly retracted the posture that looked extremely powerful and coughed twice.

This wave of pretense was in vain!

He threw the useless brooch aside, and in his heart he had already cursed the cult to death!

Just now he thought he had turned the tables, but the harsh words he said didn't work at all. The gap between the two made him choke on blood.

What on earth were these bastards of the cult thinking! They did such a stupid thing as turning a human into a scepter container, but they were reluctant to add a control module!

Ye Qingxuan laughed dryly twice, "Well, I have something to do temporarily, you guys can chat slowly, I'm leaving first."

As a result, he just turned around and took a step forward, and the ground in front of him was covered with iron edges, and the sharp upper edges were pointed straight at Ye Qingxuan's face.

Killing intent was piercing.

"Nice trick, Your Excellency the Chief Judge." The old man in the lead had a gloomy face: "You successfully teased us, and gave up your last chance."

Ye Qingxuan sighed, and the staff of destiny fell:

"In other words... we have to fight?"

No one responded, and the frenzied ether fluctuations rose again.

Ye Qingxuan cursed Raymond, the old man, who would cause trouble even if he died. Who knows how that weakling could conduct Schubert!

Isn't it alchemical equipment and chanting?

Wait, chanting?

With the enemy at hand, at such a tense moment, Ye Qingxuan was stunned.

It was not until now that he realized that the scriptures chanted by the old nun had unconsciously become the same paragraph from the beginning to now.

"... You must fear the gods and the king, and do not associate with fickle people. Because of their disasters, they will arise suddenly. Those who say to the wicked, "You are righteous" will be cursed by all peoples and hated by all nations..."

Over and over again, it is still the same paragraph.

But the proverb lacks the ending of the crucial last sentence.

Subconsciously, Ye Qingxuan whispered softly:

"——Who can know the destruction carried out by the gods?"

At that moment, it seemed as if thunder fell from the sky.

In the air, the scepter hanging high suddenly roared, and terrifying thunder brewed from it, and lightning flashed. Everyone felt the biting cold bursting out from the old nun.

In a trance, as if she had obeyed the instructions of the gods, she raised her head, and her empty pupils were filled with the terrifying glow of the gods.

The next moment, terrifying thunder burst out from the elements of the scepter in the air, and it seemed that a scorching sun was slowly rising between heaven and earth.

The fierce light was so close that just staring at it was enough to burn your eyes.

In a flash, Ye Qingxuan only felt the terrifying high temperature falling from the sky, and the thunder turned into an ocean, swallowing everything.

When he opened his eyes again, there was only a charred black in front of him.

The lightning dissipated.

Everything seemed to have happened nothing.

The six masters who had stood in front of Ye Qingxuan had long disappeared without a trace.

At that moment, they didn't even have time to escape. Under the thunderous wrath of the saints, they all turned into ashes. The lightning was like a divine punishment, destroying everything wherever it passed.

The music theory collapsed, the body was destroyed, and even the ashes had evaporated. Even the earth was melted, turning into gray-black and burning red, emitting a sulfur smell like from hell.

In the stunned and shocked eyes of all the onlookers, Ye Qingxuan was silent for a long time and couldn't help laughing.


He finally understood how the Holy City commanded Schubert.

If it is not necessary, do not increase the entity - the same is true for alchemy.

Since there is a better way, there is no need to add a crappy control circuit.

This is probably expected from the beginning, right?

Use devout believers as containers to hold the elements and scepters born from the holy book, and then use the motto of the holy book as a medium for communication.

After the original personality was erased by the music theory, the remaining piety will become the best way to control. As long as you master the contents of the Holy Scripture, you can control it.

In short, as long as you can memorize the entire Holy Scripture, you will naturally understand how to communicate with Schubert.

And Ye Qingxuan's title of bishop in the church brings the minimum command authority.

Although there must be some more secret control circuits, if you just want to use Schubert's scepter as a deterrent, this level is enough.

Seeing Ye Qingxuan commanding Schubert, in an instant, the surroundings were completely empty. All the musicians ran away.

In silence, Ye Qingxuan looked at the old nun in front of him, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Guixu is really a good place...

He thought of a good plan.


In the middle of the night, fires occasionally rose in the silent city.

In a calm, dead-water situation, undercurrents surged. I don't know how many musicians were hiding in the dark, fighting each other frantically to gain power.

Some musicians were not interested in this kind of power that came out of thin air.

Some people looked down on it, while others didn't want to cause trouble for themselves - there is no gift that comes out of thin air in the world, and all the pie that falls from the sky has its own price.

Not to mention the risk of fighting, even if you want to control the vain power you get, you need to spend some effort.

If that's all, it's okay. The schools that are a little older also have methods designed for this kind of external force, which can completely control the external force.

But if you accept the music theory of Guixu, then your own music theory will also be changed by Guixu.

Dyeing is relative. Humans are changing Guixu, and Guixu is also changing humans.

When Guixu is officially brewed and natural disasters are born, then it is natural that the Guixu school that uses its music theory will take shape.

In fact, most of the human schools came from this, by imitating natural disasters, studying natural disasters, exploring natural disasters, and getting power from natural disasters.

But the situation we are facing now is different. The music theory directly inherited to Guixu will inevitably be affected by Guixu. When Guixu is controlled by the cult, he will definitely become a lackey of the cult.

Just like the black musicians.

All musicians with a little talent look down on black musicians. Why? Isn't it because those guys are controlled by natural disasters and demons, and they don't even have freedom?

Of course, there are also psychopaths who dare to hit the idea of ​​natural disasters for power and greed.

Therefore, in addition to a large number of people who are ecstatic, there are also a small number of musicians with a strong foundation and a bright future who are unwilling to get involved in this kind of trouble.

Especially between musicians, they will never easily make enemies. Once they make enemies, the consequence is a fight to the death.

Let's not talk about whether it is a fair duel to kill other musicians for power. Do you think that the schools behind those musicians are all dead?

Musicians who can reach the master level are the backbone of their own schools, and they are even the masters of their own schools.

If you offend a lot of people for a pricey power, you may not be protected by your own school, and you can only go to the Holy City.

The cult may have the same idea, right?

In the casino, the most profitable people are never the cheating masters or the gamblers who are good at gambling, but the casinos that are the dealers.

You can win both ends, no matter which side wins, you will make a profit.

It's not that there are no smart people who understand this, but people are often unable to change the environment, but will be affected and changed by the environment.

When the entire Guixu becomes an arena, few people can stay out of it.

Just like Oden from the Wanlei School.

Sometimes if you don't kill others, others will come to kill you...

"Orlando, I have never offended you!"

After being forced into a desperate situation, Master Oden's expression was distorted: "You killed me, aren't you afraid of the revenge of the Wanlei School!"

After the layers of stone-like fluorescent light, Oden looked very embarrassed, with most of his beard falling off and his robes torn. If it weren't for these alchemical equipment, he would probably have died in the first round of sneak attacks.

The Wanlei School is from the Change Faction, known for its stone and iron operations, and is best at defense. Once the core music theory is unfolded, it is like carrying a fortress with you, and ordinary musicians can't attack it at all.

But this is also relative, especially after the opponent has been promoted to the Scepter, the fortress has become a coffin, and he can't escape.

Orlando's figure seemed to be condensed like a ghost, floating and emitting a sharp and strange laugh.

After the Illusion School reached the Scepter realm, it controlled the reality and even its own existence was so erratic that it was difficult to detect.

In particular, Orlando is best at illusion erosion. Under the distortion of music theory, the illusion of nothingness constantly erodes Oden's defense and disintegrates it inch by inch.

He is determined to kill Oden, and he is even more decisive, not giving Oden any chance to breathe. His own existence is transformed in the sharp melody, and the dreamlike streamer blows out from the flute, making Oden's face pale.

"If I die, you can't think about it."

Oden gritted his teeth and made up his mind. His blood seemed to be ignited and his face flushed. The turbulent music theory penetrated from the defense and turned the illusion into dust.


The types of fate chapters are different. Once they explode, the effects caused are also completely different. Most of the change factions are good at destruction, but masters like Oden who are good at alchemy are better at changing the properties of matter.

Once the fate chapter breaks out, even with the suppression of Guixu, everything within a radius of hundreds of meters will be transformed into dust.

Orlando would definitely not get any good results, and he would not even get the Chapter of Fate, and would have to return empty-handed.

"Will I give you a chance?"

Orlando sneered, and the flute played a sharp melody. In the scream, Oden's eyes blurred, and he actually lost the sense of the Chapter of Fate. After such a long confrontation, the illusion has quietly penetrated into Oden's consciousness.

He himself has even become a fulcrum.

As long as you look directly at him, you will be infected by his own illusion and fall into it unconsciously.

Seeing the blurry figure transformed by Orlando walking towards him, Oden felt desperate. Now he understood: the other party and himself had delayed for so long just to make him sink deeper and deeper.

But at that moment, a hoarse sigh sounded.

"So, God created air and separated the water below the air from the water above the air."

The young man who walked out of the shadow chanted the scriptures, clapped his hands lightly, and declared:

"——It was so."


The editor just told me that starting from midnight on the 23rd, the monthly votes will be doubled~ I just checked it and it seems that I have been squeezed to the bottom of the fantasy category list, and my position is precarious. But there is no way, after all, I have to prepare for marriage and honeymoon, and the update can only barely remain stable. I am really sorry.

Anyway, everyone votes~

Thank you all in advance~

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