Crown of Silence

Chapter 567 A Strange World

Chapter 568 A strange world

The dark green wave stopped for a moment.

The red-hot torture rack penetrated the earth with its own terrifying weight and acceleration. The blade-like torture rack was wedged deeply into the ground. The terrifying impact spread in all directions, with a force that was like a tarsal maggot. Purifying fire!

One after another, scorching red circles spread out from the dark green waves, and the flames spread and swept away like a torrent. Wherever he passed, all water ghosts within reach were enveloped in flames.

The water ghosts in the core area of ​​the fire rack were instantly turned into ashes by gas. The water ghosts a little further away were squeezed into charcoal blocks by the high temperature and impact of purgatory, and the water ghosts swept by the aftermath went crazy in the endless flames. struggle.

The flames fell into the firewood.

In an instant, what was set off was a prairie fire.

In the flames, the priest held up his big banner and used it as a coordinate, constantly calling for the flames to fall from the sky and strike the water ghosts accurately within centimeters.

"Unfortunately, it's too early."

Shi Dong curled his lips and sighed softly: "The young man still couldn't hold his breath. He was fifteen seconds early, otherwise he could have carried out a complete full-area coverage strike."

Ye Qingxuan looked at his regretful look and couldn't help but sigh, "Didn't you say you were an accountant? Why are you so proficient in matters on the battlefield?"

"Well, that's right. My job is accounting and cashier."

Stone's old face forced out a simple and honest smile: "By the way, I am also the deputy leader of the first-generation Witch Hammer Knights."

Ye Qingxuan was stunned for a long time, a mouthful of old blood stuck in his throat, and he wanted to spray this old bastard in the face.


Are there any part-time positions like this?

Usually the deputy leader also serves as the accountant and cashier!


He looked at Shi Dong with even more astonishment: The first generation... This old ghost is actually the first generation member of Witch Hammer during its original creation! And he is also the powerful deputy leader who has all internal affairs and finance in his hands!

This is simply a living history book of the Inquisition!

And it’s the kind of history that’s filled with black material and explosive secrets that can only be classified as confidential!

Shi Dong chuckled, with a happy "I know what you're thinking" expression on his face. His mutilated old face was so despicable that you couldn't help but want to punch him.

After two rounds of thirty fire racks, under the guidance of the flame flag, a forest of flames had been erected on the shoal outside the fortress.

The six defensive positions have turned into meat grinders, harvesting scattered monsters continuously. Several of the heavily armored knights who were originally on standby behind the tower shield also came out to focus on dealing with the monsters that posed a threat.

It can be said that by now, the menacing offensive of the demons has basically been completely contained.

He even gained the upper hand.

After experiencing several rounds of attacks and leaving countless corpses for firewood, a vague scream came from the deepest part of the demon, and something hidden in the sea made a sound.

Soon, the demons' offensive became sparse, and they slowly retreated under the order of the voice. They stared reluctantly at the fortress and defensive positions behind them, and slowly retreated into the sea.

"That's not okay."

Shi Dong frowned, his expression became dissatisfied, and said to himself: "Isn't that the case?"

"War shouldn't be like this." He stared at the huge shadow in the sea, "There should be a fight to the death between us."

"Stay, don't go."

When he said this, his tone was filled with the sweetness and tenderness that accompany a lover.

Then, the demon's retreat came to an abrupt end.

At the very back, the water ghost who obeyed the order turned back stiffly, staring at the priest behind the tower shield with bloodshot eyes.

The priest stuck the flaming banner into the ground beside him, pulled out the short knife from his waist, turned the edge of the knife, put it on his wrist, and crossed it...

As a result, thick red blood flowed from the wound.

Follow your fingers and fall into the soil, accumulating into a small lake with a sweet smell.

One, two, three...

All the priests opened wounds on themselves, and the smell of blood spread, as if with an irresistible temptation, it ignited the fire in the hearts of the water ghosts.

Make them... completely crazy!

The thing in the deep sea raged, roared, and the water rolled, but it didn't help.

The frantic scream of the water ghost sounded again.

It turned out that more and more water ghosts on the shore turned around and crawled towards the fortress. Seduced by the smell of blood, they frantically pounced on anything that could move.

The war begins again.


"That's right."

"That's how it should be!"

Stone's metal vocal cords burst out with hearty laughter, embracing the return of war with satisfaction.

In the metal fortress, the war machine began to rotate again. The armored knights smeared blood on their foreheads, took up halberds and heavy swords, and with terrifying weight, they crossed the defense behind the tower shield and descended on the battlefield, wantonly. rush ahead.

Under the call of the great flame banner, the flames of the barren mountain night continued to fall from the sky. Every time the burning torture rack landed, it completely reduced the large areas of water ghosts to ashes.

Sweeping fire and wind.

The last remaining demons are quickly turning into ashes.

In the deep sea in the distance, the huge creature lurking under the sea slowly rose, revealing a vague shadow, and cast its eyes towards the fortress with a moist and cold atmosphere.

Everywhere he passed, everyone felt the suffocation of being swallowed up by the sea water.

In the end, it fell on Ye Qingxuan.

Ye Qingxuan raised his eyes and looked at it.

After a long time, the thing in the sea withdrew its sight and restrained the remaining subordinates to bypass the island and march deeper into the sea, no longer caring about the monsters on the shore.

Except for Stone, who had his eyebrows lowered, no one realized that the war had ended so unilaterally.

"Thanks to your divine power." Shi Dong complimented.

Ye Qingxuan shook his head and smiled: "With or without me, the ending will not change. The protagonist here is the Witch's Hammer."

Shi Dong stared at the battlefield for a long time, then looked back reluctantly.

His eyes were complicated and solemn.

"Is there anything wrong, Elder Stone?"

Shi Dong turned around, with a self-deprecating smile on half of his old face: "No, it's just that I haven't seen such a scene for a long time, and I remembered some things from back then.

Over the years, we have been immersed in the past, and unknowingly, the world has become so strange. The next world will probably become more chaotic and cruel, right? "

Ye Qingxuan was silent for a long time:

"Would the Inquisition also be afraid?"

"Sir, what we are good at is just dealing with monsters.

Trample the claws of the enemy, pull out their teeth, and then chop off their heads, burn their bones, and scatter them into the wilderness, looking forward to the fertile soil in the coming year.

That's all. "

Shi Dong patted the walls of the fortress and smiled: "Your arrival has changed a lot. This place is no longer lifeless, and the young people below are also looking forward to the future.

But I feel scared, Your Excellency, the world may not be as simple as they imagine, and it may not be as you see it. "

As he spoke, Shi Dong reached out and held a few ash particles flying in front of him with his cold steel hands, looked at them, and then let go and threw them into the wind again.

"Your Excellency, it has been nearly two hundred years since the establishment of the Inquisition until now."

Stone said: “Over the years, we have explored hundreds of tactics against different demons, and musicians have created more than a hundred pieces of music based on them...

Training methods, combat methods, alchemy techniques, mechanical drawings...

Nearly astronomical amounts of money were spent, and at its peak, millions of people served us directly or indirectly - that was the most glorious era of the Inquisition.

We are a war machine created by the Order to deal with the old times, a tool to spend a special time.

But once the era passes, the old machines that are no longer useful will be locked in the warehouse and eat dust, and will be replaced by new things. "

"New things?"

"That's right."

Shi Dong nodded and suddenly asked: "Sir, have you ever heard of a 'water tank'?"

Ye Qingxuan pondered for a moment, "Inside Angel, there is a special factory in the Royal Research Institute directly under the jurisdiction of the royal family. Only Maxwell knows the specific location. As far as I know, one of the ongoing plans is related to this title. , the level of confidentiality is even higher than that of the 'Industrial Revolution' plan."

"Such treatment is natural for it."

Stone nodded firmly: "I can tell you in advance that this is the code name of some kind of heavy weapon. It is said to be an epoch-making technology that has not been unsealed.

Only after this 'era' ends and the next 'era' is opened by the cult will it be allowed to appear - an era is the division of the development stages of the human world by the senior leaders within the cult, and I don't know the details.

Over the past few years, all countries have been conducting secret research in private, and the progress is probably close to completion.

The prototype should have been completed, right?

For a long time, everyone was worried about not having the permission and authorization of the Holy City, so they did not directly go to the battlefield. But in the current world, after the death of the Hundred-Eyed One, the abyss has descended, and the Holy City has no time to take care of itself. The world has escaped the control of the religious order.

No one knows what the world will look like next. "

Ye Qingxuan listened and pondered for a long time, then frowned: "You mean - the Holy City has already developed this kind of technology?"

“Rather than research and development, it’s better to say sequestration.”

Shi Dong showed a strange smile and said with a strong sense of ridicule: "Sir, you may have misunderstood something - the function of the Holy City's Technology Bureau has never been research and development, but stipulates what cannot be researched and developed.

Otherwise, how could there be so many taboo technologies? "

Ye Qingxuan was silent for a long time and nodded slowly.

"I see."

"Have you noticed the abnormality in this world?"

A mocking smile appeared on Shi Dong's withered face: "Obviously everything is running so smoothly, but there is something abnormal everywhere.

Politics, economics, history, language, biology, alchemy, mechanical engineering...

Every part is so perfect, yet so out of place in this world.

The cult wanted to use theology to explain the contradiction between them, and went to great lengths to create layer after layer of buffers. After sewing and patching, in the end, more and more flaws cannot be repaired.

It's like telling more and more lies for the sake of one lie. "

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