Crown of Silence

Chapter 37: Market Legends

"Just now it was Shaman, what about this one?"

Ye Qingxuan turned over the second card. On the card, a man wearing a top hat with waist-length blond hair stood on gold, silver and treasures, and gems fell from his fingertips like sand.

"Trader, it is said that you can buy everything from him as long as you have money. Impossible things can happen."

Bai Xi lowered his voice and said: "Some people also say that the throne of Anglu was bought from him by King Arthur with his own sword."

"How is it possible."

Ye Qingxuan was amused: "Even if it is true, no one can live to this day, right?"

"That's possible. If he has everything, it's not surprising that he has the elixir of immortality, right?"

"...What you said makes sense."

Ye Qingxuan turned over another card: "This one?"

The background on this card is blood red. Among the broken limbs and arms, a shadow stood faintly, looking dark and bloody.

"Well, this is a killer who has disappeared. It is said that he takes money to do things, and dares to take any orders, including assassinating the Minister of Defense. Once he is dispatched, he will never leave anyone alive. Anyone who sees him will have his head twisted off. Some people nicknamed him the 'bloody butcher' because the scenes he left behind are like a slaughterhouse workshop."


The white ghost entrenched in the church - Soul Eater Shadow; the crazy murderer who disembowels the dead in the dark night - the Ripper; the woman who kidnaps children to raise demons - the Ghost Mother; the monster that resurrects the dead and likes to suck blood wandering in the cemetery area - the vampire; and the debt collector whose arm can capture people's souls - the ghost hand; the black shadow that gallops in the sky at midnight - the ghost carriage...

These are the ten legends of Avalon City.

"Wait, there are only nine of them?" Ye Qingxuan counted them with his fingers and found that there were indeed nine.

"Oh, there's another one."

When it comes to this, Bai Xi, who was beaming with joy, lost interest and turned over the last card.

On the card, there was the shadow of the midnight clock tower. In the darkness, something seemed to be crawling and running wildly.

"This is the last legend, the naked man running wildly on the streets of Avalon late at night."


In an instant, Ye Qingxuan was awakened by shock.

"Your expression is so strange, are you okay?"

"I was scared."

Ye Qingxuan was too embarrassed to say that he had seen this psychopath himself.

The top ten legends of Avalon, what virtue did he have! The first nine legends were all powerful, but only this one was full of deep vulgarity. Running naked and singing at midnight, a psychopath with a chicken coop head! Can the aesthetics of the people of Avalon still be accepted!

"What is the last joker?"

He looked at the two jokers, but the jokers were not clowns, but strange and hideous buildings.

The pattern on the black ghost card is a tall tower, but the reflection of the tower in the water becomes layers of corpses, extending downwards continuously, as if leading to hell.

"Blood Road Reflection."

Bai Xi said: "It is said that this road is hidden in Avalon and can lead to the back of Avalon. Walking into it, you can see the true appearance of Avalon City."

"What about the red ghost card?"

In the hands of the young man,

the red ghost card is painted with a huge ruin of a city, which seems to be covered with spider webs and scorch marks. The huge city is submerged in dust, as if it is dead.

"This is the legendary Avalon."

Bai Xi paused and added: "- The real Avalon."


It has been a total of three hundred years since the end of the Dark Ages.

Two hundred and seventy years ago, King Arthur came here after refusing the holy name issued by the Holy City and established the first city of Holy Anglu. This is the earliest legend of Avalon City.

No one knows where this place was before.

Some scholars have conducted textual research on the stratigraphic sections in the remaining ancient books and have come to a strange conclusion: three hundred years ago, the altitude of Avalon was more than 600 meters lower than the normal altitude.

In other words... this island should have been sleeping in the sea.

But according to the recent ether decay measurements of Avalon's ancient buildings, they have generally existed for more than a thousand years... Scholars cannot explain this ridiculous contradiction, and in the end this argument can only be submerged in various textual research. But this legend has been passed down, and it has become more and more detailed until now.

Some people say that Avalon was originally a city occupied by evil gods, eternally silent in the sea. It floated up in the Battle of Glory, and the world was about to be destroyed. Later, the Hundred-Eyed One was severely injured and left his nest, but its secrets are still sleeping in this city.

Others say that this is a conspiracy of the Burgundians, and some support the recent theory of continental drift, believing that Avalon is an island that floated from other places.

"It doesn't sound reliable. People in Avalon are so boring."

"Yeah, let's play cards." Bai Xiye shuffled the cards, beaming with joy: "How about I give you a hand first? Let's play a small one first, 20 bucks a round."

Ye Qingxuan reached out his hand expressionlessly and pulled out the poker cards hidden in her sleeve.

"I told you, no cheating..."


Half an hour later, Ye Qingxuan felt more and more drowsy and had difficulty concentrating. This feeling was like a hangover, something similar to alcohol was playing tricks, giving people too much excitement and making it difficult to control themselves.

Fortunately, I can still think, fortunately...

"Okay, give me the money."

He showed the card and stretched out his palm with a smile: "Otherwise, stick a note."

There was silence.

Among the ticking sounds, only Bai Xi gasped angrily.

The white strips of paper plastered all over her face trembled with her breathing, like the legendary snow monster. In half an hour, she had exported almost all of her salary for the next three years—if she had such a thing.

"You told me...this is your third straight flush?"

Bai Xi gritted his teeth and asked, "Is this the third time?"

"It's the third time, right."

Ye Qingxuan yawned and replied drowsily: "The first time I didn't understand the rules and lost a month's salary. The second time I also won the pants of those guys... From that time on, no one I'm willing to play cards with me.

They, well, all said I was cheating. "

"You promised not to cheat!"

Bai Xi hammered the table and came over to glare at him: "Where did you hide the poker? Tell me honestly! Otherwise, I will take advantage of you when you can't fight back and beat you until you can't take care of yourself..."

"I didn't lie to you, I won't cheat you."

Ye Qingxuan spread his hands and let her explore his body. In his hand, the shuffled playing cards fell like snowflakes, falling all over the floor like snowflakes.

Fifty-four playing cards, one not too much and one not too little.

There is no trace of cheating in the rolled up sleeves, between the short nails, between the open fingers, or under the table. Bai Xi searched Ye Qingxuan's pocket over and over again, but found nothing.

"I told you I won't cheat."

Feeling groggy, Ye Qingxuan finally couldn't bear the erosion of the Sandman and lay down on the table in a daze. Before falling asleep, he seemed to remember something and laughed softly:

"—but I can remember cards."



"This time, please accompany me to deliver the goods."

"I don't know the way anyway."

The next day, Ye Qingxuan, who was still using crutches, could walk.

He was limping down the street. Bai Xi, who was next to him, was holding the box in his arms, walking carelessly and looking around.

As if she hated that her white hair would attract attention, she stuffed her hair into her fedora hat. She was still wearing Ye Qingxuan's old clothes, like a wild child that could be seen everywhere.

"However, it's not easy for Uncle Seton to be able to do a business."

"You are thinking too much. This seems to be a craft clock sent from the Kingdom of Burgundy by the boss. We are only responsible for the delivery." Bai Xi curled his lips: "If someone hadn't sent a letter to ask, I guess Seton It would have been thrown into the trash a long time ago.”

"Okay, I think this store will be closed down by uncle sooner or later." Ye Qingxuan was worried.

"Why are you sighing? It's none of your business." Bai Xi rolled his eyes at him, his pupils suddenly turned twice, and he had a bad idea again: "Hey, cousin, look How much is the clock in this box worth?"

"Although this is not an antique, but judging from the signature, it should be the work of a well-known craftsman in the Kingdom of Burgundy. The market price is difficult to estimate, but the latest watch movement and the amount of gold and silver inside are not cheap. If you follow the black market, If the price is reduced to one-third... it will probably sell for about 60,000 yuan."

Ye Qingxuan calculated it on his fingers and finally nodded: "If you meet someone knowledgeable, you can sell it for around 100,000 yuan."

Bai Xi was stunned, not only because of the price, but also because of Ye Qingxuan's words.

"How do you know so clearly?"

"The bookshelves in the store are all full of books, don't you know how to read them?" Ye Qingxuan turned to look at her and hit her on the head casually: "Don't use your imagination. Seton said that if you get into trouble, you will be sent away." Going to the hospital is not empty talk.”

"Hey, I didn't say anything yet!"

"It's not good when you call me cousin, And you definitely wanted to run away with this thing just now, right?"


Bai Xi snorted and said nothing, but it was obvious that he was still evil.

"On the third day I came here, someone stole something from the store. Seton didn't say anything. In the afternoon of that day, someone broke the thief's hand and sent the stolen goods back to the store. Seton's muscles are amazing It’s not for nothing, you don’t think he is really harmless just because he studies every day, right?”

Ye Qingxuan poured cold water on the side and continued talking until the hair on the little girl's neck grew, and then he stopped with satisfaction - it was the fourth time today that he prevented Bai Xi from stepping into the abyss of crime. It was really gratifying... what the hell!

If she wants to commit a crime for the fourth time in one day, this girl is completely hopeless! Except for Lao Fei's dog food, which she didn't dare to steal, Ye Qingxuan didn't see anything she didn't dare to steal.

Just like now, Bai Xi squeezed into the crowd with a curious expression, as if listening to the performance of a street performer.

The dark-skinned artist sat cross-legged on his shabby stall, playing the Qiang flute in his hand vigorously. This rare instrument is quite rare. The beautiful tone made passers-by nod from time to time, and then throw coins into the box in front of him...

Bai Xi looked down at the copper coins that were almost piled up in the box, and his mouth watered.

Fortunately, just before Ye Qingxuan went to stop her, another thing happened that drew everyone's attention away.

In the distance, a high-pitched brass horn suddenly sounded.

The din of human voices came from afar.

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