Crown of Silence

Chapter 132: Meditation on Runestone

Chapter 133 Meditation on the Rune Stone

Late at night, a light was on in Bai Xi's room.

After washing off the stinky tung oil and stains, the girl finally felt refreshed and put on pajamas. Her gradually long white hair was scattered on her shoulders, reflecting the light, like pure silver.

She sat cross-legged on the bed, holding a pile of things in her hands, her eyes were shining brightly under the light, shining brightly!

Ye Qingxuan looked into her eyes and always felt that he was a little female dragon in front of him.

"30,000, 20,000, 60,000, 110,000... This is cheap, 12,000, better than nothing, hey, this is good, the purity of the gem is very high! Let's price it at 200,000!"

She smiled with satisfaction, counting the spoils in her hands, and the whole person was about to melt with happiness.

After breaking into the house and robbing, the most exciting thing is undoubtedly to sit down and divide the spoils!

Now, just counting these things made her almost scream with excitement, and she rolled on the bed with her pillow in her arms: "Oh no! I'm dead! So much money, cousin, I feel like I'm going to die, what should I do!"

"... Divide the spoils first and then die."

Ye Qingxuan helplessly stretched out his hand and woke her up: "It was agreed that you would get half, have you chosen?"

"Yours, mine, yours, mine..."

In the shadow of the lamp, Bai Xi skillfully divided the things into two piles, and finally took the larger pile into her arms without hesitation:

"Lapis lazuli, ancient silver, and gems, all these valuables belong to me! You can take those rune stones and junk!"

Ye Qingxuan's mouth twitched: This guy chose money without hesitation, and then threw away all the rune stones that were worthless...

"You don't want the rune stones and these materials?"

Bai Xi squinted at him: "Cousin, a genius like me, learning instant musical notes is just a matter of one a day, Do I need it? Besides, I'm a girl. What's the point of fighting and killing every day? I've finally made so much money. I'm going to live the life of a noble lady in the future! "

Ye Qingxuan was speechless.

It's one thing to feel frustrated about talent, but what the hell is a girl... Did Bai Xi really think of herself as a girl in her heart?

He sighed helplessly and was about to say something, but when he looked up at Bai Xi's silly smile, he couldn't say it.

He just reached out and touched her long hair: "Whatever you like. Then I won't be polite."

He put away the rune stones that were piled up into a small mountain. After counting them himself, he was shocked by the number... There were more than 200 rune stones in total, all of which were the basic musical notes that Ye Qingxuan needed most. In order to collect these, the Indians must have swept all the black markets near Avalon, right?

But soon, he thought of something, and his expression suddenly became confused and stunned.

Bai Xi was confused when she saw his look: "What happened? Did the sky fall?"


Ye Qingxuan raised his head with regret and asked weakly:

"How do you use the rune stone...?"


When the sky was getting light, the young man sitting cross-legged in the room seemed to fall into a deep sleep.

Just like the popular meditation method among the ascetics in India, his five hearts were facing the sky, and his ten fingers were entangled to form a seal, but between the entangled ten fingers, he was holding a crystal prism.

In the prism, a faint note appeared with the light.

With his breathing, the light of ether rippled around and turned into fine ripples.

The young man chanted the syllables of the rune in a low voice, over and over again, resonating with the rune stone in his palm.

In his heart, a faint note kept floating up and down, gradually becoming clearer, and finally, it turned into a real form.

Without the need to chant, the note suddenly changed, no longer static, but turned into a jumping flame and began to burn.

The burning rune flickered, releasing a mysterious light, as if it had turned into a star.

Following the will of the young man, the meditative notes in his mind slowly rose, rose to the illusory sky, and shone with the stars.

Above the night sky, more than 30 stars shone brightly. Some of the stars that the notes turned into flowed like water, some were hazy in appearance, and some were ever-changing. As the notes burned and rose, the positions of the stars suddenly changed and slowly changed, making room for the new notes.

The starry sky changed slowly, and the stars wandered irregularly, and finally stabilized again. There was a certain gravitational force between each other, converging into a changing force.

Under the push of that force, the stars were faintly driven to move.

With a snap.

The rune stone in Ye Qingxuan's palm shattered, turned into dust, and fell down. The young man slowly opened his eyes, took a deep breath, and raised his fingertips.

As he chanted a short syllable, a cluster of flames burned from his fingertips.

He smiled: just as he consumed the eleven rune stones engraved with musical notes, he pushed another note to the level of instantaneous release.

Firing at the thought!

Relying on the preparation of a large number of rune stones, his mastery of musical notes as an apprentice has reached the level of most third-level musicians. After all, not everyone has the opportunity to spend money and use precious rune stones to practice musical notes.

He bent down and swept the white ash on the ground to one side... Next to him, the ashes of the rune stones had piled up into a small mountain!

Overnight, he had consumed sixty rune stones, surpassing the progress that ordinary apprentices would need to spend one or two years to complete.

"There are still seventeen notes to go."

Ye Qingxuan stared at the stack of runes in front of him: When he has completely learned these seventeen notes, the notes in his soul will reach forty-eight.

The forty-eight basic notes recorded in "The Well-Tempered Clavier" will be completely mastered by him, and then the starry sky in his mind will move like a real starry sky.

At that time, he will be promoted to the rhythm level naturally.

Next, it is note extraction.

He clenched a rune again, closed his eyes and calmed his mind, but soon, he was bounced out of his calmness and felt deeply dizzy.

"Is it because I am full?"

He rubbed his forehead and smiled bitterly: overnight he had pushed twelve notes to the point where they could be triggered immediately.

How many people want to get a rune stone for resonance, just like a starving person missing roast goose. But he didn't expect that he was almost full to death by this feast!

This dizziness... It's so happy that it makes people cry.

Ye Qingxuan sighed and put away the rune stone.

There were still a few hours before the afternoon class, and he still had time to catch up on some sleep.

But when he lay down on the bed, he couldn't help but think of the professor's warning before leaving.

"Blood Road."

Ye Qingxuan sighed softly.

For many years, the Shadow of Avalon has been a bizarre legend. Some people say it is the heaven on earth established by King Arthur, some say it is the secret place where the fairy in the lake lives, and some say it stores endless treasures and precious music scores.

If you want to enter there, the Blood Road is the only way.

For many years, many people have been looking for this road. But why did he inexplicably run to that mysterious Blood Road?

To be honest, Ye Qingxuan must have no interest in the so-called Shadow of Avalon.

He just wanted to become a musician, find out what happened to his father, and... vindicate his mother so that she could get the honor and rest that originally belonged to her.

Apart from that, he had no interest in anything else, but it seemed that his father seemed to have some kind of connection with the Shadow of Avalon.

Every time he thought of this, he was confused. What did his father do that made so many people hate him that he was forced to run away?

So far, all he knew about his father was his memories of his youth and the notebook of Wolf Whistle...

Ye Qingxuan's eyes suddenly lit up: that notebook! There might be something on it that he hadn't noticed. Would his father leave anything in this heart mark?

He suddenly jumped up from the bed and began to rummage through the boxes and cabinets.

Notes! Notes! Where are the notes?

Not on the table, not in the cabinet, not under the bed...

In the end, he couldn't find it after searching the entire room.

In a hurry, he pushed the door open and ran to the living room to look for it.

Next to the dining table, Charles, who had woken up early, was yawning and stirring the oatmeal in the milk. When he saw Ye Qingxuan suddenly rushing downstairs, he couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of saliva and began to cough wildly.

"Wow, Junior Brother, you are very much like me back then."

Charles gave a thumbs up: "Wearing a pair of shorts and running around, you are so energetic! Energetic!"

"... Senior Brother, please stop talking nonsense, okay?"

Ye Qingxuan felt sorry for a while and started to search frantically in the living room.

In the end, he still found nothing.

"What are you looking for?"

Charles watched the fun with a glass of milk.

"Senior Brother, have you seen where my notebook is?"

Ye Qingxuan asked, "It's the one you took away when we just met. After you gave it back to me, I remember I put it on the table, but now I can't find it."

"Oh, that one." Charles thought for a while, as if he remembered it, and nodded and said, "I saw it.

Ye Qingxuan was overjoyed: "Where is it?"

"Isn't that it? "

Charles pointed to the corner of the living room.

The boy was stunned. That direction...

For some reason, he suddenly had a bad feeling.


In the early morning, in the downtown area, the bustling market has begun to sell vegetables. Amid the hawking, women with baskets, butchers holding lamb legs, and beggars all gathered in this chaotic market.

As the morning light just came up, the day of the peddlers and hawkers has begun.

It has been continuing here recently. Every night of gunfights and shouting is like another world. In fact, for most people, the gangs are the existence of another world and do not have much sense of reality.

They only push open the door in the morning and find that the alley is full of Only after the blood is washed away will we understand what happened here last night. Then get a bucket of water to wash away the blood, pick up the tools and go to work.

Right next to the vegetable market, in the midst of the hustle and bustle, the tavern that was originally closed in the early morning opened its windows, allowing the morning light to shine into the dim room.

Inside, there was silence, and the noise outside could be heard faintly.

In the silent tavern, the bartender who was originally behind the counter had been driven out long ago, squatting on the steps to smoke obediently, and smiling at the burly uncles guarding the door.

In the dim room, the only round table was already full of people.

After being troubled by the revengeful evil spirits and the professor who had become famous in the lower city last night, Shila Yiduo unexpectedly appeared here.

He sat on the chair with a cold expression, just slowly smoking his hookah. Seeing his bloodshot eyes, the others who knew how unlucky he was last night immediately gloated.

On his left was the leader of the Sicilians, the head of the Luci family, the "grandfather" of all Sicilians, Alberto. Lorenzo was his son.

The person on his right was a short man with stubble on his face, the leader of the Asgardians - the dwarf dog Werner.

The three biggest leaders in the lower city actually gathered here. Originally, the professor should have taken a seat here, but now he probably won't come here.

So, now, only one person is left...

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