Crown of Silence

Chapter 568 Dark Future

Chapter 569 Dark Future

"As a former core member of the Order, is it really appropriate for you to say this?"

"Any clergyman who has reached the level of bishop must understand one thing: faith can be left to believers, and there is no need to deceive yourself."

Shi Dong smiled strangely: "Besides, I'm old. When people get old, they like to think about things. I don't even have the freedom to say stupid things, right?"

"If you like to talk, it's fine."

Ye Qingxuan shook his head: "Go on, I'm curious about what secrets the Inquisition holds."

"For a tool, it's naturally impossible to know too much. If you want to find out, I'm afraid you have to ask His Majesty the Pope in person."

"In fact, I asked."

Ye Qingxuan shrugged, "He won't say."

"Then there's nothing we can do."

Shi Dong shook his head regretfully: "If your majesties don't speak, no one can do anything."

He used the plural to address the Pope, obviously knowing the nature of the Red King, but for Shi Dong, who was once the top Knight Commander, this is nothing surprising.

"Do all the forbidden technologies you just mentioned come from the cult?" Ye Qingxuan asked

"I can only say that part of them do."

Shi Dong replied: "The other part comes from the natural disaster... If I can only describe it, it's like a puzzle: humans have mastered part of it, and the other part seems to have been taken away by the natural disaster.

That's why, as a tool to deal with the natural disaster, we know so much."

While Shi Dong led the way, Ye Qingxuan walked behind, thinking silently.

For a long time, the Holy City has led the development of various countries with technology that is decades ahead of the world. The cult has always mastered the source of technology in various countries. Even the Chainsaw Monks, who split from the cult, have mastered technology in military industry and war weapons that is beyond the imagination of most people.

Lighthouses for ether density detection and information transmission, churches in every human settlement, shelters and ether balancers built in them, fruitful results in materials science, and various achievements in mechanical engineering...

The annual budget of the cult for the R\u0026D Bureau is far lower than that of any research institute in the countries, but at the same time it can maintain such an incredible lead, which has always been a puzzling puzzle.

But now it seems that what is hidden is not what others imagine.

Compared with research and development from scratch, technology blockade is simpler. If you just maintain what you already have and then gradually open it up, it naturally does not require too much money.


"What is the extent of the technology mastered by the cult?"

"I don't know."

Shi Dong shook his head: "In addition to the water tank, there are more files and achievements that have not been published or even leaked. For us, it is absolutely urgent that we must not touch them.

It contains not only weapons, but also some files with a higher priority than the "Purgatory" once established by Gaius - most of those things are obtained from natural disasters.

Compared with the tiny human world, the secrets they contain are too terrifying and huge. If you don't pay attention, you will be taken away by those deformed things. Destroyed.

That’s why it was ordered to be sealed. "

Here, he paused and smiled mockingly:

"After all, everything is to maintain the "correct" history. "

Obtained from natural disasters...

Ye Qingxuan frowned: "In addition to the three sages and the three pillars, what other natural disasters will communicate with humans?"

"Of course not."

Shi Dong shook his head: "Do you expect those things that can't even speak to negotiate with humans?

Besides, sometimes you don't have to trade to get something, you can also get it from the enemy's body. Just like the crystal snake..."

Naka Crystal Nest.

Ye Qingxuan once again recalled the ruins he went to before going to Romulus - the land that had been permanently crystallized and the bottomless cave.

That was the proof that humans once fought against natural disasters.

But what did humans get from the body of the crystal snake?

The body of the Scourge is made of pure ether, and it is based on the theory of music. It is not a flesh and blood body. Death represents the collapse of the core theory of music, and the body naturally cannot survive for a long time.

They will disintegrate into ether, disappear, and then return to this world after a long sleep.

So, it is not like a hunter hunting, killing a tiger, peeling off the fur and bones, and carefully preparing them into fur robes and medicinal wine.

So, how did the cult obtain those forbidden technologies from the dead Scourge?

In silence, the two walked down the stairs from the fortress wall and strolled in the inner courtyard.

Surrounded by high walls, there was a cold atmosphere. The flat inner courtyard was empty, and not even a grass or tree was transplanted, let alone a nursery and a garden.

It can be said that there is nothing to see at a glance.

But Shi Dong stopped in the center, turned around, and looked at Ye Qingxuan.

"Sir, please dismiss your attendants."

He whispered, "This may be the best place in the entire fortress to discuss something."

Ye Qingxuan listened to his words and looked at the inner court again, but he understood what Shi Dong meant.

Compared to the narrow and cramped secret rooms where various monitoring devices and spies are easily placed, this open space is safer and more secretive to a certain extent, and there is no place for anyone to hide.

With Ye Qingxuan's Dragon Sleeping Barrier, there is no need to worry about someone using the music to eavesdrop.

Ye Qingxuan pondered for a moment, nodded, and looked behind him. There were footsteps going away.

Then, he flicked his fingers, laid down two layers of soundproof barriers, and opened a two-meter-circle Dragon Sleeping Barrier on the inside.

"As you wish, Elder Shi Dong."

Ye Qingxuan said calmly: "If you have anything to say, don't hide it. If you want to assassinate, now is the best time."

"Next, I will tell you what the first Grand Master of the Witch Hammer, the first Grand Inquisitor of the Inquisition, said to me before he died."

Shi Dong's eyes drooped, "That is the secret he has kept all his life. If it is exposed, even the Inquisition will undergo a thorough cleansing and will not be tolerated by the church.

-The true body of the Scourge."

"The true body?"

Ye Qingxuan was stunned.

"Yes, the body."

Shi Dong said: "Or you can call it the 'source', the power and essence of the natural disaster, that is the real reason why they are immortal.

All along, what we call the natural disaster is just the tip of the iceberg exposed on the sea surface.

If the roots buried in the darkness are not cut off, no matter how many times they are killed, they can regenerate continuously.

Only by completely destroying their body can they be completely eradicated - the location of the body and source is the biggest secret of every natural disaster, and it is also their only way. "The weakness of the scourge. "

He said, "The technology and secrets mastered by the cult are also obtained from the body of the natural disaster.

So far, humans have completely eliminated a total of six natural disasters. The recovered bodies are secretly kept by the cult, and they have also brought many technologies and powers beyond human imagination.

- Weapons, energy, music, medicine... Every natural disaster is a huge treasure. Even the damaged body has great value.

Wasn't the "Hundred Years' War" between Anglu and Burgundy launched to seize the ruins where the body of the natural disaster was buried? "


In the long silence, Ye Qingxuan reached out and touched the pipe in his arms. His fingers holding the tobacco trembled slightly, indicating the turmoil in his heart. He filled the pipe, lit it, and took a deep breath.

He exhaled the thick smoke, and the defeated ideas were finally reorganized from his heart, but they had become unrecognizable.

"Does every natural disaster have a 'body'?" he asked.

Shi Dong nodded, "Except for the special status of the Three Pillars, whose source cannot be determined, according to the previous observations and secret files of the cult, each one has one.

The Three Sages, the Four Living Creatures, the Eight Phenomena, and even others... each one has its own source."

"What are their bodies?"

"I don't know."

Shi Dong shook his head neatly: "In the three wars against the Scourge that I experienced, only the final stage after the war was carried out by a mysterious army that I have never seen before.

I have never seen the Scourge's body directly, but I have seen their outlines twice from a long distance...

During the confidential station escort mission, I saw them moving something onto the rail carriage from the periphery, loading it into a huge container, and covering it with a thick felt cloth to prevent dust.

Maybe I saw it wrong, but the size of that thing should be It is not fixed.

The first time it was loaded for a month, six trains went back and forth. The second time, only a few people were escorted and left with a box. Perhaps the body of each natural disaster is completely different, not even on the same level.

The musician told me that I couldn't feel any abnormality at all. If you don't know it in advance and only look at the appearance, I'm afraid you won't notice anything special about them, right? "

For some reason, hearing this, Ye Qingxuan couldn't help asking:

"What will happen to the natural disaster if the body is abandoned?"

Shi Dong was stunned for a long time and shook his head slowly: "I don't know. But I guess: if you live, you will probably lose your power, and if you die, there will be no possibility of resurrection.

However, if the source is not destroyed, the power will not disappear, and new natural disasters will definitely be born from it again. "

"Is that so?" Ye Qingxuan whispered softly.

Shi Dong glanced at him: "As far as I know, no natural disaster has ever tried this - let alone the eight phenomena of no thought and no consciousness, but what creature would be stupid enough to give up eternal life?"

Ye Qingxuan couldn't help laughing, as if he was self-deprecating, and as if he was relieved.

Inexplicably, I felt happier, but also a little sad.


He lowered his eyes and whispered softly: "I'm afraid only humans can commit suicide?"

Boss, it seems that you are really dead.


The conversation lasted for a long time, until six o'clock in the morning.

At dawn, there was no dawn in the dark night sky.

Shi Dong was tired. For his life, which was now like a candle in the wind, a night of hardship was like a torture like hell.

"Thank you for telling me this, Elder Shi Dong."

Ye Qingxuan removed the Dragon Sleeping Boundary and the soundproof barrier, and injected the music theory from the Philosopher's Stone into his body. A steady stream of ether flowed in his blood, transformed into a majestic vitality, and spread out.

In severe pain, Shi Dong bent over and vomited a large amount of dark purple viscous liquid with a foul smell. Carol and several apprentices who were waiting in the distance were frightened and pale. They rushed over, but saw Shi Dong raised his hand and waved them away.

Shi Dong looked much more haggard, but his eyes gradually brightened.

"Is this a benefit of following you? You are so generous, sir."

"Just consider it as a thank you for the secrets just now."

Ye Qingxuan glanced at him, as if he understood his thoughts: "You can't die yet, keep living, Shi Dong, until I allow you to die."

"Yes, sir."

Shi Dong smiled bitterly and sighed softly.

"I'm afraid you have understood that the fall of the Hundred Eyes is not that simple.

Next, the Holy City will lose its constraints on this world. The advent of the abyss not only brings darkness and war, but also unties the last shackles of mankind...

From now on, more and more humans will seek natural disasters for power, right?

Even if the countries are already exhausted, they will be eager to move when facing the secrets represented by natural disasters. The war to determine the true ownership of this world is about to begin.

Sir, that day will come soon."

"Are you looking forward to such a war?" Ye Qingxuan asked.

"I am old, sir, and abandoned by the times."

Shi Dong shook his head regretfully, "The future will be a stage for people like you to appear on."

"The future?"


Shi Dong smiled, and couldn't help looking at the dark sky.

——The future.

I have decided to speed up the update speed (although the speed has never been faster), and from today on I will not keep any drafts (although this thing has never existed in the past), and I will post as much as I write in the future (that is to say, once I start to get stuck, I will not update anymore), and please continue to support me for my sincerity (luo).

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