Crown of Silence

Chapter 38 Tai 1

The first sound was the high-pitched sound of sixteen brass trumpets.

The troops in bright red uniforms held up a huge copper horn as tall as a person on the city wall, puffed up their chests, and blew the horn vigorously to signify the arrival of the distinguished guests.

Outside the city wall of the sixth ring in the middle city, a mighty long team drove into this huge city.

In the golden sunshine, the Bishop's Gate, which was only opened when the emperor arrived, slowly opened. The heavy city gate made a low sound, suppressing the noise of all the surrounding people.

Immediately afterwards, the burly sergeants wearing golden armor, holding ceremonial halberds and bronze spears, formed a queue and stepped into the foreign city.

First came the guards holding halberds, followed by the ceremonial officers holding various ritual utensils, and then came the long motorcade. The cart, which required four horses and six wheels to pull, was filled with silks, spices and exquisite products from the East. porcelain.

The female officials with black hair in buns splashed pure water and flower petals on the avenue. Their high buns were like flying immortals, and their beautiful faces from the East wore smiles that met the perfect standard, clearing the way for the golden car frame behind them.

Eight pure white horses pulled a chariot made of gold forward on the road. The four corners of the chariot were decorated with copper furnaces in the shape of mythical beasts. Agarwood, milk medicine, and borneol were put into the copper furnaces, exuding a strong aroma. The intoxicating and thick aroma spreads in all directions on the breeze, turning this place into a luxurious dream.

Noisy crowds gathered on both sides of the road, cheering and shouting excitedly, waving to the huge golden carriage, raising their heads to see the slender and thin silhouette clearly through the layers of thin silk.

After seven days of correction, Princess Yunlou from the east finally entered the city. Legend has it that the princess, who was known as the beauty of the country when she was only sixteen years old, sat on her huge chariot.

Surrounded by gauze and chiffon, just a simple silhouette makes it impossible to take your eyes away.

On both sides of the road, thousands of passers-by cheered and shouted. But she remained motionless, responding to the cheers from a foreign country indifferently, as if turning a deaf ear.

But everyone is becoming more and more curious, wanting to know how intoxicating a beauty is that deserves such a gorgeous ceremony.

The huge motorcade moved along the Royal Avenue, passing through layers of city gates and roads at a leisurely pace, heading towards the Royal Palace at the top of the city.

The five city gates were opened for the first time. Welcome this foreign princess into the arms of Avalon.

In the third ring, the crowd that came after hearing the news almost engulfed Ye Qingxuan. He was huddled in the corner of the street with his crutches, and next to him was Bai Xi, who looked confused.

"You're just a princess, you don't need such a big pomp, right?"

He watched with dumbfounded eyes as the halberd-wielding and golden-armored guards in the distance walked by with their heads held high, and the huge motorcade marched towards the peak of this mountain city.

"Three hundred attendants and twenty carriages are relatively few."

Bai Xi curled his lips next to him and looked at this country bumpkin: "In the East, when the emperor is on patrol, there will be thousands of people accompanying him, and hundreds of thousands of horses to protect him. The streets will be closed three days in advance and sprinkled with water, and the roads will be paved with yellow silk. When the emperor passes by, the roadside We need to light a fire and add a hundred catties of various spices. Then the city will be filled with fragrance and it will be like a fairyland..."

After learning so many formulas, Ye Qingxuan tried to calculate how much the whole process would cost, and then found that his brain was a bit insufficient.

In the end, I can only sigh: "Orientals are really rich."

At this moment,

The golden car finally arrived in front of him. In the blazing sunshine, the thin silk on the car danced, and the golden car body seemed to blend into the light, reflecting the gorgeous colors, making people unable to open their eyes.

Ye Qingxuan narrowed his eyes and stared at the gorgeous motorcade in the distance. On the sea, when the breeze blows, the thin silk and gauze with birds embroidered on them float up, as beautiful as a dream.

And the car carriage, which was blocked by layers of layers, finally revealed its frontline air strike.

In the frame, a back figure can be vaguely seen.

The white-haired girl in gorgeous clothes seemed to be staring at the sky with her head raised. As if she was aware of the crowd's blazing gaze, she cast a glance, which was fleeting.

But that fleeting look is like mist, with an elusive beauty.

The crowd surged as if boiling, scrambling to push forward, shouting for the princess, hoping to see her face clearly again. But she had withdrawn her gaze and no longer looked back.

"Look, look."

Ye Qingxuan pulled Bai Xi: "Beauty!"

Bai Xi couldn't help but roll her eyes at him: "Yes, she has been a beauty since her ancestors were eight generations old. She has a good bloodline, but no matter how beautiful she is, wouldn't it mean that all the efforts of her ancestors have been in vain?"

"How are you sure?"

"Nonsense, if I want to be rich and powerful, I will definitely find a beautiful one to marry. I'll marry dozens of them." Bai Xi waved his little finger and made a famous gesture: "——The one who even has boogers. The elegant and dignified kind! ”

"So vulgar!"

"Huh?" The girl looked over sideways.

"Well, I mean your ideals are lofty and worthy of encouragement."

Ye Qingxuan shook his head, but just as he was about to leave, he took another strange look.

Amid the solemn and elegant music, crowds of people crowded around the carriage, throwing flowers and cheering loudly.

But the silent girl was sitting on her knees in the tulle, as if smiling demurely, surrounded by flowers and thousands of silks. It is set off by gems, gold and silver, which exudes all the magnificence and beauty in the world, but...

"Looks a little pathetic."

He whispered softly.

"Huh?" Bai Xi looked at him doubtfully.


Ye Qingxuan smiled: "Let's go."

Before he finished speaking, his steps suddenly stopped and he felt dizzy.

In his daze, he suddenly heard a low sound, like hot water boiling, among the crowd, on this huge street.

The sound was like water pouring into the vessel, with a crackling sound in the empty echo.

Once again, he felt the nauseating pain... It was like going back to the night of the duel between Wolf Flute and Rainmaker!

The cheers of the crowd stopped suddenly, and they all staggered back, unable to stand still. Some people looked around blankly but found nothing. Only on the street corner, the ragged busker was still calm, with his head buried and playing his Qiang flute gently.

The sound of the flute is melodious.

"No, no."

Ye Qingxuan stood up against the wall, holding the confused Bai Xi in his arms, and finally understood something: "Bai Xi, run! This is..."

This is a premeditated attack!



Before he finished speaking, there was the sound of bursting water gates in the air.

Because the sound of the Qiang flute was suddenly sharp, like a steel wire piercing the sky.

On the city wall and the high walls on both sides, swirling echoes came from the mouths of sixteen stone gargoyles. Immediately afterwards, the heads of sixteen gargoyles exploded. The rubble was flying, and a large amount of green light spurted out from it, sweeping like a waterfall.

The green light is like water, gathering in the air, reflecting the sunlight, and lighting up mottled iridescence. But the pungent smell was filling the air, covering up the incense spreading in the copper stove.

But where is the water? That is endless steel sand!

The six-sided iron sand flew in the air, flashing with cyan light, and its edges and corners were sharp!

The tide of iron sand came back all the way along the sewer and gushes out. They flowed so fast, but they looked quiet, like an expanding lake in the sky.

The green light was like a mirror, reflecting the clusters of flowers and everyone's frightened faces.

Immediately afterwards, explosive notes struck the iron sand lake. So it shattered, and countless pieces of subway sand flew and deformed.

The dazzling sunlight flows on its smooth surface, making people unable to open their eyes.

As countless people fell to the ground and whined in pain, the busker in the corner got up. He stepped on this bustling street with his bare feet, playing the flute boldly to the beat.

The chilling sound of the flute manipulated the iron sand to change in the sky, making them finally appear in form. Hundreds of shrill screams pierced the sky, and thousands of pairs of wings spread out, reflecting the blazing sun!

That's countless - Iron Crane!

The blue cranes born in countless iron sands scream in the sound of the Qiang flute!

It was like countless swords were vibrating, making the iron tools resonate with them.

At this moment, the tide of iron crane fell.

They split from the tide, but at this moment they reunited into the tide.

Thousands of cranes gathered in the same place, swooping down to the earth one after another. When their wings rubbed against each other, blazing sparks burst out; when they swooped down, their roars were the sound of death.

The strong wind cannot stop them, but becomes their precursor. In the wind, the curtains with gorgeous patterns were lifted up and torn apart, and white pieces of wadding fell like pieces of butterflies in the wind.

The strong wind swept off the crown on the princess's head, causing the silver-like white hair to break free and fly in the air. Her gorgeous robe was lifted up like dissipating mist.

In the fleeting moment, there is a beauty that cannot be seen directly. But this beauty will be destroyed, because the flaming cranes have already attacked, one after another, rushing towards the lonely girl.

As if resisting in vain, she raised her white and jade-like wrists, as if she wanted to reach out to block the impact of the tide of cranes, ridiculously like a mantis using her arms as a cart. But at that moment, Ye Qingxuan heard the startled murmur of Bai Xi in his arms:


Bai Xi stretched out her hands in horror and covered his ears: "Don't listen."

Ye Qingxuan couldn't hear it anymore.

Because at that moment, it was like all the sounds disappeared.

He clearly saw that the raised palm of Princess Yunlou did not open, but her thumb and index finger were interlocked, and in this fleeting moment, she flicked her fingers.

Immediately afterwards, a shock swept over.

Just like a jade pestle hitting the golden end, everything roared.


Terrible ripples spread in front of her fingertips. They gathered into a bunch and shot out into the air!

Before the shattering ripples, Tie He's wings were broken and his claws were shattered. Originally they were as hard as steel, but now the steel was placed under the pressure of tens of thousands of tons of water. First it deformed, then twisted, and finally completely shattered!

Thousands of iron cranes produced tens of thousands of shattering sounds.

They overlapped at this moment, like countless pieces of glass shattered.

The fine iron sand could not remain intact under this high pressure. They were melted and evaporated in an instant... rose into the sky and were blown into the depths of the ocean by the violent hurricane that followed.

The kind of shock was like drilling into the body and twisting the internal organs. It made people instantly defeated, and blood oozed from the mouth and nose - including the busker.

The Qiang flute turned into pieces in the wind, and then his hands were broken inch by inch. He knelt on the ground and was suppressed and restrained by the guards wearing golden armor.

"Witch!! You deserve to die!"

He raised his head, with tears streaming from his bloodshot eyes, and frantically wanted to bite the silent girl in the carriage.

"Although I cannot kill you today, our blood will never stop flowing! The remnants of Yunlou wish to eat your flesh and sleep on your skin... One day, the traitor Yunlou Qingshu and you will be punished! Retribution!!!"

He roared, shouting retribution over and over again, and finally his body stiffened and fell to the ground, no longer making any sound.

This was the heart sound application of the musician. He destroyed his internal organs and brain from the inside, unwilling to fall into the hands of the enemy.

With his death, this sudden attack finally ended.

In the chaos, Ye Qingxuan finally regained consciousness. He gasped hard and sweated profusely.

With Bai Xi covering his ears, he felt better, but the girl in his arms was pale.

Ye Qingxuan felt Bai Xi trembling and shaky. Her physique was originally weak, and in that kind of shock, even with Ye Qingxuan's protection, she could not stand steadily.

"Let's go." She lowered her head and whispered softly, "I don't want to stay here anymore."

"Okay." Ye Qingxuan nodded, propped up his crutches, and took her away.


In the chaos, everyone was running around in a daze and fleeing.

The originally grand welcome ceremony became a mess at this moment.

But from beginning to end, Princess Yunlou sat upright on her gorgeous carriage, which was still full of flowers and gorgeous, as if it was a different world from the outside world, and all interference could not affect her.

The assassination just now was like dust falling on her body. Once the dust was brushed away, there was nothing to care about. But in the chaotic crowd, she seemed to be unintentional, staring at the white-haired boy in the crowd and the girl in his arms.

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